NY NY - Sylvia Lwowski, 22, Staten Island, 6 Sept 1975 - #2

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Hi, Jenstar :seeya:

I questioned that in post #257 on the first thread, because I found two entries for her on classmates: One for 1971-75 and another for 1970-74. Later, in post #1001, one of our VIs, ASWDeerHunter, confirmed that he created the 1971-75 listing -- the one with the photos -- a few years ago. So that's the correct one.

Yea, I didn't see the previous thread. I just got here :) Thanks for the info. I just wonder if what ancestry.com has is worth it's salt. I don't want to go posting addresses unless someone else takes a look at it.
I know that the DOB and Middle Initial are correct; I just don't wanna take chances.
If she was never declared legally dead then the fact is that there is some sort of Public Record floating around with her name on it still, dating back as recent as 1993. House Title, Marriage Licence or Cencus records. Since its this recent I'd say it's some sort of Title though.
There's two records in SI and one in King's Park.

For birthdate 28 Apr 1953? We found those two addresses too. I don't know how the King's Park address fits into her history, though. She lived at the Staten Island address when she disappeared. If you're interested, you could always ask one of our VIs about Kings Park.
Yea, I didn't see the previous thread. I just got here :) Thanks for the info. I just wonder if what ancestry.com has is worth it's salt. I don't want to go posting addresses unless someone else takes a look at it.
I know that the DOB and Middle Initial are correct; I just don't wanna take chances.
If she was never declared legally dead then the fact is that there is some sort of Public Record floating around with her name on it still, dating back as recent as 1993. House Title, Marriage Licence or Cencus records. Since its this recent I'd say it's some sort of Title though.

You're welcome :)

Yeah, I don't believe where she lived was a mystery. In fact, in post #500 Bessie created a map that includes SL's residence, plus the location of the theater she was supposedly going to on her date. Let's see if I can paste that here successfully:


I wondered about the dates on the ancestry listings, too. It might be because the address/residence stayed in the family through that time, but that's a guess. I don't know for sure. I was thinking that if that were the reason, her name could be on those records because it stayed associated with the rest of the family, even though she disappeared in 1975. Does that make sense?
?? Was a search ever done or do we have a map. I know there is alot of woods in that area, My memory is not so great
You're welcome :)
I was thinking that if that were the reason, her name could be on those records because it stayed associated with the rest of the family, even though she disappeared in 1975. Does that make sense?

Respectfully snipped.

It sorta makes sense. That they would put her name on a title so that she'd have something to come back to? Or that it would be an inheritance of some-sort. But what about the second address?

For some reason, I get this gut feeling that she's still alive. This just doesn't "feel" like a missing person's/disappearance case to me at all.
Anybody else feel that way too?
?? Was a search ever done or do we have a map. I know there is alot of woods in that area, My memory is not so great

The only search we know of that was done for Sylvia was by her mother and MMQC.

There have been many searches by a volunteer group for victims of Andre Rand, though, I know the grounds of Willowbrook School have been searched extensively but I don't know what other areas were covered.
Respectfully snipped.

It sorta makes sense. That they would put her name on a title so that she'd have something to come back to? Or that it would be an inheritance of some-sort. But what about the second address?

For some reason, I get this gut feeling that she's still alive. This just doesn't "feel" like a missing person's/disappearance case to me at all.
Anybody else feel that way too?


I honestly don't. I very rarely think that when it comes to cases this old, simply because people wouldn't have gone to such effort to cover their tracks, there was no Internet then and no inkling that in the future, we'd be able to find someone's address history with a couple clicks. I just don't see how she could have stayed off the radar for this long. If she'd gone to another state, some record would have turned up, IMO...
Respectfully snipped.

It sorta makes sense. That they would put her name on a title so that she'd have something to come back to? Or that it would be an inheritance of some-sort. But what about the second address?

For some reason, I get this gut feeling that she's still alive. This just doesn't "feel" like a missing person's/disappearance case to me at all.
Anybody else feel that way too?

BBM: I went into ancestry again to see what you mean ... the three public records I find for SL are in the ancestry category, "Schools, Directories & Church Histories." I don't see anything on property ownership. My guess is that these are records that have to do with things like birth, christening, and school attendance. I do see the odd dates (1935-1993) we talked about associated with the "residence" in each of those listings, but I am not seeing anything that suggests ownership of the residence is the record in question. Are you seeing something I am not?
Respectfully snipped.

It sorta makes sense. That they would put her name on a title so that she'd have something to come back to? Or that it would be an inheritance of some-sort. But what about the second address?

For some reason, I get this gut feeling that she's still alive. This just doesn't "feel" like a missing person's/disappearance case to me at all.
Anybody else feel that way too?

Her social security number has never been used, and her drivers license has never been renewed. It's possible, but in my opinion, she isn't out there, living her life
Bumping up a post of mine from the last thread:

MMQC, did you and SL both graduate in May of 1975 from your respective colleges? And if so, did you go to each other's graduation ceremonies? Did your families attend? Were there graduation parties at your homes or friends' homes as well? This seems like it would have been a huge milestone for you both ... if you think back on this time of the year, I wonder if you can recall any change in the way SL was looking at her future. Any friends she was spending time with?

Yes, we both graduated in May from our respective colleges. At my college the graduation was held in the St. George movie house. We only got two tickets to to the graduation, since I was the first ever to graduate from College my folks only attended the event.

No we did not attend each others graduation. I can't remember exactly but I'm sure SL only got two tickets to the Wagner graduation too. As for a party. Nothing at my house. SL's graduation party was the only one I attended.

