NY - WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO McDonald's Worker Beats Women Who Attack Him

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  • justified because this was self defense.

    Votes: 66 70.2%
  • exhibiting criminal behavior and should be prosecuted.

    Votes: 20 21.3%
  • Other - Make sure to explain in a post please

    Votes: 8 8.5%

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Steely Dan

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Dec 22, 2008
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Rayon McIntosh, McDonald's Cashier, Caught On Camera Beating Customers With Metal Rod

...In the video, Darbeau, 24, of Queens, is clearly heard cursing at McIntosh after the cashier told her he had to scan a $50 bill to make sure it was authentic before he would give them their food.

That's when all hell breaks loose.

An agitated Darbeau is seen slapping McIntosh across the face, prompting him to lunge forward and shove the two women.

Darbeau leaps onto the counter and clears the other side while Edwards retreats to the other end of the restaurant, according to the video.

Suddenly, McIntosh reappears on the video, brandishing a metal rod, which he slams onto Darbeau's head.

The video, which has audio, is peppered with patrons screaming and wailing in horror and the chilling sound of the metal rod repeatedly whipping through the air and hitting Darbeau and Edwards.

"Stop it! Stop! Stop! Oh my God!” one woman is heard screaming. “Someone call police!”

Fellow workers can be seen on the video unsuccessfully trying to restrain McIntosh. Sources say McIntosh ordered his assailants to stay down, and belted them each time they tried to get up. The continued beating is partially hidden from the camera by the counter....


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQafDUUCkpY"]McDonald's Worker beats irate customers that jump the counter with a Metal Rod - YouTube[/ame]

Another article; http://www.news.com.au/world/mcdona...l-with-metal-rod/story-e6frfkyi-1226168084183
Some will probably see this as callous but I think the guy was completely justified in what he did. This part of the article from the OP says a lot IMO.

Fellow workers can be seen on the video unsuccessfully trying to restrain McIntosh. Sources say McIntosh ordered his assailants to stay down, and belted them each time they tried to get up. The continued beating is partially hidden from the camera by the counter....

These women are completely in the wrong here (All JMO):

1. Why do you have a problem with a worker checking your $50 bill?
2. What gives you the right to assault him?
3. Coming over the counter is like coming into someone's house and attacking them.
4. By coming over the counter and attacking him he's justified in defending himself.
5. When you're told to stay down then stay the :censored: down. He has every reason/right to think that if you get up you'll continue to attack him.

Some media outlets are reporting this as if he's the bad guy and that really bothers me. If they were giving him lip and he jumped across the counter and started beating them, then he'd be completely in the wrong, but that's not what happened. This is strictly self defense.

I'm sorry that one of the women may be brain damaged for life, but it's HER fault for it. To me this is like the guy who breaks into a house and gets shot. If you don't want to get shot then don't break into a house. JMO

I've worked retail before and people get away with waaaaaayyyy too much stuff against retail clerks and to me this guy did what he had to do. To me he's a hero for defending himself rather than doing what most big retail chains would want him to do and enable the attackers. If they sue McDonald's and get one thin penny I'll :puke: JMO
I don't have a problem with what he did. He was defending himself from two people that jumped the counter & came after him.
I think the guy was absolutely justified in his actions. In a case such as this where the patron was the aggressor, I say "Do unto them before they do unto you!"
I totally understand the point of view that he was defending himself, but I still feel it was criminally excessive force. It's not like they cornered him in an alley. He was in a public place where I feel he could have escaped or asked for help. I would have been perfectly fine with him punching or kicking them. It was the use of the metal rod that swayed my decision.
In some ways I do see it as self defense. But in other ways I am not so sure. If he had smacked her a good one then ordered her out, I can see it as ok. If he had picked her up and thrown her back across the counter I could say it was ok.

But he escalated when he got the metal bar. He got a weapon. And since there is no report of them being armed, I would have to guess that he wasn't in fear of his life. So at the point where he got the weapon, I think he went too far.
Okay, I am having to download the video (something I very rarely am willing to risk) so that I can see it without endless buff pauses. After watching the video, I still could not see much but had to base alot off what I was hearing (counter impeded my view of the attacker turned victim).

