Found Deceased OH - Harley Dilly, 14, walking to Port Clinton High School, 20 Dec 2019 #5

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I’m thinking something like this should be added to building codes or something as a requirement to prevent these types of accidents.


Custom Chimney Caps to Keep Your Home Safe This Winter - Accurate Heating & Cooling

Most new construction codes I THINK require screen-grate caps/spark suppressors now, but it is not always a requirement for house resale. Although, it ought to be despite the cost. I'd like to see a movement start in Ohio to have them required, in memory of Harley. MOO.
While I would agree totally that a certain amount of ineptness by LE was very evident, I don’t think we should blame that totally on the chief of police. My parents have lived there since 1995, I have spent more days in PC than I can try and count. This is a small, mostly quiet, driven by tourism town. They’ve not had anything near this severity happen. Obviously they failed poor Harley!!! However he did call in multiple other LE experts, and they didn’t suggest this either. I don’t know Chief Hickman, but I think he tried to get all hands on deck to help suggest things like examine all vacant places.... in some ways other LE failed this town too. MOO
I don't have time right now to quote the relevant posts and add links, but to learn more about about chimney size and people in them, read the Wikipedia article on Chimney Sweeps. Chimney sweep - Wikipedia

Facts relevant to the discussion:

The chimney Harley was in (9"x13") was built to the standard size at that time. (9"x14" most common).

Adult chimney sweeps didn't fit so they forced "apprentices", aged 6-12 up the chimneys with a brush and scraper. Older/larger boys had to remove most, or all, of their clothing to fit. Harley probably needed to remove his coat to fit in the chimney.

In straight chimneys, boys could get "stuck" or wedged, and would suffocate from pressure on their chest if not rescued quickly.

Screenshot_20200116-175520_Chrome.jpg"Careless climbing boys could get stuck with their knees jammed against their chins. The harder they struggled the tighter they became wedged." If the chimney wasn't narrowed at the spot Harley sufficated, this is likely what happened.
I don't have time right now to quote the relevant posts and add links, but to learn more about about chimney size and people in them, read the Wikipedia article on Chimney Sweeps. Chimney sweep - Wikipedia

Facts relevant to the discussion:

The chimney Harley was in (9"x13") was built to the standard size at that time. (9"x14" most common).

Adult chimney sweeps didn't fit so they forced "apprentices", aged 6-12 up the chimneys with a brush and scraper. Older/larger boys had to remove most, or all, of their clothing to fit. Harley probably needed to remove his coat to fit in the chimney.

In straight chimneys, boys could get "stuck" or wedged, and would suffocate from pressure on their chest if not rescued quickly.

View attachment 226387"Careless climbing boys could get stuck with their knees jammed against their chins. The harder they struggled the tighter they became wedged." If the chimney wasn't narrowed at the spot Harley sufficated, this is likely what happened.

That is absolutely horrifying!
OMG.OMG. It just struck me like a bolt of lightning at the grocery store.
Harley wanted to be. YouTube censation, and be liked.
So a group of his friends,and aquainences knew of a Summer house,where the homeowner wouldn't be there for months. (Even if adults didn't know)So they all decide together who is the smallest,and could gain entry easier than any of them, so they can get in then unlock the house for everyone else. Then BAM Party is on, and no one will be the wiser. Only things didn't go as planned. Harley was a no show. Maybe they thought he was a runaway,and we're covering for him. So when asked they know nothing. Until furthering questioning. So the stupid teenage party plan is finally revealed. So the home got checked,and that's when it was discovered he was stuck in the chimney the whole time.
That would explain the mom not wanting to jeopardize Harley. She didn't want to say too much,and spook any of the kids who might be in the know,and why Chief Hickman was so evasive,and defensive when answering questions,about why now go back to that house,and check it out. It's because it comes down to stupid teenagers,doing what stupid teenagers do. If your parents aren't going out if town,find somewhere else to throw a party. I must admit,and apologize for being too hard on Chief Hickman. He did the best he could to protect,and serve. This is so heartbreaking,and sad.
It seems that they would have noticed the lockbox from the first time they searched. IMO
There is a big difference between the urgency of the first searches and the more recent ones.

On the first day, they had a lot of properties to secure. They were looking for a live, endangered child, and needed to clear as many locations as they could in those first days. This wasn't an old abandoned property. It was well maintained, and locked down tight. They had no idea he was in the chimney. They were looking for evidence that someone broke in and was hiding inside.

