NY - WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO McDonald's Worker Beats Women Who Attack Him

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  • justified because this was self defense.

    Votes: 66 70.2%
  • exhibiting criminal behavior and should be prosecuted.

    Votes: 20 21.3%
  • Other - Make sure to explain in a post please

    Votes: 8 8.5%

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  • Poll closed .
A long, long time ago, before I was even 17, I worked in a Taco Bell. One night, a customer came over the counter at me, because I didn't have enough pennies in my drawer, and went to the next drawer to get some more. He came over the counter so fast, and so furious, and scared me and the others badly; some ran out the back door, and some ran out the door to the restaurant. The customers (there were a few) in the store stood there, staring.

I was alone behind the counter with this guy...and he pushed me into the torilla warmer. He grabbed all the money, and jumped back out over the counter, taking not only my cash drawer but the drawer I had opened. And, he took the orders waiting to go to the other customers.

Cops came, blah blah, didn't know who this guy was, so no arrest. They put in security cameras later that week.

A few months later, I was scheduled to work, but traded shifts with someone. I could see the restaurant from my house, and noticed a lot of cops and ambulances there.

Went over, and found that the person I had switched shifts with had been murdered, and the other person there that evening had been shot. I was shown the security film, and it was the same guy who'd come over the counter at me; he'd come back and decided to rob the place, but this time used a gun (and no, I didn't see the shootings; just the photos of him as he walked in).

I quit shortly thereafter.

Long story short, anyone who would come over the counter at someone behind it is a dangerous, dangerous, dangerous person. I have been there; people don't really do anything, it is too fast for some folks to process; if they do, you're still dealing with someone who's willing to come over the counter (and there is, literally, NO reason to do that), and be violent...until the cops come. And in large metropolises (metropoli?), that can take a long time...

I didn't watch the vid (and didn't vote). I just know from my experience that relying on anyone to help you doesn't always work...and that sometimes, matters fall into your own hands.

Herding Cats
Self-defense. I agree totally with .

If a man opened the door to his home to two women and they busted up in his house threatening him in this manner? It's two on one and I don't care if it's males or females. I was raised old school, and if you think you're going to fight like a man, then you'd better be prepared to get your azz whooped like one too.

Where I come from, us hillbilly's call this an "attitude adjustment."

I'm curious to know if anyone checked to see if that $50 bill was a little, ummmm, defective? I can't comprehend what the big deal was unless they either A) had reason to believe it was monopoly money or B) they were looking for an excuse to screw with whoever happened to get in the way.
Rayon McIntosh on how to turn a quarter-pounder into a double-whopper

-one of the headlines. :)giggle:)

IMO I think he was defending himself, with the reasonable belief that his safety and his co-worker's safety was in jeopardy. The fact that the two agressors got the worst of the beating is just part of the consequences.

Did the women have knives or guns? Were they going to pick up a knife from the work area and attack? Throw hot coffee? Did they at any point put up their hands to indicate they've stopped their attack?

But for the fact they initiated the assault and escalated it while tresspassing, he wouldn't have hit them, and they wouldn't be injured.

He was at work doing his job trying to earn a living and probably making minimum wage, not out in the gutter looking for a fight.
I don't think what the guy did was right but I do understand his reaction.
I completely agree. They came across the counter and chased him to the end of the aisle, he was cornered and fought back. Those "women" had the option to stay on their side of the counter where they belonged, they own the results of assaulting the guy.

Better get the emesis basin ready, then. These days if you are attacked you are in a no win situation, if you go all passive like some people say you should you'll probably be beaten or killed, if you defend yourself you'll be taken to task for the way you did it. Completely lost is the concept that you have some sort of right to be left alone.

When seconds count the police are only minutes away. If I had been that guy and those two crazies came across the counter at me I'd do what he did.


I agree with everything you said except the bolded part. Sometimes it can be a half hour or more. Especially if the person on the phone says an angry customer is yelling at the counter guy. How it's phrased would make a difference.

A long, long time ago, before I was even 17, I worked in a Taco Bell. One night, a customer came over the counter at me, because I didn't have enough pennies in my drawer, and went to the next drawer to get some more. He came over the counter so fast, and so furious, and scared me and the others badly; some ran out the back door, and some ran out the door to the restaurant. The customers (there were a few) in the store stood there, staring.

I was alone behind the counter with this guy...and he pushed me into the torilla warmer. He grabbed all the money, and jumped back out over the counter, taking not only my cash drawer but the drawer I had opened. And, he took the orders waiting to go to the other customers.

Cops came, blah blah, didn't know who this guy was, so no arrest. They put in security cameras later that week.

A few months later, I was scheduled to work, but traded shifts with someone. I could see the restaurant from my house, and noticed a lot of cops and ambulances there.

Went over, and found that the person I had switched shifts with had been murdered, and the other person there that evening had been shot. I was shown the security film, and it was the same guy who'd come over the counter at me; he'd come back and decided to rob the place, but this time used a gun (and no, I didn't see the shootings; just the photos of him as he walked in).

I quit shortly thereafter.

