OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #2

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Wait, so there was someone on the surveillance footage who was ruled out as Brian by his family? Was this from the Ugly Tuna Saloona? But I thought the police had already accounted for everyone who entered and left the bar? Or was this sighting somewhere else?
Wait, so there was someone on the surveillance footage who was ruled out as Brian by his family? Was this from the Ugly Tuna Saloona? But I thought the police had already accounted for everyone who entered and left the bar? Or was this sighting somewhere else?

Yes, exactly. They thought they saw Brian but family didn't agree. Not quite sure how that fits into the whole scenario. There are, in fact, a number of details about this case that make one wonder as what information is actually the truth and how they are connected to one another.

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This is what the poster that had worked at Ugly Tuna Saloona , bighairdontcare, sent me in a pm earlier. Concerning the entrances / exits of the bar. She stated employees only entered through the main entrance and took the elevator to the bar. The same for deliveries, as far as she knows. She remembers no other exits. Just wanted to share this.

We really appreciate your input, bighairdontcare. Thank you, from all of us here. Anything we can get means a lot.

Interesting. Surely that rules out him leaving with the band then and helping them load their equipment etc, as i'm assuming the band left through the main exit/entrance and were accounted for on the camera footage.
Does anyone know where the elevator is located ? Seems I remember it was adjacent to the escalator but I'm not sure.
Just watched this video again. The investigators do say it's possible for him to have left through the construction exit, and from what is shown in the video it doesn't look like it would have been that difficult. Why would he have left that way though?

Also in the video, Alexis says that Brian's apartment was "perfect". Would that have been the norm for Brian? Or could it be related to Clint being there for 6 hours the day of Brian's disappearance? I also wonder about Clint's alibi between the time he left the bar and when Brian went missing. He apparently had a key to Brian's apartment, did he have it before Brian went missing? Or only after. So now I'm starting to wonder if something could have happened between them at Brian's apartment.
Clint needs to speak up. LE needs to get him to talk, couldn't they charge him with obstruction of justice or... something? :banghead:

I wonder too if Clint's workplace knows about his questionable behavior concerning his missing 'friend' . If they google him, this stuff is bound to come up. Think he ever get's questioned about it by friends or co-workers? I personally hope so.

Just watched this video again. The investigators do say it's possible for him to have left through the construction exit, and from what is shown in the video it doesn't look like it would have been that difficult. Why would he have left that way though? [/URL]

It's a valid question. I'd like to know how accessible the construction exit was from the bar. I could definitely see someone half-cut at the end of the night wandering out of the wrong exit, but if the exit was inconveniently placed and took some effort to get through, I don't know what Brian was thinking. Then again, we could be trying to rationalize a drunk person's thought-process.
It's a valid question. I'd like to know how accessible the construction exit was from the bar. I could definitely see someone half-cut at the end of the night wandering out of the wrong exit, but if the exit was inconveniently placed and took some effort to get through, I don't know what Brian was thinking. Then again, we could be trying to rationalize a drunk person's thought-process.

I wonder if someone with malicious intent lured him out there by offering him a joint, or offering to sell him some weed, or some such thing. Some sort of drug deal is about the only reason I can think of that would motivate someone to go out that exit. I think it could be a possibility, as I remember reading about something Brian posted on his my space page. It was something along the lines of how he'd like to smoke a joint with some musician..I think it was Bob Marley.
I wonder if someone with malicious intent lured him out there by offering him a joint, or offering to sell him some weed, or some such thing. Some sort of drug deal is about the only reason I can think of that would motivate someone to go out that exit. I think it could be a possibility, as I remember reading about something Brian posted on his my space page. It was something along the lines of how he'd like to smoke a joint with some musician..I think it was Bob Marley.
This is my track of thought as well. I definitely don't think he randomly decided to go out that way on his own, drunk or not. I think someone lured him and then maybe got him into a car with a promise to take him to a party or something. Either that or killed him/knocked him out IN the construction area then put his body in a car. The construction exit lead to (from what I can see from the video and google maps) an area on the street where a car can easily be parked right by. This can explain why he wasn't seen on camera by other businesses and why dogs couldn't find his scent
This is my track of thought as well. I definitely don't think he randomly decided to go out that way on his own, drunk or not. I think someone lured him and then maybe got him into a car with a promise to take him to a party or something. Either that or killed him/knocked him out IN the construction area then put his body in a car. The construction exit lead to (from what I can see from the video and google maps) an area on the street where a car can easily be parked right by. This can explain why he wasn't seen on camera by other businesses and why dogs couldn't find his scent

