DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Nice icon :biglaugh:

I'll be heading out in about an hour, but even so I check the board every time I get an e-mail update. Kinda pathetic, no? I'm thinking of seeking professional help.

I know what ya mean, I turn the sound down, or off on my puter when someone is here because I act like I need a 'fix' running into the office to check :nerves:
The storm that hit here earlier hit Norman,Ok, where Ann Fan is....they delayed the game over an hour and evacuated the stadium.
Hi everybody.... Talk about needing a fix,, I had to play catch up today around here. The grass in the back yard was lika jungle. Honey mowed & I got weed eat. My hands are so sore from holding that thing.

Sooner Heat stroke is bad real bad. I hope ypu are taking it easy. I can't believe you were in a tornado the other day. Stay safe, and have a good weekend.

TomsGirl.. that is funny about your sound.. I have my headphones plugged in (not on my head just plugged in) so I don't get busted LOL

Talk to you guys soon
Thanks for your concern, I'm resting today watching the OU game and then freaked out when the storm hit. Ann Fan and her daughter were there. I really hope they are ok.
I can beat you both! I leave my laptop on 24/7 on the night stand beside my bed. We have one child that lives in the Phillipines and one in PA......We use AIM as anything. And with the time difference, I never know what time it is without stopping to think. I have the volume down and I can hear AIM when thry log in or out or message.....can we say hoovering???
and in my defense, (excuse typing) I'm in bed typing in the dark while hubby naps trying to pretend he is awake
Sooner.. and in my defense, (excuse typing) I'm in bed typing in the dark while hubby naps trying to pretend he is awake

ME TOO...All the aboveToo Funny :crazy: and He is clutching the clicker to the TV...
not when I get mad and grab it way, he changes channels while he's asleep and i grab it from him. To pay me back for this I'm fairly certain he auto tunes it to Mike and Mike in the morning and turns the volume til I wanna scream.
For those who have the good sense not to know......their show comes on espn at 500 AM.......AM!:bang:
Hey guys, thanks for all the posts hoping I feel better. I think I've found myfamily here. I do feel better today. Just expecting company over to watch the OU game. I'm just mad I have to PPV it. I sure hope Ann Fan and her daughter STAY safe. We in a severe thunderstorm watch. ALSO alll you guys safe from the hurricane. ooops....lightening strike...think i'll get out of the pool. BBL.:chicken:

Sooner, I am glad you are ok. I just got on here to check on you. Believe it or not we just got home. It was quite an exciting night. Be glad you saw it on PPV. We tried to leave right when the band quit and get on the elevator and the power kept going off. I wasn't about to get on the elevator at that point which meant walking down ramp after ramp. By then everyone was evacuating if you can imagine. It was scary with the thunder being so loud and the lightening was horrible. When we finally got to the car (I will never park in a yard again) we were pinned in by 5 cars - we sat and sat forever. Apparently the people in the car decided to hit the bars or restaurants for the night. Hours later we finally got out (thanks to a kind man who helped get us all out) and a 2 hour drive home and we are finally here. Sorry to ramble. I really just got on to see if you were ok and to catch up. The heat was awful too so I am glad you stayed out of it.
Ann Fan, I'm glad you got home safely. Sooner Fan, I'm glad you are feeling better.

This morning before I woke up, I heard screaming in my dreams and then noises like someone was being raped. It was horrible.
Good Morning Everyone~
Wow, what a night in Norman. I was in Fayetteville, AR watching the Razorbacks barely beat the Leathernecks. I kept my eye on the updates of the OU game but, had no idea they had to evacuate the stadium. Scary. So glad Ann is okay.

Your dreams sound terrifying. Do you think it was related to Skyla and Taylor?
I hope not.

No, Ruflossn, I don't think it is related to our girls.

It was almost like I was hearing an audio of a rape. So disturbing!
No, Ruflossn, I don't think it is related to our girls.

It was almost like I was hearing an audio of a rape. So disturbing!

Hi claycat!

Thank heaven it wasn't related to our girls, but that's freaky nonetheless! Also, glad to hear everyone is OK (Sooner, Ann Fan, etc.).

Yeah I try to remember to turn the phone off at night (sometimes I forget and the bloody thing will keep me up all night), but if there's something going on I will keep the phone on, the computer by the bed, and a portable camping stove, teapot, teabags, and brandy right there in the bedroom :D.

I'll be in Dallas/Ft Worth for the next few weeks and may get up to Weleetka.
Who all on here lives near there? I know Sheza, anyone else.
Wanna meet up if I make it there?
hi claycat!

