NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #7

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Mr Hyde is hiding something.

I've been thinking all day about Mrs H <mod snip>...she seems to have a vicious streak.

Since Dr Hyde worked with arrestees and any medical issues that they may have had, upon arrest, maybe he began to initially track them that way. i have heard that he was also in rehab between his last job and his current "VOLUNTARY" services...

Who knows what originally motivated him but it could have been seeing that his work seemed futile. Maybe he tried to get the "workers" into rehab and killed the ones that he saw as a lost cause. Maybe the casual dress (Pink hoodie and jeans) was suggested because he was going to "help" them to transition into rehab.

One Question: Did anyone, looking at and moving through the Bing satellite images, happen to notice, in one screen image near the "turn around" loop, on the east end of OP, what looks to be a person dressed in tan clothing with something dark on or near their head/shoulders walking toward the brush on the north side shoulder? It is hard to tell from satellite images and because they are not continuous images it is not visible at all angels but it totally scared me.

ETA: Just a hypothesis, of course.
I've been thinking all day about Mrs H <mod snip>...she seems to have a vicious streak.

Since Dr Hyde worked with arrestees and any medical issues that they may have had, upon arrest, maybe he began to initially track them that way. i have heard that he was also in rehab between his last job and his current "VOLUNTARY" services...

Who knows what originally motivated him but it could have been seeing that his work seemed futile. Maybe he tried to get the "workers" into rehab and killed the ones that he saw as a lost cause. Maybe the casual dress (Pink hoodie and jeans) was suggested because he was going to help them to transition into rehab.

One Question: Did anyone, looking at and moving through the Bing satellite images, happen to notice, in one screen image near the "turn around" loop, on the east end of OP, what looks to be a person dressed in tan clothing with something dark on or near their head/shoulders walking toward the brush on the north side shoulder? It is hard to tell from satellite images and because they are not continuous images it is not visible at all angels but it totally scared me.

Could be a State Trooper
I've been thinking all day about Mrs Hyde...she seems to have a vicious streak.

Since Dr H <mod snip> worked with arrestees and any medical issues that they may have had, upon arrest, maybe he began to initially track them that way. i have heard that he was also in rehab between his last job and his current "VOLUNTARY" services...

Who knows what originally motivated him but it could have been seeing that his work seemed futile. Maybe he tried to get the "workers" into rehab and killed the ones that he saw as a lost cause. Maybe the casual dress (Pink hoodie and jeans) was suggested because he was going to help them to transition into rehab.

One Question: Did anyone, looking at and moving through the Bing satellite images, happen to notice, in one screen image near the "turn around" loop, on the east end of OP, what looks to be a person dressed in tan clothing with something dark on or near their head/shoulders walking toward the brush on the north side shoulder? It is hard to tell from satellite images and because they are not continuous images it is not visible at all angels but it totally scared me.


I have never heard any of this information. Can you link your source, please. TIA
There is a saying in Texas, " You don't sh*# in your own backyard." You have to give the guy "some" credit. He knows what he is doing. He knows the dump area real well, but he absolutly does not live anywhere near there. He may drive thru the area on business, or even taking the wife and kids to the beach in the summer months. He lives close, maybe only seasonal. Grew up there, yea, most likely. He is attempting to show no real MO when it come to the dump site. He has more. Question on you locals.....if you wanted to hide 1 million $ in gold and bury it in 4-8 diffrent places, where would you bury them? LE needs to set up some motion dectecting cameras in new places and maybe get lucky.
Next, I will bet money he leaves something on the bodies, a sign, a note, something strange. Burlap is one thing, but LE was convinced from the get go it is a DANGEROUS SK. Something else besides what has been released must be there.

The calls.....that is a big deal for this guy. But now that the case has generated so much media, he will be forced to contact LE or the media to let them know it is him. If he already hasn't. And I will bet he has. 2007 if thats when it started in a good while. He has gotten better and bolder. If he is dismembering the bodies, then he has taken it to the point of no return and will not stop. I just don't see him stomaching the gore. Even for easy transport.

