NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

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"The talk of this has quieted down considerably," Colleti said. "I don't think anyone is really talking about this right now."


What bothers me is the quote from the woman from Brooklyn. She thinks people are making a much bigger deal about this than it is. It IS a big deal. 10 people are dead. Murdered.

Sometimes, I think, people talk before they really think about things. IMO, some people also say what they want to believe. What fits best into their lives. What they can cope with. I see this happening a lot in my family alone.


Am I reading this correctly? 4th reply down, flukeyou says a member of the oak beach gang tried to have his legs broken in 2005. Anything is possible, I suppose, but that seems pretty outrageous.
Thank you Susan1122 and Goathairjones. Susan-I completely agree with you. This is a very big deal. I think that woman's comment is callous and shows her ignorance. Just because prostitutes have been the victims doesn't mean that this case doesn't matter. Who's to say that the killer doesn't get sick of prostitutes and then decides to go after "ordinary people"? Anytime a killer is on the loose, it's a big deal, regardless of who is being targeted. I certainly wouldn't want a serial killer on the loose in my neighborhood, even if the victims led different lives or were a different gender/age group/race/whatever .

Goathairjones-thank you for the pic of the Marine bureau SUVs. I figured that Marine2 had to be something other than a military group or the President's helicopter. Those two things just didn't make any sense at all. I'm not from LI, so I'm not terribly familiar with the terms for their LE. Your vehicle link makes the most sense to me. I don't know if I buy into the mob theory. Their victims are usually targeted and I've yet to see any sort of mob connections that these victims had. They were linked to small time pimps and low-life thugs, but their "boyfriends" just don't strike me as being savvy enough to be connected to any sort of organized crime.
Sorry if this was posted already..it came up during my Google searches.


And I don't quite comprehend EVERYTHING mentioned at this conference, but from what I do understand, during the summer months, 5 additional officers are transfered from precincts(First Precinct?) to Marine Bureau, which brings the number of officers to 12. This area refers to the Babylon part of Ocean Parkway, Gilgo, and West Gilgo.
Not being from the area, this seems like a small area for so many officers, especially since Ocean Parkway is a roadway(with state police?) and the communities there are quite small and USUALLY quiet. But, then I realize that that area is full of people in the summer, so it IS neccessary. But, If there were 12 "Marine Bureau" officers in that exact area at the same time Shannan went missing, Where the hell were they and what the hell were they doing?!?
Also, it is mentioned that the specific officers were chosen because they "knew the area"..I wonder if any of those officers that knew the area that helped Marine Bureau during summer months were also the officers we heard about that had problems with soliciting working women before..

Not sure where exactly I was going with this, but maybe something in that Link will pop out to someone..
Been away from this thread for too long and playing catch-up here.

Wanted to respond to the part of susan1122's post that says:

... Am I reading this correctly? 4th reply down, flukeyou says a member of the oak beach gang tried to have his legs broken in 2005. Anything is possible, I suppose, but that seems pretty outrageous.

I agree that fluke's claim sounds a bit "out there" ... if they are an OB resident wanting to remain anonymous, their revelation of a 2005 gang or mob-related, leg-breaking threat would tend to identify them in a community of only 72 homes. Would be interesting to know how fluke was able to remain in the community and deflect such action if they were targetted in such a fashion.

A bit OT, and this may have been addressed in an old thread, but does anyone know if GC is related to the Coletti family that was affiliated with the mob?
Sorry if this was posted already..it came up during my Google searches.


And I don't quite comprehend EVERYTHING mentioned at this conference, but from what I do understand, during the summer months, 5 additional officers are transfered from precincts(First Precinct?) to Marine Bureau, which brings the number of officers to 12. This area refers to the Babylon part of Ocean Parkway, Gilgo, and West Gilgo.
Not being from the area, this seems like a small area for so many officers, especially since Ocean Parkway is a roadway(with state police?) and the communities there are quite small and USUALLY quiet. But, then I realize that that area is full of people in the summer, so it IS neccessary. But, If there were 12 "Marine Bureau" officers in that exact area at the same time Shannan went missing, Where the hell were they and what the hell were they doing?!?
Also, it is mentioned that the specific officers were chosen because they "knew the area"..I wonder if any of those officers that knew the area that helped Marine Bureau during summer months were also the officers we heard about that had problems with soliciting working women before..

