GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #3

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The source, who only wanted to be identified as Frank, is the same man who provided WNWO with exclusive surveillance video showing Elaina and her mother the day before the child was last seen, June 2nd.

Frank, who has remained anonymous until now, said he was looking to release the information so that the public could hear what Elaina's mother says happened.

"[Elaina's mother] told me about the baby having a black eye, a bump on the head and just a little bit of dry blood around the nostril. But I was like well what's that all about...and she said that when she woke up the baby was like that...I said well why didn't you call ...take her to the hospital or call the police or whatever...She told me that she asked Steven, the boyfriend, to check on the baby to make sure the baby was ok, medically...The boyfriend overlooked the child and said she was going to be fine," Frank said of his conversation with Angela Steinfurth, Elaina's mother.

It was after Frank gave that information to investigators that Angela Steinfurth was arrested for child endangerment, for which she remained jailed on Monday night.

ETA: A little more from the article. Frank will be on JVM & Nancy Grace Tuesday night. So heads up everyone that would like to watch.

In his latest interview with WNWO, Frank also wanted to clarify why he had surveillance of Angela Steinfurth and baby Elaina from his home.

Frank said the camera had been set up months ago following a spike in crime within his East Toledo neighborhood and had nothing to do with the current case.

Frank, who calls himself a friend of both Angela Steinfurth and her estranged husband, will also share these details with HLN's Nancy Grace on her show Tuesday evening.
IF SK passed the poly,
RSBM: I know I saw in one of the MSM articles that only ONE poly had been taken, yet both AS & SK camps are saying they each took one....

Of course, one could have taken a poly after that article was written...

"[Elaina's mother] told me about the baby having a black eye, a bump on the head and just a little bit of dry blood around the nostril. But I was like well what's that all about...and she said that when she woke up the baby was like that...I said well why didn't you call ...take her to the hospital or call the police or whatever...She told me that she asked Steven, the boyfriend, to check on the baby to make sure the baby was ok, medically...The boyfriend overlooked the child and said she was going to be fine," Frank said of his conversation with Angela Steinfurth, Elaina's mother.

"[Elaina's mother] told me about the baby having a black eye, a bump on the head and just a little bit of dry blood around the nostril. But I was like well what's that all about...and she said that when she woke up the baby was like that...I said well why didn't you call ...take her to the hospital or call the police or whatever...She told me that she asked Steven, the boyfriend, to check on the baby to make sure the baby was ok, medically...The boyfriend overlooked the child and said she was going to be fine," Frank said of his conversation with Angela Steinfurth, Elaina's mother.

Groan... How awful.
He "overlooked" the child?

I just wanna grab a mega-fone & march right up to some of these people screaming "Just tell the truth!!"
First, AS stepdad was LYING. He told NG that he never said the baby may have dropped, but yet in one of the interviews he was recorded saying that very thing! Second, TS Sr. told me that there is a US Marshall coming in to join the search, and he is PISSED at the way Toledo LE has handled this case from the start. Also, Richard Schiewe was suddenly badmouthing TJ Jr & Sr.,saying they don't care about Elaina and that TJ moved out and left her with the rent, bills, ect. What would you do if you came home from work early one night and found your wife in a comprising position with a BF you had no clue existed? Also, one more thing before I hit the sack: TS Sr. told me that if Elaina hasn't been found by Thursday, Equusearch is bringing in 45 people to help. Now, I've got to hit the bed, this was my first day back at work since 4/18/13, and I'm physically exhausted from that and mentally exhausted from this situation as I have been since it began. Please keep us in your thoughts.

Ferretmommy, please rest, this must be so exhausting for all. You and your family and baby Elaina are and will be in my thoughts and prayers. I pray you get answers soon.

Praying for baby Elaina to be found.
Thanks to everyone transcribing. I didn't see one minute of NG but thanks to all the major topics being covered I think I'll be ok . So I just want to say re: the badmouthing of TJ. Everyone makes mistakes and no divorce/separation etc is not without strife and mistakes by both parties usually. But i don't really care what TJ did last month or last year. I don't care if he robbed banks and drove mobsters around while drunk. He is not accused of EVER mistreating, dropping, disappearing or otherwise harming either of his kids. That's the topic at hand. This is not directed at any of you here on ws but more to TJ's badmouthers, Angela and/ or her stepdad. Throwing mud at TJ does not negate the fact that someone OTHER than TJ has lost TJ"s child.

I so agree SCHMAE, after saying they should work together, why even bring any of this into it? He could have used that time to speak up about SK and Mike and the VAN. And none of that was necessary or relevant as to what happened to Elaina and where she is now. I am disappointed in RS and hope he realizes his behavior is uncalled for. I do feel bad for the guy, but maybe he needs to step back and rethink his priorities.
I'm pretty disgusted! Apparently there are babies under two at risk with their parents. How many now have we seen like this? The babies are easy to dispose of and difficult to find.

99% of the time the baby is not kidnapped. LE knows that..however with these perps, many of them hide behind an attorney who protects them from LE. If LE were able to interrogate them, it may be different. Our justice system doesn't allow that much anymore. Many of these parents who harm (or know who harmed) these precious babies are not getting prosecuted.

I'm convinced babies are not very important in this social system anymore....and the younger the victim, the easier our system is on the parent.

