Observations from attending Sunday, 11/30/08 Vigil

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Your impression is correct!! Google her name and you will see.

She is out of place, just like a lot of the other players on the Anthony side are.


"People give me more reasons to believe she's alive than to believe she is deceased," the current spokesperson for George and Cindy Anthony said the day after Thanksgiving.

When asked about evidence of decomposition investigators say they found in the car and George Anthony's statement that he smelled decomposition, Michelle Bart answered, "no, it doesn't do it for me, because no one can tell me it is Caylee."

Bart also challenges the Orange County Sheriff's Office to investigate the circumstances surrounding an apparent cell phone picture she says a woman took of Caylee at the Florida Mall on Nov. 16. Bart and the Anthonys believe it could be Caylee.


Even KC would know how to lie and spin better.
I live a couple of hours from there and have wanted to go down there because I feel very emotionally captivated by this case. Maybe I could go there for one of these "vigils". I pray for her here, but I would just like to go pray near where she was. I, like you, would not want to be filmed somewhere as I do not want to be involved in the drama, I would just to pay my respects to this baby.
Hi Pink Panther,

In all honesty I attended for multiple reasons.

I attended because I was expecting this to be a big local event. I thought it would be a bunch of people coming togethor to pray for Caylee. Given that the vigil was not too far from me I figured I could not pass that up given how close I was.

Another reason was out of pure curiosity. I thought perhaps family members would have spoken and I wanted to hear what they were going to say and share.

I was really thinking I would get something out of attending the vigil. I honestly got nothing from it. I have been more moved by watching beautiful videos of Caylee on Youtube.com created by people that haven't even met her compared to this vigil tonight.

The words that Jesse Grund's father spoke the afternoon after a search were such beautiful words and really hit home.

That is what I was expecting and wanted to be part of in person

How sad, if you didn't feel what you expected too, I'm sure neither did the others who attended.

Michelle not only should never of opened her mouth, she never should of been in the church. Tonight was about Caylee, not the Anthonys or KFN.

I think in the Lords house a spokesperson isn't necessary, nor wanted.

So sad and wrong that they didn't ask their family preacher/minister to speak to everyone about one of God's special angels, Caylee.
Thanks so much for posting your experience. My heart breaks for the Anthony's, and I wish they had more support. They are in my prayers.

"People give me more reasons to believe she's alive than to believe she is deceased," the current spokesperson for George and Cindy Anthony said the day after Thanksgiving.

When asked about evidence of decomposition investigators say they found in the car and George Anthony's statement that he smelled decomposition, Michelle Bart answered, "no, it doesn't do it for me, because no one can tell me it is Caylee."

Bart also challenges the Orange County Sheriff's Office to investigate the circumstances surrounding an apparent cell phone picture she says a woman took of Caylee at the Florida Mall on Nov. 16. Bart and the Anthonys believe it could be Caylee. :rolleyes:


Even KC would know how to lie and spin better.

Then the KFN and the A's should pay for someone to professionally examine the photo, compare it to a photo of Caylee......do some of that high-tech stuff (sorry have no idea what type of professional this would be).

OCSD has said that Caylee is dead, so if they believe she is alive, put their donation money where their mouth is and prove it to us.:mad:
Ev, thanks so much for sharing. I'm glad to hear that Cindy maybe accepting reality and hopefully this will help bring closure.

It sounds as though a more appropriate setting might have been a town hall as opposed to a sacred environment from your description,tho.I'll never understand why the A family wants to be televised during what should be private moments. However, I am no one to judge another.

I continue to pray that Caylee will be found.
Thanks Elizabeth for being our eyes and ears.

How sad the people are compelled to continually attack this poor grandmother who is literally dying of grief before our very eyes. I would think just this once, after reading a first hand account of exactly how badly Cindy is doing, people could find just a small bit of compassion. Just once. I could not live with such hatred in my heart.
Bless you EV1214 for sharing with us.I pray someone will find this little ones remains.I think of her each night,all alone in some dark place and I cry.I hope one day the GP's will have peace of mind.may her mother spend the rest of her life rotting in prison.How can she be so hard and souless? I know sociopath,my God she is also killing her parents.I want to see her CRY when she is sentenced.If I had the money I would fly down there so I could laugh at her.I dont think the Ants realize how st*@#d their spokesperson is~they are in a world of their own.Someone please tell them...God Bless Caylee~Lord hold her in the palms of Your hands. IMO
How sad, if you didn't feel what you expected too, I'm sure neither did the others who attended.

Michelle not only should never of opened her mouth, she never should of been in the church. Tonight was about Caylee, not the Anthonys or KFN.

