NY NY - Sharon Shechter, 35, Perinton, 9 Dec 2001

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Sharon told (2) people she was picking her kids up at 5:30pm the night she was "Vanished".
Sharon's vehicle was found very close to her husband's residence.
A hitman would have left that vehicle someplace else-thus making it look like it was a stranger.
The "person" they should be (and most likely did, and are) looking at, lived in Gates, NY. He had to get back home quickly.

After rereading this thread again I'm thinking a few things....first-was this the DAY she was found? Coverage is saying she was last seen 3days prior. I wonder if they mean physically seen & not saying this because it wasn't in person? Do we know?

I'm also thinking that if the above is accurate & the husband is responsible for Sharon's disappearance-he couldn't have taken her far. Here's why it say that. Someone talked to her earlier that day and he had to be with the kids when she was to show up and pick them up. They had to have been with a sitter or someone right? That person would have said he was late or acting odd. If he did do this either he put her some where local, had help or he could have moved her later. Obviously it could also be another person all together.

Along this line of thinking I wonder-
Where was he that day?
What was the restraining order for?
Was he known to stalk her?
Who saw him that afternoon and how did he act?
Did he ever change his clothes that day?
Was there any locations or properties that he owned or liked in the area that were private?
Did anyone interview the children that day? Since?

On another note-
Was the blood in the van Sharon's?
Is there any evidence that can be retested based on new technology?
Where is the van?
Was there surveillance recovered at the motel?

I'm sure more will come to my thoughts as the wheels turn & of course other ppl will think of other things too!
Bump-13 yrs tomorrow....
Where are you Sharon?
Captain Fowler says this started out as a missing persons case in 2001, but a few years later was determined to be a homicide investigation. We spoke with him about the latest developments.
We asked investigators if there were any new developments in the case. Captain Fowler says, "We do continue to develop some information."
We asked investigators about Shechter's husband and if they'd been able to speak with him.
Captain Fowler says, "The husband at the time, Alan Shechter, retained an attorney. So over the past course of these 13 years we've been unable to speak with him."
Despite that he says they continue to look for new information.
"There's a considerable part of the extended family that's been very cooperative," says Captain Fowler. "Sharon's side has been cooperative and we continue to speak with them, even as recent as this year."

A body was found yesterday, in a ravine off of King's Highway in Irondequiot, in Durand Eastman park. Just skeletal remains. May have been there some time. An anthropologist has been called in to help. No word yet on whether male or female.
Just looked at this case today -- kinda started looking at old missing person cases in Rochester when they found the body off King's Highway. Apparently someone got away with murder (at least, so far). The kids would be grown now -- have they been questioned...ever?
New Information in the Disappearance Case of a Perinton Woman

Old journal entries written by missing woman could generate new leads


Monroe County investigators said there's new information in the disappearance of Sharon Shechter. Shechter's mom was moving a few months back when she discovered old journal entries written by Sharon.

So, she turned them over to police. Police said those entries may offer new clues about what happened to Sharon all those years ago. "It certainly paints a picture of what was going in her life at the time," said Monroe County Sheriff's Investigator, Jeffrey Branagan.

Branagan's in the process of combing over dozens of journal entries in the years and months leading up to her disappearance. "She documented quite a few things going on in her life at the time."
Bumping for Sharon. Any news?

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I have some thoughts and questions about this case.

1. Sharon was going to pickup the children at her husband’s house, who she had a restraining order against - by herself?

2. In December at 5:30 at night it would be dark by then. Maybe the husband attacked her there, hid the body and parked the van somewhere else later. He never even wondered where she was once she didn’t pickup the kids? Didn’t call police, sister, mother or friends to find out where she was.

3. Does anyone know the address of where he lived at that time? Was the house secluded or sheltered by trees?

4. He lawyered up very fast, so he wouldn’t talk with police. I mean comeon you have three children with her, you would be worried for them being their mom has disappeared and near Christmas, sure they would miss her.

5. Did he raise the children after she disappeared? They would be adults now, why do they not want to know where she is? Did they witness it and were told you will be next if you say anything?

