'Offensive' Halloween costumes banned

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But hillbilly and redneck are descriptors of a particular community not races.

Observable features and genetically differentiated phenotypes have defined race but we are all *advertiser censored* sapiens so not really so different.

Though the notion of race was a result of European imperialism and colonialism so really the concept of race is racist!

I hear the pain of a white male. White male world dominancy is coming to an end. I’m not ready to cry tears for you yet though!



This thread is not about race, it's about costumes, or it was. The only race is the human race. I'm not the one who made this about skin color. Linda's black son wanted to go as photographic negative, and bang all of a sudden it's about skin color and stereotypes. BTW EM was brilliant as a stereotypical old Jewish man. We can don whatever costume we wish. Permission is not needed nor sought. We need not poll each and every member of an ethnic group for acceptance to don a costume. The vast majority of American Indians don't have a problem with the Washington Redskins name.
A couple of years ago the PC crowd was turning out posters for halloween basically saying most all costumes (indians, hula dancers, sultans, etc...) were NOT okay as it offended cultures.

Ramz Paul did this video in followup:

This thread is not about race, it's about costumes, or it was. The only race is the human race. I'm not the one who made this about skin color. Linda's black son wanted to go as photographic negative, and bang all of a sudden it's about skin color and stereotypes. BTW EM was brilliant as a stereotypical old Jewish man. We can don whatever costume we wish. Permission is not needed nor sought. We need not poll each and every member of an ethnic group for acceptance to don a costume. The vast majority of American Indians don't have a problem with the Washington Redskins name.


Not true.

Federally recognized tribes of Native Americans do not approve and the leadership has made public statements and are on the record.

Those who claim blood and can’t verify it are moot.

Individual tribal members would never speak out against their elders and tribal leaders statements. Can always tell a wanna be that way.

Will bow to you and your definition of offensive then as I am still used to Eurocentric domination.

Yesterday, a boy around 11 or 12 years old came to my door with a group, trick or treating. He was wearing a shirt with something protruding on the front. I asked him what his costume was, he said he was a SUICIDE BOMBER !!! I replied " that's not a good idea." I usually ask the older kids what they are, just to see if they have an answer for the costumes they sometimes throw together. But wow. I wonder if his parents realized what he was.
Yesterday, a boy around 11 or 12 years old came to my door with a group, trick or treating. He was wearing a shirt with something protruding on the front. I asked him what his costume was, he said he was a SUICIDE BOMBER !!! I replied " that's not a good idea." I usually ask the older kids what they are, just to see if they have an answer for the costumes they sometimes throw together. But wow. I wonder if his parents realized what he was.

I had a teen with heavy brown make up on & toilet paper draped all over him... I asked, he answered..."a turd"
I responded oh, ya nailed it.
I didn't find it funny and I have an incredible sense of humor.. IMO lol

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Yesterday, a boy around 11 or 12 years old came to my door with a group, trick or treating. He was wearing a shirt with something protruding on the front. I asked him what his costume was, he said he was a SUICIDE BOMBER !!! I replied " that's not a good idea." I usually ask the older kids what they are, just to see if they have an answer for the costumes they sometimes throw together. But wow. I wonder if his parents realized what he was.
And yet serial/cereal killer is becoming a popular costume with blood spatter and little boxes of cereal glued to them...
I had a teen with heavy brown make up on & toilet paper draped all over him... I asked, he answered..."a turd"
I responded oh, ya nailed it.
I didn't find it funny and I have an incredible sense of humor.. IMO lol

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omg thats funny sorry...

Ive always beaten the drum that no one has the right to tell another race or gender they shouldnt be offended. it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Im with Linda, people forget our own history and that overseas there are customs and traditions that people get bent outta shape over that started hundreds if not thousands of years ago. We are a baby nation compared to the world.

Minstrel shows, vaudville black face performers and amos and andy was like 60-80 years ago. About 2 generations or even one for some of us. The civil rights movement happened in the 60's. Segregation had been around since after the civil war.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that as a nation we have spent more time divided racially and sexually than we have spent united. So from 1776 thru the mid to late 1950's and 60's minorities and/or women were either enslaved, killed, raped, discriminated against, treated as 2nd, 3rd and even 4th class citizens, deprived of the right to vote or own property. Thats less than a 100 years to undo hundreds of years of injustice. A LOT of people forget that and needed to be reminded.

As for halloween...I saw a lots of daisy dukes and wigs!
OMG. Americans. :facepalm:

pretty much sums it up for me

I'm sorry - but the entire blackface/whiteface/photography/racism debate has just got me in fits. I'ma go read it all again, now.. :giggle:
OMG. Americans. :facepalm:

pretty much sums it up for me

I'm sorry - but the entire blackface/whiteface/photography/racism debate has just got me in fits. I'ma go read it all again, now.. :giggle:

Unfortunately it's not just Americans, this happens all the time too where I live - people are just as unaware.

