NY NY - Sylvia Lwowski, 22, Staten Island, 6 Sept 1975 - #1

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It is also possible, IMO, that given the description MMQC has provided of her parents and her relationship with them at that time (overprotective, controlling, super strict, etc.), that MMQC's parents could very well have asked the next-door neighbor ADA to leave their daughter out of this situation. Therefore, MMQC was never contacted nor interviewed by LE, etc. even though SL's Mother probably provided her name and spoke about the original phone call from MMQC asking that SL call her back when she came home.

Interesting epiphany!
We will never know about your speculation about ADA being told to keep me out of it. Parents on both sides are gone. Is it possible to get the NOTES from the file. If there were any notes? The PR is just about useless.
But why would he tell MMQC that she took off when they had a fight after the movie, and not say the same thing to her mother and father? That the police report says she was last seen around 6:00 is confusing, at best. I wish there was some clarification on this. It could be as simple as the parents saying 6pm was the last time they, themselves, saw her, and not that it was the last time she was actually seen?

My gut tells me that is the time PARENTS last saw her.
MMQC, did you and SL both graduate in May of 1975 from your respective colleges? And if so, did you go to each other's graduation ceremonies? Did your families attend? Were there graduation parties at your homes or friends' homes as well? This seems like it would have been a huge milestone for you both ... if you think back on this time of the year, I wonder if you can recall any change in the way SL was looking at her future. Any friends she was spending time with?
IMO...LE was TOLD to ignor. That is again MOO, but it makes sense as LE was asked to step aside as they were influenced by someone to do so. Connected comes to mind but not in the way that word is traditionally used. Connected as in connected to local government or LE. Again MOO...Why else? Not even to interview the best friend who was contacted THAT NIGHT by BF/F. Did he send me on a wild goose chase. Knowing all along that I would find nothing? Thus establishing an alibi for himself with a time line?

As for speculation on pregnancy? Possible, but I don't think so. I was aware of a previous pregnancy but years before and not with BF/F. Just at the time when abortion was made legal. Which is the route she took back then. I seriously doubt that SL would have put herself in that situation AGAIN.

Re the part BBM: MMQC, I recall you saying that Sylvia didn't have any serious BFs before the current BF/F ("She did have a few BF's but none serious."), which suggests to me that the pregnancy she aborted must have been the result of a casual relationship. If so, that had to make an already terrible situation to be in, potentially even more devastating. Is this how you see it?

Since abortion was legalized January 22, 1973, are you thinking it was somewhere in the middle of 1973 that SL had her abortion?

In an earlier post, Rosemadderlake said she thought she remembered reading somewhere that SL and her current BF/F had been together for 18-24 months. I myself have no knowledge of that -- does that length of time seem about right to you?

If so, it's sounding to me like the person who she got pregnant with may have been the last BF before the current BF. What can you tell us about him? Was he an SI'r? Did he go to school with one of you? Did you both grow up with and go to elementary, middle, and high school with him? That's a pretty extraordinary thing for two people to go through together -- pregnancy and an abortion. I am wondering if he and SL stayed friends or saw each other off and on throughout the years? Do you think he carried on thinking and caring about SL after they broke up (if in fact there was anything to break up, that is)?

Of course, I'm also wondering if the current BF/F was aware of the pregnancy and abortion in SL's past -- or if he could have found out about it later somehow, w/o SL's knowledge -- but I suspect that may be hard for any of us to put a finger on?
Of course, I'm also wondering if the current BF/F was aware of the pregnancy and abortion in SL's past -- or if he could have found out about it later somehow, w/o SL's knowledge -- but I suspect that may be hard for any of us to put a finger on?

I thought it might be possible that BF/F could have found out about this, and that may be what they fought about-this is a deal breaker for lots of people. Poor Sylvia!
Re the part BBM: MMQC, I recall you saying that Sylvia didn't have any serious BFs before the current BF/F ("She did have a few BF's but none serious."), which suggests to me that the pregnancy she aborted must have been the result of a casual relationship. If so, that had to make an already terrible situation to be in, potentially even more devastating. Is this how you see it?

Since abortion was legalized January 22, 1973, are you thinking it was somewhere in the middle of 1973 that SL had her abortion?

In an earlier post, Rosemadderlake said she thought she remembered reading somewhere that SL and her current BF/F had been together for 18-24 months. I myself have no knowledge of that -- does that length of time seem about right to you?

If so, it's sounding to me like the person who she got pregnant with may have been the last BF before the current BF. What can you tell us about him? Was he an SI'r? Did he go to school with one of you? Did you both grow up with and go to elementary, middle, and high school with him? That's a pretty extraordinary thing for two people to go through together -- pregnancy and an abortion. I am wondering if he and SL stayed friends or saw each other off and on throughout the years? Do you think he carried on thinking and caring about SL after they broke up (if in fact there was anything to break up, that is)?

Of course, I'm also wondering if the current BF/F was aware of the pregnancy and abortion in SL's past -- or if he could have found out about it later somehow, w/o SL's knowledge -- but I suspect that may be hard for any of us to put a finger on?

Thanks GBMG, you are reading my mind with all of those questions.
IMO...LE was TOLD to ignor. That is again MOO, but it makes sense as LE was asked to step aside as they were influenced by someone to do so. Connected comes to mind but not in the way that word is traditionally used. Connected as in connected to local government or LE. Again MOO...Why else? Not even to interview the best friend who was contacted THAT NIGHT by BF/F. Did he send me on a wild goose chase. Knowing all along that I would find nothing? Thus establishing an alibi for himself with a time line?

