NY - Orsolya Gaal, 51, body found in duffel bag, Queens, Apr 2022 #2 *Arrest*

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So many good points here. I would like to see a picture of the room on first floor and basement before, then after. I’m imagining blood from stabbing pooling on the floor, spatters everywhere...her blood ALL over the killer’s clothing, skin, shoes (if he/she) wore shoes. Pulling the hockey bag out, not dismembering her but stuffing her dead, 58 wound stabbed body into that giant wheeled bag, mostly zipping it....I could see her hip, possibly a bit of her fingers sticking out of the bag. IMO.

whoever killed this beautiful lady, mom, wife, world traveler-such a crime of passion. Stabbing once is a regular stab—this killer struggled with our VIC, she fought back snd had defensive wounds...the killer kept stabbing to the point that there were 58 wounds...I hope the killer is being misled by media and that police are just waiting to nail this SOB. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense. My first post
I'm wondering if it could be a young male who lives in the neighborhood or who knows her sons. Someone who is familiar with their house and their schedules and maybe is obsessed with her. The "I was in prison and now I'm back" text has a young male vibe to me - like something a teenager would come up with.

I've thought about it being a female. I think many females would have trouble lifting a body into that bag and getting it up the steps from the basement. But maybe that's why the killer was in the house for so long, and why they abandoned the bag where they did - because it was so heavy.

I thought about the young male perp scenario as well as it happened in my town in when I was a kid. A neighborhood boy was obsessed with a young housewife and when she rebuffed him, he killed her. Her two sons came home from school and found her deceased on the kitchen floor.

The verbiage is very "Hollywood" movie-ish or video game-ish.
Edit: did killer bring change of clothes or did they snag her husbands hoodie? Was the weight of bag too heavy? How did killer not notice blood trail from our VIC? All that blood...so much like bread crumbs from Hansel
So many good points here. I would like to see a picture of the room on first floor and basement before, then after. I’m imagining blood from stabbing pooling on the floor, spatters everywhere...her blood ALL over the killer’s clothing, skin, shoes (if he/she) wore shoes. Pulling the hockey bag out, not dismembering her but stuffing her dead, 58 wound stabbed body into that giant wheeled bag, mostly zipping it....I could see her hip, possibly a bit of her fingers sticking out of the bag. IMO.

whoever killed this beautiful lady, mom, wife, world traveler-such a crime of passion. Stabbing once is a regular stab—this killer struggled with our VIC, she fought back snd had defensive wounds...the killer kept stabbing to the point that there were 58 wounds...I hope the killer is being misled by media and that police are just waiting to mail this SOB. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense. My first post
I thought about this too. One of the most significant things to me is why whoever it was didn’t use a car. Perhaps they aren’t old enough to drive, don’t know how, don’t own a car (more common in NYC than many places) or chose public transportation because they feared their car could be identified. But a neighbor who slipped out unnoticed and walked over might be concerned that later opening the garage door would wake up someome who would ask where they were going. Plus a neighbor might well have a copy of the key to bring in mail, water plants etc when the homeowners were traveling.

If it was a neighbor, it will be a stupid one. l’m comfortable going out on a limb to say anyone dragging a hockey bag down the street in the middle of the night (past numerous doorbell cameras and the occassional driver) is either remarkably stupid, in the midst of a paychotic break or too young to know better.

Moving on foot would not be as likely to wake other dogs nearby. A car door slam is enough to get mine going after midnight for sure.
On foot it is easier to hide as well.
Taking the bag with the wheels, likely made noise though so my logic kinda went out the window.
Articles have been posted here where police have said they believe she was meeting one of the males that night at the bar she was waiting at alone.
I don't think any of the articles I've read referenced "police" having said that. Most of the articles I've read said "sources". That could mean anyone IMO.
If I'd been travelling and received news like this about what had just happened to my spouse in my absence, I just can't imagine my next thought/comment having anything to do with my own safety; I think I'd be far to gutted to think about (or honestly even care about) myself at that point. Even given the oddball text; even given two kiddos to consider ... I just can't fathom being able to make that pivot so fast ...
Edit: did killer bring change of clothes or did they snag her husbands hoodie? Was the weight of bag too heavy? How did killer not notice blood trail from our VIC? All that blood...so much like bread crumbs from Hansel

I was thinking if the laundry room was in the basement, the killer may have just grabbed whatever clothes were there to change in, and bundled up the bloody clothes and took them off site.
Excellent point. That makes a ton of sense. Do you believe the killer showered, then changed? All that blood... I can’t hardly sleep I’m so focused on the VIC, getting justice.

