DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The Process was not in existence anymore when TUE was released, however Robert DeGrimston is still very much alive, I believe he could've sued since he was the founder and head of the group for many years. Sam Carr could've sued too since the book basically accused him of being a violent drunk who beat his kids, and locked them in dark closets.

Actually, they do still exist... they've changed their name multiple times and "went underground." Also, look into BestFriends in Utah.. the no kill animal sanctuary/shelter. Founded by Processeans. This is not a secret.

Also, there are people on Facebook and different places on the web calling themselves the Process church... they're not. They're just wanna-bes. Fan boys, if you will. They make a show of it with their capes and nazi-esque art. They sell little "process" tchotchkes. But this is not the actual group.

They are still around. You wouldn't know it if you were looking at them though. Makes them much harder to pin down. Gone are the days of the ritual attire!
NYPD scapegoat. The cops were desperate and framed the first person that they could hang the killings on.
NYPD scapegoat. The cops were desperate and framed the first person that they could hang the killings on.

You have to be kidding. He sat down with detectives, gave a full confession, cited things that only the killer would know, and then went on a walk-through. The biggest predictor of guilt is if the crimes stop with the arrest of a suspect. In this case that is exactly what happened.
Allow me to clarify my previous post. I believe that Berkowitz committed SOME of the murders. As did others in the cult(for lack of a better word), however DB was the patsy who took the fall for the rest of them.
Allow me to clarify my previous post. I believe that Berkowitz committed SOME of the murders. As did others in the cult(for lack of a better word), however DB was the patsy who took the fall for the rest of them.

If that is the case they why didn't the murders continue after Berkowitz was arrested?
Thats so interesting, have you ever read 'The Ultimate Evil' by Maury Terry?
Goes into great detail about what was going on in Yonkers during that period.Some of the others, believed to have helped Berkowitz, all lived around that same area.

Sorry, I forgot all about this thread. I haven't read the book but I think I'll look for it on amazon. Does anyone know where I can find info on the Carr brothers online? I'm looking to find out what high school they went to , their ages during that summer, etc. oh, and any news story about Michael Carrs death? ( my mother did NOT want to hear about any of this. Would change the news when info came on, etc.)
I spent some time this past weekend in Untermeyer park. I was thrilled to see they have cleaned up a lot of the trails , and the stone gardens have once again been uncovered. They do have a very overzealous gardener now. I found the walled garden to be waaaaay over planted. They have received a sizable donation to help with restoration of the " eagles nest" . Lots of work going on, tons more to be done.
I wish I still lived in the area so I could volunteer. That park was always a special place to me. I doubt that there is an inch of it I haven't been in.
As for the park back in the day...... There absolutely was a cult/ ritualistic/ satan worshipers there. It was no real secret BUT I don't think many people my age were that concerned. I think most teens thought of them like we think of wiccans. Prior to the dead dog stories the rumor was they sacrificed chickens and roosters purchased at a south Yonkers store.
I've never heard of " The Process" before, or at least I don't remember hearing about them. I did know a male someone who wore all black, including a long black cape. His family never did know where he got that cape. He was odd to say the least, but seemed harmless. I have no idea what he was involved in.
If that is the case they why didn't the murders continue after Berkowitz was arrested?
The first reason that comes to mind is why groom a fall guy and then continue the killings thus showing that DB didn't act alone after all.
The first reason that comes to mind is why groom a fall guy and then continue the killings thus showing that DB didn't act alone after all.

