OH OH - Cleveland, WhtMale 20-30, 121UMOH, decapitated, Jiggs/"Helen-Paul" tattoos, Jun'36

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I think the unidentified man is also said to have had hair that was such a dark brown that it was "almost black" and a more olive complexion. That did not seem to me to match up with Eetu just by going off the photo we have of him.
That also conflicts with the description in post 1, where he is described as having fair skin and reddish hair. There's a big discrepancy in that information.

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That also conflicts with the description in post 1, where he is described as having fair skin and reddish hair. There's a big discrepancy in that information.
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I noticed that discrepancy, too. Goes to show how open to interpretation some of these physical features can be. I knew someone with hair so dark red, it was almost purple in certain light and looked black from a distance. It was only until you were up close and saw the red highlights on the outer fringes could you tell what color it really was. It was her natural hair color, too. I have never seen anything like it before.

Above is a picture of the comic character "Jiggs". The "Jiggs" tattoo probably was a likeness similar to this. If the tattoo was of the USMC Bulldog type, they would have so stated in police reports.
I have some ideas that I need to have reflection upon.

Upon his right leg there was a set of letters W.C.G. stamped (a pressed stamp).

One afternoon my computer jumped to a government inventory list. I was annoyed, but took a look anyway. There on the list was A.C.G. listing materials associated with airplane engines I looked on down the list to W.C.G and it listed sail ships. (I stupidly forgot to write down the source.)

Cleveland was a major harbor for the Merchant Marine.

1936 was the last year that the USN used commissioned sail ships.

Somewhere along the way through all this, I saw that one of the sails was called a jigg or jigger.

The three flags might be similar to the tradition of "shorties" in the Navy. A shorty was a tradition where if you had sailed across the Atlantic you would then write your name on a dollar bill and these bills were traded around during the war and still are. Perhaps the three flags were a more formal idea -- three times across the Atlantic.

I have no trouble with the Hazel and Paul acting as a clue to his possible identity.

I don't think that his sexuality can be guessed from any available information.

The area in which his body was found was a "shanty town" of the depression era. The area was the hard-core bars, whole-house, etc. I don't read a lot about the man's character or sexuality into this. Some people enjoy these areas of town.

His clothing indicates to me that he had some money to spend on nicer clothing. The underware, however, wasn't Navy issue and the laundry mark was not a Navy laundry mark.

What many people miss the 1936 World's Fair began in Cleveland about three weeks prior to this murder. The police made a mask and displayed it at the fair, but no one was able to provide any information.

Other than needing feedback, I would need to find out what sail ships were harbored in Cleveland. From that getting a manifest from the Govt. is a matter of patience. Obviously he would have been AWOL as the ship left.

As for the perpetrator, I agree that it would be likely that someone associated with the railroad as a hobo or line employee. Finding him would require a substantial amount of resources.

I am sorry that I didn't get sources, but I didn't think I'd find anything.

So.. feedback?
When dv occurs in ss relationships it often goes unreported because men's bones are more sense than a woman's.it is one of those primal traits from evolution

A guy can can fend off his abusive attacker.sometimes in these relationships it's hard to figure out who's the victim and who's the perp.even today dv is underreported in a gay relationship(men more so than women)

When Topher Dimaggio was accused of rape by his male co workers,many gay men went to the comment section and wrote*these are not women.these are guys who bench press*,
Andre Agassy was a bisexual in reports.Sailors are stereotyped as a gay profession.plus this was the 30s.stone wall wasn't a thing yet

Maybe his killer was probably romantically involved in some way with him

He probably didn't keep his head due to some sort of feelings he had

That's just my two cents
Maybe this man was straight and it was the murderer that was gay (this man refused his sexual advances and therefore was killed for it)

