NY - Karina Vetrano, 30, found murdered, Queens, 2 Aug 2016 #3

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IMO should hold some of the R$ back to use as an actual reward in case someone other than PI solves case, and maybe some as incentive/bonus to PI if he/she solves the crime...
Ah, I didn't realize they were touching that first $100K.

The reward money hasn't worked...I do think it's better to put the money to work with an investigator, awareness, or charity since the stash is generating nothing in terms of tips.

If someone who donated money has an objection, does have a policy to ask for money back? I'm thinking there would be few people who would request that in this case, though.

True, the money hasn't worked,, yet. I know it seems like this crime took place a long time ago, but it's been about 6 weeks. There may come a day where, for example, someone is drinking in a bar and starts talking, or someone's spouse knows something, and it is bothering them a lot ,but they are still on the fence, or someone is going to have a new cell mate in a jail next week, and feels they can be trusted, so starts talking. As I stated in my first post, I know Mr.V is impatient, and with good reason, but I think it's too soon to give up on the idea, just yet.
I am thinking a few people may have a problem with this too, and would want their money back, and there is an avenue to follow in doing so, but if he leaves the "reward" money as "reward" money,, and starts another campaign to hire a PI, I'd bet nobody would request their money back.
The money was raised in order to solve the crime, if it's used to pay for a PI, what exactly is the problem?
No, the money was raised as "reward money"
If you go back and read my initial post, pay attention to the Go Fund Me paragraph. Then go here and read the draft, and how it is worded.
If you hired me to paint your house, and I said I'd paint it red in a week, and I paint it blue in a month, What's exactly the problem? I painted your house. The problem is that I misrepresented the contract, and according to the Go Fund Me terms and conditions, you can't misrepresent the campaign.
Click the link, scroll down to "conditions of use/ user conduct, and read #2.

I agree, me too. There's a lot to cover in Queens, so the more hands working together, the better. It's all pretty transparent, nothing under-handed at all, seems to me. Just looking at half a minute of video footage really well can take days. The NYPD still has a $35,000 reward for information as well, IIRC.
I agree. LE can use all the help they can get, and I also agree that it's a good idea for MR V to hire a PI. I just think he should use a campaign dedicated to raising money for that purpose, and keep it separate from the reward money.
IMO should hold some of the R$ back to use as an actual reward in case someone other than PI solves case, and maybe some as incentive/bonus to PI if he/she solves the crime...

Was this or was this not her first time running alone....I'm lost
Will homicide Dt's sit down with a PI and go over their files with them??? Most wont. Very few PI's have a knack for getting them to cooperate with them.
Did police get a DNA sample from the "mystery jogger" who quit running because he injured his knee the day(?) Karina was murdered? Wonder how his knee was injured?
I agree with you, and that makes me think about the changes being made about how the Go Fund Me money is going to be spent.
I am sure Mr Vetrano wants nothing more than to find the person responsible for killing his daughter, and has nothing but good intentions as far as hiring a private investigator, and I am sure he is becoming impatient as I would if I was him as well. However, I see a few problems with this.
First, I don't know how a chief detective gets to decide how money raised by a group of well intended neighbors gets to spend money from a Go Fund Me account, but that's a different topic. Does he also decide if taking the $20,000 the city sets aside for "Reward Money" and using that for a citizen to hire a private detective is ok or not? I think if the NYPD wants to hire a private detective to help solve this case, that's great. But I think "Reward Money" should be used for just that.
I also think that the money raised from the Go Fund Me campaign should also be used as it was drafted in the campaign. "To supplement the $20,000 reward currently offered by the NYPD." If that money is used for any other reason, the campaign becomes misleading, and inaccurate, which is against the Go Fund Me terms and conditions.
I think raising $280,000 is a good incentive for someone to come forward, as I am sure the other 4,000 plus people who donated think that as well, and now with that money being spent elsewhere, who will/may come forward?
I think Mr Vetrano should start a separate Go Fund Me campaign to hire a private investigator. That way, although it's all for the cause, people will know what they are donating money for. I know I'd be happy to donate.

I think people who donated will be happy if their money went towards trying to catch the perp.

