GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #2

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I see nothing resembling a challenge.

Agree VA mom-on all points...

I have a challenged adult son- he does not have the language skills demonstrated above. Having maternal/paternal instinct and protecting your children is not rooted in IQ points, and neither is common decency, which he has plenty of.

Angela is all about Angela.

You are wrong here, and I don't think I've ever thought that about your posts before :floorlaugh:

I work with FASD children, and have two FASD children/teens. Most people don't know my 16 yo daughter's IQ is 69. She is a very loving and kind young lady, but she (my daughter) is EASILY manipulated and/or backed into a corner. If someone threatened her you could NOT rip it out of her. She will go completely blank affect.

That said... I do see some of this in Angela, but her actions over the last week have clearly shown that she is culpable.
You are wrong here, and I don't think I've ever thought that about your posts before :floorlaugh:

I work with FASD children, and have two FASD children/teens. Most people don't know my 16 yo daughter's IQ is 69. She is a very loving and kind young lady, but she (my daughter) is EASILY manipulated and/or backed into a corner. If someone threatened her you could NOT rip it out of her. She will go completely blank affect.

That said... I do see some of this in Angela, but her actions over the last week have clearly shown that she is culpable.

You know I <3 you.... I did not say she or my kid were not easily manipulated;
Your kid and mine are loving and kind. I do not see that in her. I said I did not see "challenges".... ie. mental defect....

I see immaturity and a lack of any interest at all in anyone but herself while in court
You know I <3 you.... I did not say she or my kid were not easily manipulated;
Your kid and mine are loving and kind. I do not see that in her. I said I did not see "challenges".... ie. mental defect....

I see immaturity and a lack of any interest at all in anyone but herself

I wonder what her mother was like. If she was born drug or alcohol affected... what her upbringing was like. Unfortunately, I always end up thinking about the perps own life and having to remind myself that the choices THEY are making TODAY is life or death for someone else. It's just all so sad.
Just thinking ... when Angela was in the house and was heard to say "If I give her to him I will never see her again" (quoted form memory) maybe she meant Mike?

Speculating here, possible scenario: maybe she hurt the child but was scared to call a doctor because she knew she might lose custody. SK and Mike tried to convince her to let her go so Mike could bring her to a hospital. They forced her out of her arms and Mike took her away. She runs out front and says "Elaina is gone, kidnapped, etc" (which would be kind of half true, since they took her against her will).

She couldn't tell anyone about any of this because she was the one who had hurt her. She doesn't know where Mike took. Hence she can't help with the investigation (without admitting that she hurt her). It would explain her lack of tears because she knew Elaina isn't dead.
I wonder what her mother was like. If she was born drug or alcohol affected... what her upbringing was like. Unfortunately, I always end up thinking about the perps own life and having to remind myself that the choices THEY are making TODAY is life or death for someone else. It's just all so sad.

it is so sad....

Supposedly, somewhere there is a statement from the maternal grandmother - I caught a tweet or something about it- but have not found it yet.
So sad seeing these images. :tears:

This has to be one of the hardest things I've watched on WS in relation to a missing person. I rock my girl the same way, I'm always missing her little face. This shouldnt have happened. Elaina should be being cradled and loved on right now. Excuse me while I go give my sleeping DD a quick snuggle.
WNWO Is covering the press conference story right now.
There is video of Angela with the baby from the day before.

If this girl isn't broken (Angela) - I don't know who is. Good Lord. She seems like she can't take care of herself let alone another human being.

There is a call for UNITY to find her...
They, meaning the police dept had her alone at the beginning when they questioned her, she was safe with them and could have spilled her guts if she was fearful and these people harmed her child, she didnt... whats that say. I do believe however all those people should have been and still in custody now from that house, however perhaps the police were worried if someone did have her hidden somewhere they could lead them to her, or- if they took the wrong person (one who knew her wherabouts, if alone shed perish..) kwim
So sad seeing these images. :tears:

Aww it is! And rarely in these type cases does anyone come forward with these type of things, its the norm for ppl to keep quiet or else they turn their backs and hate.. kudos to whoever brought this forward, however it doesnt change this readers opinion one bit. Id like to think all mothers even the abusers and neglectful express love to their children from time to time. These poor children it makes us all so sad, so this is nice to see.:tyou:
Posting in a hurry but I'm so conflicted about Angela's version of events. I can't see JK lying to cover for AS so that would seem to fit with SK having harmed the baby. But ... SK has no criminal record that I can find (minor traffic citations aside) and his Facebook does show a proud, involved father. That is a big contrast to Angela - with FM telling us that Angela has a history of mistreating the girls and it ultimately led to the end of her marriage.

I'm not to the end of the thread yet, so sorry if this has been mentioned.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OH OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #1

Think how easily this incident around Memorial Day could have caused death. Shaken Baby Syndrome alone happens very quickly and 'by accident', so if SK was known to be shaking the baby, it was probably just a matter of time, imho :( And he's throwing her onto dangerous things that cause wounds? She's a baby!

I might believe the mom now. But I'd charge her with murder just the same because it's the same child abuse that led to death, I think. My own opinion is that it was ongoing, so she's up to her eyeballs in it if it led to death, even if by 'accident' one day. She didn't have to be around him!