For me it's more 'OMG. White people who do offensive things and then complain that others are being too PC when they point out it's disrespectful. :facepalm:'.
Actually the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin and Miley Cyrus/Robin Thicke costumes are pretty offensive to me too!!
A couple of years ago the PC crowd was turning out posters for halloween basically saying most all costumes (indians, hula dancers, sultans, etc...) were NOT okay as it offended cultures.

Ramz Paul did this video in followup:

We're a culture, not a costume - YouTube

The PC crowd... really? If something is offensive and disrespectful of another culture, namely cultures that already get enough racism and prejudice as a whole thrown at them, it's less about being 'PC' as it is about simply being considerate. And yes if it's offends cultures it's not ok.

I fail to understand what's funny about this video...
Actually the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin and Miley Cyrus/Robin Thicke costumes are pretty offensive to me too!!

The Trayvon costumes are horrifying... I can't believe anyone even thinks that's a good idea and not mindblowingly disrespectful.

Not true.

Federally recognized tribes of Native Americans do not approve and the leadership has made public statements and are on the record.

Those who claim blood and can’t verify it are moot.

Individual tribal members would never speak out against their elders and tribal leaders statements. Can always tell a wanna be that way.

Will bow to you and your definition of offensive then as I am still used to Eurocentric domination.


That's just not true, besides there's a difference between approval and indifference. The majority don't dwell on it or care.
OMG. Americans. :facepalm:

pretty much sums it up for me

I'm sorry - but the entire blackface/whiteface/photography/racism debate has just got me in fits. I'ma go read it all again, now.. :giggle:

:floorlaugh: I know right? Some are just so anxious to be outraged they have to wretch it form the cloud they live under.
A couple of years ago the PC crowd was turning out posters for halloween basically saying most all costumes (indians, hula dancers, sultans, etc...) were NOT okay as it offended cultures.

Ramz Paul did this video in followup:

We're a culture, not a costume - YouTube

They're just wrong.

cos·tume (kstm, -tym)
1. A style of dress, including garments, accessories, and hairstyle, especially as characteristic of a particular country, period, or people.
2. An outfit or a disguise worn on Mardi Gras, Halloween, or similar occasions.
3. A set of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion or season.

None of this is offensive.
They're just wrong.

cos·tume (kstm, -tym)
1. A style of dress, including garments, accessories, and hairstyle, especially as characteristic of a particular country, period, or people.
2. An outfit or a disguise worn on Mardi Gras, Halloween, or similar occasions.
3. A set of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion or season.

None of this is offensive.

I'm sure everyone is aware of the meaning of 'costume'.

1. A motion of the limbs or body made to express or help express thought or to emphasize speech.
2. The act of moving the limbs or body as an expression of thought or emphasis.
3. An act or a remark made as a formality or as a sign of intention or attitude

Gestures don't sound offensive either and yet there are offensive gestures that would be considered rude.

Same thing goes for costumes. That person only said 'all' because they're trying to paint 'the PC crowd' as being too touchy. I'm sure nobody cares if you dress up as a princess or knight or scientist, people care if you dress up as a costume that makes light of someone else's culture and is based on hurtful stereotypes.
I'm sure everyone is aware of the meaning of 'costume'.

Gestures don't sound offensive either and yet there are offensive gestures that would be considered rude.

Same thing goes for costumes. That person only said 'all' because they're trying to paint 'the PC crowd' as being too touchy. I'm sure nobody cares if you dress up as a princess or knight or scientist, people care if you dress up as a costume that makes light of someone else's culture and is based on hurtful stereotypes.

We agree on something. In an earlier post I used the word intent.
If your intent is to offend then it's offensive. But she claims it was the PC crowd that used the word all and if that's true then they are too touchy.
I think people should dress up in whatever costumes they want on Halloween.

We can. There is truth in stereotypes. When we stop laughing at ourselves we're done as a society.
I found Bill Maher's costume of Steve Irwin to be offensive, but he has the right to wear it and I don't think I have the right to prevent him. See also the thread on Hallmark's "gay apparel" change.


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It's the opposite of a film negative.

ETA: In other words, is it okay to paint your face a different color as long as you claim your costume isn't racial?

I work with a man who says his children are going as two black sports stars. The kids are white. Is it offensive if they paint their faces or wear a mask likeness of a black celebrity?

Thank you!!!
And I'm very aware what a film negative is but how being black and painting your face white equates to that in any way is really beyond my grasp and I don't think I'm oh-so-daft, I appreciate sarcasm, double entendre, subtlety in humor, etc. I also am not easily offended. This idea for a costume sounds like an excuse for one race to mock another under the guise of being "crafty" in the costume's meaning. If a white person paints their face black and claims they're a bad/poor quality negative, one that didn't properly develop, would that be okay? After all, a proper negative isn't going to be a black background with a stark white blob on it.

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