Not sure where exactly I was going with this, but maybe something in that Link will pop out to someone..


I don't believe those extra officers were transferred when SG went missing. She went missing on 5/1 but the additional Marine Bureau officers were probably not added until the Memorial Day weekend.

One think that cracks me up is that during another meeting of the Suffolk County Legislature Public Safety Committee, a Marine Bureau officer testified that they need additional manpower. He spoke of an incident where it took 20 minutes to get additional help to Fire Island for two officers who were in need of assistance. Meanwhile it took 45-60 minutes to get 1 officer to respond to Oak Beach that night. But that's OK.


"Three weeks ago we had two officers in the middle of the night get into a roll-around with someone at Davis Park, it took 20 minutes for backup to arrive, 20 minutes! These two officers were thoroughly exhausted; they were actually laying on top of this man, they had nothing left. Does anyone know what it's like to fight until you have absolutely nothing left? That's where they were, 16 or 20 minutes for a response to help.

We're not going to get through the summer without someone getting hurt, the public being put in jeopardy or Police Officers getting hurt. We need more people on Fire Island and we also need that Marine 1 sector back because it makes sense."
Been away from this thread for too long and playing catch-up here.

Wanted to respond to the part of susan1122's post that says:

I agree that fluke's claim sounds a bit "out there" ... if they are an OB resident wanting to remain anonymous, their revelation of a 2005 gang or mob-related, leg-breaking threat would tend to identify them in a community of only 72 homes. Would be interesting to know how fluke was able to remain in the community and deflect such action if they were targetted in such a fashion.

A bit OT, and this may have been addressed in an old thread, but does anyone know if GC is related to the Coletti family that was affiliated with the mob?


My guess is that Flukeyou doesn't actually live in Oak Beach but is getting the information second hand from a reliable source. That's just a guess on my part.

My guess is that Flukeyou doesn't actually live in Oak Beach but is getting the information second hand from a reliable source. That's just a guess on my part.

Hi, GoatHairJones. (Love that moniker.) That guess has crossed my mind too. Whoever he is, he has a serious, long-standing adversarial relationship with people in that community.
Some good Info in this meeting of the Suffolk County Legislature Public Safety Committee on 1/27/2011. JB actually contacted MP for the date, not SG!!!!


"Just to give you a quick overview of where the case is, and forgive me because I know most of you know all of this, but I'll just mention it. Of course this whole case started with the disappearance of Shannon Gilbert which occurred on May 1st -- almost a year ago, a few more days -- and Shannon Gilbert was a young woman who advertised on Craig's List. On the day in question she left her home in Jersey, took a train into Manhattan where she engaged in one, maybe two tricks, and she had a driver who was contacted by an individual in the Oak Beach Association and she was taken there at approximately two o'clock in the morning.

She spent a couple of hours with that client and then she became disoriented, confused. We're not exactly -- what happened, we have some ideas; we believe drugs may have been involved. And that led to a 911 call which went to our operator initially, but she had no idea where she was and all she remembered was Jones Beach on her way out there. And once she relayed that she thought she was at or near Jones Beach, that call was relayed to the New York State Police, and she was on the phone for about 18 minutes and then she was disconnected. That began a very intensive investigation for her disappearance.

