OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 Apr 2006 #5

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I think it’s bizarre Clint won’t talk to anyone. I absolutely understand the notion behind the whole ‘don’t talk without a lawyer’ thing, or even
‘Don’t talk at all if your lawyer says not to’, but if my best friend went missing - from a night out that I was with them no less - then I would be spilling my guts about EVERY. LAST. DETAIL. legal or otherwise that took place that night and in the lead up in any hope that my friend might be found alive or otherwise and any person that might have hurt my friend being held responsible.

Can any of you imagine hanging out with your best friend one night and they go missing, and actively not helping at all outside of the initial stages of the investigation? Hell, I’d say lock me up in prison for a month if it gets you closer to finding my best mate. A week, a month, a year, ten years later, whatever it took.

All IMO of course.
Not calling you out at all, but in this very same forum people say Clint and Brain were best friends, on again and off again friends, fair-weather friends, friends who going fought a lot, etc. Were they even really that good of friends? I don’t know that they were.

Friends or not, Clint was given a hard time and suspicions were cast upon him. Logically, he made decisions to protect himself. I get that emotionally it’s hard to understand his actions, though.
Not calling you out at all, but in this very same forum people say Clint and Brain were best friends, on again and off again friends, fair-weather friends, friends who going fought a lot, etc. Were they even really that good of friends? I don’t know that they were.

Friends or not, Clint was given a hard time and suspicions were cast upon him. Logically, he made decisions to protect himself. I get that emotionally it’s hard to understand his actions, though.
Yeah the narrative we’ve accepted may not necessarily be the truth - relationships are complex and obviously just reading a few stories online doesn’t tell all, I’m definitely with you on that one!
I have a hard time separating the self-protection vs the emotional side of trying to find Brian, which of course may not be the smartest or most logical way of doing things and that’s definitely on the way I see things too. I’m not throwing suspicion Clint’s way, necessarily, although I think there’s a chance he knows more than what he told investigators, that may have nothing to do with Brian’s disappearance.

I just can’t imagine not doing everything to fine Brian, but again I had nothing to do with him and that’s just a random outsiders perspective!

All imo

I think Brian wanted to get away, and took a short-cut out of the bar and passed out. The scent dogs picked up a trace of urine and vomit near a Wendy's out the back entrance. I used to think foul play. I think he had a terrible reaction to the alcohol that night, and they had several rounds. He got sick, passed out, and later died. He could have crawled into a dumpster almost unconsciously.

I also think that he was taking persecution medication dealing with the stress of exams, his Mother's recent death, and the issues with his girlfriend. I think Alexis always visioned that their relationship was much better than it really was. It wasn't a two-way street. Brian was also known to be a womanizer as well. I think a combo of alcohol and stress meds made him sick that night and he died somewhere between going out the employee only or restricted exist and on the way home. Or fell asleep and never woke up.


I think Brian wanted to get away, and took a short-cut out of the bar and passed out. The scent dogs picked up a trace of urine and vomit near a Wendy's out the back entrance. I used to think foul play. I think he had a terrible reaction to the alcohol that night, and they had several rounds. He got sick, passed out, and later died. He could have crawled into a dumpster almost unconsciously.

I also think that he was taking persecution medication dealing with the stress of exams, his Mother's recent death, and the issues with his girlfriend. I think Alexis always visioned that their relationship was much better than it really was. It wasn't a two-way street. Brian was also known to be a womanizer as well. I think a combo of alcohol and stress meds made him sick that night and he died somewhere between going out the employee only or restricted exist and on the way home. Or fell asleep and never woke up.

I’ve heard about the scent picked up but where did you find that it was vomit and urine in particular? I’m a local whose followed the case since it happened, albeit I was very young when it did happen! But I don’t remember ever hearing that distinction. I do agree though that he made it out and possibly had a bad reaction from being drugged via alcohol, and/or was seeking to buy drugs. I think he was 100% murdered though and his body hasn’t been found. The scent trail ending abruptly near that parking lot makes me think he got in someone’s car.
I’ve heard about the scent picked up but where did you find that it was vomit and urine in particular? I’m a local whose followed the case since it happened, albeit I was very young when it did happen! But I don’t remember ever hearing that distinction. I do agree though that he made it out and possibly had a bad reaction from being drugged via alcohol, and/or was seeking to buy drugs. I think he was 100% murdered though and his body hasn’t been found. The scent trail ending abruptly near that parking lot makes me think he got in someone’s car.
The vomit scent is buried in the thread somewhere, and I am about 70% sure of a urine scent, but maybe not. But the dogs traced a scent linked to Brian out the back entrance. Now the dog scents can be wrong. But I remember reading about it in the thread.