Like I've said before. I would have liked to have been able to be on the wagner campus more. Maybe SL would be here today. Change one thing from the past and you change the whole future.

SL spent most of her spare time with BF/F. AND I spent my spare time with my BF/F. We talked daily.
MMQC: Do you know if Sylvia told her parents about the abortion? If so, were they supportive of her?

-And bbm: Ain't that the truth! Double blush. :blushing: :blushing:

She did not tell parents.
Eva is Sylvia's mom, correct? I am writing copy for the radio show tonight and want to make sure I have it down correctly.

Yes, Eva was Sylvia's mother.

Evidently, the military young man was with Sylvia at some point during the day of the procedure. Also, sounds as though he may have contributed financially to the termination.

MOO, but does not appear to me that this prior relationship was casual ("She did have a few BFs, but none serious.").

Yes he did contribute financially.
MMQC, what was it that made you think EL had a tattoo on her arm (post 720)? I know ASWDeerHunter (post 738) has suggested this was not the case, but I am wondering how it might have become part of your recollections. Was it a visual -- did you see something on her arm? Or did the two of you talk about things over the years that made you think it?

I remember seeing it. I have been challenged by DeerHunter. He does not remember it. Some things when you are a kid make a big impression and seeing that did make a big impression on me. I really did not know what it meant till I was older. It was not bold and with a tanned arm looked sort of like the blue of veins. But it was surely a number. I can't say if I asked about it or was found stairing at it once. But I do remember seeing it. I might have even talked to SL about it. Not sure about that though.
MMQC, to your knowledge, did EL (or any other member of SL's family) ever talk to or see SL's BF/F directly after the night of the disappearance? Or did you serve as a go-between for her?

I can't say for sure since there are indications in previous threads that say he did. To my recollection he never went back. I just found that so totally odd. You profess a love so deep that you get engaged to be married and then sever all ties when your betrothed is missing. I would go through hoops if in those same shoes.
Let me add to what Bessie mentioned...

It is okay to say that his reaction to what happened doesn't make sense. Like, I would think that he would have been searching for her or he would have pressed her mom and LE to get the missing persons filed as soon as possible, but he didn't. You can say you think that is strange, but you cannot go as far as to say he is the one responsible for her disappearance. She could just as easily have been abducted by a stranger, as far as we know.

For Those of you that did not catch the broadcast last night you can listen to the show now and fast forward through the recorded show to the 95.0 minute mark to the end. I cried to hear the case being summed up over the air. It's getting so raw for me again. I pray that someone out here in the world can help piece together this case of almost 38 years.

In 20 days SL will be 60 yrs old.
Yes, we both graduated in May from our respective colleges. At my college the graduation was held in the St. George movie house. We only got two tickets to to the graduation, since I was the first ever to graduate from College my folks only attended the event.

No we did not attend each others graduation. I can't remember exactly but I'm sure SL only got two tickets to the Wagner graduation too. As for a party. Nothing at my house. SL's graduation party was the only one I attended.

Like I've said before. I would have liked to have been able to be on the wagner campus more. Maybe SL would be here today. Change one thing from the past and you change the whole future.

SL spent most of her spare time with BF/F. AND I spent my spare time with my BF/F. We talked daily.

Thanks, MMQC. I was picturing stadium graduations. I forgot how limited these things can be when they are held indoors. Re the 1st part BBM, your family must have been incredibly proud.

BBM2: When you reference "SL's graduation party" are you talking about the August pool party? Or was there another party closer to graduation time? I would have guessed that many Wagner grads had already disbursed by August after graduation -- or was Wagner more of a commuter school in those days?
For Those of you that did not catch the broadcast last night you can listen to the show now and fast forward through the recorded show to the 95.0 minute mark to the end. I cried to hear the case being summed up over the air. It's getting so raw for me again. I pray that someone out here in the world can help piece together this case of almost 38 years.

In 20 days SL will be 60 yrs old.

I am so sorry
Go as slowly as you like and take as many breaks as you need
I can't say for sure since there are indications in previous threads that say he did. To my recollection he never went back. I just found that so totally odd. You profess a love so deep that you get engaged to be married and then sever all ties when your betrothed is missing. I would go through hoops if in those same shoes.

Thanks again, MMQC. I do remember ASWDeerHunter saying, "The days and weeks following her disappearance, Charles wouldn't answer and more questions concerning Sylvia.” But I wasn't sure who was doing the asking. I will ask him when we get that chance.
I am so sorry
Go as slowly as you like and take as many breaks as you need

Thanks Dushi,

Rehashing this makes me go to a sad place. My emotions are raw for many reasons this just adds to it.

The same week my husband died one of my good friends died also and I was not able to attend her service. I also have several close friends now battling cancer. This is like opening old wounds. Does not take much these days for many memories to run down my cheek.

I am answering as best I can remember. Some are really vivid memories and others are a bit foggy. I can't help but go to a dark place when reliving these memories. Other memories make me smile. Like working together on summer jobs. Slumber parties, mall hopping. Collecting sea life for her salt water tank. Our dogs having puppies. Those were good memories. I'd like to keep them fresh in my mind too. I guess that is the hand I have had to play as there are NO "do-overs" in life. Who's to say my life would have been any different? I'll never know. What I do know is, that I did the best I could with it. I can't go back. Look forward and keep reading my bible. God Promised us if we are born again, accept him into our hearts and believe that he is our Lord and Savior we will have everlasting life. If anyone is in doubt of their future just read the Book Of John. It's all in there. AND if you really want a jolt of reality read Revelation the last book of the bible.
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