OCSO Blasts Anthonys for New 'Sighting' Pic / All Sighting Information #2

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how can you NOT get it? People can't just go around taking pictures of OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN and then publicize them on national telelvision. Why is that hard to understand?

IMO, that little girl seeing her pic on TV, at the same time hearing the names Caylee and Casey would be enough to traumatize her.
I agree. We have seen both OCSO and the FBI address this in private, more than once, with both George and Cindy, in July and August, and in the kindest of ways. It's on the OCSO and FBI interviews. OCSO and the FBI both impressed me deeply with their depth of human feeling and compassion toward George and Cindy each and every time they addressed the As need to pay due diligence to their obligations toward their granddaughter.

In addition to what we've seen on the tapes/heard in the audios, there are references to additional times when both OCSO and the FBI addressed this issue with George, Cindy, and Lee.

OCSO and the FBI have gone way above and beyond the call of duty, in a horribly difficult situation. The time has come where they must put Caylee and other children, missing and not, deceased and alive, above George and Cindy's emotional needs. I support them 100%, and I commend them.
Oh, I sooo commend them! It infuriates me when the As spout how LE hasn't been interested in finding Caylee from Day 31. It equally angers me when he quotes his son. Let LA speak for himself. If he feels that it's LE's job to "serve and protect" and HE feels they are not serving and protecting Caylee (OMG...how absurd!) then let LEE say it. Coming from a former LE officer it sickens me that he can dare say that.
Thank you for this post. It isn't just the Anthony's that are putting the photos in the public. The media itself is also responsible for this, newspapers & etc. Can't blame the Anthony's alone for this.

however, it is the A's announcing constantly about "proof" of Caylee being alive and that they have pics of it...when they use these pics as "tips" to PROVE" Caylee being alive--make big press conferences and so on and so forth..than it becomes a problem---it's to much--they need to let go and let God .....

ped·o·phile (pd-fl, pd-) KEY


An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children


To practice photography.
To be the subject for photographs: She photographs well.

photo·grapha·ble (Adjective), pho·togra·pher

I believe the hysteria point may have somethng to it. :rolleyes:

Are you trying to be combative? Nobody is bashing you personally *rolleyes* for your beliefs, it just seems nobody agrees with you.

I have three children and if I saw their picture on national news I would flip out. It seems most of the parents here concur. Thats not hysteria, it's just good parenting.
OMG! These are not "Good Samaritans" doing this! They are publicity seekers or wannabe PIs! A "Good Samaritan" person dials 911 then watches until police arrives~ PERIOD!

That they are, SS. And they are actually doing more harm than good......the feaures of a 'could-be-but-is-not Caylee' child are now stored in the mental data base of thousands of people. Some people have good recall and can quickly sort out features. But a lot of people do not & can not. Unfortunately, They are the ones more likely to report a 'positive it was Caylee' sighting.
Are you trying to be combative? Nobody is bashing you personally *rolleyes* for your beliefs, it just seems nobody agrees with you.

I have three children and if I saw their picture on national news I would flip out. It seems most of the parents here concur. Thats not hysteria, it's just good parenting.

I was not bashing or being combative. I was pointing out the extreme discrepancy between Pedophile and Photographer, since imo that was quite a stretch. And several people have agreed with me, read back aways. I believe it's hysteria. I also have three children and if I saw their pictures on the news, I wouldn't be in the least disturbed. Yes, I would be curious, but not disturbed.
I think the Anthonys absolutely know this is not Caylee but keep putting this type of spin out there because for whatever strange reason they believe that all of these false sightings and tips that keep coming in about an alive Caylee somehow bolster their case that she is alive. Sad, really.
I don't know. I heard some legal analysts discussing it on one of the newscasts. They basically both agreed that the prosecution needs more than just the "science." They relly need the clothing, bones to add to the science aspect. As long as there is no body there can be doubt, at least in the mind of some individuals.

They don't need a body. Look up the Body Farm at University of Tennessee. Every case they have ever testified to the identity of a person and that person was dead the prosecution won the case and the perp went to jail or got the needle.
I was not bashing or being combative. I was pointing out the extreme discrepancy between Pedophile and Photographer, since imo that was quite a stretch. And several people have agreed with me, read back aways. I believe it's hysteria. I also have three children and if I saw their pictures on the news, I wouldn't be in the least disturbed. Yes, I would be curious, but not disturbed.