Rigor mortis (Latin meaning "stiffness of death") is one of the recognizable signs of death that is caused by a chemical change in the muscles after death, causing the limbs of the corpse to become stiff and difficult to move or manipulate.[1] In humans it commences after about 3 hours, reaches maximum stiffness after 12 hours, and gradually dissipates until approximately 72 hours (3 days) after death.[citation needed] Heat sources such as fire can speed up the process of rigor mortis.

That is a heavy work load for a night starting at 12 am, sometimes later. He drives all over LI and NYC picks up the girls, takes them where ever, Spends sometime with them before the act, strangles them, preps the bodies,loads them in the vehicle,drives to LI, then dumps them. Lets say all in all 3 hours. How many men do you know that can do that work load at that time in the a.m.? He has it all planed out to a tee. He uses a gun to control (BTK style). He may have been a customer, but not a regular.....could be "piggy backing". By this I mean he gets info from the "John sites". Makes his own appointment as a normal guy. Shows up early, stalks. Now here is the kicker. He does not have sex with them! Just wants to talk. He does this 2-3 times. Easy money just to talk to a guy and hang out. Drugs are not in play. Then when he feels comfortable, he pulls the gun and he lives out his fantasy. If sex is involved it is in the act of killing or self pleasure after wards. This duse is sick and sadistic. He goes all in or he don't go.
Enough of my rant....
Something else i have been thinking about all day...what if the "helper" has help. What if he/she coerces known petty criminals by threatening to have them arrested...he knows things because these folks have confided in him or he has stalked them, so to speak, through their medical or criminal files, and he uses that info to his own advantage. For example, the SK knows someone who is either on their last strike or committing felonies of some sort and he, the Sk, threatens to expose them unless they assist him with something like the use of their authorized vehicle, utility truck and/or vacant property. Just things that have crossed my mind. SG did say, "they are trying to kill me." not he is trying to kill me.

I have never heard any of this information. Can you link your source, please. TIA

Upon researching the job description of "Police Surgeon, NY," these were some of the duties described for the position. He himself in that video interview, IIRC, outside his front door said he had been a police surgeon.

ETA: I have read so many articles and watched so much video...I don't know where i read or heard that he may have gone into rehab, anybody remember where that is???????????

ETA 2: I can't find a link but I did find only one review dated May 2010 here:http://www.vitals.com/doctors/ (just put in his name and go to the reviews)

So for now I will leave out any suggestion or reference to the possibility that Dr H <mod snip> went through any rehab.
Upon researching the job description of "Police Surgeon, NY," these were some of the duties described for the position. He himself in that video interview, IIRC, outside his front door said he had been a police surgeon.

ETA: I have read so many articles and watched so much video...I don't know where i read or heard that he may have gone into rehab, anybody remember where that is???????????

I have heard that too, I had no idea what a police surgeon was so I looked it up. Where did the rehab part come from though? I've heard murmurs of that but never read it from an actual MSM source or anything.
There is a saying in Texas, " You don't sh*# in your own backyard." You have to give the guy "some" credit. He knows what he is doing. He knows the dump area real well, but he absolutly does not live anywhere near there. He may drive thru the area on business, or even taking the wife and kids to the beach in the summer months. He lives close, maybe only seasonal. Grew up there, yea, most likely. He is attempting to show no real MO when it come to the dump site. He has more. Question on you locals.....if you wanted to hide 1 million $ in gold and bury it in 4-8 diffrent places, where would you bury them? LE needs to set up some motion dectecting cameras in new places and maybe get lucky.
Next, I will bet money he leaves something on the bodies, a sign, a note, something strange. Burlap is one thing, but LE was convinced from the get go it is a DANGEROUS SK. Something else besides what has been released must be there.

The calls.....that is a big deal for this guy. But now that the case has generated so much media, he will be forced to contact LE or the media to let them know it is him. If he already hasn't. And I will bet he has. 2007 if thats when it started in a good while. He has gotten better and bolder. If he is dismembering the bodies, then he has taken it to the point of no return and will not stop. I just don't see him stomaching the gore. Even for easy transport.

Rigor mortis (Latin meaning "stiffness of death") is one of the recognizable signs of death that is caused by a chemical change in the muscles after death, causing the limbs of the corpse to become stiff and difficult to move or manipulate.[1] In humans it commences after about 3 hours, reaches maximum stiffness after 12 hours, and gradually dissipates until approximately 72 hours (3 days) after death.[citation needed] Heat sources such as fire can speed up the process of rigor mortis.

