NY NY - Sneha Ann Philip, 31, New York City, 10 Sep 2001

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DNA Solves
If I'm repeating I apologize. Recently (within a month or so) the remains of two more victims were identified. One was named and the other not...perhaps its Sneha and the family had to be notified first ? FWIW ... a family member of two in LE has said many times that 9-11 gave good opportunity for anyone who wanted to start a new life, same as Hurricane Katrina
If I'm repeating I apologize. Recently (within a month or so) the remains of two more victims were identified. One was named and the other not...perhaps its Sneha and the family had to be notified first ? FWIW ... a family member of two in LE has said many times that 9-11 gave good opportunity for anyone who wanted to start a new life, same as Hurricane Katrina
The victim that was not named publicly was a man.
20 Years Later, 2 More 9/11 Victims Have Been Identified Using New Technology
For the first time since the 9/11 attacks, I recently started watching a lot of the documentaries that have been made about these horrific events - i.e., The iconic Naudet Brothers documentary (initially about the NYC firefighters, but then quickly became a first-hand doc. about the attacks), "9/11 - the Falling Man", the recent doc. series "9/11: One Day in America", etc. I honestly had never seen much of this horrible footage before due to not having a TV back in 2001 & only dial-up Internet access. And, in the ensuing years I avoided watching much about the events due to their being so disturbing, etc. However, because of the 20th anniversary I decided to get out of my "comfort zone" and watch some of these.

So, I don't see it as being plausible - or really even possible - that SP ran back into the WTC buildings after the attacks in order to save people. I.e., it is extremely obvious that - after the attacks - any civilians (i.e., non-firefighters/LE/security) who were on the ground near the WTC were not only prevented by the authorities from getting near the building(s), but that most of them would have actively made a point of running as far as possible from these building(s). This was especially true as the tower(s) were collapsing, and afterwards.

So, unfortunately - I do think SP perished in the 9/11 attacks. I think she was either in or near the WTC buildings when the attacks occurred. However, we'll probably never know the exact circumstances of her death.
really been hooked on this case the last few days

to me, i think it all comes down to whether or not the woman apparently seen in the surveillance footage from the apartment building is her or not. if it is her, why did she enter the lobby and then leave right after without going upstairs to her apartment? if the time of the footage is accurate, then it was 3 minutes prior to the first plane hitting. could there be a chance that the time was off and she didn't go upstairs because she heard the plane hit and ran out to see what happened? not sure how accurate a cctv camera from 20 years ago would be. just strikes me as very weird that she would enter the lobby and then immediately leave

if it's not her, then she was either murdered the night of 9/10 or early morning of 9/11 or somehow did end up either in the WTC or on the ground and died there. she had mentioned to her mother that she wanted to check out windows on the world because her friend was getting married there. maybe she was returning home and ended up at the WTC after the plane hit to offer help? she left all her belongings at her apartment so not sure if she even had her credentials on her. the fact that her remains were never found/identified and she's never been seen in any sort of video taken from the WTC that day makes me believe that she was never there
the fact that her remains were never found/identified and she's never been seen in any sort of video taken from the WTC that day makes me believe that she was never there

I don't know how good the video footage was 20 years ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if SP's just didn't get caught by camera/video going into or out of the building(s). That doesn't mean she wasn't there when the attacks happened.

And, just because SP's remains/identifying papers have never been found @ the WTC doesn't mean she didn't die there. As of September 2021, there are still at least 1,106 people that are unaccounted for....and it sounds like they're fairly certain they were in the building(s) when they were attacked. It's evident that the WTC got a lot of foot traffic on any given day. I.e., not just the people who worked there, but also people who went there on business, tourists, people who went to the restaurant for meals, etc. So, that count may even be higher than 1,106.

When I was watching one of the many 9/11 documentaries recently, one of the many firemen at the scene was being interviewed. And, he noted that when they going through the WTC rubble, he was amazed that there were almost no traces of desks/computers/furniture, etc. So, presumably most of it got destroyed/incinerated?! by the blast(s). So, taking that one step further - I strongly suspect that the remains of many people who were in the WTC when the planes hit may never be found.

‘Reopening Old Wounds’: When 9/11 Remains Are Identified, 20 Years Later
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I don't know how good the video footage was 20 years ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if SP's just didn't get caught by camera/video going into or out of the building(s). That doesn't mean she wasn't there when the attacks happened.

