GUILTY NY - Valerie Reyes, 24, found deceased, New Rochelle, 29 Jan 2019 *Arrest*

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[Ps please dont tear me apart, this is my first post on websleuths, I felt something last night about this case and completely drew me in to investigate. be gentle please]

Welcome to Websleuths! I'm not around as much as I used to be, but this is a great community.

I too am wondering how someone knew someplace was her last known location, but I don't think TOS allow discussion of social media posts like that.

As I said, I haven't been around as much as I used to be, so that may have changed.
Yes, this is all from news sources. Every link I've clicked & posted has been from MSM that I also found via Google news. Minus the comments referring to posts found on FB and other personal social media.

Law enforcement showed a photo from ATM surveillance footage to Valeries' mother and her mother confirmed that it was in fact, Miss Reyes. Apparently there are 2 separate videos/images of Valerie using an ATM. Also apparently sightings of her at a train station as well as a hospital.

Do you happen to have an MSM link to the sightings of her at the train station and hospital?

I'm having a lot of trouble keeping straight what has been reported in MSM and what hasn't.
Do you happen to have an MSM link to the sightings of her at the train station and hospital?

I'm having a lot of trouble keeping straight what has been reported in MSM and what hasn't.

No, I don't have links for that specific information. I think MSM is having their own trouble keeping the info straight tbh. Jmo!

Some of the statements bother me for a couple reasons. One is the way it was worded. Why would someone include the words "is now officially" ? Wouldnt someone just declare they are missing.

Another is the contradiction about a breakup and contradiction about arguments.

I have a bad feeling about this. I think someone was waiting for her when she got back from her normal daily activities. If the sheets were missing from her house then that tells me the perp was waiting for her.

I am not convinced she went out at night to Manhattan. I think someone may have used her card there.

I am also curious who was the main driving force to hire a PI and who they hired and if they knew the PI in any way prior to her going missing.

Lots of questions and lots of concern.

‘Valerie never went to Manhattan’: Man claiming to be murdered woman’s boyfriend says it was ‘bizarre’ for her to be out of contact with family; denies reports of loud arguments
Why are people thinking she did not go to NY? It sounds like she did...

Also, lik EVERY case I am following has media reports that are all over the place...they are all that way now.

For me, I’m not convinced she didn’t go to NY, it’s just that there are enough things that don’t add up that make me question it. And I’ve seen no proof she went (ATM footage not released). So when I put it all together, I’m left feeling more like it’s just the story being floated, but not the gospel. At least not yet. Until I see something more concrete, I’m skeptical.

Being alive for a couple of days after going MIA with the bedsheets.... After she’s been worried someone would kill her?....Doesn’t make any sense to me that she’d be in NY without finding a way to contact someone.

Occam's Razor to me. She was scared bc she’d been given some reason to be (combined with natural anxieties as it’s said she suffered from), she had perhaps volatile interaction(s) with someone of some sort, she was murdered (maybe in her apt or maybe elsewhere after being manipulated away), and then dumped a couple of days later.

I can’t remember who the poster was who said it somewhere up thread, but it seems to me the bright suitcase in a non-concealed location hints at a person closer to the family than a stranger. After the search for her, the perp finally got rid of her body in a way it would be found.

All JMO of course.
By this Timeline she might have left her apartment on Monday evening taking her sheets, etc with her and went into hiding. That might have been her spotted at the bank withdrawing funds for hiding or to leave the area.

Valerie Reyes: Timeline of New Rochelle resident's death

Monday, Jan. 28

The Last time Reyes' friends and family say they heard from her. Reyes took her iPhone, iPad, clothes and bed sheets with her, according to a friend.

Tuesday morning, Jan. 29

Reyes doesn't show up to scheduled plans with her mother and doesn't answer calls or texts from her family and a friend.

Wednesday morning, Jan. 30

Reyes officially reported missing to New Rochelle police.

