NY NY - Edmond Tillman, 14, Brooklyn, 10 Aug 2005

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I really hope he is safe... Being on the streets of New York is not safe; especially at night. Children who run away from home become vulnerable/alone, not knowing what to do next, They are likely to come across unsavory people or situations that they cannot escape in time before their fates are sealed. This happens more then we think. Hopefully, he found somewhere to stay and may still be in the local area.

Were you able to get a hold of the detectives? I wish I knew more but I also don’t know where to start or what to do...
Were you able to get a hold of the detectives? I wish I knew more but I also don’t know where to start or what to do...

I'm not even sure if those detectives still work there. I will find out soon.
I wonder who those adult men and the 18 year old boyfriend are... That need to further looked into. Even his own mother said he was talking with older men online, and right after he went missing his computer started having problems and shut down. So what's up with that? People made accusations of older men seeing him. People even lied about seeing him on the subway after his disappearance. people have said his family knows more. People have said his friends know more.

There's been a lot of talk since his disappearance. So who knows more? The family or the friends?
I believe the mom might know more than what she says, because he was the first one to "come out" to her two months prior to his disappearance. Him "coming out" may have not been smoothed as claimed .It could be that his friends might also know more, since it seems that everyone has seemed to forgotten him.
It's Listed that he did not take any belongings with him the day he disappeared... That means he left everything behind at home that day and had full intention of returning home, because most runaways are likely to take those of the items very important to them. It seems that he fully intended on returning home, but something or someone prevented him from doing so...

If you left everything behind at home, that means you have full intentions of returning home and just that... You just don't run away and take nothing with you; you take of those that a strong importance to you. his own mother told him to return home within hours of completed his entrance exam, so there's no way he ran away from without taking anything with him. 7 pm are the afternoon hours close to nighttime, so this case doesn't seem runaway to me and something is definitely weird here.
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Although, I've never met him but when I read this case there are a few red flags in this case.

1. His "coming out: it never goes into full details about the " coming out" or what events took after that. The mother does have criminal charges in a different state, so it seems that his coming out was not as smooth as claimed. Some parents take it well, others do not. People who come out as gay; some are bullied at school, some are kicked out of their homes due to rejection from their peers and sometimes family. It could be that he experienced bullying around the Same time as coming out or something else...

2. Adult men and 18 yr. old boyfriend: Edmond's mother said her own son was corresponding with older men on the internet and may have had an 18 year old boyfriend. Many still believe this to this day he actually had one months leading up to his disappearance. However, it was never looked further into by authorities at all since then. Accusations were made that older men were seeing him, but Unfortunately that was never looked into, not seeing if those accusing we're actually true or not.

3. Runaway: For a number of reasons, his case doesn't seem as runaway to me. How do they know for sure he actually is a runaway? It has been several years since he has spoken with family or friends since that time. It doesn't show any history of him running away from home or being gone for long periods of time. So there is something weird with this case in general.

4. Belongings: He did not take any belongings with him at all. He left everything behind at home. If this is true, why is it that if truly did run away , why not take nothing with him? That's what I don't understand; he had nothing with him... All he had was the clothes on his back and the shoes on his feet but yet again they still see him as a runaway?

5. Rumors: There have been rumors of his family knowing more, but also of his friends knowing more, but we don't know for sure what to choose. Edmond comes from a big family, so why aren't other family members searching for him? Why hasn't a private investigator been hired over these past years? It's really sketchy that he seems to be forgotten by those close to him.

6. Lies: People made up lies of seeing him on the subway after his disappearance... What is the exact motive and purpose for lying about something this? Who are these people and what's their reason for lying about a missing child in the first place?

7. News Coverage: His case have not received very much coverage since his disappearance. Why is it not ? I don't know, but his case only seems to have received little attention since time with not very much coverage.

8. School: it's hard finding what school he dropped off at or he was in because it only says he was he was last seen in the vicinity of Houston and Pitt street in the east side Manhattan area. What is the name of the school? Which school was it to be exact? This all needs to be answered.

9. Coming home late: he was coming home increasingly late . It's common that some people forget the time and get to places later than usual, but why was he coming home late? Was he with someone? Was he with friends? Why was he coming home so late? What's the reason for this to be happening?

10. San Francisco, California: authorities believe he may have travelled to this specific state... Why do they believe this? If so, why do they think that ? Does Edmond have family ties in that state? Connections? This also needs to be answered.