Maybe you don't realize pedophiles take pictures of children in public places then use the child's face on kiddy *advertiser censored* to sell. You SHOULD be very concerned if someone is taking pictures of your children.
ITA, and hopefully someone has told her to stop comparing this case to the Elizabeth Smart case. apples and oranges.
The witness to Elizabeth Smart's abduction COOPERATED with LE.

The last known person to be with Caylee has evoked her right to be silent and ISN'T talking.

Would Elizabeth Smart have been found IF her sister had been silent????
Sure they would have made claims like that but my feeling is that feeling (in some sense) 'persecuted' has allowed them to redirect 99% of their pain & anger & blame AWAY from Casey and onto LE.

Anyway... it's a moot point since we can never know for sure.

The whole thing is just so infuriating & sad & a real mess. LE must be going through a terrible time with this case also. I can't wait until this trial is over & people can start to get back to some normalcy. (we WS'ers included! lol)

That is a good point.

They are in an us against them mode.

I even think some of the attacks may be so unfair as to have invalidated and detract from the better points people are trying to get across to the Anthony's.


Scroll down to story entitled:


~ snip ~

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office blasted the Anthonys after the release of that picture.

~ snip ~

The Sheriff’s Office went on to say that it’s sad that the Anthonys, “can’t look at that picture and tell that it is not their grandchild.”

~ snip ~

The statement also said it’s a shame that innocent children’s pictures are being released as tips.

I'm looking for the full statement from OCSO. If anybody has a link to it, please post? Thanks!

There was also more than one existing thread I found where this might go, but I wasn't sure which would be most appropriate. If anybody knows where it should go, please let me know, and I'll request a merge. Thanks!

ETA: added link

:clap: Bravo LE ..
OMG! These are not "Good Samaritans" doing this! They are publicity seekers or wannabe PIs! A "Good Samaritan" person dials 911 then watches until police arrives~ PERIOD!

I believe it is either LA or the PI taking all these pictures. It could be those shady people from KFN too or a combination of all of them. I don't believe for a minute these are "average" people in the street doing this, because they would call the police. NO ONE ever does in all of the Anthony's "investigation."
The Anthony's know Caylee is dead. All of them. They are just spouting this nonsense on a daily basis hoping that one or 2 potential jurors will fall for the lies they are telling and won't convict KC of murder once just in case they could be right. They are trying their hardest to sway the jury pool. They won't stop til after the trial.

I completely agree with you and I have a feeling it will only get worse as the trial date nears.
Are you trying to be combative? Nobody is bashing you personally *rolleyes* for your beliefs, it just seems nobody agrees with you.

I have three children and if I saw their picture on national news I would flip out. It seems most of the parents here concur. Thats not hysteria, it's just good parenting.

:clap: I agree with you completely ..
Are you trying to be combative? Nobody is bashing you personally *rolleyes* for your beliefs, it just seems nobody agrees with you.

I have three children and if I saw their picture on national news I would flip out. It seems most of the parents here concur. Thats not hysteria, it's just good parenting.

you have to admit, photographing a child=basically being a pedophile, was a little over the top..c'mon!

the media are the ones that should err on the side of caution here, they are the ones that released the photo of a child that they knew was not the one that is missing.
How long before the parents of that kid sue the anthony's?
Maybe you don't realize pedophiles take pictures of children in public places then use the child's face on kiddy *advertiser censored* to sell. You SHOULD be very concerned if someone is taking pictures of your children.

You know, when it comes to kiddie *advertiser censored*, it's not their face I am worried about. And somehow we went from national news to kiddie *advertiser censored*. I am now confused.
It'll be interesting to watch Michelle B (the "spokesperson") react to this article. I just hope she takes the time to comb her hair this time.

LOL Pink Panther,I know it's awful but I thought the same thing.Her attitude wasn't all that appealing either.She was acting like this was all redundant,and was barely tolerating being questioned.
George and Cindy care NOTHING about anyone besides themselves and Casey anymore.

I suspect they probably have never cared about anyone but themselves they just are no longer afraid for others to know it.

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