NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #8

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I believe SG was truly in a terrifying situation and I think it is very unfair to dismiss her behavior with comments about paranoia, LSD, bipolar etc. I am not manic depressive, not on drugs, but when that guy was coming thru my window I was so scared I was trying to carry the phone and a heavy flashlight into the bathroom and make sure both doors to the bathroom were locked (as the operator was reminding me to do, that I dropped the flashlight on my toe and broke it. My heart is pounding now, just thinking about it. And no he is still out there and I still spend sleepless nights and jump at every sound.

Oh that is awful, Redbird. So sorry!

I have been thinking the same thing about the fear. If she was truly terrified I think it would even sober her up....maybe. But never the less, fear can make you seem crazy. And make you feel out of your mind. It could be that She was absolutely terrified.....on top of probable intoxication.
I definitely heard it. It was quite lengthy. They must be worried about lawsuits. I don't know why we are arguing about the gate, oh, yeah, whether JB left his house or not. I have not heard that before. There is an interview with a neighbor across the street that mentions MP's SUV parked in front of JB's house.


(Third picture down) Titled: Shannan Gilbert's Disappearance: A Timeline.

Thanks, Redbird, and good sleuthing. As for the radio interview, I think that you are right: Whatever the accuracy of Sherre's statement, the radio station would be worried about lawsuits.

The interview with the neighbor isn't that conclusive. The interviewer says that the car was parked outside, which could mean anything. The neighbor doesn't mention anything that she has witnessed herself (I assume that we would have heard about it if she had) and she simply states what all of us have: That is strange that Shannan did not leave with the driver with whom she came.
I can certainly see a situation where SG ran to the house that she and JB had gone to earlier in the night to purchase drugs. LE needs to be investigating that angle. I assume they know where it was and have the dealer under surveillance. Redbird! Hugs to you my friend!!! How terrifying the ordeal you went through! I am glad you are OK. Slightly Off Topic, but I have practiced "home invasion/intruder" drills with my family, and they are very helpful. I had a security alarm go off one night due to a wind storm, and my family and I went into "drill" mode. I was standing at the top of my stairs with my 9mm drawn waiting on the intruder to come into range. I was actually prepared to tell him/her to "STOP!!!", and if they did not immediately respond, I was ready to deal with it. It was scary as all get out, but it was amazing how much the "drills" had helped! I highly recommend doing this with your family. Redbird, for you, this may be too soon, but once you recover, there is nothing in the world like feeling familiar with and in control of a bad situation. Sort of like the fire drills people do at work.... Glad you are OK, and I have enjoyed your post here at WS's tremendously! I am glad you are a part of us....

Redbird, I so agree with Reannan's post and am so glad you are here and working on the case.

I hope you can work thru your experience, but please stay alert and have a plan like Reannan has. The gun, I don't think I could handle that. The plan is important I think and will give you some peace of mind cause you will automatically react the right way. That might be easy to say, eh? :innocent: Anyway I'll keep positive thoughts for you in my mind.
This has become OT, but to finish the story and acknowledge your kind concern, my plan is to run to the bathroom again and call the manager who lives about 5 doors down in my apt complex. He has promised to sleep with his gun next to the bed, plus it turns out there are two police officers that live very close in the complex and are on alert.
Oh that is awful, Redbird. So sorry!

I have been thinking the same thing about the fear. If she was truly terrified I think it would even sober her up....maybe. But never the less, fear can make you seem crazy. And make you feel out of your mind. It could be that She was absolutely terrified.....on top of probable intoxication.

She must have been exhausted too after 3 hours of work plus a call before this one.
This has become OT, but to finish the story and acknowledge your kind concern, my plan is to run to the bathroom again and call the manager who lives about 5 doors down in my apt complex. He has promised to sleep with his gun next to the bed, plus it turns out there are two police officers that live very close in the complex and are on alert.

That sounds like an excellent plan Redbird. I think you are in good hands. xox
I don't fully trust some of these statements either. Its probably not ill-intentioned, but rather a case of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

One thought is that shannon yelled out the name pete or charlie which are very common names and after the weird phone call from the "doctor" they falsely put two and two together.