Thank heaven it wasn't related to our girls, but that's freaky nonetheless! Also, glad to hear everyone is ok (sooner, ann fan, etc.).

Yeah i try to remember to turn the phone off at night (sometimes i forget and the bloody thing will keep me up all night), but if there's something going on i will keep the phone on, the computer by the bed, and a portable camping stove, teapot, teabags, and brandy right there in the bedroom :d.


Hey everybody - I hope you had a fun and safe weekend. If you are like me your week will be turned around all week thinking tomorrow is Monday etc. I'd like to ask those of you who pray to say a few for my husband - it seems he has somehow contracted poison ivy on his eyeballs- yes, the eyeballs themselves. He is working up in Pennsylvania and took care of a co-workers' horses for them over the weekend. Today he felt as if he had an eyelash in one that wouldn't come out. The wife of the co-worker looked and watched as giant bubble blisters appeared on the whites of his eyes. Thankfully they knew an opthomogist that they were friends with and called and he met them at his office. The doctor treated him for some kind of allergic reaction- he assumes poison ivy but is not positive. Both eyes are covered in these blisters and he cannot see to drive - much less to inspect a pipeline. The doctor insisted he stay in bed tomorrow and he goes back for a checkup at 3. The kind people have even arranged a ride for him to get there. There really are kind people in the world that are willing to help. And I know many of you will sweetly say a prayer on his behalf. I appreciate it so much. It's hard enough to be this far away from him but to have him be sick and me not be there to tend to him well, it just makes it that much harder. I immediately thought of this thread and of all of the kindness you have shown. You are a great bunch of people and I feel grateful to have met(sort of ) you.
Hi Ann Fan, not a day goes by that I don't feel thankful for the wonderful people I have (kinda) met on this board, yourself included.

Your husband will definitely be in my prayers tonight. :)
Hey everybody - I hope you had a fun and safe weekend. If you are like me your week will be turned around all week thinking tomorrow is Monday etc. I'd like to ask those of you who pray to say a few for my husband - it seems he has somehow contracted poison ivy on his eyeballs- yes, the eyeballs themselves. He is working up in Pennsylvania and took care of a co-workers' horses for them over the weekend. Today he felt as if he had an eyelash in one that wouldn't come out. The wife of the co-worker looked and watched as giant bubble blisters appeared on the whites of his eyes. Thankfully they knew an opthomogist that they were friends with and called and he met them at his office. The doctor treated him for some kind of allergic reaction- he assumes poison ivy but is not positive. Both eyes are covered in these blisters and he cannot see to drive - much less to inspect a pipeline. The doctor insisted he stay in bed tomorrow and he goes back for a checkup at 3. The kind people have even arranged a ride for him to get there. There really are kind people in the world that are willing to help. And I know many of you will sweetly say a prayer on his behalf. I appreciate it so much. It's hard enough to be this far away from him but to have him be sick and me not be there to tend to him well, it just makes it that much harder. I immediately thought of this thread and of all of the kindness you have shown. You are a great bunch of people and I feel grateful to have met(sort of ) you.

I will definitely pray for your husband. My Father was in the hospital not long ago and I immediately asked some of my friends on this site to pray for him. I know exactly what you mean about having met them (sorta).

Please keep us updated on his progress.
Hey everybody - I hope you had a fun and safe weekend. If you are like me your week will be turned around all week thinking tomorrow is Monday etc. I'd like to ask those of you who pray to say a few for my husband - it seems he has somehow contracted poison ivy on his eyeballs- yes, the eyeballs themselves. He is working up in Pennsylvania and took care of a co-workers' horses for them over the weekend. Today he felt as if he had an eyelash in one that wouldn't come out. The wife of the co-worker looked and watched as giant bubble blisters appeared on the whites of his eyes. Thankfully they knew an opthomogist that they were friends with and called and he met them at his office. The doctor treated him for some kind of allergic reaction- he assumes poison ivy but is not positive. Both eyes are covered in these blisters and he cannot see to drive - much less to inspect a pipeline. The doctor insisted he stay in bed tomorrow and he goes back for a checkup at 3. The kind people have even arranged a ride for him to get there. There really are kind people in the world that are willing to help. And I know many of you will sweetly say a prayer on his behalf. I appreciate it so much. It's hard enough to be this far away from him but to have him be sick and me not be there to tend to him well, it just makes it that much harder. I immediately thought of this thread and of all of the kindness you have shown. You are a great bunch of people and I feel grateful to have met(sort of ) you.
We have a "Prayer Thread" here at Websleuths if you're interested. Many post there daily for others

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