NY NY - Sneha Ann Philip, 31, New York City, 10 Sep 2001

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Sneha has been certified as a 9/11 victim- she's back on the list.
Missing doctor certified as 9/11 victim


Thursday, July 10th 2008, 11:48 PM

A doctor who disappeared the day before the Sept. 11 attacks has been added to the list of those killed in the World Trade Center terror strike.

Dr. Sneha Philip, 31, will have her name read at this year's anniversary of the attacks after the city medical examiner concluded Thursday she was crushed in the rubble.

The medical examiner cited a January state appeals court decision that stated Philip, a resident at St. Vincent's Hospital Staten Island, was killed the day after she went missing.

Her family went to court to restore her name to the victim list - now 2,751 - after it was cut in 2004 because officials couldn't link her to the site.

"We waited and we waited, and everything came out right," said her father, Philip Philip. "Sadness is there all the time, but at last, you know, we are happy that they recognized that Sneha was a victim of 9/11."
Sneha has been certified as a 9/11 victim- she's back on the list.
Missing doctor certified as 9/11 victim


Thursday, July 10th 2008, 11:48 PM

A doctor who disappeared the day before the Sept. 11 attacks has been added to the list of those killed in the World Trade Center terror strike.

Dr. Sneha Philip, 31, will have her name read at this year's anniversary of the attacks after the city medical examiner concluded Thursday she was crushed in the rubble.

The medical examiner cited a January state appeals court decision that stated Philip, a resident at St. Vincent's Hospital Staten Island, was killed the day after she went missing.

Her family went to court to restore her name to the victim list - now 2,751 - after it was cut in 2004 because officials couldn't link her to the site.

"We waited and we waited, and everything came out right," said her father, Philip Philip. "Sadness is there all the time, but at last, you know, we are happy that they recognized that Sneha was a victim of 9/11."
This annoys me for so many reasons. There is no proof she was at the WTC. There is not proof she was murdered. It should remained an unsolved disappearence. I would be more understanding if Sneha worked at the WTC or had business that took her there on a regular basis but to decide she was walking by and ran in to help just doesn't have a lot of merit. The family WANTS to believe she died trying to save people at the WTC not a victim of someone she perhaps went home with from the bar. I understand that but if it were my husband, daughter, etc I would want to know the truth and by declaring she died at the WTC then they are obviously not going to continue looking for her and her story and the person who abducted her will go untold and unpunished.

From everything I have read about her family they seem very concerned with keeping up appearences and they would prefer to believe a lie which makes their daughter look like a hero than have their friends know the truth of her being murdered.
Since they have declared her a victim of WTC, I'm afraid that any possible match will be turned away.
it's been awhile since anyone posted on this thread but I have a couple of theories:

1. I HIGHLY doubt she died in the 9/11 attacks. Since the sales girl had remembered Sneha with another woman shopping, I think it is more then likely that since no one in the family knew of this woman, that this woman was a romantic interest...Now here is where is gets interesting: either this woman did not come forward because she is in the closet or has a husband/ family and could not have her self outed in anyway. She may not have anything to do with her disappearence but just cannot make herself come forward with information.

2. Or possibly Sneha spent the night with this woman, was on her way home and saw the attacks occur or something- ran back to the womans house and maybe they were already planning to run away together so they used this as a way to escape her life

3. Maybe this other woman did work in the world trade and died in the attacks? So she was not able to come forward..there are tons of possibilities but I think her disappearence was due to her new found lifestyle and not because of 9/11
I agree with the general idea that she wasn't killed in 9/11. But it's all over and nothing's ever going to get solved definitively now.
Daily Mail, keeping the story alive:

What happened to Sneha Anne Philip? Mystery of the doctor who disappeared on 9/11
Sept. 10:
11am: Sneha's husband Ron Lieberman leaves their Battery Park City apartment for work.
6pm: She is seen buying lingerie, a dress, pantyhose, and three pairs of shoes at the Century 21 store near the World Trade Centre.
Midnight: Mr Lieberman returns home to find the apartment empty.
Sept. 11:
6.30am Mr Lieberman wakes up to find Sneha still hadn’t returned. He goes uptown to attend a meeting.
9am The meeting ends, Mr Lieberman is informed of the attacks at the World Trade Centre.
9pm He returns home, still no sign of Sneha.
Sept. 12:
He begins posting Missing fliers with pictures of Sneha all over lower Manhattan.
more at link above
If it was her on the security tape in her apartment building lobby, then she was alive just before the terrorist attack. That makes me think that she either did go to help or she suddenly decided to use the incident to go and start a new life somewhere else. It appears that she wasn't happy with regards to both her job and her marriage. I personally don't think she's dead.
If it was her on the security tape in her apartment building lobby, then she was alive just before the terrorist attack. That makes me think that she either did go to help or she suddenly decided to use the incident to go and start a new life somewhere else. It appears that she wasn't happy with regards to both her job and her marriage. I personally don't think she's dead.