Thursday, Jan. 31

Reyes is seen in bank surveillance footage in Manhattan. Her family hired a private investigator to find her. Reyes' bank card had also been used in Manhattan, though it's unclear if she or someone else used it.

Friday, Feb. 1 - Monday, Feb 4 (WHERE WAS SHE HIDING FOR FOUR DAYS?)

Tuesday morning, Feb. 5

Reyes' body is found at 8:23 a.m. in the Glenville section of Greenwich.

Valerie Reyes: Timeline of New Rochelle resident's death
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"The Last time Reyes' friends and family say they heard from her. Reyes took her iPhone, iPad, clothes and bed sheets with her, according to a friend."

I know this question has been raised, and I'm not sure it's been settled. Is there actually a friend who knows she took her sheets with her? That's how it reads, but it seems odd.
This is such a puzzling and sad case. Like many of you, I too am on the fence as to whether there was one event that led to Valerie's murder that was made to look like something else and elements were staged; or whether there were two (somewhat) unrelated events, the first being that Valerie herself did go missing on her own and went to Manhattan, then the second being that she met with foul play there more or less randomly. The key questions in my mind, are obvious:

1. Was that indeed Valerie on surveillance footage in Manhattan?
2. Where are the missing sheets? If her body was wrapped in them, I don't know that LE would release that detail. Probably can figure that out from the leaked photo/account of how her body was found but I don't use SM to sleuth so not sure.
3. Was that Valerie's suitcase?

I can see it being plausible either way. Valerie takes off, due to her anxiety, thinking she'll be safe in Manhattan; but she meets up with someone with ill intentions. This person is not from the city; maybe they're visiting. They kill her, use their own suitcase, and dump her on the way out of town. They robbed her first, perhaps forcing her to get money from her own ATM. It seems really random, but I suppose it could happen.
A couple things in this case don’t add up:

1 - LE is processing her apartment as a crime scene, so it’s likely the sheets were taken then along with her (presumably stolen) electronics.

2 - LE seems pretty confident they have images of her at her bank in Manhattan using an ATM on her own account. So, if that’s true, she was alive in Manhattan and had to return to her apartment at some time when the crime later happened.

3 - Family and friends say it’s very odd that she would be in the city as it is out of character for her.

So, either the person on the bank footage ISN’T Valerie but rather someone who looks very similar to her — meaning whoever took Valerie has a female accomplice, if they weren’t females themselves?

Or, it was Valerie and she does something on the side that she doesn’t want her family and friends to know about. Something that had her fearful enough to think her life was in danger. She didn’t have a specific person in mind, per conversations with mom, which makes it sound more like a group - like a gang, a prostitution ring, escort service, a drug ring - something along those lines. She said she was fearful of all the deaths “happening to women” (in general), so this group targeted females?

The fact that she holds a regular job and is a conscientious employee makes it sound like this “group” doesn’t bleed over into her “normal life” but is something off hours in her own time. Maybe her finances will shed a light into what could have been going on? I’m sure her family was unaware of it, whatever it was, but I hope they get to the bottom of it.

All MOO.
Adding an afterthought:

I don’t believe the boyfriend is involved, though I think he knows what she was involved in. Reports say they were only dating a short time and he appears to genuinely care for her and be distressed that she’s missing.

Maybe he was the reason she was to get out of whatever she was into and others around her weren’t happy she wanted out? The male she was arguing with (that neighbors overheard) may not have been the boyfriend but someone fighting to keep her in that lifestyle. If it was something sex related, I can see why she wouldn’t tell her mom (prostitution, escort, etc.). IMO.
A couple things in this case don’t add up:

2 - LE seems pretty confident they have images of her at her bank in Manhattan using an ATM on her own account. So, if that’s true, she was alive in Manhattan and had to return to her apartment at some time when the crime later happened.

3 - Family and friends say it’s very odd that she would be in the city as it is out of character for her.

