Found Safe NY - Travis, 25, Deanna, 24, & Cooper Reynolds, 19 mos, Utica, 5 Feb 2018

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"[FONT=&amp]The Utica Police Department has confirmed with us a 19 month old boy, two adults, and two dogs are missing and were last seen in Utica.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Police said the people missing are from North Carolina."

Video with pic at link.

Names and some more info is available if you search, but nothing in MSM so withholding from posting that right now. [/FONT]
This is a strange one. The whole family including their 2 dogs. I does sound like they have have decided to up and leave. Without knowing what problems, if any, they were having ie, money debts, family arguments, its hard to guess what has happened.

I know where I live if a family is in loads of debt with rent and bills they do a moonlight flit. Know one knows where they have gone or why until much later. I have not heard of many not contacting family afterwards though. Some find it too embarrassing to tell family they are struggling.
Would they totally disconnect with all family? I don't know.
Hope they find them soon.
It's Travis & Deanna Reynolds, the baby's name is Copper. He is in the military at Fort Bragg, NC. They were visiting family in Utica. Left and went to get a bite to eat and never returned.
It's Travis & Deanna Reynolds, the baby's name is Copper. He is in the military at Fort Bragg, NC. They were visiting family in Utica. Left and went to get a bite to eat and never returned.

Does anyone find it odd they took their 2 dogs with them to go get a bite to eat? Also, if you are visiting family, you usually all go get a bite to eat. I fear tho they ran off the road somewhere in bad weather.

Also, I think the child is Conner, not Copper! LOL
Does anyone find it odd they took their 2 dogs with them to go get a bite to eat? Also, if you are visiting family, you usually all go get a bite to eat. I fear tho they ran off the road somewhere in bad weather.

Also, I think the child is Conner, not Copper! LOL

BBM That was my immediate thought. I wonder why LE waited 6 days to announce they were missing. The missing poster says they were last seen Feb 5. Oh and the child's name is Cooper per the missing poster.
It's Travis & Deanna Reynolds, the baby's name is Copper. He is in the military at Fort Bragg, NC. They were visiting family in Utica. Left and went to get a bite to eat and never returned.

He would need to request leave of absence being in the military and I don't think financial problems could be a reason for them to go missing voluntarily. Their lifestyle looks rather comfortable and they seem very happy in the pictures.

This is such a bizarre disappearance. I really hope they are OK but I have a bad feeling about this case.
He would need to request leave of absence being in the military and I don't think financial problems could be a reason for them to go missing voluntarily. Their lifestyle looks rather comfortable and they seem very happy in the pictures.

This is such a bizarre disappearance. I really hope they are OK but I have a bad feeling about this case.

Was going to say the same regarding the military. Going awol is frowned upon to say the least. That being said, would that cause the military to get involved in the search? That may be helpful.

I do find it odd that they took the dogs with them to eat. If I were running out for a quick bite I would rather leave them at home. Maybe they didn’t want to burden their hosts? If the weather was bad it’s not like they were going to the park after eating. Thinking out loud...

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This is a strange one with lots of missing information.

- What time were they last seen on February 5?
- Which direction were they headed? Were they getting something to eat and then going back toward NC or where?
- Missing poster says the last contact was on February 6. What type of contact was it? Phone call? Text message?
- Has LE pinged their phones?
- When is/was he expected to return to Ft. Bragg?
- What's the license plate number of the Honda?
About the dogs: they were visiting in Utica, not at home, i assume you would not leave your dogs with other people? and you are already travelling with them, so why it is so questionable to take them with you to eat? It is also not said what kind of place they went to, or? It may be also possible they left them in the car while eating, but they had them with them etc.

The other details /missing details are more concerning to me than the dogs...
There are a few more photos of the family, dogs and the Honda on the wife's father's FB if anyone is interested. His name can be found in the bigfrog104 news article posted.
I agree with Darling about the dogs. I take my 3 dogs when visiting my parents, they are familiar with the home after staying there a few times a years and can stay there alone if we all leave the house. Their dogs may get upset when they leave the house especially if no relatives were home at the time. In addition as an owner of sled dogs, they have a husky known to be howlers and talkers. The dogs would be happy sitting in the car. While they got something to eat. They were familiar with the car and the scents in it.

Not unusual for a family to hire a psychic, if they have nothing to go on. However a psychic can NOT pin point anything exact. i.e may see harm came to them in a car accident, or see the car going off the road, but will not be able to pinpoint exactly where etc.

The snow in Utica can be brutal this time a year, so it most likely snowed since the 5th or 6th therefore would no way of seeing car tire tracks veering off a road it would be covered now.

There is nothing to date saying he was AWOL. The poster stated vacationing in NY. Could the family member have misunderstood that they are going to head back to NC? and stop along the way to see things ? or travel on to other areas of the country vacationing before returning to NC. They would have no need to call home. Maybe he was transferred to another military base or may be and they wanted to go and look for a place to live ahead of time. There is also no mention of whether or not they took their suitcases with them or left their things behind. One thing with military personnel they have friends all over the place that they visit where ever they go.

The Honda looks like a small SUV so not so small for dogs.
I wonder if they were on their way home which would account for dogs being with them when stopping for a bite. Hope they are found safe.
The Honda looks like a small SUV so not so small for dogs.

RSBM. Adding some photos for reference. It would certainly be possible for them all to fit, but it's my opinion those dogs would be pretty cramped, especially if they brought along any bags/luggage. Photos from link1 and link2.

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