DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Add my prayers and good wishes to the list!!!!
May I ask what kind of degree or training is needed for this type of position?

That is what I will out at 3:00 today. This is with the a company that invented the program.
That sounds like an interesting job. I hope you get the offer and find it to your liking.

I will say a prayer for you.

Well I am in a holding pattern for now..we will see.. extensive FBI background check is being done. I have my CWP so I am not worried about that part if you know what I mean.
Two young girls went missing from the same trailor on Dec. 30, 1999.

Lauria Jaylene Bible
D.O.B. April 17, 1983
Missing since Dec. 30, 1999 from Welch, OK

Ashley Renee Freeman
D.O.B. Dec. 29, 1983
Missing since Dec. 30, 1999 from Welch, OK

Lauria and Ashley were discovered missing after a fire destroyed the trailer Ashley and her family lived in. The bodies of Ashley's parents were discovered in the trailer but Ashley and Lauria have not been seen since. Lauria has a mole under her nose. Ashley has a scar on her forehead.
Good afternoon, everyone.

Would it be possible to set up a poll here?


It is a New Age Cow!!!

and don't ask me what I mean by that it just sounded good...
It is a New Age Cow!!!

and don't ask me what I mean by that it just sounded good...

laughing hysterically! That Agent 99......... gotta luv her!

Agent fRoG
assigned to this case by special
mission from GOD! =)

(at least I like to think so!)
Hi guys, Sorry I was gone so long. Had a precious dog die. I live in McAlester which is about 70 miles away and I will be glad to share with you what I hear.
Hi guys, Sorry I was gone so long. Had a precious dog die. I live in McAlester which is about 70 miles away and I will be glad to share with you what I hear.
I'm sorry for your loss, Sooner...
What???? You have the pic up there are you trying to make an albumn?

How sweet is that. So so precious. You are lucky...
Not trying to make an album...just an avatar....I'm soo proud of her. She, my daughter and SIL just left for a visit. They live in Pennsylvania

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