NY - Officers pry 1-year-old from Brooklyn mom's arms during arrest, 7 Dec 2018

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I am disturbed with the fine given to this young woman.

I have seen a disturbing trend, that people get fines, can't pay them, get warrants because of unpaid fines, court costs, escalating fees, and it cycles them into a system of poverty justice. Seriously, what is the point of fining a welfare Mother? She is there trying to get subsidized daycare...she hardly has any extra cash for court fines.
I am disturbed with the fine given to this young woman.

I have seen a disturbing trend, that people get fines, can't pay them, get warrants because of unpaid fines, court costs, escalating fees, and it cycles them into a system of poverty justice. Seriously, what is the point of fining a welfare Mother? She is there trying to get subsidized daycare...she hardly has any extra cash for court fines.
Hopefully, some good people will pass the hat around and help her with the fine.
Not trying to sound rude but according to some of the articles she does work. She can do like a lot of other people and start putting money aside.
Jail time would take her away from her child and everyone would be screaming about that. She did commit a crime.
I do see the issue with giving fines. Anyone have a good alternative?
I do see the issue with giving fines. Anyone have a good alternative?

It is not just this young woman. I am tired of our justice system, being part of a rigged system. People who live in poverty don't have money for fines. This may turn into a soap box rant...warning..rant ahead...okay, I won't go off topic, but that was close.
It is not just this young woman. I am tired of our justice system, being part of a rigged system. People who live in poverty don't have money for fines. This may turn into a soap box rant...warning..rant ahead...okay, I won't go off topic, but that was close.

I get what you’re saying but do we just let “poor” people commit crimes with no punishment? She had the option of not being involved with the credit card mess.
I get what you’re saying but do we just let “poor” people commit crimes with no punishment? She had the option of not being involved with the credit card mess.
Well, it seems that young, rich white young men commit rape with little punishment.
What this woman has done is nothing like that.
Sitting on the floor, for goodness sake!
I really was trying to have a civilized conversation, can we leave race out of it?
We CANNOT let people commit crimes and face no punishment no matter the race, religion, blah, blah, blah.
FYI, she was not arrested for sitting on the floor.
In many social service (and immigration) offices, the conditions in the waiting room are horrible. Issues of the spaces include but are not limited to: not enough room, not enough chairs, poor restroom access and conditions, no water fountains or vending machines. My oldest is a US immigrant. Unfortunately there was a green card visa mix-up and we needed to go renew the green card after 1 year. Day 1 we stood in line in July outside of Federal Plaza for 5 hours waiting to get in the doors-----let me type that again--- waiting to get in the door. Get out of line....go to the back. It was me and my child in the heat afraid to lose my place. Needless to say we didn't get in. And we were told we had to come back the next day.(I knew if I didn't get the renewal we would be out of compliance and have legal/residency issues.) I was also told that my child was not needed as I was afraid to have to wait outside again. Day 2: I went by myself, got in the building after 3 hours. Waited for another two hours in a windowless, poorly a/c'd room but at least I had a number. Got called to a bullet-proof glass window and was asked where my child was. I said I had been told there was no need for the child to be there. In a nasty way I was told I would have to come back the next day with my child. Frustrated, I asked if I had to wait in line again. The response was that I would and to not have an attitude-- I was near tears and frustrated. I was getting angry b/c I was being treated in ways that were not conciliatory but rather served to make me feel less than AND I had missed two days of work. DAY 3: I go back with my child, my ID and my child's ID. We are in line. We were asked by a line worker security person what we were there for and ID. I show my license and begin to explain my two day saga. The man says to me that I am citizen and could go straight in through another door around the corner. However, if my child was an adult--this is where they would have to wait. Grateful, I went to the door around the corner and 2 hours later we were done----Afterward, I felt guilty and horrible that I was able to get "special treatment" and many of the others in line on that day and the previous days would probably be on line for many more hours with no care about them missing work or missing an appointment because they couldn't get in the building--possibly becoming out of compliance.

Long story to say that many of these offices and the waiting conditions are horrifying and inhumane, devoid of compassion and kindness. And, don't get me started on going to Social Security in NYC, or the Social Services if your child has a disability........ I get why this woman sat on the floor, I get why there is outrage about her treatment. I get why she was frustrated. I get why she didn't want to comply. Fannie Lou Hamer said, "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired." Human compassion is often absent in dealing with people around social services that are supposed to be there to help you. It is almost like the services may be "free" but you pay the cost for being the unfortunate one who needs it.