Long story short, anyone who would come over the counter at someone behind it is a dangerous, dangerous, dangerous person. I have been there; people don't really do anything, it is too fast for some folks to process; if they do, you're still dealing with someone who's willing to come over the counter (and there is, literally, NO reason to do that), and be violent...until the cops come. And in large metropolises (metropoli?), that can take a long time...

I didn't watch the vid (and didn't vote). I just know from my experience that relying on anyone to help you doesn't always work...and that sometimes, matters fall into your own hands.

Herding Cats

Wow! That's an interesting story. Did they catch him? I hate that your friend died but I'm glad you're alive.

O/T but Eddie George who was a Running Back in the NFL was going to be a high draft pick in the 1996 Draft. He was the 14th pick that year and IIRC, was invited to NYC for the draft because it was thought he could go top 10.

His mother was a flight attendant and when Eddie was going to sign his first NFL contract he asked her to be there with him. She had a flight scheduled for July 17th, 1996 going to Paris but he pressured her to switch to another flight by swapping with another attendant. It was very important to him that she be there for his signing on the 19th. So she switched with another attendant. If she hadn't made the switch she would have been aboard flight 800 that exploded shortly after takeoff two days earlier.
from youtube:

The cashier, who police said had previously served a decade for
manslaughter ... (he killed someone & injured a child!)

Police have charged the cashier, identified as Rayon McIntosh, 31,
with felony assault charges, along with criminal possession of a weapon.
Both women were charged with menacing, trespass and disorderly conduct.
He is being held at the Manhattan Detention Complex on $40,000 bail,
according to the Department of Correction website.

ok, well, he has a history of violence ... and I'm willing to bet the women do too - and just wondering if he knew that Darbeau was a woman when she jumped the counter 'cause it took me a couple views to figure out there wasn't a third person involved who was a guy - she looks like a guy IMO

and I predict they'll all saunter on their merry way (hopefully straight to prison), laughing about the time they got in a fight at McD's and got on youtube and will continue to cause mayhem everywhere they go ...

I hope NONE of them have children!

Just to clarify. The child was injured when the bullet passed through his victim and into the kids leg. He wasn't trying to hurt the kid. Not that it makes much difference.

This isn't meant for you it's just a general statement. Just because someone has a past history of violence doesn't mean they aren't allowed to defend themselves.

This guy served his time and it appears from the slight evidence we have that he was trying to rebuild his life honestly.
A few years ago I was working retail when a man came into the store at opening demanding a door. Three of us employees tried to get information from him so we could go get it for him, but he would not answer our questions, just kept on a rant screaming, calling us idiots etc., the man was obviously in a bad mood before he got there. Without the information we were unable and unwilling to bring him the wrong door for fear he would totally explode. I was the last of the three to wait on him, and although we were all being polite and trying to help him he just kept going further over the edge.
Finally I got enough bits of information from him, and after 45 mins was able to get another employee to go with me to collect the door for him. I walked him to the service counter where he continued his ranting and raving. I went out to the parking lot to help him load it in the truck, and as I was walking back to the store, he did a U-turn in the parking lot and tried to hit me with his truck. So I can not blame this man one iota for taking a defensive stand, and protecting himself. Although the woman may have been unarmed, he may not have known that for a fact. The man I was waitng on was unarmed as well, except for a vehicle.
After nearly running me over, the customer backed up and made a verbal threat to me as well, something about knocking my teeth down my throat. I smiled and said "Everyone is entitled to one mistake, I don't suggest you make yours this early in the day". He drove off spinning his tires as he left.
I dunno, Masterj. I completely understand why someone would be taken aback if/when their legitimate US currency is called into question or downright refused.

From what I know (which could be wrong), only one woman slapped him. But he beat both of them. With a metal rod. And I don't consider slapping someone, especially when a woman slaps a man, as an action that requires self defense. The cashier's life was not in danger. If he had slapped her back, fine. But that's not what he did. He beat two prone women with a metal rod. IMO, his behavior is despicable.

Two prone women that way crossed the line by striking him & invading the space intended for employees only and attacked an employee that was simply doing HIS JOB.

How was he supposed to know that one of theses two women didn't have a gun on her person?
The only reason that I say he was showing criminal behavior is because in most places self defense is equal or lesser force. He used substantially more force than was used on him, therefore, yeah, he acted criminally. JMO.
In St. Louis City cashiers usually check $20, $50, & $100 with a special marker to test the quality of the paper. There has been a plethora of fake bills circulated in the Metro area.

Heck, the police dept down the street supplies this type of marker as well as a "glow" marker to initial possessions in the case they are stolen, you can retrieve them. Crazy world we live in.
I look at this like a drunk driver who dies in a single car, car accident. Oh well.

If she hadn't jumped over the counter after slapping him and pursued him she'd still be ok. If she had stayed down when he told her to he probably would have stopped. Everything was HER fault, IMO.

I don't know if the $50 was bad or not but I've seen people get upset when someone is following protocol even though they aren't doing anything wrong. It seems like a lot of people believe that everyone should be able to look at them and see they're honest and are offended if a rule, that applies to everyone, is applied to them. Anyone who can look at someone and tell if they are a liar or not should become a cop. They could be the best cop in the world. When I'm asked to show my DL at the bank I don't get angry, I show them my DL.

