GUILTY NY - Ian Sharinn, 34, killed in road rage incident, Long Beach, 15 May 2009

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I'm so sorry this happened, such a senseless act! :blowkiss:
Your friend was on his way for the closing on his house, what should have been such a positive day for him!

The older I get the scarier many drivers seem to me, you just never know when someone might do something.

I am so sorry for your loss, Mrs G. There is no way this was an accident, in my opinion...frankly because I had something similar happen, albeit with a different outcome thank god. I was tailing this suv in bumper to bumper traffic one day without even realizing it. If you don't stay fairly close everyone cuts in between. Anyway, the guy slammed his brakes and got out of his car and started coming toward my car. Obviously running him over was not even a thought in my mind. I started to try to merge over to the next lane. I was really shaken too. I am a small female and if some guy wants to start a fight with me I have no chance. But my first instinct was to go around him...not run him over.
So sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I am so sorry for your prayers and with you, your family, and his. HUGS!
That is a horrible story, MrsG. Why couldn't that kid have just taken a breath and moved on? So sorry for the loss of your friend.

Road rage is getting to be such a huge problem. You never know who you accidently tick off. Scary.
I am so sorry for your loss!

This is such a tragedy that never had to happen! Why can't people display simple manners when driving? Such a loss to the world.

It does seem based on the charges that the police do feel the other driver feared for his life. I understand your thoughts of your friend, my 21 yo nephew is 6'5 250lbs - and his whole life we have had to impress on him that people will react to his size with fear - not realizing he is the sweetest kid who would never think to hurt anyone.
I am very sorry for your loss Mrs G. This is absolutely horrible.
My prayers go out to all who were touched by your friend's life. I am sorry for the loss of a someone who meant so much to you.
Truly sorry for your friend and all who knew him and loved him.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

God bless.
It does seem based on the charges that the police do feel the other driver feared for his life. I understand your thoughts of your friend, my 21 yo nephew is 6'5 250lbs - and his whole life we have had to impress on him that people will react to his size with fear - not realizing he is the sweetest kid who would never think to hurt anyone.

I understand that there are 2 sides to a story, and in this case, the two eyewitnesses seem to prove this to be true. One says it was self defense, the other says it is intentional.

Ian was a big guy. If he had indeed punched or kicked the car, there would be visible evidence. However, one of the eyewitnesses claims that there was no punching or kicking. Just his hands raised above his head and profanities being yelled.

Ian had a high regard and respect for cars. He may have been angered at the possibility of having damage done to his car by the other driver- we will never know.

What my husband's gut tells him is that Ian would not try and damage the other person's car. He was very giving and philanthropic, and did not have it in him to hurt someone else's property. That is why we think the killer's claim of self defense is unfounded.
We actually figured out who it was before even knowing it was him by recognizing his car on the news. That's how much of a car guy he was- they're all identified by their cars. :(
I am so sorry for your loss!

This is such a tragedy that never had to happen! Why can't people display simple manners when driving? Such a loss to the world.

It does seem based on the charges that the police do feel the other driver feared for his life. I understand your thoughts of your friend, my 21 yo nephew is 6'5 250lbs - and his whole life we have had to impress on him that people will react to his size with fear - not realizing he is the sweetest kid who would never think to hurt anyone.

This is a good point. There are lots of gentle giants in the world.

Still thinking of you, Mrs. G, and this terrible tragedy. To lose someone you love so suddenly to shocking violence is mind-numbing.
I was just thinking about you and your husband today. I know this tragedy still hurts to your core, but I hope you found a reason to smile today.

Sincerest Thoughts,
Just checking in with you, MrsG. I'm still praying for all who loved Ian.

Please let us know when there is an update.
My friend,

I am so so sorry for your loss, and I pray justice is harsh and quick. Like I've said so many times "what is wrong with people". Life is so precious, and the effects of this one act is like a tidal wave that shatters many.

May you find peace amongst your grief. I will be thinking of you and yours.

All the very best --

Last night, Ian's family was able to speak out on the 11 O'Clock news. Our dearest friend Tom (Ian's roommate), another good friend Chris, and Ian's Girlfriend Mandy appeared along with his mom to speak up about the negativity surrounding Ian. It must have been very hard for them to speak at such a devastating time and I am very proud of them. I am glad they were given the opportunity, since everyone seems to blame the dead victim :confused:

You can watch the video here.
I was just thinking about you and your husband today. I know this tragedy still hurts to your core, but I hope you found a reason to smile today.

Sincerest Thoughts,

Jake was and still is our reason to smile. :) My husband is having a very hard time with this, more so because of the media's spin on things. We're still waiting for a POLICE confirmation that Ian physically touched the car.
MrsG, thank you for the link to that video. I can't even imagine how hard that was for them. I'm so happy to have a face to put with his name, he had such kind eyes.

Please tell your husband people are praying for him. The bottom line is, it doesn't matter if Ian beat this boy to a pulp (which he didn't) or hit or kicked the boys rental car (which hasn't been proven) there is ABSOLUTELY no justification for Ian to have been run over and killed by this punk.

Eyewitness accounts are very often wrong and I have seen sooooo many conflicting stories in the comment sections of several web sites. Why people would lie about such an important thing is beyond my comprehension. Your husband and Ian's family and loved ones are right to defend his name and reputation and I hope they continue to do so. THEY are the ones that truly knew Ian.

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