11. Associates: LE believe Edmond is living with associates he only knows, someone he associates with ... Are we sure about this? Is this actually true? Maybe yes, Maybe not but hopefully he is safe.

12. Where is he: he really needs to call somebody he knows and let them know where he is and how well-being. He has been missing for many years and yet again he has not called anyone since this time. I hope he is alive, well, happy and safe. I hope and pray everyday that he is safe and nothing bad ever happened to him.

I'm just wishing that someone will come out and speak the truth about this case before it's too late and we may never know what exactly happened to him.
My Question is... if he is still in the west village area... How can he remain in one place for this many years? He hasn't attended school since his disappearance and once again nobody has made any new reports or given new sightings of this missing child. I wonder what his home life was like...
I Have a theory:
I believe Edmond "Coming Out" played a huge part in his disappearance. It never goes into full details about it at all.
Apart of that, Edmond was speaking with older men on the internet,
Which is not what I expect out of a 14 year old child. He seemed happy and had family support, but are we really sure what is listed is true? Is it being truthful? In the pictures that are listed in the Charley Project, It seems to be a happy child with a smile on his face. The Circumstances Don't add up to me.. How is it possible that a 14 year old child is able disappear for this many years? There had to be something left behind... But here's where it gets a bit sketchy ... After his disappearance, People made reports of seeing him on the subway after he went missing, but later admitted they lied... That is a red flag right there... What is the reason for lying about a missing child and then again, Rumors have been said of his family knowing more, His friends as well. For all we know, both could know more but it's not certain which knows more, but the mother might... He was the first one who he went to, before he told his friends ,i assume.

The theory is that Edmond's mother did not take it so well as excepted to be. At first, she may have been infuriated or so by her son for choosing to be gay, but she eventually accepts him for who he is. Edmond might have felt rejected in some way and that could've stuck with him until he disappeared. He probably didn't show that he was upset out of the reaction he had gotten was not as how he imagined it would be. Sometimes the home situation is not always at it appears. You never know what happens behind closed doors.

I believe on the day he went missing being dropped off at school, he completed his entrance exam for the 8th grade... He left the school and it was the last day of his summer classes... its been said he was last seen between Houston and Pitt streets at 8:00pm at a Neighborhood pool, so what happened between the timeline of Edmond being dropped off at school and then being seen at the pool?

He could've made plans to meet someone/quick errand for whatever reason he had, and then it could have been to meet possible 18 year old boyfriend he had to say the least and was going to return home after that , but something or someone prevented him from doing so. I believe he may encountered some sort of foul play which made him go missing.

There have been phone calls made to Edmond's mother by someone who didn't hang up and did not speak, it may have been Edmond making the series of phone calls as a cry for help or it was an individual who knew where Edmond was or at least he was with them... I believe there is an adult or adults that are facilitating his absence which is a very serious deal and it is a crime to be harboring a missing child against their free will...

I believe he is still in the local area being hidden by an adult of group of adults who have more information and are not allowing him to leave...
However, Edmond is now 28 years old almost in his early 30's meaning he is allowed to leave of his free will and own mind unless he is still under the pressure of possibly being threatened or being coerced into not leaving.

This is only a theory and not what many people might think. However, I do believe that this could be the main cause for his disappearance but this is what I'm working with

I Always hope and pray to the lord above have is alive , safe and happy wherever he is and not being harmed in any way at all.
He has not spoken with family or friends since his disappearance... Why is he still seen as a runaway? Did Edmond have a cellular phone at the time of his disappearance?

Authorities need to interview the family and friend again, because some of them could be lying about what could've happened to him.
I also don't think anyone has made an effort to look for him over these many years. There is a woman named Diana who was in contact with Edmond before and on the day of his disappearance. Maybe if we speak with her in private, she will be able to tell us more information and shed light on this case. I've spoken with her previously and she has agreed to speak in private to do so. Hopefully I can see what she has to say...
I've found out someone interesting information on Edmond's mother. She does have criminal charges in a different state, and what I've found is surprising to me. It's nothing serious, but I feel it's worth explaining.
Here's the thing... It's wasn't known until after he disappeared, he was corresponding with adult men on the Internet, which can go very badly very quickly for a 14 year old. It makes me wonder if met someone through this setting and was lured away by a predator or he in fact ran away which isn't very believable by others but it's possible.

