NY - Search for escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #6

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ETA - in response to Isabelle - I agree - he wants suicide by cop:

"Sweat had once told Roger M. Henry, his mother's boyfriend, that he used a scanner to help him evade police and that "if the cops came for him, he'd blow them away," Henry told police.

One incident seemed to fan his antipathy toward cops. In May 2002, 21-year-old Michael J. Fisher Jr. pulled a gun on two state troopers during a routine traffic stop in Kirkwood. Fisher, after wounding a trooper in the hand, died in a hail of bullets.

"Sweat said if he ever was stopped after a crime, he would do the same thing to avoid going back to prison,"
Jennifer Seely told police after Tarsia's shooting."


I am a NYS resident and taxpayer. At the end of this whole situation, the cost passed on to all of us will be in the tens millions or higher. To have the governor flying seems like even more money spent that is not necessary at this point.

The investigation into how this whole thing occurred will also cost millions. We know that budget cuts, poor leadership and fewer workers are a major part of this issue.

I am sad these men will end up dead because I would have loved to know that all responsible on the LE side are held accountable. I tend to be on the more conservative side when it comes to the death of anyone.

I am relieved for the LEO in the road and woods and for the families of their victims.

Well said. I hope those in NY insist on a real investigation, no matter the cost. Way cheaper than a repeat of this fiasco. These guys were always going to be chased down and caught, and neither one of them ever had a chance of living through it. The story IMO has always been how their escape was made possible by prison employees, and that story hasn't been told. What happens more often than not is the public is satisfied and feels good when guys like these are caught and killed, end of story, everyone moves right along.

Tillie is whacked and guilty as sin, but Tillie as the big bad instigator who corrupted everyone with donuts is the most ridiculous fall guy story I've ever heard. May the fine folks of NY not let this end on that evasive note.

Screenshot taken from CBS News live feed: http://www.cbsnews.com/live/

My goodness, that camper is so lucky to be alive.
I am a NYS resident and taxpayer. At the end of this whole situation, the cost passed on to all of us will be in the tens millions or higher. To have the governor flying seems like even more money spent that is not necessary at this point.

The investigation into how this whole thing occurred will also cost millions. We know that budget cuts, poor leadership and fewer workers are a major part of this issue.

I am sad these men will end up dead because I would have loved to know that all responsible on the LE side are held accountable. I tend to be on the more conservative side when it comes to the death of anyone.

I am relieved for the LEO in the road and woods and for the families of their victims.

The Governor should fly in. This mess happened on his watch. It is my understanding that the escape was facilitated by two employees now in police custody. What do budget cuts and staffing shortages have to do with it? Poor leadership is resolved by firing poor leaders. Blame rests squarely on the shoulders of the employees and those who failed to supervise them. I've worked in a state corrections department in a men's maximum security prison. The Governor visited the prison several times because the staff are his employees.

If I was a taxpayer, I'd be far more concerned about the fact that this escape happened and less about the cost of an airplane that is probably owned by the state anyway.

Local wptz saying Sen Schumer stated federal border patrol agent from VT killed Matt after dogs tracked Matt. Can you all stream our local news?
I'm surprised they stayed together. To me that means they were worried about actual basic survival because wouldn't it make more sense to split up?

I was wondering why they didnt split up too and then it hit me why.

The sheer thought of spending even 1 night in those deep dark woods at night alone!!! No Way !!!

That is why they didnt split up. It is a very scary woods at night when the animals start making their noises and you are all alone.
Maybe this supposed shootout isn't happening because I don't see any more about it..hmm..
@Tom_Winter: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will address the media w/ police at 8:30pm tonight from the state police barracks in Malone, NY
Wolf also said Tillie is very frustrated about being in jail. She does not have a brain!!! She wanted to know why Gene Palmer got lower bail and was not incarcerated like she did nothing worse than he did. Whatever....

Is this a joke? Doesn't she realize that someone has to post bail for her and no one will.
TWCNews is covering this fulltime since I got home BTW I don't know if anyplace else is. Chuck Schumer says Matt was shot and killed by a Border Patrol Agent from Vermont.

The anchor says gunfire is occurring as we speak as a whole host of searchers are looking for him... they say the officers are exchanging fire with and returning fire upon him.. he is shooting as well...
I keep reading that a fire fight has broken out between Sweat and LE. Has anyone seen it on a major network?
Wolf also said Tillie is very frustrated about being in jail. She does not have a brain!!! She wanted to know why Gene Palmer got lower bail and was not incarcerated like she did nothing worse than he did. Whatever....
would be interesting if it turns out she really didn't do anything worse than him
But most likely she's just crazy.
TWCNews on tv (local) - Matt approached LE with a shotgun in hand, sometime thereafter was when he was shot and killed by VT border patrol agent. Two sets of footprints were found, they trackd them to a location near Titus Mtn where gunfire is now occurring.

Rt 30 has been closed from Lake Titus south to Meacham (?) Lake..

"It is a gun battle, it is a cornering of David Sweat" "he is trapped in the wilderness" "major routes are closed down, these are not side roads"...
Oh, and maybe Tillie should be charged with Matt's death, he wouldn't be dead if she hadn't helped them escape.
[h=2]Clinton County, NY, Sheriff told me they're sending a night vision truck in case the search for David Sweat goes into nightfall - @JarredWPTZ[/h]
Geoff Redick ‏@Redick_TWCNews [video=twitter;614564944693063681]https://twitter.com/Redick_TWCNews/status/614564944693063681[/video] #EARLIER: Richard Matt shot as he approached police w/ a SHOTGUN. Two sets of footprints found; other set believed to be David Sweat's.
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