I still think it odd her cousin posted on 30/01/2019 that her last where abouts was Gouverneur medical center. Did she actually attend the hospital? Or is this just near her last ATM sighting and he is inferring this as her mother suggested she was going to get help via treatment?

I am very interested in the autopsy report on cause of death.
I still think it odd her cousin posted on 30/01/2019 that her last where abouts was Gouverneur medical center. Did she actually attend the hospital? Or is this just near her last ATM sighting and he is inferring this as her mother suggested she was going to get help via treatment?

I am very interested in the autopsy report on cause of death

^^ Respectfully, bolded by me

And the time of death should prove valuable in clearing up some of the confusion.
Did Valerie still own the pit bull she had adopted?


At first, they only knew each other to say “Hi,” and Reyes kept mostly to herself. But they became friends after the younger woman adopted a pitbull puppy, which attracted kids from the neighborhood.

“You know how kids are. All the neighborhood kids went to her,” said [DG], a mother of five.

'She was a sweetheart': Friend of murder victim found in Greenwich in shock over discovery
Some people are pointing towards the boyfriend. I just did a quick sweep of his Twitter and read the article: ‘Valerie never went to Manhattan’: Man claiming to be murdered woman’s boyfriend says it was ‘bizarre’ for her to be out of contact with family; denies reports of loud arguments.

He suggests that they never go to Manhattan, it doesnt mean that she wasnt there. I was also wondering why her cousin could post this on 30/01/2019 a day after she went missing and why there is no other mention that I can find about being near or at the hospital: jorge reyes on Twitter

For me, the BF is not the type, yes hard to tell from twitter posts, but if there were no prior hearing from neighbours of arguements it seems more likely that when Valerie explaining her situation, could have been getting frantic and paranoid. I think a women of her aptitude, ie personality type, friendly, working a stable job at a book store, my have had an actual stalker, and for what ever reason felt unsafe at home. It has been known before for people to leave home in a frantic state and not know what to do with themself, She possibly caught the train down town. The CCTV spoken about at the New Rochelle train station, said she only had a small bag on 29/01/2019 when she didnt turn up for work, no extra clothes, or bed sheets. Early hours of Wednesday 2am at an ATM in the city. I believe after calming down she most probably went back home. This is when something posibly happened. 30/01/2019.

So my main question is where the cousin got this information from so quickly? Do police investigate this rigorously the day a person is reported missing? How did he know she was at the hospital?

People sight mental illness, but tell me any 20 something year old today who doesnt suffer depression or anxiety? She seemed smart enough to know when to be genuinely concerned of her safety. Just a shame she didnt reach out more and took it on herself. It a bizarre one. Also to drop her body on the first turn off, and loop road back to New York, in the Connecticut jurisdiction shows a thoughtful process of an intelligent killer, not a crime of passion but something a little more sinister.

[Ps please dont tear me apart, this is my first post on websleuths, I felt something last night about this case and completely drew me in to investigate. be gentle please]

Welcome to Websleuths, @Chris Maze !

You will find like-minded people such as yourself who have great compassion and share their insight.

Thank you for your well thought-out post! I'm so glad you are here.
Adding an afterthought:

I don’t believe the boyfriend is involved, though I think he knows what she was involved in. Reports say they were only dating a short time and he appears to genuinely care for her and be distressed that she’s missing.

Maybe he was the reason she was to get out of whatever she was into and others around her weren’t happy she wanted out? The male she was arguing with (that neighbors overheard) may not have been the boyfriend but someone fighting to keep her in that lifestyle. If it was something sex related, I can see why she wouldn’t tell her mom (prostitution, escort, etc.). IMO.

The ex boyfriend is my top suspect. Something just isn't right with him and his comments he has made. I do not believe that Valerie was killed by an unknown person or LISK. My money is on the ex boyfriend and I also believe he possibly had someone help him with the crime. Also if that really wasn't Valerie seen in New York at the ATM then what female was it and how in the heck did she know what Valeries ATM card PIN was?

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