It has been over seven years with no sign of Edmond. The police apparently were able to get his phone records and conduct searches, but only they know what was found back then...

I feel that he became the target of a predator and met with some sort of foul play or ran away from home after all this time...

Whether these men were known to him locally or somehow else, no one can say until someone Comes forward...

Someone ALWAYS knows...
As of today, Edmond is now 29 years old. I wonder what happened to him all those years ago... I don't think the detectives did their job or are still looking into this case.
There’s an unidentified person, I came across on NamUs and I feel like there’s some resemblance. He was found about 30 miles from where Edmond was last seen. NamUs #UP2631

What do you guys think?

I went to school with this kid. I remember the day he went missing. It's definitely not him. Edmond was a bit of a bully in school. Almost like he had two different personalities. He was mean to me when he was around his female friends. Then when he was alone, he was nice. He came to school sometimes sad. I feel like there was something going on at home. I lived by the location where he was last spotted. I actually saw him on my street by himself looking around. I was with my mom walking home from the supermarket when I spotted him. He never hangs out on my street so..I was surprised to see him there alone. I didn't think much about it. Now it's 2020 and he's still not found. It still haunts me till this day. We may never know what happened to him.
This is what’s listed on NamUs


Sex Male
Race / EthnicityBlack / African American
Possible First Name --
Possible Middle Name--
Possible Last Name--
Possible Nickname--
Estimated Age Group Adult - Pre 30
Estimated Age Range (Years)20-25
Estimated Year of Death 2007
Estimated PMIHours
Height6' 1"(73 inches) , Measured
Weight222 lbs, Measured

TypeUnidentified Deceased
Date FoundJanuary 25, 2007
NamUs Case CreatedSeptember 11, 2008
ME/C QA ReviewedSeptember 12, 2008

Location Found Map
Street AddressGrand AveBaldwin, New York 11510
CountyNassau County
GPS Coordinates--

Circumstances of Recovery: Struck by an automobile on January 25th, 2007 at 23:37 hrs. Incident occurred in Baldwin, Nassau County, NY, while crossing Grand Avenue at the intersection of Grand Terrace. Was transported to Nassau University Medical Center in East Meadow where he was pronounced in the Emergency Room. Carrying Yo-Gi-Oh trading card still in wrapper.

Details of Recovery

Inventory of Remains All parts recovered
Condition of Remains Recognizable face

Physical Description
Hair ColorBrown
Head Hair Descriptiondark colored short hair
Body Hair Description--
Facial Hair DescriptionSmall amount of facial hair growth- mustache and chin
Left Eye ColorBrown
Right Eye ColorBrown
Eye Descriptionbrown
Distinctive Physical Features



Clothing and Accessories
Winter type dark colored 3/4 length down coat, soiled blue jeans,and a brown leather belt
On the Body

On the Body

White colored Nike tennis shoes
On the Body

On the Body

I remember his skin was light brown. Like caramel. He never liked Yu-Gi-Oh..so I really can't understand why he had those cards. I don't think this is him.
I too went to school with Eddie and im sorry but he would never run away. I did get in contact with his mom a while back she still has no idea as to whats going on it just seems really fishy..
I went to school with this kid. I remember the day he went missing. It's definitely not him. Edmond was a bit of a bully in school. Almost like he had two different personalities. He was mean to me when he was around his female friends. Then when he was alone, he was nice. He came to school sometimes sad. I feel like there was something going on at home. I lived by the location where he was last spotted. I actually saw him on my street by himself looking around. I was with my mom walking home from the supermarket when I spotted him. He never hangs out on my street so..I was surprised to see him there alone. I didn't think much about it. Now it's 2020 and he's still not found. It still haunts me till this day. We may never know what happened to him.
I remember his skin was light brown. Like caramel. He never liked Yu-Gi-Oh..so I really can't understand why he had those cards. I don't think this is him.
I remember his skin was light brown. Like caramel. He never liked Yu-Gi-Oh..so I really can't understand why he had those cards. I don't think this is him.

im assuming you went to ps20 as well?
NEWSOME, ALELIA NEWSOME Inmate 1287267: North Carolina Prisons (DOC)

Please guys who do we talk to ask him family more questions?

this isn’t a runaway. I miss him sooooo much. He has two sisters and a mom. Why aren’t they present on any social media or here? Julissa and kiara where are you? Alelia where are you? Are you not worried about your son?

who can I call? Nypd is hard to get in contact with.

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