I defend the first responders because I am close to many of them and I know how hard they work, how seriously they take these endangered child cases and how much they take it to heart. They are devastated when the child is found dead.... To work that hard, for such long hours, missing out on their own families, and then in the aftermath, to be called incompetent and lazy idiots---that is very sad. JMO
While I would agree totally that a certain amount of ineptness by LE was very evident, I don’t think we should blame that totally on the chief of police. My parents have lived there since 1995, I have spent more days in PC than I can try and count. This is a small, mostly quiet, driven by tourism town. They’ve not had anything near this severity happen. Obviously they failed poor Harley!!! However he did call in multiple other LE experts, and they didn’t suggest this either. I don’t know Chief Hickman, but I think he tried to get all hands on deck to help suggest things like examine all vacant places.... in some ways other LE failed this town too. MOO
ITA I See now I have been very wrong. I feel awful. :*( I let the abiss stare into me.
OMG.OMG. It just struck me like a bolt of lightning at the grocery store.
Harley wanted to be. YouTube censation, and be liked.
So a group of his friends,and aquainences knew of a Summer house,where the homeowner wouldn't be there for months. (Even if adults didn't know)So they all decide together who is the smallest,and could gain entry easier than any of them, so they can get in then unlock the house for everyone else. Then BAM Party is on, and no one will be the wiser. Only things didn't go as planned. Harley was a no show. Maybe they thought he was a runaway,and we're covering for him. So when asked they know nothing. Until furthering questioning. So the stupid teenage party plan is finally revealed. So the home got checked,and that's when it was discovered he was stuck in the chimney the whole time.
That would explain the mom not wanting to jeopardize Harley. She didn't want to say too much,and spook any of the kids who might be in the know,and why Chief Hickman was so evasive,and defensive when answering questions,about why now go back to that house,and check it out. It's because it comes down to stupid teenagers,doing what stupid teenagers do. If your parents aren't going out if town,find somewhere else to throw a party. I must admit,and apologize for being too hard on Chief Hickman. He did the best he could to protect,and serve. This is so heartbreaking,and sad.
. I was thinking along these lines too. Scared teens (and maybe parents of those teens) afraid to say something about a plan they had talked about or maybe joked about in the past. I don’t see this as anything but a terrible accident. I believe Harley attempted to go down the chimney to gain access into the house. He dropped his coat down first, maybe glasses or they later fell off. Went feet first and quickly became compressed and short of breath. I don’t think he even made it to the blockage (has that been stated?). Im also not sure that the coat needed to be pushed out if it was an open hole. I cannot believe at 14 he wasn’t scared to climb that high or be in the dark! But I also can’t believe another person was there with him at 6am, especially a kid.
why throw his glasses if he needed them to see? Why not a rock? a pinecone or a stick?
I don’t think he threw the glasses, they were probably in the pocket of the coat and fell out with all the pushing he had to do with his feet to get the coat down the chimney. He probably would have been afraid to damage the glasses and get in trouble so protected them in the puffy pocket, seeing the hole was going to be tight, took the jacket off and shoved it down before squeezing in. Thinking ahead slightly that he might want the jacket once in the house. Thank God he did or LE may not have found him til hot weather. I wonder if someone searching with a drone saw the jacket through the window and called LE. They deserve some reward if that happened.
. I was thinking along these lines too. Scared teens (and maybe parents of those teens) afraid to say something about a plan they had talked about or maybe joked about in the past. I don’t see this as anything but a terrible accident. I believe Harley attempted to go down the chimney to gain access into the house. He dropped his coat down first, maybe glasses or they later fell off. Went feet first and quickly became compressed and short of breath. I don’t think he even made it to the blockage (has that been stated?). Im also not sure that the coat needed to be pushed out if it was an open hole. I cannot believe at 14 he wasn’t scared to climb that high or be in the dark! But I also can’t believe another person was there with him at 6am, especially a kid.
I think he was alone. The other kids were at school, just waiting for that final bell to ring, get home have dinner, tell Mom,and dad the oldest story in the book. ( I'm spending the night at a friend's house).
OMG.OMG. It just struck me like a bolt of lightning at the grocery store.
Harley wanted to be. YouTube censation, and be liked.
So a group of his friends,and aquainences knew of a Summer house,where the homeowner wouldn't be there for months. (Even if adults didn't know)So they all decide together who is the smallest,and could gain entry easier than any of them, so they can get in then unlock the house for everyone else. Then BAM Party is on, and no one will be the wiser. Only things didn't go as planned. Harley was a no show. Maybe they thought he was a runaway,and we're covering for him. So when asked they know nothing. Until furthering questioning. So the stupid teenage party plan is finally revealed. So the home got checked,and that's when it was discovered he was stuck in the chimney the whole time.
That would explain the mom not wanting to jeopardize Harley. She didn't want to say too much,and spook any of the kids who might be in the know,and why Chief Hickman was so evasive,and defensive when answering questions,about why now go back to that house,and check it out. It's because it comes down to stupid teenagers,doing what stupid teenagers do. If your parents aren't going out if town,find somewhere else to throw a party. I must admit,and apologize for being too hard on Chief Hickman. He did the best he could to protect,and serve. This is so heartbreaking,and sad.

This explanation makes more sense than he being bored at 6 am that morning went all by himself in the dark to go through the chimney just to have a place to hang out by himself in the cold, dark, 19 degrees is freezing, but a party that makes much more sense.
This explanation makes more sense than he being bored at 6 am that morning went all by himself in the dark to go through the chimney just to have a place to hang out by himself in the cold, dark, 19 degrees is freezing, but a party that makes much more sense.
Maybe not even a solid plan for a party that day, but just a loose plan of “hey we should try to get in the house and hang out sometime “. I suspect that the reason LE went back to that house this week is because a friend finally mentioned that possibility to an adult or LE. The Chief did not want to answer that question about why they returned focus to that house because he is protecting these grieving friends. My speculation only!
Maybe not even a solid plan for a party that day, but just a loose plan of “hey we should try to get in the house and hang out sometime “. I suspect that the reason LE went back to that house this week is because a friend finally mentioned that possibility to an adult or LE. The Chief did not want to answer that question about why they returned focus to that house because he is protecting these grieving friends. My speculation only!

This makes a lot of sense to me.
I pray for Harley's family to find the peace to move forward and raise Harley's little brother[ nephew] with love, understanding and kindness and get him counseling so that he may understand and talk about his feelings of loosing his big brother.I walked my dogs tonight and dropped a penny by the mailbox and now i will close Harley's tab, now that our precious boy has been found. That picture of someone stuck in the chimney with the knees bent has truly broke my heart the emotion and sadness has left this computer and hit me dead in my heart! good night young man rest in paradise and dance with the angles!
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