Agreed- and yet they are the MOST IMPORTANT people in our social system. They are the ones who will cure cancer and hunger, and find peace....They are the future.

"[Elaina's mother] told me about the baby having a black eye, a bump on the head and just a little bit of dry blood around the nostril. But I was like well what's that all about...and she said that when she woke up the baby was like that...I said well why didn't you call ...take her to the hospital or call the police or whatever...She told me that she asked Steven, the boyfriend, to check on the baby to make sure the baby was ok, medically...The boyfriend overlooked the child and said she was going to be fine," Frank said of his conversation with Angela Steinfurth, Elaina's mother.

Who is Frank? And forgive me for my lack of knowledge here, but Steven doesn't have kids of his own, right? So what qualifies him to check the injury? As a mom, I wouldn't send a disinterested party to check on my child's injuries. Ugh, this case.
I like that TJ took the four year old someplace safe when things started to get heated with Steven. That sounds like good parenting to me, and since it is all I have so far to base an opinion on, I am of the opinion that TJ was a good parent. Just a thought.

Here's the latest:

"Federal agents with special diving training are in Toledo this week assisting local officials as they continue to search for a missing toddler.

The dive team, from FBI field offices in Washington and Los Angeles, spent about seven hours in the Maumee River on Monday and were expected to return today. They are scheduled to stay in Toledo for several days, officials said." Special Agent Vicki Anderson would not comment on specifics about the case or the dive team's involvement, but said there was “information that has indicated our need to go to the river to rule out anything.”

"Mrs. Steinfurth has said she does not know Elaina’s location.

She remains in the Lucas County jail in lieu of $250,000 bond on a child-endangering charge. No other charges have been filed.

Mrs. Steinfurth was being held in a single-person cell at the jail, but over the weekend was moved into the general population. One source said after the mother’s move that at least three inmates were taken to the downtown Safety Building to be interviewed about the case by detectives."

More at link.
Who is Frank? And forgive me for my lack of knowledge here, but Steven doesn't have kids of his own, right? So what qualifies him to check the injury? As a mom, I wouldn't send a disinterested party to check on my child's injuries. Ugh, this case.

Frank is the neighbor that released the video of Angela & Elaina. It was filmed on his porch by his security camera. He has referred to himself as a friend of both Angela & TJ.

SK does have a son of his own. He appears to be about the same age as Elaina's big sis. I can't get over sending the person that hurt my child to check on her injuries and decide if she needs medical care. That is a level of stupidity that I can't even begin to comprehend. Angela is either the worst liar ever or the worst parent ever ...
RSBM: :banghead:

Yeah, I know. Cryptic enough? I wonder what today will bring. Well, I'm off to get some sleep, see you all later. Hopefully they'll tell us more. And as always,

Praying baby Elaina is found soon.
I watched the video of the mother's arraignment a few times and what I get from her emotions - and please don't take this is any wrong way - is that she feels she did nothing wrong because the child was hurt non-intentially but SHE is the one who hurt her and is 1) upset she is in jail for it and 2) feels ashamed that she got caught in her lies eventually. I don't believe this is a case of the mother not wanting her kids and did something horrible to them because the other little one is still there. I don't get the same feeling I did when I saw that cocky excuse of a person CA walking in to the courtroom when her daughter was not reported missing.

I think this mother hurt the girl, either hit her and injured her or it was a complete accident and she's responsible. I am leaning to the theory that she lost her temper with the girl and hurt her because she was frustrated or didn't realize how easily the little one would be injured and consequently that's why she did not seek medical care because doctors would have seen the source of the injuries. She wants to make it look like a kidnapping or pin the blame on SK because she's ashamed of what she did - and she should be.

All these little crumbs, the diaper, the story about the boyfriend dropping the baby, that the child wasn't there, or was sleeping - it all indicates guilt on her part. I notice in the video she mouths to her attorney, "I just want to go home." I think she thinks it was an accident and she shouldn't be punished because it was unintentional. I think she's in for a wake-up call.

I'm not convinced that she took the child anywhere though - I do believe she had help and it's gonna be a case of who turns on who first.
If it were some kind of accident, she should of called 911. She already has a 4 year old so she should understand some patience. All I can think of is the baby wouldn't stay asleep and someone got pretty damn mad :( Morning comes and little Elaina, which I love the name, is gone. How did she think she would ever cover this up? I hope Elaina is still alive and somewhere safe, at least we can hope. When most know the outcome, because it is just a repeat of another little one hurt and gone forever.
Dear Frank, At what point did you call Child Protective Services?

So, JVM has released more information about court records, this time about SK.

What happened to Baby Elaina? - YouTube

I haven't watched it, only know this is the video linked by another news source who says JVM speaks of a background check the station did on SK Jr and the results. She says he has lots of debt problems, but ferretmommy said in the first thread that those are his father's debts (SK Sr... it's very confusing looking at court records when both TJ and SK are Juniors).

So before watching it, just know that as usual JVM (and NG) don't always have things exactly accurate.

ETA: I saw this same clip live last night and they said nothing about debts. And I'm not seeing that commentary watching it now. I'm not sure what the heck the link was referring to when it linked to this..... sorry about that. Still worth watching though IMHO.
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