GUILTY OH - Johnny Clarke, 21, & Lisa Straub, 20, murdered, Springfield Twp, 31 Jan 2011

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

Tiff would have seen the killers car(s) present if they were in the house when she showed up earlier. The killers murdered the couple around 1am (or a few minutes earlier). The time of death means that it was after Tiff claims she checked on the house.

I think this is a substantial piece of evidence that points toward the fact that Tiff lied about checking on the house. Her creditability is now gone, I will leave you to draw your own conclusions.

This is just my opinion combined with the facts.


While I think there's a good chance that you may be right about Tiff, I have wondered from the beginning if Lisa and Johnny died from asphyxiation from the bags, which would have taken longer than being strangled and could have happened after the perps left.

The whole story from Tiff and the events of the evening are really 'iffy' at best, but I do believe that could still have happened. MOO
It seems to me that Lisa's family think both Lisa and Johnny were targeted. They made sure Lisa was there.


Since Johnny and Lisa arrived home around 11 pm... I am now wondering did they walk inside and someone was already there?

It would still apply when Johnny supposedly said "Who are you?" 'What do you want?" "Why are you here?" In fact it makes more sense to me that they walked in on these perps when they came home from TGIF. IMO, they were there waiting for them to return.


I agree with you, especially if they knew about the box with the key in it. There would have been a vehicle there or is it possible the killer(s)were dropped off to be picked up later?
... or is it possible the killer(s)were dropped off to be picked up later?

I have kicked around this idea early on, my theory on the case is based on the fact the killers were not dropped off. Let me type out my thoughts.

The robbers needed the ability to escape, and having a get away car circle the neighborhood has many short comings. Even if the people parked the car down the street, it would stand out. On street view, I saw that apparently it is a rarity to park a vehicle on the street. I would imagine very few are parked on the street at 10pm Sunday.

It seems unlikely that they would set a pick up time 3 hours later. They may have "called" for a pickup but then that meant the car needed to wait three hours somewhere close. It is also another person that could turn you over to the cops and another person that could help you find things in the house.

This is just how I think it is most likely to have occurred, and it absolutely could have gone another way.
I have kicked around this idea early on, my theory on the case is based on the fact the killers were not dropped off. Let me type out my thoughts.

The robbers needed the ability to escape, and having a get away car circle the neighborhood has many short comings. Even if the people parked the car down the street, it would stand out. On street view, I saw that apparently it is a rarity to park a vehicle on the street. I would imagine very few are parked on the street at 10pm Sunday.

It seems unlikely that they would set a pick up time 3 hours later. They may have "called" for a pickup but then that meant the car needed to wait three hours somewhere close. It is also another person that could turn you over to the cops and another person that could help you find things in the house.

This is just how I think it is most likely to have occurred, and it absolutely could have gone another way.

I'm sitting here trying to think if they do park on the roads there. As I said earlier, I have been in this subdivision many times (and just the other day, too). It seems like sometimes cars do indeed park on the roads when there are houses that have multiple cars. There are also a few cul de sacs in that neighborhood but usually people don't park on those as it's awkward and would get noticed more. There is one cul de sac right behind Long Acre that pretty much goes right behind LS's house. -- as for the possibility of someone parking somewhere else for 3 hrs or whatever, I doubt they would have chosen the school (even though its very close by to the house, in fact it almost looked like LS's yard nearly ran up to the school property line) THat seems like it would be too risky parking at an elementary school, in Holland, late on a Sun. night without someone being suspicious/cops seeing you. (I guess I should drive over there though and see if there are any "hiding spots" behind the building or something, I'm not familiar with that school, my kids are in the same district but go to a different school. They could have drove around though during that time, there are lots of normal roads around here that seem "safe" without heavy patrol of police.
Was wondering if anyone else has read the post from Feb. 9th? Not just the article, but the comments made by Johnny's mom?!/justice.for.johnny.and.lisa/posts/181007975269204

Wow. His poor mother. I just want to give that lady a hug. I agree with Legallee about being so open though. She might be doing more harm than good for the case.

Earlier in the thread, someone mentioned that there was only one on Lisa's friends list. Made me curious that day, so I clicked around and saw it myself but had forgotten about it until I read that. Same name as Johnny's mom mentions. It's...interesting.
she has alot of anger and hurt....I can't blame her...although I wouldn't be posting on an open site like that. I can feel her pain. So sad :(

She is convinced, rightly or wrongly, that T was somehow involved in this.