6. Does anyone know what he does for a living?
Details of Disappearance

Sharon resided on Nettle Creek Road in Perinton, New York with her three children in 2001. She was estranged from her husband, Alan Shechter, and was in the midst of a difficult divorce. Sharon received an order of protection against him in 2000. Alan was charged with criminal contempt after violating the order in October 2000. He grabbed Sharon in front of her home at the time of the incident. The charges were scheduled to be dismissed in March 2002, provided Alan did not receive additional criminal complaints.
Sharon phoned her mother at approximately 12:00 p.m. on December 9, 2001. She said that she planned to pick up her children from Alan's residence later that afternoon. Sharon finished some holiday shopping and had dinner at a restaurant in Macedon, New York with her friend Mike Pieramico. Pieramico last saw Sharon as he exited her driveway at approximately 5:00 p.m. She walked inside of her residence to activate the holiday lights. Sharon has never been heard from again. Sharon's loved ones became concerned when they were unable to contact her over the weekend of her disappearance. She was reported as a missing person on December 10, when she failed to arrive at the Ide Group for her scheduled work shift. Alan told authorities that Sharon asked him to keep their children at his home in Chili, New York over the weekend. He said that he dropped them off at school during the morning of December 10 at his estranged wife's request.

Sharon's red/maroon 1992 Dodge Caravan with wood grain panels and New York license plates numbered U457WP was discovered abandoned later on December 12. The vehicle was located in the parking lot of the Days Inn motel in the 1200 block of Chili Avenue in Gates, New York. Blood was discovered inside the minivan. Authorities have not announced publicly whether the blood was determined to be Sharon's. She did not register as a guest at the motel and no one remembers seeing her inside the building.
Sharon's current NAMUS link: The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

I have some thoughts and questions about this case.

1. Sharon was going to pickup the children at her husband’s house, who she had a restraining order against - by herself?

2. In December at 5:30 at night it would be dark by then. Maybe the husband attacked her there, hid the body and parked the van somewhere else later. He never even wondered where she was once she didn’t pickup the kids? Didn’t call police, sister, mother or friends to find out where she was.

3. Does anyone know the address of where he lived at that time? Was the house secluded or sheltered by trees?

4. He lawyered up very fast, so he wouldn’t talk with police. I mean comeon you have three children with her, you would be worried for them being their mom has disappeared and near Christmas, sure they would miss her.

5. Did he raise the children after she disappeared? They would be adults now, why do they not want to know where she is? Did they witness it and were told you will be next if you say anything?

6. Does anyone know what he does for a living?

Alan Shechter is employed as a programmer/systems analyst at the University of Rochester. He has held that job for at least 10 years. I met him 10 years ago after my divorce. Alan was running the local Parents Without Partners organization at the time, and was raising the children himself. He had a girlfriend back then, but I don't know if he ever remarried. When I found out about what happened to Sharon, I dropped out of PWP activities and no longer spoke to Alan. This case has bothered me ever since.

If you google his name you can find his linkedin page. I won't post a link, because I am not sure if I can.
Sadly, nothing has been posted in this thread in over a year. We just passed Sharon's 19 year missing anniversary, and I was so disappointed to not see any local coverage on her case! I live and grew up where Sharon disappeared from, and have been interested for years in pursuing a local case. I was familiar with her disappearance a number of years ago, but it wasn't until a bit of kismet that her case resurfaced in my life, so I feel compelled to do what I can to contribute.

I am actually in the process of arranging a sit down with a close friend of Sharon's, and have submitted a FOIA request for all relevant records in relation to her investigation. I have received a response that my request is being processed and I should know within the next month if it is granted or denied. Fingers crossed!
Sadly, nothing has been posted in this thread in over a year. We just passed Sharon's 19 year missing anniversary, and I was so disappointed to not see any local coverage on her case! I live and grew up where Sharon disappeared from, and have been interested for years in pursuing a local case. I was familiar with her disappearance a number of years ago, but it wasn't until a bit of kismet that her case resurfaced in my life, so I feel compelled to do what I can to contribute.

I am actually in the process of arranging a sit down with a close friend of Sharon's, and have submitted a FOIA request for all relevant records in relation to her investigation. I have received a response that my request is being processed and I should know within the next month if it is granted or denied. Fingers crossed!
Ziggy.....Sharon is not forgotten, especially during this time of year. Just out of curiosity, what was it that forced this to be "resurfaced" for you?
Ziggy.....Sharon is not forgotten, especially during this time of year. Just out of curiosity, what was it that forced this to be "resurfaced" for you?

Of course she's not forgotten, thats made clear. But it's just sad to not see any current news coverage to refresh people's memories, especially on her anniversary.