The customer was completely the aggressor to begin with, the slap, the threats, the badazz attitude trying to intimidate the employee. She was completely in the wrong jumping the counter after all those threats and actions.

I can see the argument justified self defense, except for one thing that bothers me. A female comes at a male in a physically threatening manner, okay, so I can see maybe stiking out with fists, or with even the metal pole once or twice to end the attack. After the initial couple of hits, the employees fellow employees were all there within reach of the action to back this guy up. I am not sure if the continued striking at the customer can be viewed as justified. To me it seems that is where things went overboard to excessive force.

Granted the employee kept saying stay down, don't get up. I could not see the customer trying to further the attack as the counter was in the way so I have only the words to guide me in my assumption that she was doing so. The employee could not really have believed that he was in any eminent danger once all his coworkers were surrounding the situation and trying to get it under control.

At that point in the fracas, say the woman did get up, what did the employee really think she was going to do against he and four to five coworkers?

So I voted I don't know.

I think it started out as justified. I just don't know that it ended that way KWIM?

For me, I tend to agree with mysteriew, he is the one who took up a weapon and he is the one who did not put it down long after I feel he was safe in doing so.
The cashier grabbed a weapon and used excessive force against unarmed women; further he continued to beat the women as they were on the ground. IMO, it was criminal behavior and he should be prosecuted.

Has it been determined if there was anything wrong with the $50 bill the women used? Maybe I missed it but I haven't seen it confirmed whether or not they were trying to pass a bad bill.
The cashier grabbed a weapon and used excessive force against unarmed women; further he continued to beat the women as they were on the ground. IMO, it was criminal behavior and he should be prosecuted.

Has it been determined if there was anything wrong with the $50 bill the women used? Maybe I missed it but I haven't seen it confirmed whether or not they were trying to pass a bad bill.

I don't know the answer to this. But I do know that many businesses have put systems into place to verify the authenticity of fifties and hundreds. There have been a rash of counterfeit bills passed around the city, and in southern CT where I recently moved. In fact, many places I've seen now have signs saying they don't accept fifties or hundreds. It is shocking how irate I've seen some customers get when their money is checked. I saw one guy go crazy in the goodwill store when he couldn't use a $100.

So many people today have such blatant disrepect for themselves and for their fellow man. I just don't get it. The woman was clearly in the wrong, especially as she touched him first. I just can't agree with him getting a weapon to beat her with. He had a right to defend himself but this seems to go completely over the top. How awful for everyone who witnessed this fight.
do I think it's overkill with the pole? yes. Do I think it's overkill to attack someone that is just doing their job and marking a bill? yes. however, considering how quickly things spiral out of control now a days, i can't blame the guy. I say self defense.
I dunno, Masterj. I completely understand why someone would be taken aback if/when their legitimate US currency is called into question or downright refused.

From what I know (which could be wrong), only one woman slapped him. But he beat both of them. With a metal rod. And I don't consider slapping someone, especially when a woman slaps a man, as an action that requires self defense. The cashier's life was not in danger. If he had slapped her back, fine. But that's not what he did. He beat two prone women with a metal rod. IMO, his behavior is despicable.
reason #100 not to eat at McDs! The customer is always right: the patrons, while rude & horrible, had no right to personalize the situation but the worker should have called his supervisor & not reached for a weapon . . .

. . . and waited until he found the loud mouths outside of his place of employment.
I couldn't really tell what exactly in the video was going on, even though I squinted and looked through the bottom third of my "progressive" lenses (a.k.a. trifocals). So an "I don't know" from me.
I don't know the answer to this. But I do know that many businesses have put systems into place to verify the authenticity of fifties and hundreds. There have been a rash of counterfeit bills passed around the city, and in southern CT where I recently moved. In fact, many places I've seen now have signs saying they don't accept fifties or hundreds. It is shocking how irate I've seen some customers get when their money is checked. I saw one guy go crazy in the goodwill store when he couldn't use a $100.