***Does Ohio have Felony Murder for Child Abuse, anyone? I'd give the whole lot who condoned the way this child was treated and were present Felony Murder (so Murder 1).
Super, I just spent alot of time looking for this from you..... I HAVE WANTED TO KNOW THE SAME THING FROM THE BEGINNING!!! I still haven't gotten an answer for that. It doesn't make you popular when having to do this.
However, this babies Mother has MANY people saying she miss treated her. (Elaina) WTH?

Exactly. There are a lot of people saying she hurt the kids. But who STOOD UP for them? Did any of the grandparents call CPS? Did the dad? Why didn't the dad go to court and push for supervised visitation only, given that he is divorcing her for her mistreatment of the children??? A temporary restraining order, ANYTHING?! And I'm not just SAYING that, I'm currently living it with my own child. If she's not safe, she's not going. Period. Yes, going to court is hard to do, and lots of abuse claims are made in divorces, blah blah blah... but it sounds like there was a lot of proof, a lot of witnesses. This woman wasn't shy about abusing her kids in front of others. So why didn't anyone speak up?

Meaning to notify CPS and actually doing so are two entirely different things. If someone had called CPS's 24 hour intake line the day the cut head was discovered and informed them of what the 4 year old said, action would have been taken. CPS has investigators that come out on weekends in extremely emergent cases. I'm not talking about letting the TV babysit, leaving the kid in the playpen, etc. I'm talking about it being said that the child was withheld from the father awhile back and then another grandma saying it was because the baby was bruised up. That was posted here, not sure by whom at the moment. And the fact that others have seen her grabbing the child by the arm and yanking her around. And the fact that the FATHER left the mother because of her abusive ways!!!! That is all reportable.

Did anyone take Elaina to the hospital for a scan of her head to make sure her brain wasn't bleeding? If no, WHY NOT?! CPS would have been called to the hospital. That is child abuse and the hospital would have reported it. Maybe Elaina would have been saved if someone took her to the hospital with that cut on her head. She lived with her dad... why didn't he take her? Scabbed over or not, there would have still be evidence of a traumatic injury. I don't get how someone can see a baby with a big cut on their head, hear the story of how it happened, and then let Elaina back around the person that hurt her.

Could have, should have, but nobody DID. That's the point. And WHY NOT?

Who is talking, Terry Sr? edit - must be, he says his son wants to talk to the press just this one time.

ETA again - oh that poor young man. Behind him 100% here. He's very well spoken considering how this happened, and he even is being gracious towards Angela, saying he won't point fingers but she made several mistakes and "this happened" while she was in her care....

edit again - WOW, when they ask him if he thinks Steven King has anything to do with it TJ has this look that tells me SK's one heartbeat from arrest... dunno looks like the cat who swallowed the canary as he says he's not gonna go into that, meanwhile Angela's stepdad sitting in the background is noddinig his head up and down so hard it's about to fall off his neck.

(editing one more time to say that he isn't sure where SK is but he's sure the FBI and Toledo police are on top of it and haven't let him out of their site, and when asked if he's happy with the job they're doing so far he says for the most part, yes. Says he wishes he could get more updates and obviously he'd love every single little detail but if they're calling him every five minutes then they're not out doing their job and as long as they're out beating the streets like the family then that's good. It's good that he offered to go ahead and answer questions this time but I do wish more people asked some.)
"that is my daughter that they arrested. she did a very bad thing.... by not doing what she should've done after Steven hurt that baby, by takin' it to the hospital and there's nothing that can change that. Nothing. And I done told her that. She should've been truthful and done... she shouldn't even have been in that house from the get-go. And it's a shame that our grand daughter is missing, that TJ's daughter is missing. We need to bring her home, and we need to work together, not nitpick about this and nitpick about that. She's in there, she's gonna pay her price for what she did, and there's nothin' that you or me can do about it, not one thing.

I"ve been cooperating with the police, I've been at the police station every day since this has happened, every day. They've been to my house, they've been to my friends house, several of my friends house, and we need to work together, unite together on this... quit arguin and nitpickin and stuff, People making allegations, people on facebook threatening me, threatening my daughters, everything, and it's got to stop. You know, people will think it's funny, it's not funny to say those things.

And I"ll tell you right now, you don't have to ask me:
Steven did it, Steven and Mike took that baby, that's where they're at, that's who's got that baby.

Who's Mike?
He lives in that house.
Is he a relative of Steven's?
I don't know you'd have to ask him.

That's the mother's house that they were living in?
Well, Steven's mother and dad's house, yes.

You don't know who Mike is, eh?
He lives there. All I know is my other daughter went over to TJ's house and talked to my other granddaughter and she kept saying "Mike won, Mike won", we found out that Mike lives at that house and we found out that Mike, when TJ and his dad pulled up, they went out that back door, and the baby's not there..."

(to be continued)
"So, I don't understand why - I mean my daughter made a mistake and she's gonna pay her price, let's put that aside - where is Steven's mom and dad? Where's Steven? Where is Mike? Why are they not in jail? Why are they not prosecuted? They KNOW what happened, and I can tell you right now Angela told me, last night, from jail, when she called me, that Steven dropped Kylee - dropped Elaina - and I said why didn't you tell them that, tell the police that? And she said because I'm next if I do. That's all I can tell you, not why she's in jail."

(I think the "dropped Kylee" was a mistake and he was correcting himself to say "dropped Elaina", I don't think he was adding her name into a list of kids he's dropped or anything. Also, there's more Q&A but people can watch the youtube video for that because it's hard for me to hear the questions)
Terry Sr says he didn't know about the $10K reward until he heard it on Nancy Grace when he did his interview. That's kinda weird.
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