Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 7

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No, I've been told she logged on the morning she disappeared, chatted a bit as normal then left. Just the normal chit chat.

It appears to have been a typical morning the day Jennifer disappeared until...What happened after GR dropped the children off at school and after Jennifer finished chatting online?
So let me get this straight: female running partner is not the tryster but she's ok with the fact that her best friends husband had cheated on Jenn. Jennifer goes from missing to dead shortly after said tryst, female running partner has had little to nothing to say about her best friends disappearance, yet is by the side of her running partner nearly constantly, all the while he is under scrutiny and she knows that he's cheated. Man, she IS loyal.

I'm having a hard time buying it.
Wonder whether Jennifer typically showers in the evening or in the morning.
OF COURSE he did not contact Mr. Wilcox... Mr. Wilcox had learned of home life and had an opinion on it you would think -- and it was not conforming to what GR wanted. In GR's mind -- Mr. Wilcox might have been the 'enemy' because he was making Jen feel appreciated and it sounds like he boosted her ego especially when she might have felt down and out from home. So by 'suggesting' that she leave that job because she had more pressing matters at home -- like feed him and the kids, house chores, etc -- it gave GR that 'control' again. A thought -- does he even know how to take care of the family -- cook, clean, etc. It makes you think that she had to wait on him hand and foot -- the two of them home together -- her not working and him working from home. Very 'old school' -- wife doing it all and having to dote on husband.

If he was unwilling to help around the house or feed his children no less, I
wonder who has been taking care of those chores since Jenn went missing?
Can anyone confirm what GR was wearing on 12/11? What he actually had on that day -- other than was not proper for the weather conditions? Did anyone see him come into the Y? What was his demeanor other than being chilled? You would think cameras would be there at least and can show what he had on. Maybe those clothes need to be located and tested... Theorizing if he had to move Jen somewhere, there should be some tell-tale signs on his clothing and/or shoes. We can't get an answer on Jen's shoes -- but what about his?

Great points!!
I am wondering if the clothes he wore that day is what he normally ran in, before Jenn went missing.
It is very rare I drive my husband's vehicle and same with him in mine. It would be very coincidental that I would go missing and my husband's prints would be found on top (left most recently).

Not that I'm worried about going missing or my husband, in general. . .

I wonder what the norm is in their home???
The BF still denies the affair or tryst was with her.

If so, then one might expect GR and CC to have been cut off, finally, after this:


Ganesh Ramsaran said he told the Chenango County Sheriff’s Office when he was first asked regarding his wife’s disappearance that he shared information about the affair with the running partner, a married woman who also resides in Chenango County.

A woman who had been assisting him in what he says was the search for his wife, Cynthia Caron, said last week that Ganesh Ramsaran went to the Norwich YMCA on the day his wife vanished, and later got a ride home from his female running companion. Caron, who is involved in a New Hamphire group that is registered as a charity and aids the family of missing people, claimed Ramsaran’s sexual involvement with the woman was a one-time fling that never bloomed into an affair.

Last April, Ganesh Ramsaran, a marathon enthusiast, posted a note on a Facebook running club page in which he described the woman he now admits having a tryst with as his “Protege/Prodigy in running & working out.”
I don't want to go into a lot of details but my bio uncle was killed.
His body had not been found and we had hope he was still alive.
With in 3-5 days my aunt was planning services for him.

We were hurt/worried as we thought he could still be alive. (Our own denial)
We did not express to my aunt that we were hurt though.
Some family members were afraid that if anything was said,
that she would keep the children away from them. So everyone
kept silent.

I am thinking that Jenn's family is not speaking out in fear of losing
contact with their grandchildren, in case there is no immediate arrest.
I believe we will hear from them after an arrest is made.

Also I do need to mention, that my aunt has done a wonderful job
raising my cousins, in all the years since my uncle was killed, the relationship
with our family never changed. She is my HERO!

Also, I am no way equating GR to my aunt. Just the opposite.

I am puzzled that GR said there will be a "New Normal" after Jenn was found.
There has never been a "New Normal" for us.

I'm so sorry about your Uncle but thank you for the comparison.
Great points!!
I am wondering if the clothes he wore that day is what he normally ran in, before Jenn went missing.

I think he may have had another set of running clothes and sneakers somewhere with him? or at another location? which he changed into either before entering the Y or after working out at the Y.