It makes more sense to me than anything at the moment. Not saying I won't ever change my mind though, lol. I would much rather find out that he's on an island somewhere playing guitar in his own band. :sigh:
Didn't Clint say that he when he called him his phone went straight to voicemail? That could tie in with him being coerced into a car or bundled into a car against his will, the perp turned his phone off or tossed his phone out of the car window into a dumpster which was taken away the next morning or something. What are the chances that his phone completely dies (conveniently at the end of the night) on the exact same night he is not seen on any camera and the same night he is never heard from again? It's possible i guess, but it all seems to fall into place a little too neatly.
Didn't Clint say that he when he called him his phone went straight to voicemail? That could tie in with him being coerced into a car or bundled into a car against his will, the perp turned his phone off or tossed his phone out of the car window into a dumpster which was taken away the next morning or something. What are the chances that his phone completely dies (conveniently at the end of the night) on the exact same night he is not seen on any camera and the same night he is never heard from again? It's possible i guess, but it all seems to fall into place a little too neatly.
Yeah and I'm assuming that Brian had one of those older flip phones since this was 2006. Those battery charges last for DAYS. Unless Brian didn't charge his phone for a week, I highly doubt it died by the end of the night
Didn't Clint say that he when he called him his phone went straight to voicemail? That could tie in with him being coerced into a car or bundled into a car against his will, the perp turned his phone off or tossed his phone out of the car window into a dumpster which was taken away the next morning or something. What are the chances that his phone completely dies (conveniently at the end of the night) on the exact same night he is not seen on any camera and the same night he is never heard from again? It's possible i guess, but it all seems to fall into place a little too neatly.


This is a great point! The evidence shows that the last sighting of Brian was just outside the Ugly Tuna at about 1:55am. I still don't believe Clint is telling the whole truth about that night and knows something. But when Clint and Meredith tried Brian's cell phone, wasn't it only about 2:10am. Do we know that Brian's cell went to voicemail at that time? I agree that ten minutes is such a short time, and it would be too far-fetched for the battery or signal to go dead so quickly.

It still does not answer this question. Where was Clint when Brian was talking to the two girls on the video? Also, isn't there more camera footage that would be offered? Why would we be able to see the actions of Brian, Clint, and Meredith throughout their stay in the bar? Or is what we know about the footage the only footage that exists?

This is my track of thought as well. I definitely don't think he randomly decided to go out that way on his own, drunk or not. I think someone lured him and then maybe got him into a car with a promise to take him to a party or something. Either that or killed him/knocked him out IN the construction area then put his body in a car. The construction exit lead to (from what I can see from the video and google maps) an area on the street where a car can easily be parked right by. This can explain why he wasn't seen on camera by other businesses and why dogs couldn't find his scent

Great theory Matt,

Can you tie Clint into this yet? Or not enough evidence yet? Still put off by:

His comments on the video Very conceited and arrogant.
Why he had a key to Brian's apartment?
If he was not waiting for Brian to show up for six hours at his apartment, why was Clint there?

Alexis I understand new had one specific theory about what happened to Brian. I don't think I have seen her video where it talks about her moving on and having kids. But sure she still thinks about Brian a lot and would love to have closure. I think that Clint could care less, from what we know of his behavior. It would be great to talk to Derrick! Did he ever have a specific theory of what happened to Brian?

It still does not answer this question. Where was Clint when Brian was talking to the two girls on the video? Also, isn't there more camera footage that would be offered? Why would we be able to see the actions of Brian, Clint, and Meredith throughout their stay in the bar? Or is what we know about the footage the only footage that exists?

I noticed when i read over some of the old articles on Brian it says... "Florence and another woman they were with told police later they had seen Brian after he’d returned to the bar and told him they were getting ready to leave. Then they lost track of him. After scanning the bar for Brian, calling him repeatedly and waiting for him outside, they left, assuming he had gone home without telling them"

Then it says straight after

"the detective saw it all on the video as Brian’s friends said it happened".

So I assume from that it's saying that Clint's story checked out because the detective reviewing the tapes was able to confirm all this happened from watching the footage.

Also if they told Brian they were getting ready to leave and then lost track of him straight after, how could he have told Clint he was going to talk to the band if Clint didn't even know where he was at that point?
Great theory Matt,

Can you tie Clint into this yet? Or not enough evidence yet? Still put off by:

His comments on the video Very conceited and arrogant.
Why he had a key to Brian's apartment?
If he was not waiting for Brian to show up for six hours at his apartment, why was Clint there?