As I interpret it, one woman slapped him across the counter. He pushed both of them. One woman jumped the counter and the other ran away down the counter on the outside. The woman who jumped the counter ran after him and he grabbed a metal rod and hit her as she came at him. When she fell to the floor he told her to stay down but she kept trying to get up so he kept hitting her. That's how I interpreted it.

One quick question. How do you know that every fifty or hundred handed to you is legitimate?

I get a lot of news alerts from the local sheriff's office that counterfeit bills are prevalent in the area. If you take one you are basically out that amount of money. I've had two come through my business this year. We caught one and missed one :( Luckily the one we caught was a $100 bill and the one we missed a $50.
The customer was aggresive and chased him. I would like to see more clearly the rod that was used.
Steely, yes, he was identified, had a record, and pled guilty in a plea bargin. I didn't have to testify, and felt guilty for a while about having swapped shifts. It was indeed a turning point in my life...and yes, I'm aware of many instances when someone switches flights, shifts, work days, et cetera and lived, where if they hadn't, they'd not have. It's a weird thing, but it happens...

Herding Cats
I totally understand the point of view that he was defending himself, but I still feel it was criminally excessive force. It's not like they cornered him in an alley. He was in a public place where I feel he could have escaped or asked for help. I would have been perfectly fine with him punching or kicking them. It was the use of the metal rod that swayed my decision.

They could have had a metal rod that shoots little deadly bullets too. I don't blame him. He was slapped first and then they proceeded to jump the counter. Didn't take him long to find that metal rod did it?
I look at this like a drunk driver who dies in a single car, car accident. Oh well.

If she hadn't jumped over the counter after slapping him and pursued him she'd still be ok. If she had stayed down when he told her to he probably would have stopped. Everything was HER fault, IMO.

I don't know if the $50 was bad or not but I've seen people get upset when someone is following protocol even though they aren't doing anything wrong. It seems like a lot of people believe that everyone should be able to look at them and see they're honest and are offended if a rule, that applies to everyone, is applied to them. Anyone who can look at someone and tell if they are a liar or not should become a cop. They could be the best cop in the world. When I'm asked to show my DL at the bank I don't get angry, I show them my DL.

As I interpret it, one woman slapped him across the counter. He pushed both of them. One woman jumped the counter and the other ran away down the counter on the outside. The woman who jumped the counter ran after him and he grabbed a metal rod and hit her as she came at him. When she fell to the floor he told her to stay down but she kept trying to get up so he kept hitting her. That's how I interpreted it.

One quick question. How do you know that every fifty or hundred handed to you is legitimate?

Stop using cash. I moved to the city again a few years ago, and only use debit or credit cards. Not many drug dealers take them....
In St. Louis City cashiers usually check $20, $50, & $100 with a special marker to test the quality of the paper. There has been a plethora of fake bills circulated in the Metro area.

Heck, the police dept down the street supplies this type of marker as well as a "glow" marker to initial possessions in the case they are stolen, you can retrieve them. Crazy world we live in.

Thanks for reminding me about that. I had that happen once to me and questioned the guy as to why he did it. I assumed it was to identify fake bills and he told me that's why they do it. I thought it was cool. I didn't leap over the counter at him and begin hitting him.
Wow, had to watch the video twice. I believe he was defending himself. That one woman jumped the counter and acted like a fool, while the other one ran around the counter. How was he to know what they were planning on doing? They should have stayed down like he said. JMO
Part of why I enjoy living in the United States is that I have the right to self defense.

I had a neighbor come to my door one day and demand me to "turn down my tv" because it was bothering him. I told him I would turn it down and tried to shut the door. He used his arm to push on the door and said "DO IT RIGHT NOW or I am coming in to do it for you."

I know this might not make sense, but these two people jumping over the counter is similar to the feeling I got when my neighbor put his arm on my door and threatened to come in. That's a threatening act - no matter if it's your home, office, or mind you a side walk altercation.

With my neighbors arm in my door I said "You come inside without my consent you and I are probably not going to have a reasonable outcome." He left. I turned the volume down. Compromise.

The people in this video didn't leave - and in my opinion this was 100% self defense.

For people thinking it wasn't fair with them on the ground "restrained", what if the worker allowed them to get up? What would have happened? Anything good? It had already escalated to a state it shouldn't have. I wouldn't have taken any other chance - I would of done the exact same as this worker did, but probably cause I have had outside altercations like this prior to watching this video.
Ok, so I too had to watch this twice.

Raise of hands please... So, who thinks that had these two "customers" gotten the upper hand we wouldn't be hearing about a different story...

This guy was at work. He tried to walk away from them. However, being the ladies that they are, they followed him.

Did he just get out of prison? Yep. Probably a knee-jerk reaction to protect himself after he walked away from the heated confrontation.

I think that he was going to threaten them with the rod, but as he turns around with it & there they are right in his face.

Denise Darbeau's mother really needs to chill on her baby girl being an innocent princess.

They learned a lesson in etiquette that day that I don't see em forgetting anytime soon!

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