NY - Monica Lozada-Rivadeneira, 26, found dead in landfill, Queens, 24 Sept 2005

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Do you think the guy just dumped her out. If so, that's horrible. I hope they find her mother.
all i can say is thank GOD they didn't kill her. she is lucky. how many children do we find dead. this is actually a good story if you really think about it. i wish all parents who didn't want their children would let them go as opposed to killing and hiding them.
concernedperson said:
Ths is so sad. What a beautiful child. Someone has to know something.

She is beautiful. She looks like she is mixed nationality. By getting her parents first names out there along with her picture someone is sure to recognize her.
If her dad took her and ended up dropping her off for some reason (???) you would think her mother would be frantic calling everywhere. I hope nothing happened to her mother and then the dad took her...got scared and dropped her off.

This is the third child that has recently been found alone outside with no one else around. The little baby girl in the park....the little boy by the side of the highway...and now this little one. I don't understand this at all. Poor little kids.
That poor little girl! I'm wondering if this Caesar guy is the step father and is the one that dumped her, and the other dad, Felipe is her biological dad. Even if that's the case, where's the mother and why isn't the other dad coming forward w/ info? She so precious! I'd take her if I had that option.

The above is strictly my opinion . . .
What a beautiful child! I believe that my heart actually stopped for a minute as my computer was downloading the picture. Until the picture cleared, there was a very striking resemblence of my sweet little Adrianna!

Someone surely will come forward for this little girl soon.
Sources told NewsChannel 4 that detectives are questioning a man named Caesar, who Valerie said was her father, NewsChannel 4's Melissa Russo reported. Police said they believe the man is either Valerie's father or her mother's boyfriend.

There is still no sign of the child's mother, but police said they are investigating a tip that she might have left the country for Colombia. The tip has yet to be confirmed.


I hope they find the mom because this guy gives me the willies.
Mother Of Abandoned 4-Year-Old Declared Missing.

The unclaimed girl, Valerie Lozada, remained in foster care this week while authorities tried to piece together clues she gave them about her background. Using records from a daycare center in Queens, police identified her mother as 26-year-old M/.ica Rivadinerra Lozada.

The records also named the missing woman's boyfriend, who was being questioned by police.


This little girl is so sweet.
Nearly a week after a 4-year-old girl was found wandering barefoot on the streets of Queens, her mother was identified and declared missing.

The unclaimed girl, Valerie Lozada, remained in foster care this week while authorities tried to piece together clues she gave them about her background. Using records from a daycare center in Queens, police identified her mother as 26-year-old Monica Rivadinerra Lozada.

When asked about her mother, Valerie said she works at a restaurant and "she looks like a princess."
Bastards!! I hate people who screw with kids lives and futures....they never think of anyone but themselves............
kylie said:
Bastards!! I hate people who screw with kids lives and futures....they never think of anyone but themselves............

I agree. They don't give the kids a thought. Little Valerie said that he (Ceaser) put her in the car without her shoes then told her to go find her mother. He must have taken her asleep out of her bed in her pj's....drove her somewhere and put her out of a sidewalk telling her to go find her mom. She gave the police quite a lot of info for a 4 yr old. She gave them her mom's name, her dad's name and her "other daddy's" name...Ceaser. She said that she was cold and crying and people gave her a sweater. The husband and wife that actually heard her crying went out and put socks and shoes and a sweater on her and took her into their home. I wonder how many other people heard her crying and ignored her?

I think Ceaser told LE that Monica and Valerie were going to fly to Bolivia...I think that was were it was....it sounded like he was trying to make LE think that he had put them on the plane. Obviously he didn't put little Valerie on a plane and her mom wouldn't have gone without her. Ceaser told LE that he had no idea how Valerie got left on the street. Listening to Valerie I think she knew exactly how she got left on the street.

Valerie said her mother could just talk a little...she didn't talk a lot...just a little cause she had a bump in her cheek. Police found out that the mother had just had two teeth removed which accounted for the bump in her cheek.

LE did get a search warrent for the apt that Monica, Ceaser, and Valerie lived in. They didn't release any info today that I heard. I think that Ceaser either killed Monica before he grabbed Valerie out of bed and left her on the street
or he killed Monica before he took Valerie...dumped Valerie..and then went back and got rid of Monica's body. I can't think of any other reason he would have dumped that little girl if he hadn't harmed her mother. If her mother was still alive she wouldn't have let him do that to her daughter.

Like Nancy Grace said...this little girl is very smart...has been taken good care of...knew it wasn't right that Ceaser didn't put her shoes on to take her outside...had pj's on...her mother in no way would have abandoned her. I wonder if Ceaser realized how well this little girl could talk and how smart she is?
This is a big story here. She was found on a Middle Village street in Queens, and lived in Ridgewood Queens. The two "towns" are not very far apart, maybe a 10-15 minute ride. I'm just grateful that he didn't harm Valerie. Unfortunately, I think the mother was killed. I hope a family member comes forward soon. It's also making national news, I saw the story earlier on FoxNews.
This just breaks my heart to read, especially Valerie describing her mom as looking like a princess. This poor little girl's comfort zone has been forever disrupted. Little Valerie is a smart little girl and gave LE some important info.

One thing my dd did know at the age of 3 was her name, address and phone number. I taught her both the address, including zip and phone number to a tune of a familiar song. This made it very easy for her to memorize.
MrsMush99 said:
This is a big story here. She was found on a Middle Village street in Queens, and lived in Ridgewood Queens. The two "towns" are not very far apart, maybe a 10-15 minute ride. I'm just grateful that he didn't harm Valerie. Unfortunately, I think the mother was killed. I hope a family member comes forward soon. It's also making national news, I saw the story earlier on FoxNews.
I agree. I think the mother is dead. For a girl that well cared for, I find it hard to believe that her mother would abandon her. :(
She is a smart girl, and very adorable...very well-kept.
Bobbi - this girl couldn't even, in three days, tell the cops what her last name was, or her mother's name, or anything to identify her except her mom's name was Monica and she looked like a princess. And her mother worked in a place where people sit down to eat food.

It was through her picture being distributed through the media that the public at large identified her.

This poor child. God bless her.

At our church preschool where all three of my boys went to school, they were required to be able to say their name clearly, say their parents names, tell their phone number and address at the age of 3.

Everyone hopes they never need to know this. But this poor girl, at the age of 4 and obviously very bright, couldn't even tell what her name was.

Prayers for her mother.

I just saw a photo of her mom, Monica, on TV. She does look like a princess....she is beautiful.
NEW YORK -- A Queens man was charged Saturday with murdering his live-in girlfriend, the latest twist in a week-long mystery that began when the slain woman's 4-year-old daughter was found walking alone down a Queens street in the middle of the night, police said.

Cesar Ascarrunz, 32, was arrested on murder charges two days after he was picked up by investigators, police said. The body of his alleged victim, 26-year-old Monica Lozada, was not recovered, police said.


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