How it resurfaced was I at a small, local shop with my sister and I saw Sharon's missing poster on the wall (happened to be a week before the anniversary of her disappearance). I made a note to re-look up her case when I got home. Upon doing so, I then reached out to the store owner to inquire if she knew Sharon or was just trying to keep her face out there, etc. She was gracious enough to respond, and as it turns out, she was a close high school friend of Sharon's. Not that I took this as a 'sign' (even though there was literally a sign), but I found it curious that I had never been to this shop before, and yet this seems to have been put into my path.
Of course she's not forgotten, thats made clear. But it's just sad to not see any current news coverage to refresh people's memories, especially on her anniversary.

How it resurfaced was I at a small, local shop with my sister and I saw Sharon's missing poster on the wall (happened to be a week before the anniversary of her disappearance). I made a note to re-look up her case when I got home. Upon doing so, I then reached out to the store owner to inquire if she knew Sharon or was just trying to keep her face out there, etc. She was gracious enough to respond, and as it turns out, she was a close high school friend of Sharon's. Not that I took this as a 'sign' (even though there was literally a sign), but I found it curious that I had never been to this shop before, and yet this seems to have been put into my path.
Zingy, I hope you can bring some attention to this case. It is the one that has hunted me since I took the initial call in 2001. It was quickly ascertained that this was not a normal missing persons complaint. A National BOLO was produced that same night. I did a lot of the initial investigative work, questioning family members, neighbors, friends, searching her home and was even able to question the husband prior to him getting representation. Good luck with that FOIA request. The Sheriffs department will most likely deny it on the grounds that it would interfere with the investigation, but who know maybe a moderator will see it in another light. Just remember knowing who did it and being able to prove it are two different things.........if you really want to get involved, talk to the kids. Ask them what they remember about that time and what was said to them....the kids are the key. Good Luck
Zingy, I hope you can bring some attention to this case. It is the one that has hunted me since I took the initial call in 2001. It was quickly ascertained that this was not a normal missing persons complaint. A National BOLO was produced that same night. I did a lot of the initial investigative work, questioning family members, neighbors, friends, searching her home and was even able to question the husband prior to him getting representation. Good luck with that FOIA request. The Sheriffs department will most likely deny it on the grounds that it would interfere with the investigation, but who know maybe a moderator will see it in another light. Just remember knowing who did it and being able to prove it are two different things.........if you really want to get involved, talk to the kids. Ask them what they remember about that time and what was said to them....the kids are the key. Good Luck

Thank you for that info, I'll add all of that to my notes! Are you still local? Would love to have a conversation and elaborate on some things.

I do have all the kids' info and am prepared to contact them when appropriate. I didn't feel starting there would be responsible, or possibly helpful, until I can get a fuller picture of circumstances from friends or hopefully LE. What's available via news articles only gleans so much. And yes, it is wishful thinking for the FOIA request but you never know!
Hello all - a bit of an update, if you will. Well, I am now fully invested in Sharon's case, and have decided to start a podcast on her story! I've listened to true crime podcasts daily, for years, because of my job. This is uncharted territory for me, but I think it's an important case to highlight, and I am up for the challenge.

I have been in contact with a number of high school and college friends of hers, and interviewed one in person 2 weeks ago, as she is still local. I've chatted with one coworker from the time of her disappearance, and have a Skype interview this Friday, 1/22, with another. I contacted the chapter president of Parents Without Partners, as mentioned above, and we talked for almost an hour - he had a lot to say. Also, I have a contact in the sheriff's department, cold case unit, who is going to try and assist me! He said her case is assigned to another investigator, because it's high profile there is an investigator assigned to it, but he's going to see what he can do. I am still hoping @xspook reemerges, because I desperately would love to interview him about the events that took place those first few days of the investigation/her disappearance after he took the initial call. Everyone I've reached out to has been extremely generous and open with information, and they all have expressed their deep desire for this case to find some sort of resolution, especially Sharon's mother, who is getting older of course.

I don't have plans to publish anything at this juncture, hoping in the next few month I'll have a better idea, as I have a lot more work to do first. And I am definitely not tech savvy, so there's a learning curve I'm going to have to navigate as well! So that's where we're at. If anyone else is following this thread and has any nuggets of info, tips, rumors, etc I am ALL ears!

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