I think in the Lords house a spokesperson isn't necessary, nor wanted.

So sad and wrong that they didn't ask their family preacher/minister to speak to everyone about one of God's special angels, Caylee.
The person that led the prayer was a minister...I think.

He did not give a sermon but rather read a passag
How sad the people are compelled to continually attack this poor grandmother who is literally dying of grief before our very eyes. I would think just this once, after reading a first hand account of exactly how badly Cindy is doing, people could find just a small bit of compassion. Just once. I could not live with such hatred in my heart.

I don't know if you are referring to my posts, but I am not attacking Cindy; I am addressing the spokesperson, Michelle B.
The person that led the prayer was a minister...I think.

He did not give a sermon but rather read a passag

That makes me feel much better....it really does. Maybe next time they will have it like you suggested; outside with candles and maybe encourage some of those who attend to share why Caylee is so special to them.

That would do wonders.....to hear from others how much this beautiful baby has touched them.

Thanks again and sorry if I keep repeating myself, you have been very patient.:blowkiss:
Thank you again....:blowkiss:

You have done a wonderful job of describing the "feeling" in the church tonight. Honestly it sounds like it was sad........sad that a precious, innocent baby girl was not thought about enough prior to her prayer vigil that someone, anyone from her own family didn't get up and share with all those who came out to show their love for Caylee; who wonderful, special and loved she was.

Instead you let a woman, who didn't even bother to groom herself, who had never met this child, get up and speak....turning into her own personal platform.

Sorry, this just upsets me.....I keep waiting for the day that someone from that family stands up and loves this innocent child more now than they have ever loved her and bring justice to this innocent child......always remembering, never forgetting, this is all about Caylee.

Thank you again, I appreciate it so much. Welcome, certainly glad to have you here.

I do not think that the Anthony's have the ability to feel love & emotion as most can. We all have been waiting for this emotional plea from this family & it is NEVER going to happen. There have been many discussions about the mental health of all on Hopespring and whether right or wrong, I think they are but a shell. Nothing inside-ZIP-NADA-EMPTY.
Now just for the record I was ten minutes late so maybe something was said by the family prior to me attending or right after I left.


Oops, I didn't see this one til now.......hopefully something was said.
Thanks very much for the info Elizabeth!..From another relative newbie :)

Is there still a reward?..I honestly don't know because it's been so long since I've heard anything about it..Why is that?

When someone who's been following this case very closely from the start has to ask there's something seriously wrong!
Does anyone know if the A's invited the media or if they just showed up? I would think at a vigil that it would be a private meaningful service with no media to record everything. Woudn't the church be a private place where they would have to be invited by someone to be there? If they weren't invited, shame on them for going into the church to record. If they were invited, then what where they hoping to have recorded...their distress? (I am getting cynical)
Thanks very much for the info Elizabeth!..From another relative newbie :)

Is there still a reward?..I honestly don't know because it's been so long since I've heard anything about it..Why is that?

When someone who's been following this case very closely from the start has to ask there's something seriously wrong!
It's posted on the As website. No amount given the last time I looked.
Does anyone know if the A's invited the media or if they just showed up? I would think at a vigil that it would be a private meaningful service with no media to record everything. Woudn't the church be a private place where they would have to be invited by someone to be there? If they weren't invited, shame on them for going into the church to record. If they were invited, then what where they hoping to have recorded...their distress? (I am getting cynical)

The media was invited.


The Kid Finders Network and George and Cindy Anthony, the grandparents of Caylee Anthony, are hosting the event at the Eastside Baptist Church in Orlando Sunday evening.
Me personally I feel sorry for the anthonys & Caylee!The one person who has the answers is KC she is doing this to her family! I think they are being mislead with bad information and a misleading spokesperson & KFN! The anthonys do not need KFN or MB If they would talk from the heart they would get help period. We all have the right to feel the way we do! But when a person or persons go thru such a bad situation they can be taken advantage of easy! Local people will donate when it comes to situations like this even churches. We all can make signs we can promote a web site or 2 for free.
We can get the community to come together to help friends family with fliers etc. A build board sign is only going to promote where you drive it leave it etc. This case has had so much media attention then any other case I have known. I dont blame the anthonys that is still there daughter. We all say well this and that but we are not in there shoes. KC is to blame and what she is doing to her family is terrible. I could not put my parents threw all that and its ashame that KC is. We can't make her talk we can't get her to tell the truth. We need to find caylee period she deserves that and thats onething we ALL can agree with! I just don't think that these people that the anthonys has wraped their selfs around are not professional people!

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