I was thinking if the laundry room was in the basement, the killer may have just grabbed whatever clothes were there to change in, and bundled up the bloody clothes and took them off site.
IIRC didn't they say 'as if she was meeting someone' i remember that bring very judgemental reporting but maybe there was something clearer and more reputable than the post...
correct. LE has said nothing. All of the three to four men texting, met a man that night, had an affair previously, was waiting for someone at bar, every last bit of it comes from unnamed sources alleged to be either "close" to the investigation, "inside" the investigation, etc.
I'm wondering if it could be a young male who lives in the neighborhood or who knows her sons. Someone who is familiar with their house and their schedules and maybe is obsessed with her. The "I was in prison and now I'm back" text has a young male vibe to me - like something a teenager would come up with.

I've thought about it being a female. I think many females would have trouble lifting a body into that bag and getting it up the steps from the basement. But maybe that's why the killer was in the house for so long, and why they abandoned the bag where they did - because it was so heavy.

I've moved a hockey bag similar to that (CCR brand, but very similar) a time or two. I don't think you'd have to lift the body to get it in. You could zip it wide open and roll stuff into it. And once the load is in and zipped shut, you can lift the handle and it rolls pretty easily. The bottom is usually stiff.

I think they're usually made to hold around 40-50 pounds of gear, but I don't know what the actual maximum is. The wheels are very sturdy but again I don't know whether carrying twice the weight it's designed for would cause something to break.

One thing I do remember: the bag had ventilated panels. Theoretically it's so the clothing inside can dry out, but I think its real purpose was to make sure the sweat smell got out and permeated my entire car! It would definitely leak.
I think that reporters are taking innocuous bits of info from their “sources “ and turning them into a salacious story.

Who else here has men’s numbers in their phones? I have phone numbers for people I’ve done business with, people who have mowed my lawn, fixed my car, serviced my air conditioning. There are parents of kids my children knew, former coworkers, other people in my line of work and husbands of my female friends. I’ve never done anything salacious with any of them. Not even a hint of impropriety.

<modsnip - no link>

If I was murdered I can think of a few people who might suggest that every man’s number in my phone was somebody I was sleeping around with and people would probably believe it.

Orsolaya was pretty, friendly and fit. An easy target for gossip. Now she’s dead and every aspect of her life seems to have been turned into a soap opera by the media or by whoever the media sources are.

I’m not faulting anyone here, we are just going on what is being reported.
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Police offer $3500 reward for information leading to Orsolya Gaal’s killer - latest

Officers stop short of identifying suspect
Investigators said they stopped short of identifying the suspect because they don’t have enough evidence against him and the man could surrender with a lawyer and refuse to answer questions.”

Perhaps this answers our questions regarding the reward. LE know who did it - they need additional evidence and are trying to put pressure on him in the hope that he slips up..
Red font by me. I’d really, really like to think that LE would not say they don’t have enough evidence and the suspect might show up w/an attorney and not answer questions. IMO that could be enough to make someone considering confession rethink their position.

The reports coming out of various MSN media contain a slew of details reportedly given by LE “sources” that would be odd to release at this point in the investigation. I’m taking pretty much everything we’ve read w/a grain of salt other than she was murdered, it was bloody, 13 year old is no longer in custody, search warrants were executed and some idiot dragged her body nine blocks in a hockey bag.

If it turns out that the majority of info reported in media is true I won’t be surprised if someone peripherally associated w/LE loses their job very soon.

So many good points here. I would like to see a picture of the room on first floor and basement before, then after. I’m imagining blood from stabbing pooling on the floor, spatters everywhere...her blood ALL over the killer’s clothing, skin, shoes (if he/she) wore shoes. Pulling the hockey bag out, not dismembering her but stuffing her dead, 58 wound stabbed body into that giant wheeled bag, mostly zipping it....I could see her hip, possibly a bit of her fingers sticking out of the bag. IMO.

whoever killed this beautiful lady, mom, wife, world traveler-such a crime of passion. Stabbing once is a regular stab—this killer struggled with our VIC, she fought back snd had defensive wounds...the killer kept stabbing to the point that there were 58 wounds...I hope the killer is being misled by media and that police are just waiting to nail this SOB. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense. My first post
Welcome to WebSlueths!
I have a 14 year old son and 15 year old daughter. If my husband and oldest child were out of state, and I was going out with friends for the night, my son would most likely have a friend over to do gaming like many 8th graders do. The victim may have told her son she was going to be home much later than the around midnight time she came home. <modsnip> Like the stabbing of 58 times seems like a novice killer who was in rage and wanted to make sure the person was dead.
IF the victim had not been alone at bar...like if she met up with a man, I would think she would not be home like 40 mins after arriving at bar. She could have told her son she would be home like at 1:30 am or 2am when bars close, but came home hour or so earlier because her bar friend was a no-show.
In studying the poor quality pictures released of person with the hockey bag on wheels, it just seems to me like a youth. The staying at crime scene for 3 hours or more post killing seems suspicious to me, and I don't see it as some ex-lover who shows up and does this. Also, since basement room is a hangout are for the sons, it would not be unreasonable for the door to be unlocked. The neighborhood appears safe and I bet there is a strong neighborhood watch system in place in this community.
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Red font by me. I’d really, really like to think that LE would not say they don’t have enough evidence and the suspect might show up w/an attorney and not answer questions. IMO that could be enough to make someone considering confession rethink their position.