Trust me, with the way the US is going our older population will soon be the ones sitting in these rooms being treated horribly AND shocked at the lack of compassion they are getting. Each of us is one illness/paycheck/job loss/pay cut or whatever away from needing a helping hand.
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I really was trying to have a civilized conversation, can we leave race out of it?
We CANNOT let people commit crimes and face no punishment no matter the race, religion, blah, blah, blah.
FYI, she was not arrested for sitting on the floor.
Sitting on the floor was said to be the reason security approached her.
Wasn't that the reason for all the thrashing around on the floor?
Seems like a lot of outrage for such a minor issue. Why is that I wonder?
Regardless of mom's attitude or refusal to comply, when a child is involved, there is NO excuse to escalate things this physically unless the child is in immediate danger, or the person is a danger to others. FULL STOP. Was it really worth the possibility of injuring her and her child just to get her to leave? Why? Because she was an upset, exhausted mom just trying to survive that ordeal in a cramped waiting room for hours with a grumpy toddler? Really? If it was that big of a deal, treat it like a damn hostage situation until you figure out how to get the child away so you can detain the parent. You can't just go wrestling kids from their parents because they need to be arrested right now.

She wasn't suicidal, she wasn't attacking anyone, she wasn't hurting her child. She just wanted to be able to get her turn at the freaking counter, and didn't want to stand for any longer, and didn't want to leave when they didn't like that she wouldn't stand up. Wow. Such a terrible crime /s :eek:

This behavior by law enforcement/so called "peace officers" is disgusting and inhumane and shows a lack of control and professionalism that everyone in that position should have. If they can't handle a mom who's tired and annoyed without going monkey-poo and literally wrestling her baby away from her, they have no business being in that field.
Even if the mother was using the baby as a shield, that doesn't mean that the officers could also treat the baby like an object. He has rights of his own. If she started hiding behind an adult, the police wouldn't be able to risk injuring them just to get them out of the way more quickly. He could have easily been seriously hurt.
Just to clarify....again, I am not saying the whole mess didn’t get out of control. I’m not saying whomever initially approached her was kind. What I AM saying is LE isn’t the ONLY one who could have calmed the situation down. Mom was in a position to de escalate it by simply standing up. Actually, I believe mom escalated it by not standing up. She had her baby with her. Maybe it’s just me, but it would have been worth standing up, or even leaving if it meant no drama around my baby.
As for the fines from NJ, I have yet to see anyone with a better solution. She participated in credit card fraud. The fines are to pay back a portion of the money she stole. The fines are not because she is poor, or black, or for sitting on the floor. Anyone have any ideas on how else that should have been handled? Any alternative to fines? I would honestly like to hear all ideas.

Before anyone feels the need to explain again, I was 19 with a 2 week old baby sitting in one of those offices. I needed vouchers for a very expensive ,special formula my DD needed. I also wanted info on child care vouchers. The first day I was there from 7:30 am until 4:00 pm and didn’t even get to talk to anyone. The second day I got there at 6:30 am, and finally was seen at 2:30 pm. They didn’t even allow strollers in the building. It completely sucked.
If she were there for assistance snap or whatever ( I’ve not had to be in that position so I’m not sure the correct terminology ), I do know that those places have hours at times to wait. It’s not so easy to just come back later. Might be like our tag dept or dmv. You take a number and wait till they call you. I’ve been to those places often though. Often there is no seating. I’ve seen people sit on the floor. You can’t just go another time. Those places are always busy. You have only a certain time line to have those things done or you have legal ramifications.

If I were in that position and I had a child with me I would of done the same thing. I’m fact I have , I went to a crowded graduation back in May. It was more crowded then I expected. There were no seats. I was in the front and people were crowded around behind me standing. I couldn’t even maneuver through the crowd to get back to the doors or I would of left. I have full custody of my grandson so at the time he was 2. I could not physically hold him for the proceeding hour. Nor was I about to put him down. Kids that age a quick . If he moved a inch I would of surely lost him in the crowd. Instead I sat down beside the bleacher area and put him in my lap. Then I could entertain him etc which is hard to do holding him. I was lucky to be at the front of the people standing sitting in the middle wouldn’t of been doable as we would of been trampled.