This case has always fascinated me too. I too think that she could be alive, but she would have had to be so quick thinking to take advantage of the situation.
It has never been proven that it was Sneha on the security camera.. One problem if it was her, why didn't she have the items with her that she bought the night before.. Plus someone calling her husbands cell phone from inside the apartment early that morning doesn't make any sense.. Also did Sneha have a cell phone? I don't believe she did.. Very strange for a doctor not to have a cell phone in 2001..

I believe she was murdered on Sept 10th, don't believe her husband did it but I could be wrong.. It has been proven that she was living a dangerous lifestyle, meeting people at bars and going home with them.. Of course it's possible that she just walked away as well, using the events of 911 as a way out..
:bump: for Sneha.

Sneha had mentioned to her mother that one of the plans she had for the week included checking out a restaurant inside the WTC where a friend was to be married. It's conceivable that Sneha could have chosen the morning of 9/11 to do that. She lived close by. Maybe she was close to the WTC or even inside. Given that she lived within blocks of the site and didn't sleep at her apartment, it is not far fetched to speculate that Sneha could have been a victim of debris/tower collapse. There are 9,000 bone fragments that a small team are trying to identify.
The big mystery is where was she the night of 9/10? If someone was with her it could answer so many questions about the time table, if she had told someone that she was going to attempt to check out Windows on the World that morning, etc. If she was inside the WTC, no one has come forward to say they came into contact with her, offered her a cel phone to contact family.
I do think the most likely scenario is that she died near the WTC, but it's hard to believe it 100% without knowing where Sneha was on 9/10.
I just did a little reading about the people who were inside of Windows on the World on the morning of 9/11. They were all alive after the initial impact, but they all died, none made it out. They were making calls to loved ones and to police for help. If Sneha had made it up to the restaurant to take a peek at the views and was trapped there, I would imagine she would have made a call to family on someone's phone, as it was reported she didn't have a cel phone.
If she were on the ground near the WTC I believe her first instinct would be for self preservation. I don't think her she would run into a giant burning building that people were fleeing and start telling everyone that she's a doctor. That just defies logic, at least to me.
It's possible she was in an elevator or something and when the tower collapsed she died-Her DNA could be in some of those 9,000 bone fragments that were recovered.
Sorry for posting twice in a row, but I can't stop running through scenarios.
Was she really "shopping with someone" at Century 21? What if she were just exchanging pleasantries with a fellow shopper? Where is the surveillance video of her apartment lobby? It was not confirmed if Sneha was the person seen in the lobby (without shopping bags) the morning of 9/11.
And, what about the mysterious posting on Post Secret (a website where people anonymously post confessions and things of that nature) where someone posted "Everyone who knew me before 9/11 thinks I'm dead."
Where are you Sneha?
I like to believe that people are alive until there is some concrete evidence that they are dead. I know that might be a crazy thought, but I suppose I like to think positive. This case is truly mid-boggling. I have a theory that perhaps her "shopping friend" might have been a girlfriend in the romantic sense. Maybe Sneha gave up her life with her husband and her family to run off with this woman? Evidence says that she would frequent gay/lesbian bars, which doesn't mean she had to be a lesbian, but still. Her husband said she would often stay over friends houses as well. Perhaps she was in love with a woman and she was too ashamed to tell her family and husband about it. Maybe she did try to tell them previously and it had bad results. Perhaps her only way to find happiness was to escape everyone she knew and start over somewhere else. Maybe her family has an idea that she ran off with a woman but they disagree with that sort of life so they choose to paint her as a hero who died trying to save people? I don't know. My theory might sound crazy, but given what we know, it seems viable. Her husband and family say she was a happy woman and had problems at the time, but there are plenty of people in the world who fake happiness when they are actually not in a good place.

But then there's also the possibility that the woman in the lobby was her. Maybe she had stayed out the night before, possibly at a random persons home nearby, left her bags where ever she was or maybe lost her bags on the subway/left in a taxi... and upon arriving home she heard a commotion, went to check it out and saw the burning WTC and headed that way to see what was happening. Also, I don't think it's outlandish to think that she would have ran into the building either, she was a doctor and has a duty to help people. The only problem I have with this second theory is that whoever she was with the evening before isn't talking.

Or, maybe she did go home with a stranger that night and was met with foul play.

I really think the Department store shopping companion holds the key to this. Who is the woman she was seen with? Was she a girlfriend? Are there any other missing women around that time that she could be? Was she just a random woman making friends while shopping and doesn't want to come forward out of fear of talking to LE for whatever reason? I don't know.
And, what about the mysterious posting on Post Secret (a website where people anonymously post confessions and things of that nature) where someone posted "Everyone who knew me before 9/11 thinks I'm dead."
Where are you Sneha?

Maven, I also thought of Sneha when I read that postcard. I don't think she is deceased. I believe she is living her life somewhere with a new identity.

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