NY - Reese Tate, 3 mos, beaten to death, Wassaic, 3 Feb 2010

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Texas Mist

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Dec 17, 2008
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Emily Stewart • Poughkeepsie Journal • February 9, 2010

A 29-year-old Wassaic man subjected his 3-month-old daughter to "repeated blunt force trauma resulting in rib fracture, swelling of the brain, multiple contusions and internal injuries," according to the criminal complaint filed in her death.

Internal injuries included the avulsion, or tearing away, of the bowel from the stomach, it said.

William C. Tate Jr. was charged Friday with second-degree murder under the "depraved indifference" section of the penal code in connection with the death of his daughter, Reese Tate.

Dutchess County Sheriff's Office Detective Sgt. Patrick Whelan said Tate was charged as such because he is alleged to have "acted in such a way that any reasonable person ... should have known his actions would cause serious injury or death, which occurred."

He said Tate was the primary caretaker during the window of time, Wednesday afternoon and evening, when the incident occurred.

"No other person was with Reese at the time," he said.

more here


DCSO press conf video


Please Lord, make it stop.

:rose: Baby Reese, you can now be loved without fear or pain....Heaven must have needed another angel....someday I hope we understand why it had to be this way.
you gotta be kidding.......how isnt that first degree murder?
WTF!!! What could make someone beat a tiny baby to death? I hope he burns for eternity!

she must have been crying too much.
or maybe she wet her diaper right after he just changed it.
or maybe his boss gave him a hard time at work.

you know, the usual bs excuses parents give for beating or killing there babies.

or maybe she couldnt recite her abc's <sarcasm>
you gotta be kidding.......how isnt that first degree murder?

Thank you. That is the first question I asked myself. I don't understand.
she must have been crying too much.
or maybe she wet her diaper right after he just changed it.
or maybe his boss gave him a hard time at work.

you know, the usual bs excuses parents give for beating or killing there babies.

Or crying while he was playing games on Facebook....yep, read that story a day or so ago (21yo mom = killer)

Sometimes I just get too overwhelmed to post these babies' sad stories & have to step away from my 'puter for a while. :(

I subscribe to 600+ news accounts & see soooo many stories of babysitters/parents/daycare workers killing kids....y'all would think I was a freak if I posted every one of them, I'm afraid.

And then OTOH, I'm somewhat ashamed that I don't post them all -- at least here someone prays for them & honors their memory....which is more than what the baby-killers do.
I just need to stay off this forum. I can't handle this. What in the hell is it going to take for people to stop killing babies? We need to construct some kind of punishment that is so horrendous it borders on heinous, and only applies to baby/child killing parents and caregivers! I don't know what its going to take for our society to wake up and see that we have a HUGE epidemic going on...just what is the magic number of tombstones we are waiting to see? I'm just disgusted!
I just need to stay off this forum. I can't handle this. What in the hell is it going to take for people to stop killing babies? We need to construct some kind of punishment that is so horrendous it borders on heinous, and only applies to baby/child killing parents and caregivers! I don't know what its going to take for our society to wake up and see that we have a HUGE epidemic going on...just what is the magic number of tombstones we are waiting to see? I'm just disgusted!

amen :)
Or crying while he was playing games on Facebook....yep, read that story a day or so ago (21yo mom = killer)

Sometimes I just get too overwhelmed to post these babies' sad stories & have to step away from my 'puter for a while. :(

I subscribe to 600+ news accounts & see soooo many stories of babysitters/parents/daycare workers killing kids....y'all would think I was a freak if I posted every one of them, I'm afraid.

And then OTOH, I'm somewhat ashamed that I don't post them all -- at least here someone prays for them & honors their memory....which is more than what the baby-killers do.

see my edited post tm :)
Texas Mist--I see it akin to allowing the caskets of the fallen soldiers to be photographed. How can we know the human toll or bear witness? How can we know how to pray or how to change our laws if we don't read these stories? How can we truly honor the dead without knowing of their passing?

You, my dear, are a blessing. These babies and children are not forgotten because you bring them to our attention.

Babies at the 2-3 month old stage are known to cry excessively. Call it colic. Call it allergies. But it happens. And when a baby has been prenatally exposed to substances--drugs and/or alcohol--this crying is intensified. It takes a person with a totally even temper and focus to care for babies such as this.

I really wouldn't be surprised if many of the babies we read about who are killed at such young ages are compromised in some way. Unless you've spent a full day rocking a screaming, screeching, back-arching infant who will not feed nor calm...it's hard to understand. If you don't have your feet squarely on the ground and a good support system, bad things can happen.

No excuses, no rationale, but some insight.

Broken record over here--relief nurseries.
Texas Mist--I see it akin to allowing the caskets of the fallen soldiers to be photographed. How can we know the human toll or bear witness? How can we know how to pray or how to change our laws if we don't read these stories? How can we truly honor the dead without knowing of their passing?

You, my dear, are a blessing. These babies and children are not forgotten because you bring them to our attention.


how can we read these stories without resorting to heavy drinking :banghead:
miss iz im sure there are plenty of moms and dads on this board who have had a baby that wouldnt stop crying, got frustraed, hell got angry.
but what seperates them from people like this, is they knew to walk away, call someone, ect.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the mother and the family who loved this baby girl.
I'm glad to see he is not able to bail out and hope he's in general population!
When I read the article I was hoping there would be a picture of this sweet angel but only say a pic of the .