The reports coming out of various MSN media contain a slew of details reportedly given by LE “sources” that would be odd to release at this point in the investigation. I’m taking pretty much everything we’ve read w/a grain of salt other than she was murdered, it was bloody, 13 year old is no longer in custody, search warrants were executed and some idiot dragged her body nine blocks in a hockey bag.

If it turns out that the majority of info reported in media is true I won’t be surprised if someone peripherally associated w/LE loses their job very soon.


When I read "police source" I think "detective on the case," which is of course what they want you to think. But it's more likely to be a loose-lipped dispatcher, the officer at the front desk, the attendant at the lot where the cops park their cars. When we had a serial killer around here, it turned out several LE leaks were from the retired part time officer who had been called on to direct traffic half a mile from the crime site. Media identified him as "an officer on the scene," which was technically correct.

At this point, the only things I'm taking as probably factual are the descriptions and information on the reward poster.
Red font by me. I’d really, really like to think that LE would not say they don’t have enough evidence and the suspect might show up w/an attorney and not answer questions. IMO that could be enough to make someone considering confession rethink their position.

The reports coming out of various MSN media contain a slew of details reportedly given by LE “sources” that would be odd to release at this point in the investigation. I’m taking pretty much everything we’ve read w/a grain of salt other than she was murdered, it was bloody, 13 year old is no longer in custody, search warrants were executed and some idiot dragged her body nine blocks in a hockey bag.

If it turns out that the majority of info reported in media is true I won’t be surprised if someone peripherally associated w/LE loses their job very soon.


I'm not so sure the "police sources" being cited aren't actually LE. I am inclined to believe they are, in fact, real "police sources" leaking this information, but they may not be closely linked to the investigation and are just releasing information they've heard through the grapevine.

Not bashing LE, but the NYPD has long struggled to tamp down on internal leaks: officers leaked video of a Bronx shootout in 2020, a video of top brass warning against leaks was (ironically) leaked to the media, and in 2018 internal disciplinary records were leaked to Buzzfeed, just to name a few. When you have a police force as large as the NYPD does, it's easy for information to slip through the cracks and make its way to media outlets.
Well I mean the news released the Electricians name because he was at the house later and they interviewed him. The police haven't released anyone's name. Maybe the handyman should've stopped by for an interview too? Also, if the husband was in Oregon with his son for a college visit I would imagine that would be easily verifiable

The family doctor was interviewed in the TV news so I’m half expecting the handy man to rock up soon

TOD was around 12:40AM which gives killer about 3 1/2 hour post killing to do dismembering of body and load in hockey duffel bag with wheels. Makes no sense killer would spend so much time in house post killing unless they lived there were like an overnight guest (Fri to Sat). The house was only like 2,500 sq feet so it amazes me that the 13 year old was upstairs in top floor when police arrived after 8:30am. Maybe the dog slept with the son but I would think the dog would be barking like crazy if there was an intruder.

I don’t think she was dismembered. That was speculation in early reports IMO.

JMO But this is an interesting avenue we haven’t explored. My husband said this morning he thinks the person in the surveillance tape looks female. We spun out a theory that the killer is a female. <modsnip>

In all seriousness, IMO the killer is a fellow immigrant from Eastern Europe. I could write paragraphs of my opinions about this. My father was an immigrant and he was proud to become an American citizen, but he always sought out the company of fellow immigrants - not even his countrymen, but people who understood his situation.

I see the same thing in New York all the time. People assimilate, make friends with Americans, but they really feel most comfortable among other expats. Completely understandable.

It seems as though Orsolya came here and assimilated beautifully. But I think she was closest to other people who shared this experience.

Anyway, just my opinion/hunch from my own experience.

That checks out with the Cafe owners son, he said he often saw her with some Russian women.

He was released to his father. Maybe they all entered the home, maybe not.

I wondered about this, as he was apparently released soon after questioning but Dad and older brother were still en route back from their trip. It’s possible he went to relatives or friends in the meantime.

Would LE be able to close off the house as a crime scene without having the warrant?
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I also wonder if the electrician fellow was permitted/encouraged to speak freely about the security systems (unlike all the other presumably connected parties who seem for the most part to be staying quiet) in the hopes of encouraging people (even if only witnesses) to come forth voluntarily?
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