Within the ensuing months, numerous canvasses and searches of the area were done to no avail. In December -- again, well publicized -- K-9 Officer John Malia and his dog Blue -- and it has been reported that this was a training -- that he was on training exercise; no. Any time he had free time, he and others would go into that area and search. He went well beyond the area, the immediate area that we thought she could have been, and he discovered human remains on December 11th. On the overview photo I gave you, there's numbers of the bodies and remains that were found; the numbers represent the order that we found them in...."
Some good Info in this meeting of the Suffolk County Legislature Public Safety Committee on 1/27/2011. JB actually contacted MP for the date, not SG!!!!


"Just to give you a quick overview of where the case is, and forgive me because I know most of you know all of this, but I'll just mention it. Of course this whole case started with the disappearance of Shannon Gilbert which occurred on May 1st -- almost a year ago, a few more days -- and Shannon Gilbert was a young woman who advertised on Craig's List. On the day in question she left her home in Jersey, took a train into Manhattan where she engaged in one, maybe two tricks, and she had a driver who was contacted by an individual in the Oak Beach Association and she was taken
there at approximately two o'clock in the morning.

She spent a couple of hours with that client and then she became disoriented, confused. We're not exactly -- what happened, we have some ideas; we believe drugs may have been involved. And that led to a 911 call which went to our operator initially, but she had no idea where she was and all she remembered was Jones Beach on her way out there. And once she relayed that she thought she was at or near Jones Beach, that call was relayed to the New York State Police, and she was on the phone for about 18 minutes and then she was disconnected. That began a very intensive investigation for her disappearance.

Within the ensuing months, numerous canvasses and searches of the area were done to no avail. In December -- again, well publicized -- K-9 Officer John Malia and his dog Blue -- and it has been reported that this was a training -- that he was on training exercise; no. Any time he had free time, he and others would go into that area and search. He went well beyond the area, the immediate area that we thought she could have been, and he discovered human remains on December 11th. On the overview photo I gave you, there's numbers of the bodies and remains that were found; the numbers represent the order that we found them in...."

If you read further along, they did a search for Shannan Gilbert in the Oakdale, NY area!!! Good Info here!!! I wonder if this was because of cell phone pings!!! WOW!!!
We felt that additional search had to be conducted, but of course the winter -- we were in the winter then, the ground was frozen, and we all know the amount of snowfall over the winter. We had made up our minds that we were going to expand the search after the snow-melt and prior to the growing of the foliage in the spring, which we did. And that, of course, resulted in a find on March 29th by a Marine Bureau Officer who happened to be -- after we had done another extensive search in the Oakdale area -- again, we're still looking for Shannon Gilbert -- he's driving along Ocean Parkway towards the end of our search on that particular day and something catches his attention
on the side of the road. I'm not going to mention what it was other than to tell you that it had absolutely nothing to do with anything, but it just caught his attention and caused him to look and peer in beyond the bramble and he observed something that raises a suspicion, his curiosity. He took it upon himself to walk in now 30 feet into the bramble and he made another discovery. That was different from the first discoveries, of the first four, because in those it was obvious that the killer apparently transported his victims, we believe by vehicle, off the shoulder of the road of the Ocean Parkway.
Some good Info in this meeting of the Suffolk County Legislature Public Safety Committee on 1/27/2011. JB actually contacted MP for the date, not SG!!!!

And there's the first crack in MP's story. Again, by all accounts, he was the last person to see her. I wish they would impound his vehicle *and* computer, and search his residence.

she was on the phone for about 18 minutes and then she was disconnected.
This bit arguably supports the Gilbert's contention she was pulled into the vehicle.
Sorry if this was posted already..it came up during my Google searches.


And I don't quite comprehend EVERYTHING mentioned at this conference, but from what I do understand, during the summer months, 5 additional officers are transfered from precincts(First Precinct?) to Marine Bureau, which brings the number of officers to 12. This area refers to the Babylon part of Ocean Parkway, Gilgo, and West Gilgo.
Not being from the area, this seems like a small area for so many officers, especially since Ocean Parkway is a roadway(with state police?) and the communities there are quite small and USUALLY quiet. But, then I realize that that area is full of people in the summer, so it IS neccessary. But, If there were 12 "Marine Bureau" officers in that exact area at the same time Shannan went missing, Where the hell were they and what the hell were they doing?!?
Also, it is mentioned that the specific officers were chosen because they "knew the area"..I wonder if any of those officers that knew the area that helped Marine Bureau during summer months were also the officers we heard about that had problems with soliciting working women before..

