NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #9

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Some points that stuck out to me. Bolded by me.

“Some agree to talk, but they say they won’t name any neighbors who might have seen or heard something that night. ‘I’ll help you anyway I can,’ says Gus Coletti, a 76-year-old pigeon fancier who said he saw Gilbert that night. ‘Just don’t ask me to give up one of my neighbors."

IMO, something really strange is going on in that OBC. No one wants to tattle on their neighbor? Why are they scared to name names? It seems like they saw and know what happened, but they have this neighborhood pact where they have agreed to keep quiet. Isn’t THAT against the law? SPEAK UP, OAK BEACH PEOPLE!

Internetgirl, I think there may be some speculation in OBC as to who may be responsible for taking SG, but none of the residents want to name this person (for legal reasons or just out of fear).

“Gilbert became upset, since "she saw things weren’t going as she had hoped," and acted in an "erratic" way, Brewer said. He said her driver, Michael Pak, was waiting in an SUV outside and got her into the car to take her home, he thought.
But Gilbert took off on foot down The Fairway
, about an hour before dawn, according to neighbors’ accounts.”

Does this mean SG got into MP’s car and he thought he would be taking her home, but then she took off on foot? Or he thought she would get in the car?

If JB stayed in the house, he would have no idea that SG didn't get into MP's car.

“Shannan had been using the same driver, Pak, for several months, and she trusted the 41-year-old man from Queens, Diaz said.”

This is the first time I have heard where Pak is from. I’m trying so hard to find some more info on him. ANYTHING. But I keep going in circles with phone numbers/addresses/middle initials/photos. If any fellow sleuthers find anything on him, please share or PM me. TIA.

MP is from Flushing, Queens. I forgot which was the correct address but you can find it here:


And locals, a little help..If MP lives in Queens, how likely is it that he doesn't "know the area" of the cvs? [/I]

Being from Flushing, Queens, it is very unlikely that he knew this area well. Suffolk County is VERY different from Queens. But if he had a GPS, he could have gotten there and back very easily. Maybe he just didn't trust SG.

“The Star-Ledger retraced Gilbert’s path, walking in the dark and using a color-coded map provided by a neighbor who claims to have helped local Suffolk County police with the investigation. The neighbor requested anonymity for fear of compromising the case.”

Who? CPH???!!

No, not CPH. My guess would be JC or EC on Anchor.

“When he asked what was wrong, Gilbert just stared at him, he said, remembering that she was wearing a light-colored tank top. He said he dialed 911 on his landline, just steps away, and told her to sit in a chair. But Gilbert bolted for the door, he said, and took off down Sandy Drive, a short, curving road that intersects The Fairway.”

SG ran down Sandy Drive? Sandy Drive doesn’t show on the google map, but I googled it and see on block?shopper that there is a Sandy Dr, but where exactly? Does anyone have a better detailed map of Oak Beach than Google that shows this road? TIA.

Sandy Drive is the same street as Galley East St. Here is a good link to this info:


“Instead of running out of the community and toward Ocean Parkway, she turned onto a road called Anchor Way, which led her past the group mailboxes and deeper into the neighborhood, toward the water.”

So, from Sandy Drive to Anchor Way?? I don't get it.

Yes, she ran down Galley East (Sandy Drive) and then ran back to GC's house and hid under the boat and then ran towards the gatehouse and turned south down Anchor to EC's house.


“Pak said he left around 6 a.m., after searching from "pitch black to sunny dawn" and never saw the police.”

IMO, this confirms that MP never spoke or waited for the police that night. I wonder if any neighbors, maybe Gus C, could verify that MP waited that long
“Brewer, the john, said he didn’t realize Gilbert was missing, or that she had run through the neighborhood, until he got a call in the days after. Pak, the driver, and Diaz, the boyfriend, dialed him on a three-way call to discuss what happened.”

IMO, Brewer is lying here. I’m sure JB knew that the woman that he hired that just left his house after calling the police from his house did not just quietly get in the driver's car and go home. He knew she took off running and he must have heard her screaming. Wouldn't he want to make sure, looking out his window, or however, that they left the area after the commotion at his house? It was likely the talk of the town there the next morning too. He knew what was going on.


