NY - Karina Vetrano, 30, found murdered, Queens, 2 Aug 2016 #2

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Here is personal safety jewelry.


These are such a great idea! Their website says they are no longer in business, but maybe one could find these items listed on Ebay or somewhere similar. Idk if they need to be in business in order for the jewelry to work. Thanks for sharing!

Do New York Police Have a Suspect in Karina Vetrano murder


Police Commissioner William Bratton doused the speculation at a different event that day.

Bratton said: “We have no suspects. We’re not close to an arrest. I certainly feel for the family, this young woman, that they would like a resolution to the grief they’re feeling, but we can’t provide that at this time.”

Thank you for posting this link, Momoffourboys!

I wanted to bring over these two images of Karina and her Father. His love for her, the love they shared, is something that continues to amaze me to this day. From all we have seen, it is so very clear how close the Vetrano family is.



He is relentless in his pursuit of #JusticeForKarina. I hope he knows that there are many that stand with him, and that we will not rest until her/their justice is delivered!


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Here is personal safety jewelry.


These are such a great idea! Their website says they are no longer in business, but maybe one could find these items listed on Ebay or somewhere similar. Idk if they need to be in business in order for the jewelry to work. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you also Momoffourboys!

I tried to research on the items but like Bellelsle stated it said, out of business? I thought it might have been my browser at first till I read her posting, lol. In agreement, one could probably find them if you wanted them, looked very nice.

Thank you both for sharing ~
I, honestly, don't believe the perp is a "regular" guy who saw KV and acted on a sexual or devious impulse. IMO this is a sick and violent person. This level of brutality is not "caused" by anything. Just pure evil.

ITA. Im thinking He could have had a violent argument with his gf/wife that day and took it out on Karina when she fought back.
At one point while trying to imagine the killer, I entertained the idea of a young guy who still lived at home with his mother doing his laundry. I imagined she ran across some evidence, but was too torn to turn her son in. Now, this message from her parents makes me start thinking about that again.

Praying for a break in this case soon.

Always thought it was a man living close by in his mother's house who could see the trail from his bedroom window -- this bedroom where he spends 24x7. NOT a young man. Rather, a middle-aged man who still lives in his elderly mother's house - no job, no friends, no social life, not now, not ever. A mother who has seen or noticed 'something' - maybe his bloody clothes - maybe he was gone that night. (Also expect he has no car so if he goes out, it's on foot). Locals are watching this case closely on TV. Maybe this case was on TV and this man reacted. Also, most sadly, this aging mother has probably lived in fear every day of her life with her abusive and violent son. Just my opinion.
Omg that is how I have been feeling. I see the thing about a mall and vomiting
Can you help me figure out where I should be looking on the scanner thread? I am so lost right now!
Read page 854
another member pointed me in the right direction.

Could you point me to the post no. in that thread please? I have changed the default of how many posts per page are shown to me, so a page number does not get me to the correct post(s). TIA!
Oops. I just saw my post was deleted and realized I violated the rules by doing a screenshot of instagram! Sorry about that!
I, honestly, don't believe the perp is a "regular" guy who saw KV and acted on a sexual or devious impulse. IMO this is a sick and violent person. This level of brutality is not "caused" by anything. Just pure evil.

