NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #12

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Hi, theforeigner. No need for apologies. There is a difference between wading ever deeper into a marshy thicket and seeing what has settled into its tangles. The investigators didn't try to get across; that would have told them nothing. And what would it have told us? That it would have been foolish for a woman who has already run from help more than once to attempt to cross to the other side?

A woman had gone missing.
This very woman had called 911 screaming somone wanted to KILL HER!
This very woman banged on several houses doors sceaming somone wanted to kill her!
Witnesses claimed they saw her disappear at the marsh area.
A man was following her in his car (MP)
SO!!!!!! the police's job was INDEED to get into that very area and look for her! IF it was possible that she could have been in there.
They DID NOT!!!
Because, in their own words, it was impossible to enter the area because of TOO MUCH water and owergrown.
AND Dormer today said that they didn´t, also, because they "didn't think it was necessary".
Now WHY is THAT???
Well probably because they KNEW that it was IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to enter that marsh area, because of, YEP; TOO MUCH water and owergrown, brambles etc etc etc.

This is my last efford to try make you think reasonable concerning this issue.
fwiw there is a street light you can see beside the first white van in seaslugs pic..
Could have been running towarrds it..
If 1 was going to dump a body would you park near a street light?

just More ,2cents

Depends on what kind of vehicle you drive. If it is a public works or LE vehicle then people wouldn't think twice. Besides, he/she probably waits til they are the only vehicle for miles and using the median cover of pine trees dumps his/her victims. All along, it has felt like he/she has some marker so that he/she can revisit his/her dump sites.It seemed like street lights and mile markers were close to many of the remains sites. JMO.
If Shannan was murdered I belive the killer, at some point, dumped her from Ocean Parkway.

This is the yahoo map of the location where the remains where found.
Wheter the white object is the remains or not, the spot in the red circle is still the apox. location where the ramins where found. So her remains where very close to the Ocean Parkway.
And there seems to be some kind of path (I added 2 red lines there) that the killer could have used:


That isn't where the body was located in the aerial pictures I saw today.
1) I said these posts contain the word "conspiracy" <modsnip>.

2) <modsnip>...obviously nobody wants to see someone drown. <modsnip>. I was alluding to the fact that they will have a lot to answer for if SG was murdered.

3) Did you hear the call now too? I wasn't aware it was releases.

4) I'm sure they have spent hundreds of hours on this case...that's their job. I'm saying I don't think they didnt enough when she was reported missing. That's my OPINION <modsnip>.

1. <modsnip>. I said that nobody used the word "crazy," not "conspiracy."
3. Descriptions of the 911 call by officials, Brewer, Pak, and even Gilbert's family (first or second-hand are consistent. Moreover, the timing of the 911 call and the subsequent calls are matters of public record. <modsnip>
4. Given the paucity of information apparently given by Shannan herself, helping her would have been difficult.
Thanks. Is it really that far down? Do we know the exact location her other items were found? Was it behind CH's house?

according to the news photo that was published today - police were parked just barely west of where the west going Ocean Parkway makes a -y- at the eastern edge of Ocean Parkway....

to my knowledge, the jeans, purse, shoes, phone, etc were found much closer to Anchor Way.
That's a lot of work to drag the body that far through the brambles while worrying about others passing by. Then you have to throw her belongings a football field away. IDK.

Well, he DID do that to the other girls. Good point on the belongings though.

Just catching up now so I'm pretty sure that has been stated already but, IMHO....

There's other sites. Manorville and Fire Island were other locations he dumped. Who's to say that Gilgo is the primary dumping ground for those he..."separated" (sorry.)...if a person is "separated" who's to say that Fire Island wasn't the primary dumping place and there aren't more girls over there? They didn't even look (that I know of, please correct me if I am wrong). I would like to add that many other victims, currently unrelated, have been found in Manorville.

I believe Shannan is another victim, personally. Like someone else said, she was found just off the road in a really brambly place. It's just on the other side of the road. Same exact MO as the others.