What bothers me is the lack of information about any defensive wounds. From his physical description he sounds quite well built (sailors, both merchant and navy, are usually physically fit and strong because of the physical job they do) now one would imagine that he would have fought back if his life were threatened. I can only think of three reasons why he would not have defensive wounds.
  1. He was either asleep or unconscious when the murder happened.
  2. He knew his killer.
  3. The killer was using/threatening a loved one to keep him compliant.
Killing someone by beheading them seems like such a personal and intimate way to murder. So I'm not convinced he is the victim of a serial killer.
Also his clothes don't sound like something a hobo/down on his luck guy would be able to afford.
I do think his tattoos are the key here.
The names Helen-Paul I think are his name and a spouse or possibly his children's names. Why would you tattoo your parents names and not Mum-Dad? I lost my Mum when I was twelve and my brother when i was twenty-two, I have two hearts with scrolls, one says Mum and the other says Martin. I couldn't imagine using my Mums name, it just feels weird.
W.C.G, could that be the name of a ship that he worked on? Maybe not military but merchant.
I really don't believe he is from a foreign country, the names Paul and Helen sound so western. I also don't believe that someone would risk going to America during the Great Depression when even the most well to do had lost everything and were struggling to survive.
People became nomads because they were following jobs.
I might well be barking up the wrong tree but I thought I'd throw in my two pennies.
Doenetwork doesn't say where he is burried.then again even if they dig him up there won't be sufficient DNA to collect

Interesting if by sheer chance or miracle had police reports not been lost there probably would have been undoubtedly a lot more details to this case
Most homeless people are either suffering from some mental illness or a drug problem

I wonder if he or the other Cleveland torso victims had one or the other
I don't think the WCG initials are his initials, I think it was a ship he was attached to in the coast guard. In 1936 there was a ship stationed there called the Mulan (WCG209). The American flags being crossed and anchor tattoos would match that as well. Victim number one was found a mile or so away from the coast guard base and the last 2 victims were found on the base grounds. I tink he was collateral damage because he probably knew or worked with the killer. I dont think it's a coincidence that the killings started in 1934 and ended four years later in 1938, the same as an enlistment in the military. Also all but one of the victims were white, with one black female also being murdered within a few days of the tattooed man. I think her and the tattooed man were probably "together" and the killer killed them both to cover his tracks. Just my take on it. People in that time didn't usually get tattoos unless they were in the military. The bird could've been meant to be a swallow, which is a common tattoos of sailors, as well as flags and anchors. I think the Jiggs tattoo was in honor of his Irish heritage because Jiggs was Irish. helen and Paul were more than likely his parents.
I did a little research, and I believe that you are correct. Eliott Ness, who had been head of the prohibition enforcement unit "The Untouchables" was hired by the city of Cleveland in 1935 to be their Director of Public Safety (Chief of Police).

Starting in September 1935 and running thru 1938 Cleveland was plauged by a terrorist killer dubbed the "Mad Butcher" who murdered his victims by dismembering them. In 1935, two men and a women were his victims in separate incidents. In 1936 two men (including this victim) were beheaded. In 1937 a black woman, and later a man were killed. In 1938 two more men and one women became vicitms. Most of the victims were from the ramshackle Kingsbury Run neighborhood of shacks and shanties.

Ness burned down the shanty town in August 1938, and that seemed to stop the killings. He continued to look for the killer, whom he "profiled" as follows: Ness felt that because of the number of male victims, that the killer was a homosexual. He had to be big and strong enough to overpower his victims. He had to have a car to transport their bodies, and had to have a house clear of inquisitive neighbors. He would also have to have a sufficient amount of money to maintain a house and car in those Depression Era years.

Ness developed and interviewed a prime suspect, but that individual would not confess to anything. 1n 1939, he turned himself into a mental home where he died. Ness felt that he was the Mad Butcher.

Evidently, some of the other victims were identified, but not this one.
I’ve seen this UID before and heard of the Cleveland Torso Murders, but never knew this was one of the victims. Guess I didn’t read far enough into his case. Maybe there’s a way for some or all victims to get their identities back.
Existing clippings:
Man's Head Is Found By Boys - Newspapers.com
Fiend Sought - Newspapers.com

I think this is all the same case as this Doe, but I don't know enough about the area to tell for certain if the description of the location matches. It sounds like his head was wrapped in his underwear?

If any of his tattoos are for a significant other, it's most likely the heart with the arrow through it and the WCG initials near it. I can't believe this guy was never identified. He looks like a movie star! Even if he was transient/seeking work (his clothes seem shabby by description), you'd think his face would be memorable. It's stuck with me since my first ever visit to Doe Network several years ago.

From the Veteran Doe website. I wish it was more clear if the WCG was with the flags or the heart

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