Hi, KayTom. From what we know, it sounds like Shannan's 911 call was meandering or free-floating; the words "delirious" or "intoxicated" were mentioned early on. Obviously, she was reaching out, but 911 emergencies rarely occur over a 23-minute span or with people trying to soothe the caller in the background. Certainly, for safety sake, operators want you to get to the point. It's certainly possible that she mentioned a name or names, but it's difficult to tell from this distance whether they were even remotely on the scene.

The critical question, of course, is where and when the call ended: None of the general press accounts paraphrasing law enforcement officials seem to mention a violent end outside the house and we haven't heard anything from Coletti or the other witness that she was running with the cellphone. To me, the family's account probably assimilates things from the tape, witness accounts, and their own reconstructions.

As for Shannan's family, I can imagine that the urgency of wanting to process the information and save her has actually complicated the task. Studies show that people remember worse under stress.
She must have been exhausted too after 3 hours of work plus a call before this one.

Scandi, that is what I thought about last night. I just could not sleep, and I kept going over and over in my head what SG must have experienced. I am sure all of the girls were terrified, but we know that SG was running in fear that night. Just horrible, and I want closure for her family, and I want LE to consider her case top priority and get it solved. Right now, I am off to seek some sleep... hope tonight is better. Keep up the good work peeps! You guys/gals are some of the most awesome people I know.
Hi, Scandi. Thanks for the specificity. Now let me get this straight: Was this "Mr. Hyde" identical with the Dr. H. whose name has mentioned here and who Sherre and her sister visited? And if so, why would the caller identify himself to Mrs. Gilbert even as he tried to falsely reassure her? To me, it seems more like a blurry statement by Sherre than a revealing clue.

Yes it is the same person Chanler and you could be right about that. Sherre had a feeling about him that he did not really deny making the call to her mom {I think I read there was a text too, might be another gal's family :waitasec:} but denied saying to her what she stated he did.

Sherre was then quick to point out how this man called their mom one day after they had reported her missing to LE. She also said at that time there was no public news about the case yet and it wasn't till Dec I believe and when the 4 bodies were found that the press got ahold of Shannan being missing.

The thought here was it was someone {SK} trying to frame Mr Hyde. I always thought it interesting as to how this person knew what # to call. BTW, her cellie has never been found.

One other thing is about her jacket that was found. The way Sherre talked about it made it sound like it dropped after she had run further away from JB's house. Then her recounting that LE found the jacked and now it is not in their posession is a strange twist to it all IMO.
I heard the tape first in early April and it included info on the 911 call which it does not now where Sherre said his name as given by Shannan. Redbird must have heard it too to post what she did before I even re-listened to the tape this afternoon.

Other than our word I would have to email HWT.

I recall hearing it when you and Redbird did - we talked about it. I recall it the way you do.
Wonder what one victim's boyfriend who was harassed for 8 months by phone and the teen sister who was also harassed have to say about this man's voice, or if it sounds similar. The boyfriend thought he sounded drunk.
Scandi, that is what I thought about last night. I just could not sleep, and I kept going over and over in my head what SG must have experienced. I am sure all of the girls were terrified, but we know that SG was running in fear that night. Just horrible, and I want closure for her family, and I want LE to consider her case top priority and get it solved. Right now, I am off to seek some sleep... hope tonight is better. Keep up the good work peeps! You guys/gals are some of the most awesome people I know.

You are so right Raennan about that. We have such an awesome group of posters here working on the case and everyone works so well together.

I really felt for Sherre when she told about how after they found the first of the 4 bodies they came to see her family and told them they had a really good feeling it could be Shannan. Then LE came back the next night saying it wasn't her. And then 3 more bodies were found, {2 that next day I think and then the last one} and they were told she was not among them. Her DNA didn't match and none had a metal plate in their jaw.

Can you imagine the anguish this family had just going thru all that? Seven long months after she had gone missing.

Sleep well, see you tomorrow. xox
Wonder what one victim's boyfriend who was harassed for 8 months by phone and the teen sister who was also harassed have to say about this man's voice, or if it sounds similar. The boyfriend thought he sounded drunk.