The walk home was in a really bad part of town, so foul play is still out there.

I was totally convinced Brian was right there on the footage running down the stairs and I'm like, why has no one else noticed this? I was wrong of course lol
I now see that the guy leaving was in fact the guy to Brian's right when he's talking to Brightan and Amber. I only just realised that on the footage they appear to be wearing almost identical clothing and same hair colour. From behind, it looks alot like Brian (to me), except Brian's top is slightly lighter. (Attached imaged from security camera footage of the guy running down the stairs and image of him standing next to Brian).

Anyways I was wrong, but it made me realise something. If I thought this guy was Brian then it's just as possible that the 1 cop who reviewed the security footage thought Brian was someone else (ie this guy maybe). I have to assume that this footage has been looked at since by others...surely to god?! But what if it hasn't?

Anyway...I suppose this is all a moot point. Hearing from locals it looks clear that there were various exits he could have used with no cameras, which would seem to make the camera footage...rather redundant! Useful to see who was where when but not for any conclusive evidence of him leaving.

I don't yet have a definitive idea of what befell Brian, which is odd for me because I usually have at least an inkling! I have not yet developed a "favourie" theory.
But I don't support the idea that he's still on the premises. It seems to me that this complex has been substantially remodelled internally and in almost 19 years I think there would have been new wiring, new plumbing, new lighting...all sorts. I'm also satisfied by the testimony of people working in the construction industry that he couldn't just be accidentally buried in concrete. I'm satisfied LE and the dogs cleared thus area.

I'm intrigued as to the fact that Brian's case is on ViCAP. 108 missing persons are listed on ViCAP and I believe they only include persons where foul play is more than suspected by LE and where there may be a possible and as yet unproven link to other crimes. It makes me think LE strongly suspects foul play and even have some idea as to the suspect. But of course I don't know, I wish I did haha

Someone earlier had asked for more info on the bar owner, I would second this too. The fact he was at the bar and lived right where Brian's phone pinged is a coincidence I'd like to see resolved. I am also suspicious about Clint just because his actions are so weird, if he is innocent then he hasn't really helped to convey this image has he haha

I think it's so very important never to forget that Brian's beloved mother died 3 weeks before and in that time he'd been studying heavily and had some difficult financial conversations with his dad. He also didnt seem especially happy with the direction his life was taking. I dont think he wanted to be a doctor or to get tied down in marriage to Alexis. I don't see that he had any time to grieve. What a stressful few weeks his brain must have been a train wreck. Let's not forget how grief can strike suddenly and be overpowering. I also think it may explain why he didn't pay his tuition...he had alot on his mind! I've known people grieving to just up and leave and go on a week long bender, but of course, they all returned eventually.
I don't think its impossible that he just took himself somewhere with someone in a month of grief stricken drink and drugs. And that may link into the location of his cellphone pings. The break in a few weeks later at his apartment. LE dismissed it as unrelated...are we sure? Did he send someone back to get some important stuff?
I was very very surprised to see a few years ago that Alexis had changed her mind and now believed that maybe he did just take himself off away. I wish she'd reveal what changed her mind?
But of course...why didn't he come back and why hasn't anyone said he was with them? Was there a hotel in Hilliard?

I also see no evidence that he didn't make it back to his apartment that night? Can it be proven he didn't? The scent traced to Wendy's later identified as urine and/or vomit seems quite conclusive that he was indeed in that Wendy's lot. Am I right in thinking that this scent trail then continued to an abandoned factory building? I've heard absolutely nothing about this factory nor do I know the location, what do we know about this? What other violent crimes happened in Colombus in the weeks and months preceeding and succeeding Brian's disappearance? Anything stand out as relevant?

Hmmm well it looks like I think he was still alive for a few weeks in April and then who knows what. Or that he left UTS and met foul play or accidental death afterwards somewhere within a few hours of leaving . Well this longwinded post was useful to my mind I guess LOL


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Hillard is a western suburb of Columbus. Lots of hotels. It’s right along a major interstate (I-70) and the western intersection with the outer belt (I-270).
Hilliard was populous and growing suburb back then and still growing today.
One thing I am certain of is this,

Brian is not inside the bar nor was he killed inside the bar. I think something happened to him that night. I think it was a combination of the events in his life at that time that caused his behavior to act the way he did on that night. (Environment, friends/girlfriend, medication/alcohol ) could have all influenced his judgment or thinking. I used to be certain that Clint had something to do with this cuz he lawyered up. Now, I am not sure. He does not seem like a likeable or very nice person, But all lawyers tell their clients about their rights and not to talk to people or social media about your case. He would never ever be convicted in court. But I wish he could get a truth serum or something to tell us what he knows. Did he/does he know about Brian's plans that night, or where he might be, if Brian's still alive. Clint's just weird to me.