I’ve also been to tag renewal office with him and sometimes my teen in tow. My daughter has autism severe n/v and she is not going to stand in one place long. She would possibly wonder off. Plus I can’t entertain her with a iPad or puzzle etc if she’s standing. I usually find spot with one chair and give it to her. Then I use the stroller to contain the toddler. This last year I went several times during the month my renewal needed done , I always attempt to go when the oldest is in school. Often that doesn’t work because I’ll be there so long it gets to be school pick up time and I have to leave. But if I have to sit in a corner on the floor out of the way with them I will . Imo it’s much better then people who have to stand and let their kids run around everywhere.

I totally get why she did what she did I would of done the same. A child that age gets really heavy fast . And it’s impossible to play with them offse snacks etc when holding them. I would of taken a stroller personally in that situation and probably sat down in front of the baby. Just to be on her level. No way do I question why she sat down. I’m sure there were people there who could of offered her a seat. Often people use a seat for stuff etc . Imo I think they approached this wrong. She was keeping her child with her not letting the kid get into a worse situation. Why not have some folding chairs they could of offered her or moved others around and simply asked her to move to another spot they approved of? I wouldn’t of wanted to just leave either after already being in line. It’s not like it would be easier coming back another time. Usually though if you know this is a possibility ahead of time taking a stroller could of avoided this. Maybe she didn’t know it would be like that. Maybe her situation was like mine at the graduation. ? I of course wouldn’t of resisted and let things get to that point. But maybe she was just exhausted , hungry , desperate and those things can alter your metal state .
I’m taking a break, lots to do today. I’ll check in later to see if anyone comes up with an alternative to fines.
Later peeps!
Apparently she did have a stroller with her.
I know that’s my point. She didn’t expect to need one or have one whatever. Since she didn’t I can totally see that she really had no other option. At least she was watching her child keeping the baby with her and not letting the baby get down and possibly cause more hazards .
I know that’s my point. She didn’t expect to need one or have one whatever. Since she didn’t I can totally see that she really had no other option. At least she was watching her child keeping the baby with her and not letting the baby get down and possibly cause more hazards .
Sorry I misread that apparently she didn’t have a stroller ! My mistake. Maybe the baby was screaming from being in it so long or wanted to nap. Idk she was prepared with a stroller so makes me think she was doing everything she could .
Headley’s child was also still in his stroller when the incident sparked and that she only picked him up after NYPD cops arrived, the statements say.

“She began to use her baby as a shield from getting arrested and was telling the officers, ‘You better not touch me,’” one report states.

Another report says Headley “intentionally used her toddler son as a shield. He was sitting in his stroller, but she took him out once she knew the police were called.”


“As the NYPD officers were picking her up she began to flare up her arms. While resisting she put the baby between her legs in a tight grip. NYPD officers tried to get the baby off her but she was putting up a fight,” the report states, adding that Headley then “kicked me on my right shoulder.”
Another peace officer got bitten on her left arm. A photo obtained by The Post shows an HRA peace officer’s arm with visible bite marks. That officer was taken to Methodist Hospital after the incident, according to the report.

In one of the reports, an HRA officer states: “The officers were careful while handling her not to harm the baby. The female client was the one putting him in a tight hold, grabbing his clothes and even wrapped her legs around his body so that he couldn’t be detached from her.”


In court on Tuesday, Jeremy Shockett, deputy chief of the trial division, said his office did not object to Ms. Headley’s release. But he said she had missed two or three court appearances in the New Jersey case, and Mercer County officials wanted her detained until they could pick her up on Thursday.

Charges Dropped Against Brooklyn Mother Who Had Baby Ripped from Her Arms by Police


Jazmine Headley, 23, appeared in court in Mercer County, New Jersey, on Wednesday to answer a warrant on charges of credit card theft and trafficking in personal identifying information.

As a first-time offender, Headley will be enrolled in a pretrial intervention program and will spend 20 hours of community service. She will also have to pay restitution for the credit card fraud charge.

Mom whose baby was ripped away during arrest appears in N.J. court


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