And, just because SP's remains/identifying papers have never been found @ the WTC doesn't mean she didn't die there. As of September 2021, there are still at least 1,106 people that are unaccounted for....and it sounds like they're fairly certain they were in the building(s) when they were attacked. It's evident that the WTC got a lot of foot traffic on any given day. I.e., not just the people who worked there, but also people who went there on business, tourists, people who went to the restaurant for meals, etc. So, that count may even be higher than 1,106.

When I was watching one of the many 9/11 documentaries recently, one of the many firemen at the scene was being interviewed. And, he noted that when they going through the WTC rubble, he was amazed that there were almost no traces of desks/computers/furniture, etc. So, presumably most of it got destroyed/incinerated?! by the blast(s). So, taking that one step further - I strongly suspect that the remains of many people who were in the WTC when the planes hit may never be found.

‘Reopening Old Wounds’: When 9/11 Remains Are Identified, 20 Years Later
I think that Sneha was the woman in the video of the lobby of her building, so I don't think she made it into the WTC.
Sneha could have died in the ensuing collapse, but I lean towards a voluntary disappearance (with help).
I don't know how good the video footage was 20 years ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if SP's just didn't get caught by camera/video going into or out of the building(s). That doesn't mean she wasn't there when the attacks happened.

And, just because SP's remains/identifying papers have never been found @ the WTC doesn't mean she didn't die there. As of September 2021, there are still at least 1,106 people that are unaccounted for....and it sounds like they're fairly certain they were in the building(s) when they were attacked. It's evident that the WTC got a lot of foot traffic on any given day. I.e., not just the people who worked there, but also people who went there on business, tourists, people who went to the restaurant for meals, etc. So, that count may even be higher than 1,106.

When I was watching one of the many 9/11 documentaries recently, one of the many firemen at the scene was being interviewed. And, he noted that when they going through the WTC rubble, he was amazed that there were almost no traces of desks/computers/furniture, etc. So, presumably most of it got destroyed/incinerated?! by the blast(s). So, taking that one step further - I strongly suspect that the remains of many people who were in the WTC when the planes hit may never be found.

‘Reopening Old Wounds’: When 9/11 Remains Are Identified, 20 Years Later
well she apparently left all her belongings at the apartment except for the couple's amex card which she used to buy lingerie, bedsheets, and 3 pairs of shoes on 9/10

like i said, it just goes back to whether or not the silhouette of the woman seen on the apartment CCTV camera is her or not. if it is her, then it becomes far more likely that she actually did end up at the WTC after the first plane hit and died there, either on the ground or inside. one would have to assume that the time on the camera was off by 3 minutes, which would explain why she entered and then left after a minute (because she would've heard the first plane hit the tower and went outside to see what happened)

if it's not her, then i'd say the chances she ended up at the WTC are slim to none. she was either murdered or simply ran away. the latter could explain why she left everything behind. i'm not sure how easy it is to just run away and start a new life, but the problems she was dealing with in her personal life definitely lend some credibility to that theory. she would've needed someone's assistance, and that person could've been the woman who the store clerk claims she was with on 9/10.

i feel like the husband and brother know more than what they've said. especially the brother. he was the one who at first lied and said he had spoken to her during the attacks, and then later on there was that police report that he had apparently caught SP and his girlfriend (now wife) having sex
If I'm repeating I apologize. Recently (within a month or so) the remains of two more victims were identified. One was named and the other not...perhaps its Sneha and the family had to be notified first ? FWIW ... a family member of two in LE has said many times that 9-11 gave good opportunity for anyone who wanted to start a new life, same as Hurricane Katrina

I think this statement of starting a new life is way overblown around here. Most people do not want to start a new life and/or don't have the means to do so. In the case of this woman, she was in her final year of residency. That's some real blood, sweat, and tears. There's nothing to suggest she was unhappy. Could she have run away from it all? Yes, but why? Usually, there's an indication of turmoil, depression, domestic violence, unhappiness, debt, legal problems. Were any of those things evidence in this case? People who want a new life just because are the ones who quit their job and move away, not the ones who stage a disappearance. Staging a disappearance/faking your death is a whole new level of desperation and I find it disheartening that I read it so much here.
I think this statement of starting a new life is way overblown around here. Most people do not want to start a new life and/or don't have the means to do so. In the case of this woman, she was in her final year of residency. That's some real blood, sweat, and tears. There's nothing to suggest she was unhappy. Could she have run away from it all? Yes, but why? Usually, there's an indication of turmoil, depression, domestic violence, unhappiness, debt, legal problems. Were any of those things evidence in this case? People who want a new life just because are the ones who quit their job and move away, not the ones who stage a disappearance. Staging a disappearance/faking your death is a whole new level of desperation and I find it disheartening that I read it so much here.
yes, quite evident actually

she had a pending misdemeanor charge against her at the time of her disappearance stemming from an incident where she claimed a coworker had groped her at a bar. after an investigation, manhattan DA dropped the case and charged her with filing a false complaint which got her arrested and she spent a night in jail.