I was totally convinced Brian was right there on the footage running down the stairs and I'm like, why has no one else noticed this? I was wrong of course lol
I now see that the guy leaving was in fact the guy to Brian's right when he's talking to Brightan and Amber. I only just realised that on the footage they appear to be wearing almost identical clothing and same hair colour. From behind, it looks alot like Brian (to me), except Brian's top is slightly lighter. (Attached imaged from security camera footage of the guy running down the stairs and image of him standing next to Brian).

Anyways I was wrong, but it made me realise something. If I thought this guy was Brian then it's just as possible that the 1 cop who reviewed the security footage thought Brian was someone else (ie this guy maybe). I have to assume that this footage has been looked at since by others...surely to god?! But what if it hasn't?

Anyway...I suppose this is all a moot point. Hearing from locals it looks clear that there were various exits he could have used with no cameras, which would seem to make the camera footage...rather redundant! Useful to see who was where when but not for any conclusive evidence of him leaving.

I don't yet have a definitive idea of what befell Brian, which is odd for me because I usually have at least an inkling! I have not yet developed a "favourie" theory.
But I don't support the idea that he's still on the premises. It seems to me that this complex has been substantially remodelled internally and in almost 19 years I think there would have been new wiring, new plumbing, new lighting...all sorts. I'm also satisfied by the testimony of people working in the construction industry that he couldn't just be accidentally buried in concrete. I'm satisfied LE and the dogs cleared thus area.

I'm intrigued as to the fact that Brian's case is on ViCAP. 108 missing persons are listed on ViCAP and I believe they only include persons where foul play is more than suspected by LE and where there may be a possible and as yet unproven link to other crimes. It makes me think LE strongly suspects foul play and even have some idea as to the suspect. But of course I don't know, I wish I did haha

Someone earlier had asked for more info on the bar owner, I would second this too. The fact he was at the bar and lived right where Brian's phone pinged is a coincidence I'd like to see resolved. I am also suspicious about Clint just because his actions are so weird, if he is innocent then he hasn't really helped to convey this image has he haha

I think it's so very important never to forget that Brian's beloved mother died 3 weeks before and in that time he'd been studying heavily and had some difficult financial conversations with his dad. He also didnt seem especially happy with the direction his life was taking. I dont think he wanted to be a doctor or to get tied down in marriage to Alexis. I don't see that he had any time to grieve. What a stressful few weeks his brain must have been a train wreck. Let's not forget how grief can strike suddenly and be overpowering. I also think it may explain why he didn't pay his tuition...he had alot on his mind! I've known people grieving to just up and leave and go on a week long bender, but of course, they all returned eventually.
I don't think its impossible that he just took himself somewhere with someone in a month of grief stricken drink and drugs. And that may link into the location of his cellphone pings. The break in a few weeks later at his apartment. LE dismissed it as unrelated...are we sure? Did he send someone back to get some important stuff?
I was very very surprised to see a few years ago that Alexis had changed her mind and now believed that maybe he did just take himself off away. I wish she'd reveal what changed her mind?
But of course...why didn't he come back and why hasn't anyone said he was with them? Was there a hotel in Hilliard?

I also see no evidence that he didn't make it back to his apartment that night? Can it be proven he didn't? The scent traced to Wendy's later identified as urine and/or vomit seems quite conclusive that he was indeed in that Wendy's lot. Am I right in thinking that this scent trail then continued to an abandoned factory building? I've heard absolutely nothing about this factory nor do I know the location, what do we know about this? What other violent crimes happened in Colombus in the weeks and months preceeding and succeeding Brian's disappearance? Anything stand out as relevant?

Hmmm well it looks like I think he was still alive for a few weeks in April and then who knows what. Or that he left UTS and met foul play or accidental death afterwards somewhere within a few hours of leaving . Well this longwinded post was useful to my mind I guess LOL
I've very been having the same thoughts as you. No one ever posted any vids on YouTube about that abandoned factory or any research/investigations about it or any more other than the ping. I haven't seen anything in regards to Alexis changing her mind, do you know where I can find that?