I don't think JB is lying here. He didn't fit in down in Oak Beach and I don't believe he had any friends down there (other than his supplier). I think he thought that SG got directly into MP's SUV or MP chased her down and eventually persuaded her to get in so they could go home. I don't think JB knew that SG went missing until MP and the boyfriend called him 3 days later.

I just re-read this from December 14th in Newsday, right after the 4 bodies had first been discovered, but before they were identified, and this section struck me as weird...

An Oak Beach man interviewed by Newsday said Gilbert spent an hour at his home in the early morning hours before she ran off. He said he contacted her through Craigslist expecting a "date" but said he was surprised when she showed up driven by a man. "I thought it was just going to be her," the man said. "And then I saw what's going on, I thought it was a little strange."

I think its strange that he expected her to come alone, no? Also, it confirms he said he contacted her through Craigslist and he additionally claims she only spent an hour there??? His inconsistencies alone are cause for deeper probing.

There are a lot of girls that advertise dating on Craigslist and other websites. JB may have thought that he was talking to a non-professional girl and that she would arrive by herself in her car. When she showed up with a driver, it may have taken him by surprise.

Also, he is not directly quoted as saying Craiglist! The quote starts after Craigslist so he may have been talking about another social networking site and Newsday paraphrased it as Craigslist. The media has said Craigslist all along when some of these girls were solicited through other websites as well as Craigslist. It's just convenient for the media to keep saying Craigslist.

I wouldn't read too much into the inconsistencies unless you heard them yourself directly from JB. The media has butchered this case as well.
Hi chanler- I just think the quote makes it seem like he expected her to be alone because she either told him she would be or he got that impression somehow. I mean, he went from saying he was upset bc she came with a driver to saying he was upset bc he thought she was a man...a little inconsistent in the details, if u ask me. Don't get me wrong, I don't really think JB is the SK, but I do suspect his involvement may hold a key to many unanswered questions...

Hi, Ashley123. I think that when one hires anyone, presumably hookers included, you expect that they will be coming alone. I have never hired a sex worker (I'm a man), but I suspect that if she showed up with a male escort, my natural nervousness would be heightened by the apprehension that something more complicated might be going on. (When two plumbers showed up at my apartment one morning, I made it a point to keep a watchful eye on both.) And I don't think that he's being inconsistent, at all: If one thing makes you uncomfortable, it's only logical that other details might worry you too.

More than once, JB has said that Shannan didn't look like her picture, which makes some sense: Like other people on dating and escort sites, she not only fibbed about her age (making herself three years younger), but she also probably transmitted a picture that showed her more youthful, alluring, and vibrant than she probably looked at two a.m.

If anal sex (and it's possible that's what the lubricant was for) or transvestites were mentioned in their early conversation, it might indeed have made him more worried.

As for the time estimates, studies show that they are frequently inaccurate unless they are locked into recurring events. Fortunately, in the case of Ms. Gilbert, we have multiple records (video, audio, phone logs) to track what happened and where it occurred.

I don't know if Shannan and JB had sex or not that morning, but I do think that, given what we know, it didn't match whatever erotic fantasies that Mr. B. might have harbored. That might partially explain the request for a pack of cards.....

P.S. I hadn't read GoatHairJones' insights when I wrote my post.
this is absolutely an awesome find....I guess many of us were out of the loop on some of the articles because they require a subscription.

Thanks! for posting

and IMO this certainly puts to rest the notion that Brewer couldn't be the killer simply because Gilbert had a driver....

He didn't *know* she was having a driver bring her!

and Ashley if you can find it....I swear I recall an interview or article on Brewer where he stated he went looking for her when she ran off...

Hi, MrsPC; on the contrary, it indicates that he hadn't even brought it up as an issue, something that one would expect that an experienced serial killer would have thought was a prerequisite. Especially if he lived in a remote beach community.

Obviously, Brewer is more preoccupied with dispelling the idea that he had sex with Shannan than in falsely establishing his innocence in a case of multiple murders.
I may be "alone on an island" but I'm suspicious of Goathairjones defense of Brewer....