I can remember how frustrating it could be with a baby who is extrememly fussy. One of my nephews was like that, he'd had a very difficult birth and never wanted to be cuddled etc. Would cry for hours sometimes. My sister did have family support and we all helped. I was a teen then and even tho I was not a parent I did what I could to try and comfort him, it never once occured to me that I should beat the ^%$%^ out of him to get him to stop crying.
He outgrew the fussyness and doing great now!

I would love to hear there can be justice served here but reality is there can be no real justice, all we can hope for is that this monster be stopped from ever being allowed to hurt another baby. Lock him up and throw away the key!

My daughter had colic and I was the only one with her at the time, as her Dad was out of state. She was like a clock and every night from 6:45 until 10:30 she would scream! TThe only respite I could get was if I held her facing away from me and bounced her as I walked. This went on for 3 months minus 6 dys. Poor thing was a preemie and obviously could not handle the terrible stomach aches she got.

There was a time or two that I was exhausted and had to put her down for a few min. and let her scream. I felt horrible doing it, but knew I needed a break for a couple of min.

I would NEVER have even considered hitting her or anything of that nature. I did cry with her on more than one ocassion however. I wish this "man" could have walked away from the baby and gone back when he was calm again. The entire outcome of his and this childs life would have been different.

There needs to be MUCH more severe repurcussions for parents who kill their own children. They should be prosecuted to the FULL extent of the law! Second degree murder? Could someone please explain this?
My daughter had colic and I was the only one with her at the time, as her Dad was out of state. She was like a clock and every night from 6:45 until 10:30 she would scream! TThe only respite I could get was if I held her facing away from me and bounced her as I walked. This went on for 3 months minus 6 dys. Poor thing was a preemie and obviously could not handle the terrible stomach aches she got.

There was a time or two that I was exhausted and had to put her down for a few min. and let her scream. I felt horrible doing it, but knew I needed a break for a couple of min.

I would NEVER have even considered hitting her or anything of that nature. I did cry with her on more than one ocassion however. I wish this "man" could have walked away from the baby and gone back when he was calm again. The entire outcome of his and this childs life would have been different.

There needs to be MUCH more severe repurcussions for parents who kill their own children. They should be prosecuted to the FULL extent of the law! Second degree murder? Could someone please explain this?

youd think the depraed indiffrence, him not caring about what he did enough to get her help, would boot it up to first degree.

there was this case in the area a few years ago, a mother was videotaped in a store parking lot putting her toddler in the car, strap her in, and then smacking the bajeezus out of her (after she looked around to make sure no one was watching). her excuse? 'i had a bad day'. great. i wonder how your daughters day went?
Babies at the 2-3 month old stage are known to cry excessively. Call it colic. Call it allergies. But it happens. And when a baby has been prenatally exposed to substances--drugs and/or alcohol--this crying is intensified. It takes a person with a totally even temper and focus to care for babies such as this.

I really wouldn't be surprised if many of the babies we read about who are killed at such young ages are compromised in some way. Unless you've spent a full day rocking a screaming, screeching, back-arching infant who will not feed nor calm...it's hard to understand. If you don't have your feet squarely on the ground and a good support system, bad things can happen.

No excuses, no rationale, but some insight.

Broken record over here--relief nurseries.

Another broken record...at least in home respite. Something has to be done.

I think I need to pull some stats, run some numbers, write some proposals, prove that it is costing more to prosecute the killers than keep the kids alive...and then, when the big guys shoot me down, maybe just leave it all in an envelope and accidentally mail it to CNN...see if the taxpayer outcry works...nothing else has.
kbl--First, I do drink. I'm a dedicated Chardonnay gal. Having some right now. But no, it doesn't dull the pain. Secondly, every parent has been in that nasty space that Sunnie described (notice how she knows the number of days!!??). The difference is that some of us have good sense as to what our limits are. No baby ever died being left to cry for a few minutes while their parent sat on the porch, splashed cold water on their face, or called for back-up.

Many babies have died when parents didn't make that life-saving choice, though.

For many parents, our reality is not their reality. They might have an addiction, a mental illness, other horrible stressors, no support system, nowhere to turn. The baby's screaming, your head is pounding, your partner smacked you last night, you can't find a job, and the neighbor's pounding on the wall. Quick....what are you going to do?

Guess what, kbl, I know what you'd do. Sadly, that's not true of everyone.
kbl--First, I do drink. I'm a dedicated Chardonnay gal. Having some right now. But no, it doesn't dull the pain. Secondly, every parent has been in that nasty space that Sunnie described (notice how she knows the number of days!!??). The difference is that some of us have good sense as to what our limits are. No baby ever died being left to cry for a few minutes while their parent sat on the porch, splashed cold water on their face, or called for back-up.

Many babies have died when parents didn't make that life-saving choice, though.

For many parents, our reality is not their reality. They might have an addiction, a mental illness, other horrible stressors, no support system, nowhere to turn. The baby's screaming, your head is pounding, your partner smacked you last night, you can't find a job, and the neighbor's pounding on the wall. Quick....what are you going to do?

Guess what, kbl, I know what you'd do. Sadly, that's not true of everyone.

then, quite frankly, those people shouldnt have kids in the first place. :(

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