I lost a friend this year and every so often I get really upset about it, even on a night out i had and I hadn't even drank that much, so I could understand his exhaustion, grief and (probably) a bit of anger towards his dad and the disagreement about money, the fact his dad was cheating on his mum and mix in those feelings of not wanting to be a Dr, his mixed feelings about Alexis and probably having stronger feelings about wanting to be a guitarist, "sipping margaritas with his senorita" all came out that night and he left, maybe crashed at mates place for the week and decided that it was what he wanted to do left.

At the same time I feel like he could have left to avoid Clint and Meredith, left out back and got a lift with someone and something went wrong elsewhere and he is no longer with us.

It's such a tough case that always has me trying to think of another possibility, but that's all I got.
I haven't seen anything in regards to Alexis changing her mind, do you know where I can find that?
It was the below interview and the below quote by MerryB. However, on rewatching the video I'm not so sure is is saying that as opposed to she just feels distant from the whole situation. What do you think?
His brother has stated that he believes Brian would not choose to walk away and has actually had Brian legally declared deceased. Alexis has stated in the past that she had a similar belief; however, more recently she has alluded to the fact her opinion has changed and he may have done just that.

Please tell me more about this abandoned factory. Sounds interesting! I don't remember that in the complex. What did the factory make? When was it closed down?

Honestly I have no idea! I had read a few times earlier in the threads that from Wendy's the dogs followed his scent to a factory which was near his apartment. I am not even sure if this is confirmed as it hasn't received much attention but it was definitely mentioned somewhere. I seem to remember it was stated as being closer to his apartment that the Wendy's.
Maybe it was not confirmed or was unimportant?
Honestly I have no idea! I had read a few times earlier in the threads that from Wendy's the dogs followed his scent to a factory which was near his apartment. I am not even sure if this is confirmed as it hasn't received much attention but it was definitely mentioned somewhere. I seem to remember it was stated as being closer to his apartment that the Wendy's.
Maybe it was not confirmed or was unimportant?
Check out this post from MerryB and others where factory/warehouse is referenced..
Check out this post from MerryB and others where factory/warehouse is referenced..
Thank you so much! I knew I wasn't going mad! OK so this abandoned warehouse/factory needs some more research because the dogs tracked his scent there and it has barely been mentioned despite it seeming like a likely place for something to happen or to dispose of someone and it was on the route to his apartment.
Need to find out the actual location, what it was exactly, what was inside and maybe if it was a known spit for criminal activity!

@dotr thanks for finding that! How do you do that so quickly haha
It was the below interview and the below quote by MerryB. However, on rewatching the video I'm not so sure is is saying that as opposed to she just feels distant from the whole situation. What do you think?

Oh yes, that interview. I thought there must have been another interview that I missed. I feel like after such a long time not knowing, she is just as torn between whether he left or something else happened to him, just like the rest of us. Looking at the facts of the case and his life circumstances, either could have happened.
Deep diving into the scent trace the dog's followed to the Wendy's and the warehouse. Found aerial photos from 2007 to see what the area looked like. I cannot post them directly as they are copyrighted but please follow the below link to see the area.
I cross referenced the images from 2004 and 2007 and the warehouse building remained the same so it is definitely the same one. I have indicated where the scent dogs tracked Brian's scent on the below modern map on which I have pasted the images of the buildings how they would have been to Brian (area has been totally redeveloped since), please note the route and proximity to Brian's apartment):
There are 2 potential routes Brian could havr taken; Red shows the route down High Street and Blue the route down Pearl Street. Green indicates the further route to Brian's apartment (the sniffer dogs didn't trace him this far though). As can be seen, both the Wendy's and the warehouse would be on Brian's route home so in this sense it makes total sense that he indeed left the complex (by whatever exit) and made his way towards home.

The earliest images I could find were from August 2007 but I'm guessing it hadn't changed too much. I have no idea where exactly Brian's urine/vomit was located, but as can be seen in the below images, the parking lots surrunded the actual store. The first image is towards Wendys from the complex, the second image you can see the complex where UTS was just across the street.
Now it has been suggested that Brian decided to walk down Pearl Street rather than High Street. Interestingly you can see in the below photo that this route was basically a dirt track behind Wendys (marked with a red W). But most iterestingly there was a fence seperating the track from the Wendys lot. That means Brian would have had to go into the car park and then back out again, he couldn't just cut through. Although not definitive at all it makes me lean more towards him walking down High Street.