Alexis I understand new had one specific theory about what happened to Brian. I don't think I have seen her video where it talks about her moving on and having kids. But sure she still thinks about Brian a lot and would love to have closure. I think that Clint could care less, from what we know of his behavior. It would be great to talk to Derrick! Did he ever have a specific theory of what happened to Brian?

The only way I can tie Clint into this is that I think he might possibly know who took Brian or at least why someone would want to. I don't believe he is necessarily involved directly, but certainly knows more than saying. Making someone "disappear" and Clint wanting immunity just really screams "DRUG DEBT" to me. Not to discredit Derek's belief that Brian wouldn't get involved with drugs, but I really don't think he knew everything about his brother. I read somewhere that they weren't even that close until his mother died. Not saying for sure Brian and Clint were involved with drugs, I'm just saying that I can't fully trust that Derek could know for sure. Clint going back to Brian's apartment leads me to think that he might have been Trying to find/hide/dispose of any drugs Brian might have had. Although I'm still not sure I believe Clint was ever even there. That was NEVER reported anywhere except for that one article. I'd also be curious to know if the cops looked at footage from the other bars that Clint and Brian went to that night (if any exists) to see if anyone was tailing them around all night.
Also if they told Brian they were getting ready to leave and then lost track of him straight after, how could he have told Clint he was going to talk to the band if Clint didn't even know where he was at that point?
I think Brian probably said that at the same time that Clint told him they were getting ready to leave. Though I don't understand why Clint wouldn't have just followed Brian at that point and went with him to talk to the band if they'd all be leaving soon anyway. What was the point in splitting up again? Of course, this is all Clint's story and we don't know if Brian ever actually said anything about talking to the band
People look at all the "open" land around Columbus and assume it would be easy to fond a place to dump a body. But in reality that is not the case.So much of the land that appeared out and away from the city has been developed since Brian's disappearance, especially towards Hilliard and south of there. I left Columbus in 2000 and when I returned to that side of town last year, there were so many new houses where vacant land once was.

Then much of the remaining open land is farmland. That land gets a lot of attention from farmers as they plant and harvest.

Sure there would be some spots that are not farm land or since-developed land, but so much of the land falls into those categories.

So my opinion is simply moving Brian's body out of town does not make it easy to hide the body. A lot more thought than a random dumping had to go into the disposal. Which, the more planning it took, makes the likelihood it was a spur-of-the-moment happening (like a car hitting him) less likely.
What if…

Brian left the bar (undetected). Clint knew he was going home or might have told him to go home (he was seen shortly, talking to Brian). After Clint and Meredith leave the bar, Clint goes to Brian’s apartment, confronts him somehow, there is a struggle, Brian is dead. He takes Brian to a different location and gets rid of the body. Then, in the morning, he returns to the apartment, stays there for a few hours (to clean up and make things look as normal as it can be). To the question why he was in the apartment, he could have simply answered that he waited there for Brian.


-we don’t know how Clint got keys to Brian’s apartment
-we don’t know if Clint had an alibi

more to add to what I mentioned earlier:

If Clint went to Brian's apartment right after the disappearance without Brian's family/gf being aware of it.... that's even more suspicious. If you're truly worried and are frantically worried about your friend, wouldn't you attempt to look for him anywhere that he could possibly be? I know that Brian's loved ones weren't immediately aware of Brian's disappearance. This also creates a time gap in all of this, giving Clint/whoever is involved to cover up evidence.

Also, think about how Clint always persisted on his story, almost getting mad that he's not being heard. After a while, he was tired of repeating the same thing, his verbiage becoming even more and more uncaring and casual. There are just too many things about this guy that don't seem right, on an instinctive level.

Why? Why was he so fast to distance himself not only from the investigation but also from Brian's loved ones? They were surely desperate for answers, compassion and understanding. Would a friend just leave like this? It just doesn't add up in any way thinkable.
I think Brian probably said that at the same time that Clint told him they were getting ready to leave. Though I don't understand why Clint wouldn't have just followed Brian at that point and went with him to talk to the band if they'd all be leaving soon anyway. What was the point in splitting up again? Of course, this is all Clint's story and we don't know if Brian ever actually said anything about talking to the band

Well put. We don't know the story. The day's narrative is Clint's narrative. Without anybody being able to verify or refute his narrative, there is no way of knowing what is true and what isn't
Not to mention we don't know exactly when Brian actually disappeared. It could have been while he was still at the bar, or hours later. His phone was going immediately to voice mail by 2 am, but we don't know if he's the one who turned it off or if it was someone else.

ETA: Interesting comment by someone who works for local radio station, stating in his conversations with a police officer the belief is that Brian is alive. https://truecrimegarage.com/podcast/blog/brian-shaffer-part-2-17
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