NY - Garrett Phillips, 12, murdered in his Potsdam home, 24 Oct 2011

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DNA Solves
So, I did a deep-dive ... I have questions ...

From pre-trial reports, I've read neighbour Marissa Hall (college student watching Dexter with her boyfriend) heard a "click" of the door-lock after she knocked on Garrett's residence. I can't find her actual court testimony, but what I can find of its reporting makes no mention of this door lock "click." Seems like it would be a major detail in that day's reporting, no?

Also, do we know the sounds Officer Wentworth heard were from another person, or could they have been Garrett himself trying to lift his body up before collapsing?

One more question, I found a timeline that mentions NH called his attorney Mani Tafari (who is featured in the 2-part HBO doco) within the hour of Garrett's death:


It's corroborated here (info source unknown):

Potsdam’s Nightmare: What Happened to Garrett Phillips?

Can we take that for fact? If so, why? Would it would be inadmissible in court due to client/attorney privilege? Anything to make out of that call, if true?

The reason Mary Rain had her law license suspended for 2 years is supposedly connected to the witness in this case. The eye witness gave a statement that he saw NH at 5.10 jumping from the window wearing latex gloves. I do not want to violate TOS my lining it here but it’s available if you search online.
Hmmn. My understanding is that her license was suspended based on pattern of behaviours related to multiple cases. In terms of NH's case, I know she violated "The Brady Rule," in regards to Gregory Brown's statement that he saw John Jones walk into 100 Market St fifteen minutes before Garrett's murder. Technicality required her to share this with defence, even though--if I understand correctly--she knew hospital video evidence proved it false and rendered it irrelevant.

But, I also found that she "consciously disregarded" a witnesses' attorney request whilst being investigated:

Where Is District Attorney Mary Rain From 'Who Killed Garrett Phillips?' Now? | Oxygen Official Site

Is this what you're talking about? I did some research and found a person who claims to be an eyewitness. But, I don't know how seriously to take them. I can't find proper record of their police statement. I don't know why they were never called to be a witness (which suggests credibility issues). I also don't understand if they saw what they claim they saw, why they didn't mention this to the two people right in front of them as it was happening (again, credibility issues).

And, if they were "consciously disregarded," does that mean they were investigated? Why would they be "investigated" if they are just making an eyewitness statement? And why would their attorney request be disregarded?

Does anyone have a link to the testimonies? Or are they sealed/unavailable?

For what has transpired, I'm surprised this nine-year-old thread doesn't have more activity.
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I would be curious to know what Hillary's childhood was like in Jamaica?
There's something very off about him.
He is just too calm, no emotion. He comes across to me as a very narcissistic person. Maybe even a psychopath.
Now before someone comments that he coaches kids, all of his friends supports him etc etc. Pathological narcissists get ego supply from helping others as long as they are acknowledged, and are expert manipulators. Plus he has the ability to pull the race card as a victim if all else fails. No wonder he never broke a sweat.
The circumstantial evidence is very damning in my opinion, but just not quite enough.
1. He had motive to be angry with her son, because he was driving a wedge between them and the control he had over Tandy in their relationship.
2. He's clearly seen on video taking a left out of the school parking lot shortly after Garrett is seen skating by. Yet in his original statements he said he went straight home to his daughter (right turn)
3. He bailed out the back window because the neighbor put him in a panic when she knocked on the door. I think he killed Garrett in a purely impulsive act of narcissistic rage. Also he is an athlete, so a two story jump down is more doable for him than the average person. Yet the police photos do show a clearly swollen ankle with abrasions consistent with impact damage from a bad fall.
My biggest question is did the Potsdam police ever put the DNA collected from the window through public databases? Of course a lot of people could of touched the window. If Hillary was wearing gloves he wouldn't have left anything traceable.
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I am watching this case and say only one thing: How stupid was Mr. Hilary's attorney to let him go forward on a civil case when he is the suspect in Garrett's murder. If that is not legal malpractice I don't know what is. I do not know if Mr. Hilary murdered this child, but to me, the prosecution did not prove it--- I can see why he was acquitted.
I don't think they ever looked at any other suspect so my only conclusion that they went after him due to his race. To top it off there was not a scintilla of evidence against Mr. Hilary-- Frankly, I am appalled they brought this case at all. it disgusts me.

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