Only things that put a wrench in my theory is that her belongings were found further away from the road and closer to where she would have entered if she did in fact go in there, and also one other girl went missing after Shannan (...right? Megan?) and she was found on Gilgo. But again, factually there are two other dumping grounds that we know of.

I wanted to bold the above because I think we are all by default thinking of Gilgo as THE dumping ground, because of all the people there, and that the SK put some other remains at other places, but we need to remember all dumping grounds are equal in that each place holds the remains of a murdered person and I find it hard to believe that he got to so many of these girls in just the last few years and one 15 years ago and then the second many years after that. I dunno, maybe the economy is stressing him out and is triggering him or something.
Goathairjones, Can you pin point what you think is her body on that map? Thanks
sorry for quoting myself
THANK YOU Seaslug44 for those images!
While trying to find that exact location, I see what looks like a white figure to me. Could these satellite images have captured her? What do you guys think?
Or would it be a few meters east of that white line? Maybe where the yellow ? is?



link to MAP to explore the area http://maps.yahoo.com/#q=Circle+Dr%2C+Oak+Beach%2C+NY++11702&conf=1&start=1&lat=40.638458&lon=-73.272163&zoom=17&mvt=s&trf=0
But what explains the urge to DISTANCE her from the "burlap killer"?

Fair enough. The distance is already there. Then and now, Shannan does not fit work of the burlap killer: Neat "dates" unencumbered by drivers and other witnesses. Consistent disposal methods. Shannan would have been in the time sequence of those bodies.

The Brewer "date" was a mess from start to 911 call to runaway finish.

(All that said, men who hire prostitutes are loathsome.)
according to the news photo that was published today - police were parked just barely west of where the west going Ocean Parkway makes a -y- at the eastern edge of Ocean Parkway....

to my knowledge, the jeans, purse, shoes, phone, etc were found much closer to Anchor Way.

Well if that's the case, I think all the pieces fit together.

Once GC talked to MP he took off and left.

Shannon proceeded to knock on doors and run away. It sounds like she was afraid of everybody. She continues down the neighborhood and wanders up CPH's drive way towards the marsh. She sees the street light in the distance and just wants to get out of the neighborhood in a direct path. She starts across the marshes and falls into the drainage ditch that runs parallel with Larboard St., where she loses her items and discards her soaked jeans. Proceeds through the marshes and hits a brick wall (the brambles, exhaustion and hypothermia.)
Something everyone should know about the vegetation...

Today I was looking at a freshwater reed swamp in another location and it occured to me that it is still only December. This is significant because these freshwater reeds start to die in November but still stand there thick until around the end of March. Once winter takes it's toll on the reeds you can easily walk in the area until about the end of June when the new reed shoots grow in!
I'm not a mod but it is against WS rules to address posters personally...use your "alert" button if you think a post is improper...threads have been closed down for less...

Anyway, I will wait for more info...I do think it is possible that Shannon's illness played a role in what happened to her; but it is also possible she ran into someone with bad intentions, whether or not it was "SK"...




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okay, please explain this, if Shannan wasn't acting irrationally the night she went missing, why did she run away from help? she asked the neighbor to call the cops and as he was doing so, she ran off into the marsh. how is that being rational? most people would have probably stayed and waited for the police to arrive, or they'd have hidden inside the neighbor's house till help arrived. i don't think people are being biased against Shannan just because she was bipolar. i think it was her behavior that led many, including the witnesses who saw her, to question her state of mind that night, and given that she was also found to suffer from bipolar disorder and was known to take drugs, it's quite understandable why the LE would have come to that conclusion.

LE , to my knowledge, have never said she was having a manic episode, expounded upon her alleged bi-polar disorder, or said that her bi-polar disorder made her claims unreliable.