She is going to have a nervous breakdown if someone is not arrested soon.

She really needs a support group in her real life rather than on FB, imo.

I think mama V need to calm down. But I'm sure she's on to something.

Sorry, but I just thinks she is so wrong for what she's doing.

It is very hard for me to judge this mother. I sincerely believe she is coming apart at the seams. It is so evident she was very very close to Johnny.

Now if it were me, I would be curled up in a fetal position in a dark room somewhere knocked out on meds, but not everyone reacts the same, and I have to keep that in mind.

I don't think she is going to stop expressing her thoughts. This woman does not want these crimes to go unsolved. She is in a desperate search for justice for Johnny and Lisa. Imo, she will not stop until that happens and if it does not come......she will continue to be vocal.

So while I would not take the route she has taken I do fully understand her outrage, frustration, and desperation. I bet she isn't getting any much needed sleep or rest. Her mind is going ninety to nothing, nonstop.

It doesn't matter to this mother what her son had done in the past. He is her 'baby' and she seeks justice and yes she is rough around the edges and can be a potty mouth too but I know that the love for Johnny is genuine in her heart.

She fights for Johnny just like she probably has all of his life.

After reading the transcript that was last posted, I gotta say that Johnny's mother is just all over the place. I understand the need to deflect from her son, but she says it's a set up via Tiffany, then on the other hand indicates Lisa would be the draw. It gets a little hectic. I can't imagine what she's going through.

I found it interesting that she said Tiffany was INSIDE the house. Earlier, when talking about the cell phones possibly being on the bodies, I suggested that they were left there because the perp WANTED them to get away and call for help, and thought they would. Reading that made me think about it again. Speculation of course, but if time of death and time of Tiffany's call are around the same time, say, after the robbery was done, they were tied up and left, does it seem like she was maybe trying to call for help before they could die? I just wonder if the plan was never their deaths, but to stop just short of it, but it sort of accidentally happened that way. I just can't see a reason for Tiffany to call it in otherwise. The excitement? I mean, if I were a participant in something like that, I'd stay away so as not to look guilty. She could've just not bothered, kwim?
I think the phones were broken and parts of them where around the bodies. I think the plan was for them to die. You can't tape bags over someone's head and think they are going to breathe. Also there was some injuries to the necks, so they may have been strangled to hurry things along.
After reading the transcript that was last posted, I gotta say that Johnny's mother is just all over the place. I understand the need to deflect from her son, but she says it's a set up via Tiffany, then on the other hand indicates Lisa would be the draw. It gets a little hectic. I can't imagine what she's going through.

I found it interesting that she said Tiffany was INSIDE the house. Earlier, when talking about the cell phones possibly being on the bodies, I suggested that they were left there because the perp WANTED them to get away and call for help, and thought they would. Reading that made me think about it again. Speculation of course, but if time of death and time of Tiffany's call are around the same time, say, after the robbery was done, they were tied up and left, does it seem like she was maybe trying to call for help before they could die? I just wonder if the plan was never their deaths, but to stop just short of it, but it sort of accidentally happened that way. I just can't see a reason for Tiffany to call it in otherwise. The excitement? I mean, if I were a participant in something like that, I'd stay away so as not to look guilty. She could've just not bothered, kwim?

Good post, GIB.

BBM: Good point. Was Tiffany EVER in that house? That would be good info to know, especially if there was evidence to indicate otherwise.

LE said numerous DNA swabs were taken throughout the home (has the search warrant been released yet?)

Tiffany's DNA should be on the Doorbell for sure, since it was said she rang that.
I got an inkling early on that Johnny's mom may not have been too fond of Lisa. I may be reading too much into it, but I believe that at least once on the 911 calls she referred to Lisa as "the girlfriend"....the "the" is what stuck out. It somehow comes out sounding negative. I wonder if maybe she felt Lisa was "trouble" or something...

You can't tape bags over someone's head and think they are going to breathe. Also there was some injuries to the necks, so they may have been strangled to hurry things along.

I think what I could've said more clearly was that maybe the plan was to have them revived before they could die. From what I've read, you don't die right away... Death due to air loss is slow. Anyway, it's just an idea. Personally, I've never believed the intent was murder. I think someone wanted something they had, whether the person thought, "eh, I'll kill them if it happens that way" or "if they die in the process, so what," I just don't think it was the main objective.

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