Identified! NY - Skeletal, basement of home of missing owner in 1961, Long Island, 31 Oct 2018 - George Carroll

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Skeleton Found in Basement During Search for Father Missing Since 1961


The homeowner, Michael Carroll, 57, was long haunted by his father’s fate, and after years of hunches and even consultations with genealogists and psychics, decided with his family to begin digging out the basement three years ago, but it took a while to find anything. Suffolk Police reported bones were found Wednesday, which was Halloween.

I hope it's ok to put this here? Not sure where else to put it. This is an interesting mystery. Remains found of a person who was known (by family) to be missing for many years but never reported missing. They were specifically looking for him when they found him under the concrete in the basement.

Family Digging for Lost Grandpa Finds Bones in Cellar of NY Home
from the link

A son of a Long Island man who vanished in 1961, leaving his wife and children alone to grapple with the mystery of his disappearance for decades, says he feels relieved by the discovery of bones in the same home this Halloween.

"We felt abandoned as kids but he was here the whole time," Steven Carroll, who was just 5 when his father George disappeared, told News 4 Thursday.

Steven Carroll and his brother Michael stumbled upon a skeleton in their basement Wednesday; bones they believe belong to their long missing father.

Steven Carroll says his mother told him and his siblings very little about what had happened until just before her death in 1998.
Son Finds Skeletal Remains In Home Dad Disappeared From Decades Ago | HuffPost


In an interview with Newsday, Michael Carroll said his mother told them their dad walked out one day and never returned. Rumors circulated, and speculation varied as to whether he met with foul play or chose to become a deadbeat dad.

The one possible lead the family had to go on was that the house was under construction at the time of George Carroll’s disappearance. There was, at one point according to the family, speculation that he might have died during the construction project and was buried somewhere in the basement.

Having purchased the home from his mother in the 1980s, Michael Carroll, a respiratory therapist who was just 8 months old when his father vanished, decided to finally seek out the answers earlier this year.

After calling in some paranormal investigators in June — a group who claimed they felt “energy” in the basement — Michael Carroll began to dig and kept digging until he began to fear he might cause damage to the home.


I just came across this HuffPost article and had to come here to see if there was a thread.

This is the part that really grabbed my attention. “According to the detective, Dorothy Carroll’s second husband, Richard Darress, moved into the home shortly after George Carroll’s disappearance. Darress died a few months ago.”

What a crazy story. I can only imagine what really happened.

And the emotions that son must be feeling. To finally find out that his Dad didn’t actually walk out on the family, that there was potentially foul play involved and to know he was buried under the house he’s been living in. :eek:
Did George Carroll have any siblings at the time of his death? Parents? Weird how nobody ever filed a missing persons report. Seems like the killer is either the wife or Richard Darress or maybe both of them. Or this could be the skeleton of someone George killed which is why he left the area. Hopefully the family finds out soon
Did George Carroll have any siblings at the time of his death? Parents? Weird how nobody ever filed a missing persons report. Seems like the killer is either the wife or Richard Darress or maybe both of them. Or this could be the skeleton of someone George killed which is why he left the area. Hopefully the family finds out soon
I am just chiming in, thanks for the clue in Hockey..........i wnat to know why they were even digging in the first place in the basement (?) on halloween..........sounds like the mom did it or the son had SUSPICIONS instead of Premonitions..........this is really strange........i will have to read up on more of this
After years of speculation -- and months of digging in their basement -- a family unearths what they think are the long-lost remains of a family patriarch who disappeared 57 years ago. Greg Cergol reports on the deepening mystery from Lake Grove, Long Island.

(Published Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018) Family Digging for Lost Grandpa Finds Bones in Cellar of NY Home
Did George Carroll have any siblings at the time of his death? Parents? Weird how nobody ever filed a missing persons report. Seems like the killer is either the wife or Richard Darress or maybe both of them. Or this could be the skeleton of someone George killed which is why he left the area. Hopefully the family finds out soon
Undoubtedly there were no siblings or other family or atleast maybe not on speaking terms

Apparently the mother knew there would be no questions asked or no one would miss him......when she killed him, but in the 60's, What was her income, most women were homemakers.........were they well to do? What about his co workers? I guess it would be a lot easier to do get rid of someone in the 60's than today especially if no acquaintences or close family or friends, no one would get invovled, so she got away with murder possibly..........

sorry I am assuming the mom did it from what i have read......and the son was suspicious indeed, the reason he was digging, maybe he should be hypnotized, might know more than he thinks
My father up and left my family in 1976. He had run off with his best friends wife, but we didn't find this out until he died in 1999. We didn't see or hear from him again. No child support, although he did divorce my mother, and ask for his share of the house equity. I'm sure that is how I became so interested in missing people.
A very bizarre case. Putting together a timeline from the links above.

1961-George Carol disappears while his house is under construction. His disappearance isn't reported. Someone finished building the house.

"Shortly after" Richard Darress moves in with the mother and children.

1960s thru 1990's- The children learned of a family suspicion that George might have hit his head while the house was under construction and somehow been buried in the basement.

1980s-one of the sons took over the house and still owns it.

1998-The mother tells her children about what happened, just before she dies.

2018-Richard Darress dies.

2018-The children start digging up the basement to find their father's remains.

I guess they didn't want Darress to be investigated for the murder. Possibly their mother had made them promise, or they cared about him.

I wonder whether the house stayed in the family because of who was buried there.
My father up and left my family in 1976. He had run off with his best friends wife, but we didn't find this out until he died in 1999. We didn't see or hear from him again. No child support, although he did divorce my mother, and ask for his share of the house equity. I'm sure that is how I became so interested in missing people.
I know a man who did something similar. He left his wife and four tiny children for a woman that he had known for a matter of weeks. They had a mortgage and she paid it off with the help of her parents and when she wanted to sell it and needed his signature, he wanted half of it, although he had only paid six years of the twenty year loan and gave no support for his children.
I know a man who did something similar. He left his wife and four tiny children for a woman that he had known for a matter of weeks. They had a mortgage and she paid it off with the help of her parents and when she wanted to sell it and needed his signature, he wanted half of it, although he had only paid six years of the twenty year loan and gave no support for his children.

I was the youngest of four, all at primary school at the time. At that time, my mother was working, but couldn't get a bank loan to pay my father out. It seems incredible now, but his family didn't have anything to do with us. We grew up in extreme hardship. When my father first went missing, we used to calculate how much pocket money we were owed. No one ever said anything-that I remember-about where he had gone. I don't think we ever thought that he was dead though. It was incredibly cruel, but those were the times.

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