Hi, MrsPC, I don't think that you're alone on an island at all. I think that you are an articulate woman who (like several others here) quite understandably distrusts a man who hires a woman who soon thereafter vanishes. As you know, I don't agree with suppositions about JB's guilt, but I know all of us here (and I'm certainly including GoatHairJones) have low regard for men who are cynical sex trade consumers.
Hi, MrsPC, I don't think that you're alone on an island at all. I think that you are an articulate woman who (like several others here) quite understandably distrusts a man who hires a woman who soon thereafter vanishes. As you know, I don't agree with suppositions about JB's guilt, but I know all of us here (and I'm certainly including GoatHairJones) have low regard for men who are cynical sex trade consumers.


I am not really defending Brewer. I just don't see him bringing a girl to his house to kill her.

JB is certainly a seedy character. But I just don't believe he is the killer.
Personally I don't think it's JB. At first I did think it was him. But after hearing how he was trying so hard to get her out of his house and calling MP, it doesn't make sense to me. Unless he and MP did it together and made that part up. But as far as anyone knows they never met before so that seems unlikely.

I just can't see him kicking her out of his house and then after she ran away he ran after her and killed her? Why not just kill her during the 3 hours she was in his house?

Plus I would think if he was planning on killing her he would go pick her up. Even if he didn't know there would be a driver he would have to worry about her leaving a car behind or taking a cab and having a witness.

I think he was just taken aback by the driver because he was worried that it was a scam and he would be robbed or beaten up or something like that.
another thought...was it ever reported that shannan used JB's phone to contact MP? or that MP called JB's phone that night? how did he get JB's number to make the three-way call with the boyfriend? and if this call actually did take place, I'm inclined to believe Brewer did not use a disposable phone to make the contact, unless he kept it around and answered unrecognized numbers on it after, which doesn't seem like something someone who was covering his tracks would do...
another thought...was it ever reported that shannan used JB's phone to contact Brewer? or that MP called JB's phone that night? how did he get JB's number to make the three-way call with the boyfriend? and if this call actually did take place, I'm inclined to believe Brewer did not use a disposable phone to make the contact, unless he kept it around and answered unrecognized numbers on it after, which doesn't seem like something someone who was covering his tracks would do...

i wondered about this too. i think SG or MP or both must have had some way of contacting JB, MP is essentially making a delivery and i seriously doubt he is going to drive an hour out on long island without a contact number. especially to a gated community.

another think i wonder about, what happened to SG's phone? the one she used to call 911, has it been recovered? if not, where and when are the last pings?
Respectfully snipped...

I think that when one hires anyone, presumably hookers included, you expect that they will be coming alone.

Speaking from a woman's point of view, if I was working in a dangerous profession where I was forced to be put in a vulnerable and compromising position, there is NO WAY I would EVER show up alone. From what I have seen from this case, most of the girls had some sort of protection when they were on jobs...I don't think it should have been alarming that she would show up with security, unless she implied otherwise...Just my opinion...
i wondered about this too. i think SG or MP or both must have had some way of contacting JB, MP is essentially making a delivery and i seriously doubt he is going to drive an hour out on long island without a contact number. especially to a gated community.

another think i wonder about, what happened to SG's phone? the one she used to call 911, has it been recovered? if not, where and when are the last pings?

As far as I know, they never recovered SG's phone. I also think, based on the alleged phone call to SG's mother (which I 100% believe happened), that someone got a hold of her phone and either used it or looked through the contacts to find her mother's number. Of course, there is no proof of this, but it seems likely. Otherwise, unless the person who made the call knew Shannan, how would he know her mother's number, or even know Shannan's real name/last name to know what to look up?

Great question about the pings, I haven't heard anything but it would certainly be interesting to know!
another thought...was it ever reported that shannan used JB's phone to contact MP? or that MP called JB's phone that night? how did he get JB's number to make the three-way call with the boyfriend? and if this call actually did take place, I'm inclined to believe Brewer did not use a disposable phone to make the contact, unless he kept it around and answered unrecognized numbers on it after, which doesn't seem like something someone who was covering his tracks would do...