Not sure where exactly I was going with this, but maybe something in that Link will pop out to someone..
Hi Internetgirl,

I read a string of comments about the local PD's and why it took so long to respond that am when Shannan went missing. It was too long ago to remember where I found it, but it was somewhere on this thread in the early days of the case.

Those guys specifically mentioned the Marine Bureau which was set up to respond at that time to OB. That created a bit of a problem as they are not actually located close to OB and there was travel time for them to get there. Where they are stationed a local might know as I didn't read that there.
Been away from this thread for too long and playing catch-up here.

Wanted to respond to the part of susan1122's post that says:

I agree that fluke's claim sounds a bit "out there" ... if they are an OB resident wanting to remain anonymous, their revelation of a 2005 gang or mob-related, leg-breaking threat would tend to identify them in a community of only 72 homes. Would be interesting to know how fluke was able to remain in the community and deflect such action if they were targetted in such a fashion.

A bit OT, and this may have been addressed in an old thread, but does anyone know if GC is related to the Coletti family that was affiliated with the mob?

Hi, The only thing I've found is a Doo Wop singer named Gus Colletti {also spelled Coletti} who sang in '57 and was backed by a Brooklyn group named the Clusters. Don't know if the mob was influential with groups like this.
And there's the first crack in MP's story. Again, by all accounts, he was the last person to see her. I wish they would impound his vehicle *and* computer, and search his residence.

This bit arguably supports the Gilbert's contention she was pulled into the vehicle.

So that would but MP in the pimp category.....not just driver.
I'm just curious how much of what we have heard about the earlier part of Shannan's evening on May 1, has been verified? When we're told there is a witness, is the witness actually the driver? I'm just not sure he is a credible witness and it's pure speculation but he could actually be the john's driver, not Shannans. For some reason, I think she took the train from NJ to NYC and then the LIRR to Bayblon and arrived at the john's house much earlier than reported.
Looks like those phone calls back and forth between MP and SG may have been for additional clients. And one of those clients may have been someone that SG was familiar with and didn't want to service. She probably told MP that she didn't want to go to that client because she is scared of him. And MP probably got pissed because this particular client was offering a lot of money. More than she would normally get. And that's why SG freaked and went running. Just speculation on my part but certainly possible.
Concerning the victims in the burlap sacks.... 2 things (and forgive me if this has been said already) Firstly, in "urban slang" a "burlap sister" is a prostitute or *advertiser censored*:
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Burlap Sister&defid=5258648
The SK may have been trying to make a statement.

and Secondly, I've read some posts where people are saying that burlap sacks are not easy to come by or related only to farming, etc. Well, just a few years ago, I helped organize our company picnic and bought a slew of burlap sacks for our potaato sack race. I ordered them from a "kid" website selling party equipment.. so, not so hard to get.

Thanks for all your work on this case. I am hungrily reading everything! I hope an answer comes soon!
So that would but MP in the pimp category.....not just driver.
Concerning the victims in the burlap sacks.... 2 things (and forgive me if this has been said already) Firstly, in "urban slang" a "burlap sister" is a prostitute or *advertiser censored*:
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Burlap Sister&defid=5258648
The SK may have been trying to make a statement.

and Secondly, I've read some posts where people are saying that burlap sacks are not easy to come by or related only to farming, etc. Well, just a few years ago, I helped organize our company picnic and bought a slew of burlap sacks for our potaato sack race. I ordered them from a "kid" website selling party equipment.. so, not so hard to get.

Thanks for all your work on this case. I am hungrily reading everything! I hope an answer comes soon!

Thanks for letting us know how easily available the burlap sacks are.
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