So which ones did Berkowitz NOT commit?
I bought the kindle edition of the book a few nights ago. It looks like I'm about half way thru. So far I think a few things may be a bit of a " stretch to fit" scenario. It could just be the authors style of writing though. A few thoughts....
It was no secret that there was a coven in the park. I personally knew of it for a few years before the summer of Sam.
Devils cave was as musty, mildewed, smelly as described. Yes, it was filled with coven drawings. I never found it to be scary ( in daylight). It has since been torn down.
Other than to go to the gate house at the park, I only walked the gutters a short way a few times.
It is pretty damned creepy to read some of the street names DB traveled. He drove right thru "my" neighborhood. It's strange to read about the park that I've always loved. (I didnt hang out a lot in his neighborhood except at the pool that one summer, and 2 blocks over on Hudsonview terrace with friends/ boyfriend. )
In discussing the book with DH I found out he's never been to the " gutters",
Doesn't know where Devils cave was, and hasn't been to the gate house. We are planning to go to the park sometime in the next few weeks so I can give DH and Ds the full tour. Lol
i can take photos while I'm there. If there is anything specific you'd like me to
take a photo of please let me know.
I've never been to that park but the photos and videos of it online are breathtaking. Especially the ones taken in the depth of winter with ice hanging all around.
I understand this case very well and also read the book many years ago.
Terry has an agenda in it, but I can't say that none of it is true.
The Process believed in the marriage of the goat and the lamb.
The letters from DB referring to the "gutters" were very interesting.
Thanks for this thread and interest in in.
I've never been to that park but the photos and videos of it online are breathtaking. Especially the ones taken in the depth of winter with ice hanging all around.
I understand this case very well and also read the book many years ago.
Terry has an agenda in it, but I can't say that none of it is true.
The Process believed in the marriage of the goat and the lamb.
The letters from DB referring to the "gutters" were very interesting.
Thanks for this thread and interest in in.
The park is truly beautiful. Even when it was in a more overgrown , wild state it was beautiful.
Sorry, I forgot all about this thread. I haven't read the book but I think I'll look for it on amazon. Does anyone know where I can find info on the Carr brothers online? I'm looking to find out what high school they went to , their ages during that summer, etc. oh, and any news story about Michael Carrs death?

John Carr attended Gorton High, I assume all 3 of the Carr kids went there but I'm not certain.
These clues could have stopped 'Son of Sam'


Article by the reporter, Steve Dunleavy, who received letters from Berkowitz during his killing spree. He says they should have paid attention to Sam Carr, the neighbor who told them about the crazy, rambling letters he had received from Berkowitz.

It's difficult to judge LE in retrospect. It was a terrifying series of murders committed late at night in a heavily populated area. There were a lot of potential suspects and stories to consider.
Undoubtedly, there was some weird stuff going on in Yonkers, but I think that could mostly be chalked up to it being the 70s and frankly, I'd be surprised if some of the more esoteric spiritual elements of the new age movement HADN'T made their way east. But is Berkowitz being truthful when he blames satanists for the crimes to which he pled guilty? It's highly doubtful.

Frankly, this kind of thing is part of David's behavioral pattern. Ever since his arrest, he's been trying to mitigate his guilt by making outrageous claims. First, it was the demonic dogs barking and howling outside his window and telling him to kill. He even kept a diary while in jail carefully documenting his fragile mental state, which he then handed over to Larry Klausner for his book about the Son of Sam murders and if you read that, he really lays it on thick.

Then, a few years later, he'd back off the mental illness stuff and start telling anyone who'd listen (namely, Maury Terry) that there was a cult behind it all and he was just the fall guy, just a patsy (though he would later confess to being involved in SOME of the murders). Terry bought it, hook line and sinker, and then we had a new book with a new story of the Son of Sam murders and their dubious motivation.

In the interim, Berkowitz was interviewed by Robert Ressler of the FBI who saw through his BS and clocked him for what he was: a psycho whose pathology had more in common with an assassin than a typical serial killer. These types are generally fellow travelers of various movements and groups though seldom members themselves. Of course David knew what was going on in Untermyer. He lived there for quite a while. But was he a part of it? No way. But the cult claims stuck and later, when David converted to evangelical Christianity, we'd have yet another mitigation. He very publicly expressed sorrow and gave all the appearances of penitence (though still maintaining the cult claims to an extent, but only because they appeal to evangelical confirmation bias) but again, private letters unearthed showed that he was still nothing more than a wannabe telling people what they wanted to hear in order to get something he desperately wanted, something that all convicted killers want: control over the narrative.

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