"Oh, I haven't said anything, don't worry"

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
CA knew KA was late to their visit because she was with the shrink..So, I always had the feeling what was said between CA & KA had more to do with something family related then the crime itself..Something neither one of them, especially CA, wanted out there.

That's where my thoughts tend to go, amysmom. I too think it was something about the family members interaction or behavior toward each other that KC claimed she didn't speak about.
I think this family has many secrets among themselves and from the outside world. Appreciate your post.
I don't think Casey knows who the father of Caylee is ..

well unless she slept with someone whom she didn't know his name or how to track him down at the time of conception, she could have gotten CA to pay an attorney to force many guys to take a DNA test. Trust me, it can and has been done before, as it's happened in my extended family. The only person she half way forced to take a DNA was JG, and we know the results from that one.
just another BOLD FACED LIE

if G and C thought someone they DID NOT KNOW had a key to their house
they would have demanded it was returned to them or would have changed the #$#&^$&*#($^#&*%$#&(*%$*& LOCKS

another steaming pant load of a LIE

these people never stop


So TRUE......Did they change the Locks?
No, Because they know there is no :crazy::crazy::crazy: Nanny!

These people are Pro's of hiding the Elephant in the Room!

Casey was a star pupil to her mother's master manipulations
I always thought it just meant that KC was bad mouthing the Anthonys and they found out about it.

That's what I thought also. She had told some pretty big whoppers about her parents, especially about getting the house.
Is Casey allowed to pass letters thru JB to family without them being read by jail personnel?

If she sends or receives letters thru the mail, are they read by jail staff for content, or simply searched for contraband?

If she is allowed to pass letters unread by staff, then why record the video phone visits? Like KC saying something like "I explained that in a letter for you that I gave to JB"
I caught that the first time I saw the tape, to me it sounded like KC was assuring her mother that all the family secrets were safe, and I won't go into what those secrets could be. I am of the opinion that it didn't have anything to do with Caylee's disappearence, but I've been wrong before. JMO
After re-watching the first video link posted again, and watching verrrry closely, I noticed something that hasnt been discussed to my knowledge.

I have also seen a resurgence in the interest in Annie. And I have long noted that Annie's interviews or records have not been released.

Go here. http://www.wftv.com/video/18205452/index.html
Listen very closely at the 5 minute marker. At 5:01 CA says that she hasnt sent "Annie's" letter to KC.

Interesting that she sent a letter....just curious is all with all the Annie speculation...

And yes, this has busted me out of my lurkdom. :lol:
Hi all!

i watched the videos from the link in this post (i had not seen them before in their entirety) and i was wondering the same thing. annie seems to be a big question mark.....:confused:
either she is completely unimportant as all (LE, As) would have us believe by not bringing her into light/discussion... or a key ingredient in this screwed up stew, because her interviews etc have not been released. kind of makes you wonder if the prosecution is keeping it quite to prevent the defense from having ample time to rebut. :waitasec:

great catch. annie being one of the FEW people who wrote her an actual letter is VERY TELLING imo.

wouldn't you just love to see the letter??

ps- hi back... just came out of my lurkdom myself recently :)
"It's set up to look alot like Zanny's" WTF!!! WHY?? (The only "set up" is what's going on) Did anyone else wretch when you heard this?? This should have a Post of it's own!

Sorry I had to insert my feelings in your thread!

Don't apologize. It's a great point. It was an odd thing to say. You're right, why would someone elses apartment be set up to look like something it's not? Did she need a phony photo? And why? It is very puzzling to hear Casey's comments and answers. There's something totally strange going on in these two women's conversation. Too bad we don't know the back story on what took place within that family before Casey was jailed.
well i think she did that cause the phone was too loud but the words speak for themselves...interesting. i would be telling my daughter to spill her f*n guts at this point.
I do recall George saying that also ..
Wonder what he meant by it???

I don't remember Mejame's saying something would shock us though .. :confused:

I'm trying to find that info. It may have been after Caylee had been found and I believe he was in another country (PR?). He had just got word that they found Caylee. I'm on a laptop and my mouse died so I have to use this finger pad ... which drives me nuts. lol.
My take on the above conversation between KC and CA, is that CA was asking KC if the pics of the apartment with the drums in it is pictures of Zani's apartment because she already knew that they were pics of Ricardo's apartment. In KC's reply, it appears to me that she is trying to figure out what to tell CA, not knowing whether or not CA already knew that the apartment in the pics was Ricardo's. It kind of shows - in my opinion - the way KC formulates her lies...she kind of hems and haws, drawing more information out of CA, until CA states that she knows whose apartment it is (Ricardo's) - it is only then that KC says that the apartment in the pics is Ricardo's, but that Zani's looks much like his. Does this make sense?
In CA's interview with LE (I think the one on July 25th) she tells LE that KC told her that the picture of Caylee with the drums was taken in Zani"s apt. but when KC's friends gathered at the A's house, she found out that it was Ric's apt. I think she is trying to find out if KC will tell her the truth. When she realizes that KC is probably going to lie about it, she gives her an out.
My thoughts on Cindy's reactions or lack of reactions to anything Casey says is she was on meds. You cannot get a true reading on someones body language when they are medicated. JMO
George on the other hand, has very telling reactions. You can clearly see he knows Caylee is gone. For me it is heartbreaking to see him. Even his outburst to reporters, when he said, the body in my granddaughters car is NOT my granddaughter. You can see/hear the anger and hurt in his voice. Kind of like, if he says it enough and loud enough, that somehow it will be true.
Something else that has always cracked me up about this same tape. The part where CA asks KC if Charlotte (NC) is a good place to look for Zannie. When KC answers she stumbles over her words and it ends up coming out--"yes, I know Zannies have roots in NC and New York, etc etc etc. Cracks me up that she says "Zannies" have roots? Like there are tons of these evil Zannies out there mucking up peoples lives. Just had to share.
In CA's interview with LE (I think the one on July 25th) she tells LE that KC told her that the picture of Caylee with the drums was taken in Zani"s apt. but when KC's friends gathered at the A's house, she found out that it was Ric's apt. I think she is trying to find out if KC will tell her the truth. When she realizes that KC is probably going to lie about it, she gives her an out.
I think that is exactly what she was doing. I do it to my kids too. Ex: Where were you last night? Now, before you say anything else to get yourself in deeper trouble, I will tell you I KNOW where you were. Now, where were you."
Grrr. It's hard to watch and listen to her. All I see is her continually blowing them off when the subject doesn't suit her. Mostly she uses "Lee is looking after that", or "Mum, I DON'T KNOW". Undoubtedly there's all kinds of hidden clues in these recordings, but I'm afraid LE will have to sort them out. I can't stand to do it.
well unless she slept with someone whom she didn't know his name or how to track him down at the time of conception, she could have gotten CA to pay an attorney to force many guys to take a DNA test. Trust me, it can and has been done before, as it's happened in my extended family. The only person she half way forced to take a DNA was JG, and we know the results from that one.

She didn't force JG to take the test ..
No no sarcasm being serious holding out hope I suppose
Had a really hard day today
Im off to bed
I just think the way Cindy says about the apartment and the photos
Those interviews just dont sit right as in Casey being a cold blooded murderer -I dont see it. and I dont see shes smart enough to pull it off

I believe this is the same theory that CA came up with that she gave to the FBI when she was trying to suggest that in some way "Zanni" is a cover for somene else, whom she believes to be Amy or Ricardo. She THINKS that when Casey identifies the photo as Zanni's apartment (with Caylee in photo with drums) that, since CA knows it's a photo of Ricardo's apartment, that KC is trying to tell her that Zanni is actually Ricardo or Amy without actually coming out and saying it. I do believe CA's heart is in the right place in that she KNOWS her daughter enough to know she is "speaking in code" and trying to solve the mystery surrounding the whereabouts of Caylee. As we all known however, KC is sending her on a wild goose chase.
Isn't it interesting that of the thousands of pictures Casey says that Lee is working on, and the thousands of pictures that Casey has, Cindy's very brief description "the picture with the drums, is that Zani's?" is enough for Casey to know exactly which picture it is as well as being able to go right into her brain-file to figure out the story she told Cindy about that picture, and come up with a reason why Cindy could have confused Zani's apartment with Ricardo's.

And isn't it even more amazing that Cindy doesn't call Casey on the BS. The whole discussion is dropped.
Yep....I remember hearing that right at the beginning and thought "what is CA hiding also".
I always thought it just meant that KC was bad mouthing the Anthonys and they found out about it.

I think this is a very accurate statement Karenz. I, too, thought this and also thought that the A's probably had been informed that KC had also alleged that her Brother has touched her inappropiately and that she alleges that her Father had abused her in some undisclosed manner. This on top off all the other lies that KC has spewed since her first LE interview.
Whether or not those allegations are true remains to be seen. I don't think we have enough information to know if they are factual or not.
Also one of the posters above me wrote that different families have different levels of physical expressions of affection. I agree with this statement. Within my extended family there is a difference in those physical expressions and I, myself, am uncomfortable with some of my extended family and have learned to duck and evade (haha). I also saw a picture of CA and a family friend in the new release of photos (link on the news for DEC 30 thread) That I found kind of strange. I do not think that I am allowed to post the picture because my posting rules say: You may post new threads
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It does appear that CA has some serious boundry issues, physical and more than likely emotional as well.

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