What he was wearing when he left the home initially, could have been discarded.
If Jennifer Ramsaran's death is ruled a homicide, and should GR eventually be charged, tried, and convicted. Wouldn't the Mall Shopping trip story have to be a ruse? If it is established to be a ruse.. Wouldn't the filling of the van gas tank two days prior indicate premeditation..
Able to retain same locker at the Y for the year (with membership), or a random, ever-changing locker assigned even with a yearly membership?
If Jennifer Ramsaran's death is ruled a homicide, and should GR eventually be charged, tried, and convicted. Wouldn't the Mall Shopping trip story have to be a ruse? If it is established to be a ruse.. Wouldn't the filling of the van gas tank two days prior indicate premeditation..

So much seems circumstantial evidence, IMO...

If he was unwilling to help around the house or feed his children no less, I
wonder who has been taking care of those chores since Jenn went missing?

I have a feeling the oldest child has had to take over the "Mom" role in that household... Poor girl....:furious:
So let me get this straight: female running partner is not the tryster but she's ok with the fact that her best friends husband had cheated on Jenn. Jennifer goes from missing to dead shortly after said tryst, female running partner has had little to nothing to say about her best friends disappearance, yet is by the side of her running partner nearly constantly, all the while he is under scrutiny and she knows that he's cheated. Man, she IS loyal.

I'm having a hard time buying it.

All this while said "innocent BFF" makes no pleas for her BFF to return (if she ran) or be returned(if taken) or does anything to raise awareness in regards to her BFFs disappearance. Also no reaction after her BFF comes up deceased & left nude on the side of the road-no outrage, no terror, no broken heart? You know with Mr Mahoney & his extreme thoroughness he had to have called her. IMO-she was the "family friend" or "source" making comments to the media about how Jennifer had made connections outside her home & was thinking of leaving. Why wouldn't it be her-it provides her with reasoning that things aren't ok w JR&GR so it's ok for her to tryst & it says JR us happy with someone else do she's still being a good friend right? She doesn't need GR anymore why can't she grab him then? All while helping to defend her trystee & herself in one swoop. MOO, of course!
If Jennifer Ramsaran's death is ruled a homicide, and should GR eventually be charged, tried, and convicted. Wouldn't the Mall Shopping trip story have to be a ruse? If it is established to be a ruse.. Wouldn't the filling of the van gas tank two days prior indicate premeditation..


One on a list of actions that can be interpreted as "premeditation"...

Might be a list to keep in mind?...


All this while said "innocent BFF" makes no pleas for her BFF to return (if she ran) or be returned(if taken) or does anything to raise awareness in regards to her BFFs disappearance. Also no reaction after her BFF comes up deceased & left nude on the side of the road-no outrage, no terror, no broken heart? You know with Mr Mahoney & his extreme thoroughness he had to have called her. IMO-she was the "family friend" or "source" making comments to the media about how Jennifer had made connections outside her home & was thinking of leaving. Why wouldn't it be her-it provides her with reasoning that things aren't ok w JR&GR so it's ok for her to tryst & it says JR us happy with someone else do she's still being a good friend right? She doesn't need GR anymore why can't she grab him then? All while helping to defend her trystee & herself in one swoop. MOO, of course!

Ohhhh... She was a BIG help in finding Jennifer... she helped launch dangerous flying fire lanterns... Don't you know...


Jen's former employer is in his mid-late 50's (ish).
She did confide in him, yes.
Change: probably, yes. She gained some independence back and loved the job, as it got her out of the house more.
Ditto with her girl scout troop leader gig. I don't know how long she did it, but she stopped as it took her away from home too frequently. I don't believe this was her choice.


Sorry, I don't recall if this has been asked.
Did Jenn have a regular hairdresser?

Hairdressers are always saying how much people confide in them.

ETA: I was an a Certified Care Giver/Home Health Aide in AZ, and worked at a mental health facility in NY for many years. I can say that my patients became like family to me. A lot of their families treated me like family too.

It's sad that Jenn had to give up her job.

God Bless You Jenn. Today and Always!!
Putting myself in her shoes, you cut him off by now. Even if you were not involved. Especially if you were not involved with him. You have a husband and children of your own. You support your best friend. As much as one may love them, men are a dime a dozen.
For everyone's Situational Awareness here on WS

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