The earliest image I could find of the location where the scent dogs indicated at a "warehouse" was October 2007. At that time it was a "Dollar Tree" and a car wash with a large car park. Below views from High Street at the back of the building as you approach from the direction of the UTS:
Unfortunately I have been completely unable to find out if this was a Dollar Tree in April 2006 or if indeed it was abandoned. Either way I suppose it doesn't matter as there is no suggestion he entered the building itself. The car park looks like it was probably pretty dark and dodgy though!
Below is an image from 2007 taken from High Street just outside Dollar Tree. I have noted where the Dollar Tree car park was located to the left and the red arrow indicates Brian's street. His apartment was 0.3 miles away, about a 7 min walk so not far at all.

From the UTS to the Dollar Tree (or whatever it was) is about a 3 minute walk, perhaps longer if you are drunk.

If we theorise that Brian turned off his cellphone at about 2am because he wanted to avoid Meredith and Clint and that he decided to walk home, am I correct in saying it was turned on again at 2.11am? Maybe he turned it on again when he reached the Dollar Tree car park for some reason? Maybe he eas meeting someone?
I also wondered if Meredith and Clint would be driving by this way after they left the UTS? If so, maybe they saw Brian walking home and picked him up?

Finally, in the days following his disappearance Brian's cellphone pinged at Lane Avenue and Kenny Road. This is just 2.5 miles from his last known location and is an hours walk or 7 minute drive.
Now the closest thing of any relevance to this location is "Buckeye Village" which used to be housing for OSU students. A lot of med students have lived there over the decades! This little fact makes it likely that this was where Brian (or his phone) was and it pinged off the closest tower at Lane/Kenny. Does that mean that Brian was here with another Medical student he knew...or was Brian's phone here with someone he knew? Either way, it does rather increase the chances that Brian either knew the person who hurt him, or someone knew where he was that night and has never come forward.

Regarding the later pings in Hilliard...well Hilliard is a 20 minute drive away from this location.
It would be interesting to note which other students were at the UTS, lived at Buckeye village and had a connection to Hilliard. That's where I'd start!

OK. I hope that may have been of some help to people. It was to me. If I have made some huge error then I hope that someone with local knowledge will point it out to me.
And if anyone can find out if the Dollar Tree was that in 2006, and whether it had any criminal activity associated with it's location, please do. I think the address was 1400 N High street (or close).

I am now convinced that Brian did indeed exit the UTS and began to make his way back home. Whether he made it or not, I do not know.
From the UTS to the Dollar Tree (or whatever it was) is about a 3 minute walk, perhaps longer if you are drunk.
His apartment was 0.3 miles away, about a 7 min walk so not far at all.
Quoting myself because I just realised- the time between the cellphone being turned off at 2am and then on again at 2.11am is the exact time it should have taken him to walk from the UTS to his apartment. He had long legs, he may have been quicker.
OK...that could mean he did make it home and turned his phone on.

Here's an article from May 11th 2006 about the break in at his apartment where a TV and some DVDs were stolen. LE believe it was a coincidence as his neighbours door was also kicked in as if they attempted to break in there too...I'm pretty sure a famous police saying is "there are no coincidences" ...so I dunno.
Deep diving into the scent trace the dog's followed to the Wendy's and the warehouse. Found aerial photos from 2007 to see what the area looked like. I cannot post them directly as they are copyrighted but please follow the below link to see the area.
I cross referenced the images from 2004 and 2007 and the warehouse building remained the same so it is definitely the same one. I have indicated where the scent dogs tracked Brian's scent on the below modern map on which I have pasted the images of the buildings how they would have been to Brian (area has been totally redeveloped since), please note the route and proximity to Brian's apartment):
View attachment 470642
There are 2 potential routes Brian could havr taken; Red shows the route down High Street and Blue the route down Pearl Street. Green indicates the further route to Brian's apartment (the sniffer dogs didn't trace him this far though). As can be seen, both the Wendy's and the warehouse would be on Brian's route home so in this sense it makes total sense that he indeed left the complex (by whatever exit) and made his way towards home.