in spring of 01 she had been let go from her internship for "alcohol-related issues" and tardiness. later, she was suspended by her new employer for failing to meet with a substance abuse counselor. so it's safe to say there were definitely alcohol/drug issues going on. and on top of all that, she was known to stay out all night without returning home after frequenting bars (usually gay/lesbian bars) that's why ron wasn't surprised when he woke up on 9/11 and saw that she wasn't there. i'd say that's something that would usually cause marital issues
I think this statement of starting a new life is way overblown around here. Most people do not want to start a new life and/or don't have the means to do so. In the case of this woman, she was in her final year of residency. That's some real blood, sweat, and tears. There's nothing to suggest she was unhappy. Could she have run away from it all? Yes, but why? Usually, there's an indication of turmoil, depression, domestic violence, unhappiness, debt, legal problems. Were any of those things evidence in this case? People who want a new life just because are the ones who quit their job and move away, not the ones who stage a disappearance. Staging a disappearance/faking your death is a whole new level of desperation and I find it disheartening that I read it so much here.
She never wanted to be a doctor; that was a career that she had been pressured into.
Her medical career was basically over.
She had been fired from one residency and was about to be fired from another.
And she did have legal problems; she had criminal charges pending.
Based on my experience of being young professional in NYC, around the time of Sneha’s disappearance. I think it’s possible that she left Century 21 with the big bags to meet someone, or just go to a bar for drinks alone. The bags? Possibly left in a coatcheck, of left behind when she left to go to next place. Having those bags would not be fun if you were going out.
It’s possibly she went home with a person, who worked in twin towers maybe invited her for breakfast in tower or come and check out the view, meet my boss, etc. Possibly went into towers with person and possibly bypassing security which is possible if you worked there (I did), you get to know the guards, or some access the building from locations other than main lobby. (Like florists, food service, logistics, cleaners, use lifts not in main lobby). She perished there in lifts or other location in towers.
The bags? Would have remained in coat check for weeks while places were closed, stolen, or left behind, or person she was with also perished. The bags not noted as belonging to someone else. There are so many Unidentified remains. Not so different from the guy who went for the twin towers meeting to get the free breakfast. All Sneha needed to do was join someone with access to the tower. Sometimes in NY, you go out, and it’s an adventure and you wind up on a fun journey with likeminded people, not murderers. Sleep on someone’s couch, walk with them to work the next morning, phone dead battery, no charger. I think she perished there. Simple story.
Based on my experience of being young professional in NYC, around the time of Sneha’s disappearance. I think it’s possible that she left Century 21 with the big bags to meet someone, or just go to a bar for drinks alone. The bags? Possibly left in a coatcheck, of left behind when she left to go to next place. Having those bags would not be fun if you were going out.
It’s possibly she went home with a person, who worked in twin towers maybe invited her for breakfast in tower or come and check out the view, meet my boss, etc. Possibly went into towers with person and possibly bypassing security which is possible if you worked there (I did), you get to know the guards, or some access the building from locations other than main lobby. (Like florists, food service, logistics, cleaners, use lifts not in main lobby). She perished there in lifts or other location in towers.
The bags? Would have remained in coat check for weeks while places were closed, stolen, or left behind, or person she was with also perished. The bags not noted as belonging to someone else. There are so many Unidentified remains. Not so different from the guy who went for the twin towers meeting to get the free breakfast. All Sneha needed to do was join someone with access to the tower. Sometimes in NY, you go out, and it’s an adventure and you wind up on a fun journey with likeminded people, not murderers. Sleep on someone’s couch, walk with them to work the next morning, phone dead battery, no charger. I think she perished there. Simple story.
That scenario only works if Sneha was not the woman on the security footage from her apartment building, and it seems much more likely than not that it was she.