She didn't ask the neighbour to call the cops. He told her he had and she ran off. How do I know why she would do that? There could be many reasons - one being she didn't trust the cops for some reason. All I know is I can't say conclusively that that was irrational. We don't know what happened in that house, so we can't really judge her behaviour. To me, that's the whole point. Under normal circumstances it might seem irrational. But who says these were normal circumstances?! Clearly they weren't.

The question is - if you take her claim to be in danger - however incoherently expressed - at face value and believe that somehow she was, is it inconceivable that she might act the way she did? I don't think it is, not by a long shot. She could indeed have been on drugs - does that mean she wasn't in danger? (She could also, by the way, have BEEN drugged.) Could she be an incoherent, stumbling, panicked mess AND be in danger? I say yes. One doesn't preclude the other - I don't see why it has to.

I'm not saying I believe 100 percent that she was murdered or that the SK is linked to this or that she wasn't deluded in some way. I'm saying that at this point, there's still a lot to look at. And if it is proven that her case has nothing to do with the SK, the fact that those bodies were found so close is a gigantic coincidence. But coincidences do happen. I'm just saying - that will be a huge one.
WARNING: What is going on here???? Where in the TOS does it say it is okay to attack other members? I don't remember ever reading that.

Everyone gets their own opinion and they are ALLOWED to post it. Other posters are NOT allowed to attack it or discourage them.


Check out street view on Google maps, and just east of that street light you can see a path that leads south into the "marsh". Seems to be a large stick or similar pointing to path...

Does anyone know how to retrieve the date street view took the photo of a specific coordinate?

Keep zooming in and the word google will become clearer and there will be a year next to the word.
It's possible that the illegal drug use happened to trigger a psychotic episode and in actuality, nobody was trying to kill Shannon. A few months ago, a patient approached me and stated, "My roomates are trying to kill me. They are putting poison in my food."

Nobody could tell her that it wasn't true.

It's very possible that Shannon was getting high and became impaired. I'm a bit conflumixed right about now so I'm going to go sit on the fence. Before I go, I must say that if Shannon is not connected to the Gilgo victims then the sk must be sitting pretty in comfort knowing that LE doesn't have a clue to who he is. Also, he's probably perturbed that his dumping grounds have been disturbed.

*Goes to sit on fence*

Oh, wait! If these remains do not belong to Shannan then somebody is playing frickity frack freak games!

*Returns to fence*
IMHO it is possible that Shannan, if she was murdered, might have been killed by another killer than the LISK.
IMO it doesen´t even have to be the Dr. H, JB or MP, it could have been somone we havent ever heard of, another OB resident or somone that was there as a guest that night, or somone out on Ocean Parkway if Shannan at some point ended out there after running from all the JB fear, trying to get a lift, or???

This sombody could have dumped her off of Ocean Parkway, where the remains where found, and then later dumped her belongings close to Dr. H's house to fram the Dr. H because the killer follow the case on the different internet forums, and knew the Dr. H was a suspect by many.

As somone else suggested MP might have catched up with Shannan, and she got her stuf from the car because she didn´t trust him either and refused to go with him, and at some point either met her killer somwhere at OB or out on Ocean Parkway.

Just thinking out loud here...
Shannan's bipolar condition and cocaine & prescription drug abuse weren't just bandied about. They were mentioned from the first by Shannan's mother, sister, boyfriend, driver, and the Jersey City police.

I have known several people who have been diagnosed as being bipolar. One of my brother-in-laws, who I regard as a long-time friend, has been plagued by this disease for decades. Unlike some people here who seem to want to dismiss it as a factor, I can't.

Given Shannan's behavior that night according to multiple witnesses, her accidental death is much more plausible than detective story conspiracies that link Brewer, Pak, Hackett, and now the police.

Exactly - they "mentioned" it. My point exactly.
WARNING: What is going on here???? Where in the TOS does it say it is okay to attack other members? I don't remember ever reading that.

Everyone gets their own opinion and they are ALLOWED to post it. Other posters are NOT allowed to attack it or discourage them.




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