The earliest images I could find were from August 2007 but I'm guessing it hadn't changed too much. I have no idea where exactly Brian's urine/vomit was located, but as can be seen in the below images, the parking lots surrunded the actual store. The first image is towards Wendys from the complex, the second image you can see the complex where UTS was just across the street.
View attachment 470648
View attachment 470649
Now it has been suggested that Brian decided to walk down Pearl Street rather than High Street. Interestingly you can see in the below photo that this route was basically a dirt track behind Wendys (marked with a red W). But most iterestingly there was a fence seperating the track from the Wendys lot. That means Brian would have had to go into the car park and then back out again, he couldn't just cut through. Although not definitive at all it makes me lean more towards him walking down High Street.
View attachment 470650

The earliest image I could find of the location where the scent dogs indicated at a "warehouse" was October 2007. At that time it was a "Dollar Tree" and a car wash with a large car park. Below views from High Street at the back of the building as you approach from the direction of the UTS:
View attachment 470651
View attachment 470652
Unfortunately I have been completely unable to find out if this was a Dollar Tree in April 2006 or if indeed it was abandoned. Either way I suppose it doesn't matter as there is no suggestion he entered the building itself. The car park looks like it was probably pretty dark and dodgy though!
Below is an image from 2007 taken from High Street just outside Dollar Tree. I have noted where the Dollar Tree car park was located to the left and the red arrow indicates Brian's street. His apartment was 0.3 miles away, about a 7 min walk so not far at all.
View attachment 470661

From the UTS to the Dollar Tree (or whatever it was) is about a 3 minute walk, perhaps longer if you are drunk.

If we theorise that Brian turned off his cellphone at about 2am because he wanted to avoid Meredith and Clint and that he decided to walk home, am I correct in saying it was turned on again at 2.11am? Maybe he turned it on again when he reached the Dollar Tree car park for some reason? Maybe he eas meeting someone?
I also wondered if Meredith and Clint would be driving by this way after they left the UTS? If so, maybe they saw Brian walking home and picked him up?

Finally, in the days following his disappearance Brian's cellphone pinged at Lane Avenue and Kenny Road. This is just 2.5 miles from his last known location and is an hours walk or 7 minute drive.
View attachment 470671
Now the closest thing of any relevance to this location is "Buckeye Village" which used to be housing for OSU students. A lot of med students have lived there over the decades! This little fact makes it likely that this was where Brian (or his phone) was and it pinged off the closest tower at Lane/Kenny. Does that mean that Brian was here with another Medical student he knew...or was Brian's phone here with someone he knew? Either way, it does rather increase the chances that Brian either knew the person who hurt him, or someone knew where he was that night and has never come forward.

Regarding the later pings in Hilliard...well Hilliard is a 20 minute drive away from this location.
It would be interesting to note which other students were at the UTS, lived at Buckeye village and had a connection to Hilliard. That's where I'd start!

OK. I hope that may have been of some help to people. It was to me. If I have made some huge error then I hope that someone with local knowledge will point it out to me.
And if anyone can find out if the Dollar Tree was that in 2006, and whether it had any criminal activity associated with it's location, please do. I think the address was 1400 N High street (or close).

I am now convinced that Brian did indeed exit the UTS and began to make his way back home. Whether he made it or not, I do not know.
Great post. I have always thought the students he met up with that night know something. For whatever reason, they are rarely mentioned yet there is this weird focus on Clint/Meredith.
It would make sense to go the road less traveled, or dirt path in this case if he was trying to avoid Clint and Meredith. They'd presumably leave in the car and be on the road, looking for him. It seems he was trying to avoid them. But why...he had a hook up planned he didn't want them to know about, he was going to get or do drugs, or go to an after party? Somewhere there was mention of leaving (or meeting up with) the band. Or maybe he simply was pissed at one or both of his friends and wanted to go home and throw up. In any case maybe he met someone at Wendy's and went back to his apartment to clean up, then on to the other housing. If he was that stressed out maybe he intended to get totally wrecked and lost the plot.

If he's trashed enough to be sick, maybe he OD'd or passed out and choked on vomit after that. If he was with C and M, they could clam up - why tarnish his memory for his father if he's dead anyway. At the time maybe it seemed better to give hope that he ran off. Once you put that out there, you're looking at obstruction etc., if you backpeddle and tell the truth. And potential disposing of corpse and snowballing other charges. Or they don't know, but someone does.

A random break-in would be one hell of a coincidence. If it wasn't, then either someone or Brian himself left something the apartment and needed it out of there, or went back to get his phone which he may have left there before heading out again. Of note, in terms of crime in general in the area, if you have someone/s ballsy enough to break into apartments in a fairly busy community, maybe you have someone/s who wouldn't think twice to jump a drink kid stumbling home from UTS.
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