By the way, my understanding is that Sneha did not have a cell phone, so a dead battery doesn't come into play.
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I often see people mentioning she could have been in the towers because she went with someone to work. That’s so weird to me. I feel like it’s not common to go to a friends office. Jmo
to me, the only plausible explanation of why she could've been inside the towers when the first plane hit is that she was having breakfast at windows on the world. she had mentioned that she wanted to check it out because a friend was getting married there in the future. the restaurant was open for breakfast when the plane hit at 8:46 AM. maybe she had gone out the night before, spent the night at the home of someone she had met or a friend, and then went to breakfast with them in the morning?

other than that, she wouldn't have had any reason to be inside the towers that early. i've never heard of anyone accompanying a friend to work
to me, the only plausible explanation of why she could've been inside the towers when the first plane hit is that she was having breakfast at windows on the world. she had mentioned that she wanted to check it out because a friend was getting married there in the future. the restaurant was open for breakfast when the plane hit at 8:46 AM. maybe she had gone out the night before, spent the night at the home of someone she had met or a friend, and then went to breakfast with them in the morning?

other than that, she wouldn't have had any reason to be inside the towers that early. i've never heard of anyone accompanying a friend to work
And if she was in Windows on the World, then it must have been someone else who was captured on video in the lobby of Sneha's apartment building. But the husband seems confident that it was Sneha, and no one else has come forward and self-identified as that person.

I think that it was Sneha who was captured on video, so her presence in the Twin Towers can be ruled out.

I can't, however, rule out the possibility that she was outside the Towers and was killed in the collapse, but knowing how dissatisfied she seemed to be with her life, a voluntary disappearance seems extremely likely. I wouldn't be surprised if she had help, possibly from her brother's girlfriend, possibly from a relative.
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And if she was in Windows on the World, then it must have been someone else who was captured on video in the lobby of Sneha's apartment building. But the husband seems confident that it was Sneha, and no one else has come forward and self-identified as that person.

I think that it was Sneha who was captured on video, so her presence in the Twin Towers can be ruled out.

I can't, however, rule out the possibility that she was outside the Towers and was killed in the collapse, but knowing how dissatisfied she seemed to be with her life, a voluntary disappearance seems extremely likely. I wouldn't be surprised if she had help, possibly from her brother's girlfriend, possibly from a relative.
have any images of the camera footage ever been released to the public? her family and the BF claim that the figure seen on camera looked to be her based on her body shape and clothes she'd normally wear, but i can't help but think that perhaps they're lying about that so it fits with their story that she died at the WTC site
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have any images of the camera footage ever been released to the public? her family and the BF claim that the figure seen on camera looked to be her based on her body shape and clothes she'd normally wear, but i can't help but think that perhaps they're lying about that so it fits with their story that she died at the WTC site
The images haven't been released. However, LE hasn't ruled out Sneha as the woman in the video, so the woman must resemble Sneha at least superficially. One hopes that they would have attempted to exclude the other women living in the building.
The images haven't been released. However, LE hasn't ruled out Sneha as the woman in the video, so the woman must resemble Sneha at least superficially. One hopes that they would have attempted to exclude the other women living in the building.
if it is her in the footage, then i'm inclined to believe she did actually end up at the WTC site and died there. there's really no other explanation as to why she'd enter the building and then leave after a couple minutes without going up to her apartment. she would've left because she heard the first plane hit
I'm torn between whether Sneha died on 9/10 or 9/11. Her condo (225 Rector Place...public info) was/is very close to the WTC. If you search for "Luc Courchesne 9/11," on YT there's a video that starts around 9 a.m. that partly shows Sneha and Ron's building during the attacks. The condo sits southwest of the WTC. If Sneha was the woman captured on the apartment lobby surveillance video, she would definitely have heard the crash of American Flight 11. But IDK how easy it would have been to enter the towers right after the first impact. Because if she's running north toward the WTC complex from her building, she would have almost instantly encountered Flight 11's debris field, which included aircraft parts, human remains, parts of the WTC, and small fires. I surmise that if Sneha was alive on 9/11, the most likely scenario is she approached the base of the North Tower and was struck and killed by a piece of the facade, office equipment, or a person who jumped.

OTOH, no one has ever come forward to verify Sneha's whereabouts after she chatted with her mother on IM on 9/10. Despite what Ron has told the press, I'd characterize their relationship as being more like roommates than lovers. It happens. I don't necessarily believe Sneha had to have been a victim of foul play although it's possible she mingled with the wrong person and her luck ran out. She could have OD or simply fallen down a staircase and died and then someone used the 9/11 attacks as cover to get rid of the body.

I do hope that wherever she is, she's identified one day.

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