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True, the money hasn't worked,, yet. I know it seems like this crime took place a long time ago, but it's been about 6 weeks. There may come a day where, for example, someone is drinking in a bar and starts talking, or someone's spouse knows something, and it is bothering them a lot ,but they are still on the fence, or someone is going to have a new cell mate in a jail next week, and feels they can be trusted, so starts talking. As I stated in my first post, I know Mr.V is impatient, and with good reason, but I think it's too soon to give up on the idea, just yet.
I am thinking a few people may have a problem with this too, and would want their money back, and there is an avenue to follow in doing so, but if he leaves the "reward" money as "reward" money,, and starts another campaign to hire a PI, I'd bet nobody would request their money back.

I think $200,000 is more than enough to hire a PI with. Imo if he starts another campaign to raise more money, red flags are gonna pop up everywhere for me. If someone I care about is murdered the last thing I'm gonna do is raise a half a million dollars!

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No arrest yet. This is frustrating. I wonder how many more people LE is looking at. Karinas friends were on Crime Watch Daily. One of them said she wonders if its someone who knows of Karina. Through social media ect. The interview is on youtube now. A side note. LE said the killer might be left handed.
I think $200,000 is more than enough to hire a PI with. Imo if he starts another campaign to raise more money, red flags are gonna pop up everywhere for me. If someone I care about is murdered the last thing I'm gonna do is raise a half a million dollars!

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Yes, $280,000 and growing. Plenty of money. What I see is every PI in town standing in line making promises of catching a killer to a man that in my mind would be extremely vunerable at this point in his life. After that money is gone, then what? I agree with you that most people would not have a problem, and would be happy if that money was used to catch the perp, but after it's gone, it's gone, regardless if he is caught or not. This way, if there are two escrows, that reward money is guaranteed until there is an arrest.
He doesn't have to raise the money. He has caring people in the neighborhood behind him that are currently doing that for him.
Personally, I'd say do whatever it takes to catch the perp, but I can see lots of Monday morning quarter backing about how $280,000 is now gone with no arrest, and no incentive for anyone to come forward, with the exception of the $20,000 reward LE pays. If they think that is enough money, I don't see why they decided to raise more.
I believe that Mr. V is an honest, broken hearted man, with no agenda except finding the man that killed his daughter, and as I have said, if another campaign is started, I'd be happy to give, knowing that there is a separate insurance policy in escrow, (reward money) so if the PI finds nothing, there is still hope.
If the language on the campaign said for example "Help raise money to find my daughters killer" That would be different, but it specificly says "The money we seek to raise here is to supplement the $20,000 reward money currently offered by the NYPD," and if that money is spent for anything else, sees red flags, and calls it fraud. They are very clear on this.
I think $200,000 is more than enough to hire a PI with. Imo if he starts another campaign to raise more money, red flags are gonna pop up everywhere for me. If someone I care about is murdered the last thing I'm gonna do is raise a half a million dollars!

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If the half a million dollar catches a murderer, then why not?

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Did police get a DNA sample from the "mystery jogger" who quit running because he injured his knee the day(?) Karina was murdered? Wonder how his knee was injured?
I am new here, so I may be thinking about a different jogger, so correct me if I am wrong, but I remember reading/seeing a video about a jogger that stopped jogging right after she was murdered because of an injury. He was checked out, and he checked out fine.
Did police get a DNA sample from the "mystery jogger" who quit running because he injured his knee the day(?) Karina was murdered? Wonder how his knee was injured?
I believe it was stated that he was swabbed.

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Came across an interesting read written by a PI, Bill Warner.


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He reads a few articles and then writes one himself. Is this how he gets work? I would say so. Not that any of us have a say in the matter but check out Ken Brennan. His name is well known for good reason. His reputation is well earned. He made 20/20. Youtube The vanishing blonde.
I thought so too. But, there were a few things I hadn't thought of until reading part of this article.

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I can usually tell when someone is bsing about being knowledgeable about a case but this PI hit all points. I was impressed.

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I can usually tell when someone is bsing about being knowledgeable about a case but this PI hit all points. I was impressed.

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Thats 101. It dosent have anything to do with their investigational skills.
Thats 101. It dosent have anything to do with their investigational skills.
Well ok. He passed 101 with flying colors. [emoji4] But, if I were
he, I wouldn't be giving info out for free if he's looking for a job.

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