Most interesting Txsvicki, That brings to mind a website that includes a Mr Hyde, and how the one comment made states they believe he was either drunk or on drugs when they saw him. Something close to that.
Yes it is the same person Chanler and you could be right about that. Sherre had a feeling about him that he did not really deny making the call to her mom {I think I read there was a text too, might be another gal's family :waitasec:} but denied saying to her what she stated he did.

Sherre was then quick to point out how this man called their mom one day after they had reported her missing to LE. She also said at that time there was no public news about the case yet and it wasn't till Dec I believe and when the 4 bodies were found that the press got ahold of Shannan being missing.

The thought here was it was someone {SK} trying to frame Mr Hyde. I always thought it interesting as to how this person knew what # to call. BTW, her cellie has never been found.

One other thing is about her jacket that was found. The way Sherre talked about it made it sound like it dropped after she had run further away from JB's house. Then her recounting that LE found the jacked and now it is not in their posession is a strange twist to it all IMO.

Scandi, great memory catches. I trust what you, Redbird, and TwoCuriousCats remember. What puzzles me is whether (and why) the doctor would identify himself to Mari Gilbert. To me, it seems more likely that the family much later deduced his identification (or misidentification) after hearing the tapes or being apprised of their contents or simply by connecting a person in the area with what was mentioned on the phone. (How's that for rock solid specificity?)

As for the jacket, I imagine that the police discarded it or simply didn't put it in an evidence box. Storage rooms are often crowded and they might have concluded that a victim's jacket discarded early in her flight would yield no usable evidence. Of course, one wonders if they would have saved the jacket if she had been the college-age daughter of a wealthy family.
A little treat tonight since we've worked so hard today :great:

I wonder if this is our Mr Gus Coletti back in 1958? Could be . . . . Gus Coletti and the CLUSTERS:


PS: His name is spelled both ways on Google with the CLUSTERS, Coletti and Colletti.
My modem is semi-fried, so am just now caught up on the thread. Sorry that I can't recall who made the posts I refer to, but want to respond to a couple of points.

The the poster who thought that possibly Shannan was picked up by a predator after she was last seen, she was heading further into the gated community, so presumably the predator would still have to have been authorized to access within the complex.

WRT Shannan at GC's house, I am positive (okay, almost positive ;) ... will try to find it) that GC said she was on her cell when she arrived at his door.

Blanket "Thank You" to all who are working so hard on these cases. :tyou:
I was looking at zoomed in maps of the gate area the other night & if I'm not mistaken - the gate is something very similar to just a simple barrier gate - depicted in this unrelated photo


and if I'm correct, that means a person could easily enter/exit by slipping under

The only purpose of the gate is to keep out vehicles. Many of the homes there don't even have fences. Pedestrians wanting to enter/exit the community can simply walk in and out over the dunes/through the yards, etc... no need to even walk to the front gate. This is literally an open beach with homes on it.
My modem is semi-fried, so am just now caught up on the thread. Sorry that I can't recall who made the posts I refer to, but want to respond to a couple of points.

The the poster who thought that possibly Shannan was picked up by a predator after she was last seen, she was heading further into the gated community, so presumably the predator would still have to have been authorized to access within the complex.

WRT Shannan at GC's house, I am positive (okay, almost positive ;) ... will try to find it) that GC said she was on her cell when she arrived at his door.

Blanket "Thank You" to all who are working so hard on these cases. :tyou:

OMG, I have been a blabbermouth here today !!! I have got none of the work done I had planned, haven't eaten anything and now my tummy is gurgling :floorlaugh: It just seemed we were making real progress . . . . . .
My modem is semi-fried, so am just now caught up on the thread. Sorry that I can't recall who made the posts I refer to, but want to respond to a couple of points.

The the poster who thought that possibly Shannan was picked up by a predator after she was last seen, she was heading further into the gated community, so presumably the predator would still have to have been authorized to access within the complex.

WRT Shannan at GC's house, I am positive (okay, almost positive ;) ... will try to find it) that GC said she was on her cell when she arrived at his door.

Blanket "Thank You" to all who are working so hard on these cases. :tyou:
I've been scouting for that video of Gus Coletti's interview to find out if he mentions a cellie. I've read a few other accounts by him that don't mention the phone - so far.
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