GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #5

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Yes ! FM's got the biggest group hug from around the world. I wish you could lean on us physically but just know we are here . Never lose hope !
I have always had that strange feeling that RS knows a lot more than what he is saying. JMO
So they broke up- said SK is her ex? Seems those two deserve each other. (is there a vomit emoticon?)
Hoping SK and AS are meeting very influential people inside, some big, hairy, scary SOBs! letting them know how people who hurt children are treated in lockdown so they decide to cooperate.
Ferrettmommy, keeping you and your family in my heart and prayers!

:puke: puke with : before the p and after the e. Hope that helps.
So was AS still married to her husband, yet had a boyfriend?

And do LE suspect she played a role in this as well?
Another innocent baby missing - so sad!

I learned about Baby Elaina today while reading an article at People Magazine's website. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
still praying for baby Elaina and family...hope we get answers soon!

So was AS still married to her husband, yet had a boyfriend?

And do LE suspect she played a role in this as well?

AS is in jail on child endangerment. So , at very least, they suspect she was not keeping her child safe. I think most of us suspect that LE suspects much MORE of her but with no proof, they cannot press additional charges. The bf got picked up last week. So finally they are both in jail.
When I saw the people article my heart jumped. It's always good to get as much attention as possible. There is always that very very very slim chance that baby girl is somewhere in Florida with someone taking care of her, and this could get her seen.

When I was reading the people article my little girl (3y/o) saw the picture and said she looks like a princess.
Ok , so I agree with the couple above who said RS seems fishy all along, just an odd dude or is he intentionally being evasive? Could AS's ' confession' to her celly have been intentional? To perhaps make people think there is no hope of finding ES so quit looking but she's actually been hidden with a friend elsewhere? I'm trying not to be ridiculous here with my hope but LE's newest statement leaves lots of room for hope :) :) :)
I just had a hard time picturing AS with any friends with their act together enough to take on a new toddler with no warning ( but maybe there was ) and keep her long term ( but maybe they thought it would only be a few days ) ......... but enter RS,,,,, couldn't he have friends like that? More stable, employed and not on drugs and homeless like I assume some/ many/all of AS's contacts may or may not be? What about the basically missing person in the scenario, AS" mom? I'm sure LE has vetted her all around but she's so ' out of the picture' that she could have friends or family anywhere .
Is it ridiculous to hope for such ?

It truly hurts me to come here and see no new evidence or clues. I couldn't in a million years understand why AS would do this to her own child and her family. The pain the family must fill breaks my heart. Elaina we are still here looking hoping and praying baby girl. We won't stop until your Daddy and sister have you back home where you rightfully belong. Hold on princess daddies coming.
Ok , so I agree with the couple above who said RS seems fishy all along, just an odd dude or is he intentionally being evasive? Could AS's ' confession' to her celly have been intentional? To perhaps make people think there is no hope of finding ES so quit looking but she's actually been hidden with a friend elsewhere? I'm trying not to be ridiculous here with my hope but LE's newest statement leaves lots of room for hope :) :) :)
I just had a hard time picturing AS with any friends with their act together enough to take on a new toddler with no warning ( but maybe there was ) and keep her long term ( but maybe they thought it would only be a few days ) ......... but enter RS,,,,, couldn't he have friends like that? More stable, employed and not on drugs and homeless like I assume some/ many/all of AS's contacts may or may not be? What about the basically missing person in the scenario, AS" mom? I'm sure LE has vetted her all around but she's so ' out of the picture' that she could have friends or family anywhere .
Is it ridiculous to hope for such ?


RS seems to have so much hatred for TJ so maybe just maybe, he helped hide her..
I still can't get over the fact he drove AS to her new job the next day. And he was with AS when diaper was found. JMO

Or there is still the chance that SK gave her to someone.....

I keep thinking of AS's yelling "If I give her to him I'll never see her again"

Was she buying time knowing she was about to run out of the house and say E was missing, that she was already taken somewhere? Was Elaina injured (leading to her comment) and she went into the room and something worse had happened? Or did SK hide her for AS when he ran out the back door?

I really with that we knew the underlying meaning of that comment.
When I saw the people article my heart jumped. It's always good to get as much attention as possible. There is always that very very very slim chance that baby girl is somewhere in Florida with someone taking care of her, and this could get her seen.

When I was reading the people article my little girl (3y/o) saw the picture and said she looks like a princess.

this same thing happened to me when my daughter saw Elaina's picture on this site while i was reading through posts (she always has to see what i'm looking at on my ipad). she pointed and said "baby. pretty baby mommy! her pretty!" i am sick to my stomach over elaina's case. she is three months older than Elaina and it just broke my heart as I was again reminded as I am every day of the innocence and unconditional love of children.

i am going out to the toledo area this weekend to visit my husbands side of the family (they live right next to Maumee). does anyone know if there are still any searches/vigils going on? or a way to donate to TJ's family and/or the search efforts? my FIL said he saw people out searching a few weeks ago when he was at a hungarian restaurant in Toldeo (tony packo's) but i haven't heard anything since. if anyone could let me know I would greatly appreciate it.
Ok , so I agree with the couple above who said RS seems fishy all along, just an odd dude or is he intentionally being evasive? Could AS's ' confession' to her celly have been intentional? To perhaps make people think there is no hope of finding ES so quit looking but she's actually been hidden with a friend elsewhere? I'm trying not to be ridiculous here with my hope but LE's newest statement leaves lots of room for hope :) :) :)
I just had a hard time picturing AS with any friends with their act together enough to take on a new toddler with no warning ( but maybe there was ) and keep her long term ( but maybe they thought it would only be a few days ) ......... but enter RS,,,,, couldn't he have friends like that? More stable, employed and not on drugs and homeless like I assume some/ many/all of AS's contacts may or may not be? What about the basically missing person in the scenario, AS" mom? I'm sure LE has vetted her all around but she's so ' out of the picture' that she could have friends or family anywhere .
Is it ridiculous to hope for such ?


This has been my thoughts from early on. I saw a comment somewhere (can't find it now) that RS hid MS and AS once when they were little from their mother. IDK if it is true it is just what led me to my theory. I have read many times that RS, MS and Frank (as well as TJ's side) all told her not to take them there. I know if it was me and AS was my kid or sis I would have gone to the house as soon as she called and said I am not sleeping at RS house I am going to spend the night at the Kings. They all are sounding out saying it is awful there yet the first time she pulled crap after them getting out of there they all did nothing? It makes no sense to me at all.
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