So many people today have such blatant disrepect for themselves and for their fellow man. I just don't get it. The woman was clearly in the wrong, especially as she touched him first. I just can't agree with him getting a weapon to beat her with. He had a right to defend himself but this seems to go completely over the top. How awful for everyone who witnessed this fight.

I look at this like a drunk driver who dies in a single car, car accident. Oh well.

If she hadn't jumped over the counter after slapping him and pursued him she'd still be ok. If she had stayed down when he told her to he probably would have stopped. Everything was HER fault, IMO.

I don't know if the $50 was bad or not but I've seen people get upset when someone is following protocol even though they aren't doing anything wrong. It seems like a lot of people believe that everyone should be able to look at them and see they're honest and are offended if a rule, that applies to everyone, is applied to them. Anyone who can look at someone and tell if they are a liar or not should become a cop. They could be the best cop in the world. When I'm asked to show my DL at the bank I don't get angry, I show them my DL.

I dunno, Masterj. I completely understand why someone would be taken aback if/when their legitimate US currency is called into question or downright refused.

From what I know (which could be wrong), only one woman slapped him. But he beat both of them. With a metal rod. And I don't consider slapping someone, especially when a woman slaps a man, as an action that requires self defense. The cashier's life was not in danger. If he had slapped her back, fine. But that's not what he did. He beat two prone women with a metal rod. IMO, his behavior is despicable.

As I interpret it, one woman slapped him across the counter. He pushed both of them. One woman jumped the counter and the other ran away down the counter on the outside. The woman who jumped the counter ran after him and he grabbed a metal rod and hit her as she came at him. When she fell to the floor he told her to stay down but she kept trying to get up so he kept hitting her. That's how I interpreted it.

One quick question. How do you know that every fifty or hundred handed to you is legitimate?
holy crap that's majorly ridiculous on both their parts - they both overeacted - she's an idiot for giving him attitude about company procedure but I don't know why he had to tell her he was scanning it - just scan it & be done with it - however, I can't hear that conversation - just going off what's been said in this thread ...

I wonder if he thought she was going to pull a weapon? or did he go into battle mode like vets with PTSD? that's crazy - most guys would be just holding her down

the blond woman yelling stop and trying to intervene should be commended for at least attempting to stop it

idiots, all of them!
from youtube:

The cashier, who police said had previously served a decade for
manslaughter ... (he killed someone & injured a child!)

Police have charged the cashier, identified as Rayon McIntosh, 31,
with felony assault charges, along with criminal possession of a weapon.
Both women were charged with menacing, trespass and disorderly conduct.
He is being held at the Manhattan Detention Complex on $40,000 bail,
according to the Department of Correction website.

ok, well, he has a history of violence ... and I'm willing to bet the women do too - and just wondering if he knew that Darbeau was a woman when she jumped the counter 'cause it took me a couple views to figure out there wasn't a third person involved who was a guy - she looks like a guy IMO

and I predict they'll all saunter on their merry way (hopefully straight to prison), laughing about the time they got in a fight at McD's and got on youtube and will continue to cause mayhem everywhere they go ...

I hope NONE of them have children!
Moral of the story:

Don't jump the counter at McDonald's and you won't get beaten with a metal rod.

Hmph... I'm safe.

OT, but I was so laughing at the person videoing slurping the last few sips of their soft drink. Too much action to miss to get a refill, huh? lol
I voted self defense, I would have probably done the same thing if I had two, I repeat two large upset women coming at me especially given the "tude" at the begining of the confrontation.

Not so sure I would have grabbed the metal bar, maybe a BigMac :) . I probably would have came out a fists a flying with a couple of knee jabs to the nose, and I'm a whopin 5'3 and 115 but hey to each there own. :bigfight:

She slapped him first, her momma must have never taught her to keep your hands to yourself. :chillout:

The bar was excessive, but man they should have stayed down and they would have been just fine ....

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