This has been my point, yes.
New to this forum, but I have wondered who the friend was that she was texting when she was jogging, and what was said in that exchange. Noticed that info has been kept very quiet in all the reports. I noted there was a girlfriend of Karina's on her honeymoon that was contacted and she stated that she was "just texting her" that day I believe. Perhaps that was the friend. I was hoping to hear that there was some exchange of some sort alluding to a suspect. Also I think this was someone she knew for the fact that the killer didn't destroy her phone or remove the SD card and left the evidence makes me think either this was someone she knew that left her phone on purpose to throw off the trail. I would think a "vagrant" homeless type would have taken the phone, shoes, etc. the phone would be a valuable commodity, the shoes, the headphones, etc. I have wondered if the public info released re: the police wanting the "weeds" vagrants to offer DNA would be a smart move to thwart the known suspect to let their guard down. I honestly think this was someone she knew, knew that she ran, knew her dad wasn't coming in a convo with Karina. I am sure she had many male admirers,acquaintences, friends via Instagram etc. and she felt comfortable at first with whoever this was. The killer didn't panic and take her belongings to hide them, I just feel that he didn't get what he wanted, went in a rage and tossed her things, or left them in bravado on purpose knowing their was no known evidence on her phone, and took off. Its just my full thoughts.
New to this forum, but I have wondered who the friend was that she was texting when she was jogging, and what was said in that exchange. Noticed that info has been kept very quiet in all the reports. I noted there was a girlfriend of Karina's on her honeymoon that was contacted and she stated that she was "just texting her" that day I believe. Perhaps that was the friend. I was hoping to hear that there was some exchange of some sort alluding to a suspect. Also I think this was someone she knew for the fact that the killer didn't destroy her phone or remove the SD card and left the evidence makes me think either this was someone she knew that left her phone on purpose to throw off the trail. I would think a "vagrant" homeless type would have taken the phone, shoes, etc. the phone would be a valuable commodity, the shoes, the headphones, etc. I have wondered if the public info released re: the police wanting the "weeds" vagrants to offer DNA would be a smart move to thwart the known suspect to let their guard down. I honestly think this was someone she knew, knew that she ran, knew her dad wasn't coming in a convo with Karina. I am sure she had many male admirers,acquaintences, friends via Instagram etc. and she felt comfortable at first with whoever this was. The killer didn't panic and take her belongings to hide them, I just feel that he didn't get what he wanted, went in a rage and tossed her things, and couldn't find them and took off in a panic. Its just my full thoughts.

Welcome to WS :welcome: Yes, nothing mentioned about to whom or content of text message... Also, I have not found it mentioned how long she had been running alone - was it days, weeks, etc...

My own opinion is that attacker did not plan attack since he used a rock at hand rather than coming prepared with something to assault with. Seems he didn't care about her phone or anything once he began his savage attack - but who knows since we are not told that much by LE...
Is "bargaining" one of the stages of grief? The parents seem to have moved from anger to a kind of "bargaining" with the killer. "Give yourself up and we will give the money to whomever you choose." "Give yourself up and we might go easier on you."

It's heartbreaking. It's all they probably feel that they can do for their child now. I am just praying that they get some kind resolution before too long.

I have to say as someone who has lost a child, the 'stages of grief' theory is just that. A theory. And I see no bargaining with the killer. Bereavement isn't a process of cycles, and even if this perp is caught these parents will bear the burden of grief for the rest of their lives. I have no idea what's inside their heads about police or the perp or why there are reports of closing in for an arrest. What I can say is that what anyone sees or hears in a news byte or a claim by a reporter, or even in an interview with the parents, is a blip on the screen of the experience of the Vetrano family.

There is no moving from one emotion/stage to another as if to have completed a series of tasks and having moved on to a new set. This is very early into their experience and they haven't even begun to fully feel the range of emotions and cognition/processing struggles and even physical symptoms that will more and more manifest as time passes. This is just the beginning, and these poor people are still deeply shocked. I'm seven months out from losing my son and I still wake up at times with my heart pounding, thinking the police will be at more door any minute to notify me and I have to stop my child's death before they do. This is the crazy-making impact of profound grief and wrenching trauma. I still stop in the middle of the grocery store over the yogurt or the meat counter and think, "What? My child is dead? That makes no sense." And I still have waves of being so distraught that I feel as if my head will explode. This type of grief is extremely dynamic, often like an ambush when you least expect it, and definitely like a revolving door you cannot seem to exit while simultaneously riding a typhoon on a skateboard. The trauma is so severe that you don't even recognize your surroundings at times, and have to wind your way back to your physical reality. This type of disorientation/re-entering the atmosphere sensation can happen full circle in a second or two. Imagine being rocketed from a sense of being firmly planted on the ground, to outer space, and back to your living room in that span of time. Add to that the additionally traumatic experience of this father having found his murdered daughter and viewed what was done to her in death by this monster that ended her life.

And yes, at some point you are coming and going from work, getting the groceries bought and the lawn mowed, etc. But that isn't a 'getting better'...it's just life hauling you forward while the afore-mentioned experiences are happening at the same time.