As for speculation on pregnancy? Possible, but I don't think so. I was aware of a previous pregnancy but years before and not with BF/F. Just at the time when abortion was made legal. Which is the route she took back then. I seriously doubt that SL would have put herself in that situation AGAIN.

I've re-activated myself from the disabled list.

"Don't you know a rumble ain't a rumble without me?"

--Dallas (Matt Dillon), The Outsiders (1983)
We don't know, because LE isn't saying. It's possible that some of that information is in what I assume to be the part of the record of this case that we haven't seen. I doubt that the record consists of the one page missing person report. BF/F could have conducted his own search, but if he did, he didn't let Sylvia's family or her closest friend know. I don't know why he wouldn't tell them, but maybe by then, those relationships were broken beyond repair.

Wasn't there something upthread that had Sylvia telling MMQC that BF/F had hit his mother? I don't know about you guys, but I don't actually know any men who would do such a thing-that's a problem, in my book.

Bbm: Very good point jmoose – (I have seen) some families are really expressive physically (knuckle heading, grabbing and slapping of the cheeks, shoving, arm punching - I could go on and on) and vocally loud and dramatic, and theatrical in how they argue, bicker – without knowing any details of the (imo) hearsay information, or knowing more about the nature of his family then and now, it is hard to know or interpret the intentions of mother and son. Or, how Sylvia may have interpreted it. Did he assault his mother? Or was he defending himself? Was it a knock down drag out fight or a volcanic eruption that subsided quickly? Did it cast major doubt in Sylvia’s feelings about him? Was she having second thoughts because of it? And, I wonder if another example of violent behavior or tendencies can be cited?
Bbm: Very good point jmoose – (I have seen) some families are really expressive physically (knuckle heading, grabbing and slapping of the cheeks, shoving, arm punching - I could go on and on) and vocally loud and dramatic, and theatrical in how they argue, bicker – without knowing any details of the (imo) hearsay information, or knowing more about the nature of his family then and now, it is hard to know or interpret the intentions of mother and son. Or, how Sylvia may have interpreted it. Did he assault his mother? Or was he defending himself? Was it a knock down drag out fight or a volcanic eruption that subsided quickly? Did it cast major doubt in Sylvia’s feelings about him? Was she having second thoughts because of it? And, I wonder if another example of violent behavior or tendencies can be cited?

There was a well-known (sort of) case - I read the book - about a punk from the state of C.A. - who, with the aid of his BFF, knocked off his parents... with a shotgun (dollar drive, obvi). This was the age of no mobile phones (ah, remember that era?) so LE had to tail the perps, and tap a pay phone - to catch these two idiots. Both are in the clinky clink. Thus, the scenario is not rare - but good point - "a problematic dilemma" indeed.

The <G>
Bbm: Very good point jmoose – (I have seen) some families are really expressive physically (knuckle heading, grabbing and slapping of the cheeks, shoving, arm punching - I could go on and on) and vocally loud and dramatic, and theatrical in how they argue, bicker – without knowing any details of the (imo) hearsay information, or knowing more about the nature of his family then and now, it is hard to know or interpret the intentions of mother and son. Or, how Sylvia may have interpreted it. Did he assault his mother? Or was he defending himself? Was it a knock down drag out fight or a volcanic eruption that subsided quickly? Did it cast major doubt in Sylvia’s feelings about him? Was she having second thoughts because of it? And, I wonder if another example of violent behavior or tendencies can be cited?

Fair enough-what may pass as abusive to one may be considered standard operating procedure to another. In any event, it's behavior that Sylvia was not accustomed to. I see your point-in my family, we yell at each other to make our feelings known, while my husband's family is disturbed by it
Thoughts tonight are:

imo -Either way, the BF/F is totally responsible here for abandoning Sylvia at the very least and possibly of harming her directly at the other end of the spectrum. imo...

Even if she broke up with him, threw the ring at him, he let her walk away into the night without her glasses. Same if he was the one who broke up with her and she walked away with the ring into the night without her glasses.

I have real doubts about a premeditated act solely to get back a valuable piece of jewelry. Or, that he is a sociopath. --But in the heat of a horrible violent argument, something accidental? -And a grand cover up… Or, if she was so distraught that she left him in the middle of traffic and made some very bad decisions that night?

OR, maybe she felt so threatened by something that she vanished and went into hiding with the help of an unknown party. –Felt so threatened for herself, her family and friends that she changed the dynamic to protect them?

Other thoughts are they went into NYC and he lost her, or something happened?

This is a young woman who obviously had a whole lot going for her. -Smart, beautiful, desirable- -Who else knew that about her? Who else would she turn to? One thing I know, we don’t tell everybody everything, especially at that age...

Imo imo imo…

Wow - RoseMadderLake - Applause - to you - YOU ARE GOOD. Nice to see you open up a bit and share your mindset. Keep it coming (smile).

Wow - RoseMadderLake - Applause - to you - YOU ARE GOOD. Nice to see you open up a bit and share your mindset. Keep it coming (smile).

--Thank you G - Where have you been? Glad you are back!

I have to laugh "open up a bit and share"? I am the most vocal, verbose, long post, kind of poster I know!

I am glad you see the mindset in my post - that is how I feel.

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