That is a heavy work load for a night starting at 12 am, sometimes later. He drives all over LI and NYC picks up the girls, takes them where ever, Spends sometime with them before the act, strangles them, preps the bodies,loads them in the vehicle,drives to LI, then dumps them. Lets say all in all 3 hours. How many men do you know that can do that work load at that time in the a.m.? He has it all planed out to a tee. He uses a gun to control (BTK style). He may have been a customer, but not a regular.....could be "piggy backing". By this I mean he gets info from the "John sites". Makes his own appointment as a normal guy. Shows up early, stalks. Now here is the kicker. He does not have sex with them! Just wants to talk. He does this 2-3 times. Easy money just to talk to a guy and hang out. Drugs are not in play. Then when he feels comfortable, he pulls the gun and he lives out his fantasy. If sex is involved it is in the act of killing or self pleasure after wards. This duse is sick and sadistic. He goes all in or he don't go.
Enough of my rant....

I've been wanting to suggest here a tactic concerning what I bolded above. I don't know if he reads here so I sent my suggestion directly to Comm. Dormer and did receive an encouraging reply from the Chief Deputy.

But yeah, this is one sick puppy. He's no Son of Sam who just ran around shooting couples in lover's lane which is sooooooooo lame compared to an sk like this fool. This looney likes it up close and personal. He is almost like a potpourri of sk's--if you will. He's cunning like Bundy, goes into trances right before the kill like Gacy and Dahmer and compartmentalizes quite well like BTK. However, BTK is an sk in an sk class all by himself. I don't think this sk is so detached from reality on the level of BTK but he definitely is an attention *advertiser censored* just the same.
OT: Article that was posted on the Elena Lozada thread... I know we talked about her on here because she was also an escort who lived close to Megan Waterman in ME. And I know someone posted that her remains were recently found. So sad. I wonder what happened...

ETA: It's probably unrelated but I had originally expected Elena to be the fifth person in the set of 5 at Gilgo so it makes me wonder.
But do the fantasies of killers ever evolve from extremely gruesome (dismemberment) to less gruesome (strangulation, no dismemberment)? I would think he would require more stimulation as time went on, not less.

My thinking exactly, Aleph. I strongly doubt they are the same killer because of this. The only reason I might think that an sk would devolve from dismemberment to ending his horror at strangulation would be if he lost the ability to dismember, i.e. if someone moved into his home so that he could no longer dismember without extreme risk of being caught.
I've been wanting to suggest here a tactic concerning what I bolded above. I don't know if he reads here so I sent my suggestion directly to Comm. Dormer and did receive an encouraging reply from the Chief Deputy.

Better not to post here just in case..... If he is smart enought to hide his digital footprints, he is for sure reading the posts here.
I still think this is a "Gary Ridgway" type of person, physically strong, probably someone used to hefting large bags of stuff in his job, working with heavy machinery, etc. Having contempt for the women and also not wanting to pay them.
I still think this is a "Gary Ridgway" type of person, physically strong, probably someone used to hefting large bags of stuff in his job, working with heavy machinery, etc.

Gary Ridgeway is one of the most unassuming little twerpy sk's I've ever seen and for him to have been so prolific with 49 bodies and counting is just astonishing to me. He just looks like somebody that could be kicked in the throat should he feel froggy enough to leap.
Gary Ridgeway is one of the most unassuming little twerpy sk's I've ever seen and for him to have been so prolific with 49 bodies and counting is just astonishing to me. He just looks like somebody that could be kicked in the throat should he feel froggy enough to leap.

Have you seen the Ridgewy tapes? He says that was his strong suit. Unassuming.
He probably went on early a.m. or late shift a lot, so the wife or girlfriend wouldn't suspect anything.
He probably went on early a.m. or late shift a lot, so the wife or girlfriend wouldn't suspect anything.

But who can leave work do do something like this? I bet he is no longer married. Divorced or widowed? But if he travels, then he could very well be married but unacompanied for weeks at a time.
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