I say this to offer a lens into what the survivors are in for and to perhaps mitigate the impression that they are moving through or mastering stages. What they are doing is trying to navigate and find some equilibrium in a personal world that has been shattered. I look to the facts as I understand them according to known investigative information, and I simply feel compassion for the Vetranos, with no judgement or definition of their process. I don't say this to be critical at all; I say it because 'grief culture' is sending messages that don't help the bereaved or those who genuinely want to understand and/or comfort them.

FWIW: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/megan-devine/stages-of-grief_b_4414077.html

In the meantime, I hope they catch this killer soon because another woman is likely soon going to be victimized.

And I wish Karina's parents drops of comfort and moments of peace as they live lives that are forever altered and absent of their daughter's lovely and vibrant presence.

Jillycat, thank you for that post. I cannot fathom the grief and heartache. I am so sorry for your loss.

I recently lost my dad. And I feel that the pain and sorrow never diminish or lessen. You just live to learn with the constant something that is just not right.

I have to say as someone who has lost a child, the 'stages of grief' theory is just that. A theory. And I see no bargaining with the killer. Bereavement isn't a process of cycles, and even if this perp is caught these parents will bear the burden of grief for the rest of their lives. I have no idea what's inside their heads about police or the perp or why there are reports of closing in for an arrest. What I can say is that what anyone sees or hears in a news byte or a claim by a reporter, or even in an interview with the parents, is a blip on the screen of the experience of the Vetrano family.

There is no moving from one emotion/stage to another as if to have completed a series of tasks and having moved on to a new set. This is very early into their experience and they haven't even begun to fully feel the range of emotions and cognition/processing struggles and even physical symptoms that will more and more manifest as time passes. This is just the beginning, and these poor people are still deeply shocked. I'm seven months out from losing my son and I still wake up at times with my heart pounding, thinking the police will be at more door any minute to notify me and I have to stop my child's death before they do. This is the crazy-making impact of profound grief and wrenching trauma. I still stop in the middle of the grocery store over the yogurt or the meat counter and think, "What? My child is dead? That makes no sense." And I still have waves of being so distraught that I feel as if my head will explode. This type of grief is extremely dynamic, often like an ambush when you least expect it, and definitely like a revolving door you cannot seem to exit while simultaneously riding a typhoon on a skateboard. The trauma is so severe that you don't even recognize your surroundings at times, and have to wind your way back to your physical reality. This type of disorientation/re-entering the atmosphere sensation can happen full circle in a second or two. Imagine being rocketed from a sense of being firmly planted on the ground, to outer space, and back to your living room in that span of time. Add to that the additionally traumatic experience of this father having found his murdered daughter and viewed what was done to her in death by this monster that ended her life.

And yes, at some point you are coming and going from work, getting the groceries bought and the lawn mowed, etc. But that isn't a 'getting better'...it's just life hauling you forward while the afore-mentioned experiences are happening at the same time.

I say this to offer a lens into what the survivors are in for and to perhaps mitigate the impression that they are moving through or mastering stages. What they are doing is trying to navigate and find some equilibrium in a personal world that has been shattered. I look to the facts as I understand them according to known investigative information, and I simply feel compassion for the Vetranos, with no judgement or definition of their process. I don't say this to be critical at all; I say it because 'grief culture' is sending messages that don't help the bereaved or those who genuinely want to understand and/or comfort them.

FWIW: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/megan-devine/stages-of-grief_b_4414077.html

In the meantime, I hope they catch this killer soon because another woman is likely soon going to be victimized.

And I wish Karina's parents drops of comfort and moments of peace as they live lives that are forever altered and absent of their daughter's lovely and vibrant presence.


Hugs Jillycat! I've read there's a special line in heaven, for mothers who have lost their sons. I believe that.
Jillycat, thank you for that post. I cannot fathom the grief and heartache. I am so sorry for your loss.

I recently lost my dad. And I feel that the pain and sorrow never diminish or lessen. You just live to learn with the constant something that is just not right.

I heard a speech from VP Biden recently, he lost his first wife and daughter and recently lost his son to cancer.
He was telling grieving parents that, it doesn't seem possible now, but EVENTUALLY, not now, but some day.... when you think of your loved one, instead of a tear rolling down your face, a smile will come . It was very moving.
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