GUILTY OH - Brian Michael Rini, charged with impersonating a long-missing child, Apr 2019

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Lord I hope this is true! I hope the aunt isn't just referencing the middle name and birth date thing though because all that is public record.
I agree, hopefully not just public record things. the headline suggests it is things ONLY family members would know tho, so it gives me hope that he is spilling beans that are NOT simply dates and names you could get on the web.
Thank you to those who are trying to keep this thread from being closed down. If this is Timmothy, and I have a REALLY good feeling that it is, he deserves to be believed when he is ready to tell his story. I am so so hopeful, this would be too cruel of a joke to play on this poor familly.
Maybe the Mom didn't commit suicide was made it to look like one so they could kidnap Timmothy. Praying it is him but cannot imagine what he has gone through all these years : ( Praying if it is him that with the love of his family and counseling he starts his journey to healing.

That is the first thing I thought!
I agree, hopefully not just public record things. the headline suggests it is things ONLY family members would know tho, so it gives me hope that he is spilling beans that are NOT simply dates and names you could get on the web.

I have to point out that the article is from a tabloid that didn't actually talk to the aunt. They are just referencing a CBS News story where she supposedly said this. Anyone have a link to that so we can see the actual context?
We can't forget behind all of this are issues for LE....if it is him after the initial joy the reaction will be "how could not have found him all these years?" etc and if if isn't him they have to explain why this child is so distressed and beaten.....i am sure they are doing their scripted answers before revealing yes or no...beyond all of this....whoever this child is, they have been through hell and i hope regardless of the outcome....everyone rallies to support him
DNA is great and all (i.e., Golden State Serial Killer capture), but its times like this I want my fingerprints, footprints, and dental records. :)

I was arrested for dumb neighborhood kid stuff when I was 16. I often forget it ever happened, yet when I'm in True Crime Mode I am almost grateful that my prints are on file somewhere. :D
After all the years here, all the real life stories I read in the news, all the years of personal experiences with other people.....
There is one thing I know....mental illness and drugs will cause anyone to do the most extreme unimaginable thing(s) and rational people will never be able to wrap their head around their behaviors/decisions...

I find nothing unusual with the theory that mom met up with some bad people and handed off her son out of spite to the husband she had issues with. And those people knew other bad people and so on and so forth. Birds of a feather flock together. It is real.
Suicide? Absolutely believe it - sounded like her life was miserable (in her eyes and via her choices). Kids are continually victims of poor choices made by parent(s).

As one who had parents who made bad choices and one who has suffered my own trauma at the hands of a severely disturbed mother - my heart is actually hurting for this boy I do not know. The ultimate betrayal in life is when your mother who gave birth to you - harms you. And that is what Timmothy's mom did - harmed him greatly. :(

IMO, of course.
Wow, I just saw this update on Google news feed and I did remember reading in on WS.
Here is the GT from a German msm
"In May 2011, a small boy disappeared in the US. Now a teenager has turned up - and claims to have been abducted years ago. He is the missing Timmothy Pitzen.

In the US state of Kentucky , a teenager has emerged claiming to have escaped his tormentors after years of abduction.According to the Sharonville Police Department report in Ohio, published by the US media, the teenager said that his name was Timmothy Pitzen and that he was 14 years old. If that were true, an enigmatic missing case would be solved in the US. A child of this name disappeared in May 2011...... "
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I really hope that it is true, that would be wonderful for his family!
I just want to praise the action's of the girl driving to school who stopped what she was doing and helped a child in distress and the mother who saw him across the street and called police as well. They are heroes!

We all hope we would do the same thing, take the time to help someone in need. But many people will not size up the situation appropriately and carry on with what they are doing.

In the case of this boy, I read a report that a man walking on Columbia Street to get coffee saw him at 5:30am. The man noted it was unusual to see a child out that early and that the boy appeared injured. He asked if the boy was OK (kudos to him for not looking away and walking past). The boy said he wanted to go home and that his stomach hurt. The man did not have a cell phone with him, so he didn't call police. The report only states that the man got coffee, walked home, went to work, and hours later his wife told him the news and he realized it was the same boy. I'm not finding fault with the man. Not at all. He did what many wouldn't. He stopped. He offered assistance. His intentions were good. But he must have misjudged the urgency of the situation. My point in posting is that even caring, observant people misjudge the situation and not take the next step of contacting authorities.

I just want to celebrate the girl and woman who summoned help for this boy. People like these two--and like the woman that Jayme Closs approached who got her to safety--are heroes.

Man describes seeing teenager claiming to be Timmothy Pitzen walking street in Newport, Ky.

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