Official Documents To Be Released Today

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Jeff Hopkins does exist, but he's single and doesn't have any children. He says he's not a friend, more like an acquaintance.

Oh Casey thinks she is good, but she is not good enough. Them lies just keep piling up by the second. Thanks Leila.

:praying: for Caylee
I was away for weekend and haven't had a chance to read thru everything but I'm wondering...maybe Casey did give Caylee to someone, thinking that person would find a good home for her. But something went wrong, maybe Caylee was crying for her mother or grandma and the go-between couldn't take it, or something happened...and that person brought Caylee back...then Casey had to take other actions and that's how she ended up in the car trunk.

How very sad that she didn't just let Cindy take care of Caylee, but I guess then she'd have to see her all the time.

I think after you read the documents you will not be considering any other outcome than that Casey brought about the demise of Caylee herself, as sad as that is to say.
Oh I agree that she did it, n doubt in my mind, but I was wondering if possibly there were some other "options" that took place prior to her taking that final step.
color me dumb but doesn't THAT match the description that Casey gave LE re: Zenaida?

Not dumb at all!
EXCELLENT observation! :clap:
Batch 3, page 25 RP (sorry can't remember his name) says that Cindy found out George had been talking online to another woman, and that George had some credit-related problems and had taken off for a couple of months.
I wonder what Casey would have said to JP if he had visited her in jail, as he said he wanted to?
Since when did "dating" become "kicking it" (as the detective says several times)? LOL! I am too old.
The fact that Casey goes to pick up Caylee at the babysitters, finds nobody home, tries to call her, sits and waits a bit and then goes to her boyfriend (where she feels safe) doesn't call the police and doesn't tell her boyfriend anything about Caylee being missing tells me right there she did something to Caylee. No innocent mother could do that. Plus, why didn't she put gas in her car instead of leaving it to be towed? She had access to a gas can that she had stolen. Was she hoping it would get stolen because it's has evidence of what happened to Caylee in it? She was fired in 2006 why did she need a nanny if she wasn't working?
I hope her parents read these documents and start asking Casey those questions. I know I would be if she were my daughter.
Did anyone else me the most telling detail...when the cops were interviewing Casey after they revealed all her lies, and asking about the "phone" conversation with Caylee, how Casey said Caylee was not missing her, but would have missed Cindy, that she always missed Cindy?

The interviewer explored it a bit, but not in such depth me...that jealousy, combined with what Cindy had said, was probably all the motive in the world.

Imagine this...what if Casey WAS trying/wanting to move out, and wanting to bring Caylee along (for whatever reason, to hurt her parents, whatever), and on their way out into the big wide world she was explaining to Caylee that they were going to live somewhere new and not with Grandma and Grandpa anymore. Then...Caylee gets upset. Very upset. Could that have triggered a rage in Casey, that Caylee wanted her grandparents more than her?
I'd like to know why Cindy at first (911 call) claimed her daugher (Casey) had been missing for a month and she'd just found her but couldn't yet find her grandaughter YET... in an interview she claimed she had talked to Casey every day. So how could Casey be MISSING (or on vacation/work trip) yet talking to her mother every day?

Which is the truth Cindy? You talked to her every day the month she was gone or you didn't and had no clue where she was? I'm guessing the latter.

This is what I think....

Even though she spoke to her, Casey could never tell her family WHERE she was staying.

If she told them.... they might have stopped by unexpectedly to see Caylee.

The whole story about Casey & Caylee going off to "bond" was Cindy trying to paint Casey in a better light..... I don't buy it for a second!
Not dumb at all!
EXCELLENT observation! :clap:


since this obviously isn't Cindy's description ... then who's is it or CAN it be chalked up as an honest mistake?

But seriously it's too much of a coinkydink that it's says zenaida between the lines ...
Since when did "dating" become "kicking it" (as the detective says several times)? LOL! I am too old.

I'm with you! lol

It sounds kind of violent & painful, doesn't it? ha

I'm thinking... maybe the slang came about from 'kicking up your heels' or something like that. Groovy man.
<snip>The whole story about Casey & Caylee going off to "bond" was Cindy trying to paint Casey in a better light..... I don't buy it for a second!

exactly ... just like one minute Casey stoled her (Cindy) car and the next minute it's Casey's car ... me thinks the apple doth not falleth far from the treeth:liar:
Did anyone else me the most telling detail...when the cops were interviewing Casey after they revealed all her lies, and asking about the "phone" conversation with Caylee, how Casey said Caylee was not missing her, but would have missed Cindy, that she always missed Cindy?

That was kind of sad, wasn't it?

Good thoughts & welcome aboard. :)
exactly ... just like one minute Casey stoled her (Cindy) car and the next minute it's Casey's car ... me thinks the apple doth not falleth far from the treeth:liar:

I never had a real problem with the car question....

It's logical to call it Cindy's car AND Casey's car interchangeably.

Legally it belongs to Cindy &/or George. As a matter of family principle, it's Casey's car.

But Cindy DOES say plenty of things that CAN'T be explained away no matter how hard you try. lol
Batch 3, page 25 RP (sorry can't remember his name) says that Cindy found out George had been talking online to another woman, and that George had some credit-related problems and had taken off for a couple of months.

This is what Casey said . . . In Amy's interview, Amy says that this story is a lie, per Cindy, as is the story about Amy and Casey moving into the GPs house.
Ok...those were the most painful documents to sort through BUT so worth the read.

Now that I have sifted through all of the friends interviews, the tow truck operators interview, and the countless other documents, I have to say that I am truly sick to my stomach. In my opinion, Caylee is not with us anymore. What was really compelling is in the impound lot owner's interview, he states that the smell inside the Pontiac was the same as in a car that a man committed suicide inside. So, now we don't just have the detective, dogs and Cindy - we have another person confirming that the car smelled like human decomp.

Casey's interview at Universal has to be my favorite in terms of understanding what a true sociopath she really is. The detectives continue to confront her with the truth - ummm Zani the Nanny does not exist - that she did not drop Caylee off to Zani- and they keep telling her that they understand that people do things that they are not proud of - things that they lie about and 'bury'.

I thought the detectives did a good job in trying to get her to tell them exactly what happened to Caylee...and how they kept using the word "bury" to elicit an emotional reaction. And, she had no reaction....creepy....
The link that I used to get to the documents seems to have disappeared, or I am looking in the wrong place.

Is it still up? Forgive me for being stupid!
I just finished the documents. One thing I find interesting is the fact that Amy and the male childhood friend (RP?) say that they think Casey actually believes her own lies. This would explain why Casey hasn't told anyone the truth. Maybe she is just plain mentally ill?

(I think we all suspect this, but maybe she isn't lieing because she's evil, maybe she's lieing because she believes the lies?)
The link that I used to get to the documents seems to have disappeared, or I am looking in the wrong place.

Is it still up? Forgive me for being stupid!

I think the ones from the web are gone..... but they are in the documents area of this forum

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