SG may have left the number and address somewhere, not necessarily MP but maybe her boyfriend "this is where I am going, and this is the number"...

i wondered about this too. i think SG or MP or both must have had some way of contacting JB, MP is essentially making a delivery and i seriously doubt he is going to drive an hour out on long island without a contact number. especially to a gated community.

another think i wonder about, what happened to SG's phone? the one she used to call 911, has it been recovered? if not, where and when are the last pings?

He may be willing to if he was getting paid anyways, if you hire a taxi to take you to your friend's house, and they aren't there you still have to pay the cabbie. IF he was suppose to be getting paid anyways-then he probably thought wth.

Internetgirl, I think there may be some speculation in OBC as to who may be responsible for taking SG, but none of the residents want to name this person (for legal reasons or just out of fear).

Being from Flushing, Queens, it is very unlikely that he knew this area well. Suffolk County is VERY different from Queens. But if he had a GPS, he could have gotten there and back very easily. Maybe he just didn't trust SG.

I don't think JB is lying here. He didn't fit in down in Oak Beach and I don't believe he had any friends down there (other than his supplier). I think he thought that SG got directly into MP's SUV or MP chased her down and eventually persuaded her to get in so they could go home. I don't think JB knew that SG went missing until MP and the boyfriend called him 3 days later.

WHO is JB's supplier? Honestly, the more I learn about this case the more that feels like the important key. He didn't fit in on Oak Beach, but someone does because the neighbors are protecting each other (come on, really JB doesn't really seem like neighbor of the year---why not rat him out?). JMO.
Interesting story about the jawbone. TWA 800 makes sense, but I also wonder if it has something to do with our SK (ugh...I hope not).

I am really starting to think that JB is most definitely not our SK. If Shannan showed up with a driver, and if he was the serial killer, then I think he'd just go through with this appointment as a customer would and then call her back another time but possibly insist that she not bring her driver. The other victims were seemingly urged to go to their last appointments by themselves and/or without cell phones. I'm still not convinced that JB has nothing to do with Shannan's disappearance though. He's pathetic and an apparent misfit in his community, but he's also very shady IMO.
New Story from Newsday about MB Link

The Barthelemy family made the trip to the Island Friday with a cardboard box on the backseat.

It contained a small bone from Barthelemy's arm, found near her body in December, the family and police said.

The bone, which was located a short distance from the rest of her remains, was identified as hers about a month ago, Suffolk police said.

An NYPD lieutenant who had earlier accepted the box from Suffolk officials on the family's behalf presented it to them Friday along with a folded American flag, the family said.

News of the existence of the bone came in a surprise phone call about three weeks ago from the Suffolk County Medical Examiner's office.

Lynn Barthelemy, Melissa's mother, said the family was never told that her daughter's remains were not complete or the origin of the missing bone.

So, animal scatter perhaps? HOW short a distance? Feet?
Respectfully snipped...
Speaking from a woman's point of view, if I was working in a dangerous profession where I was forced to be put in a vulnerable and compromising position, there is NO WAY I would EVER show up alone. From what I have seen from this case, most of the girls had some sort of protection when they were on jobs...I don't think it should have been alarming that she would show up with security, unless she implied otherwise...Just my opinion...

Hi, Ashley123. Everything you say here finds resonance here. As I mentioned here much earlier, I live on an East Village Manhattan block where prostitutes and pimps once dominated the street. It was harrowing just watching the young, frail, scantily clad women get into cars with creepy-looking guys. I'm not ashamed to say that I don't have that kind of courage.
WHO is JB's supplier? Honestly, the more I learn about this case the more that feels like the important key. He didn't fit in on Oak Beach, but someone does because the neighbors are protecting each other (come on, really JB doesn't really seem like neighbor of the year---why not rat him out?). JMO.

Hi, Goatman. I might be wrong, but I thought that the JB drug story grew out the hypothesis that the drive that he and Shannan took was to get drugs. Now it seems more likely (to me at least) that the combination of the CVS call and Pak's account of Shannan's request for lubricants and cards make it more likely that the trip was to the pharmacy.

(None of which, of course, means that he doesn't have a drug supplier.)

I welcome corrections.
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