OH OH - Judy Martins, 22, Kent, 24 May 1978

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'I think about her every day' — Kent State student still missing after 40 years

Nancy still has the card, 40 years after Judy was last seen alive leaving a dorm at Kent State University.

Now living in suburban Columbus, neither Nancy (Martins) Baer nor her brother Steve Martins, retired and living in Florida, know what happened to Judy on the night of May 24, 1978, when Judy apparently left a party in Dunbar Hall on her way home to Engelman Hall.

University officials have told the family the case file on Judy’s disappearance was disposed of in 2000, in accordance with university records retention policy. The paperwork the family obtained prior to that may be all that is left of the still-open case file.

Born on July 15, 1955, Judy was the eldest daughter of Arthur and Dolores Martins of Avon Lake in Lorain County. Nancy and Steve were born over the next three years.

The sisters were “really, really close,” Nancy said, talking often on the phone.

Judy was last seen at about 2:30 a.m., May 24, 1978. Witnesses told police she left a party headed for Engelman Hall, only four to six minutes away on foot.

She was wearing a curly red wig over her long, dark hair, gaucho-style jeans, a brown and yellow blouse, beige trench coat, brown boots, and carried a large, white imitation leather shoulder bag.

The following day, Judy was supposed to travel home to Avon Lake to get her new car. When she didn’t call home by that Friday, Dolores called Judy’s room “every hour” without success, Nancy said.

A fellow student officially reported Judy missing on May 26, 1978. When her room was searched, nothing was missing. Left behind were her glasses, clothing, books and cosmetics.

Wearing contact lenses when she vanished, “no way would Judy have left her eyeglasses behind,” Steve Martins said. And she rarely went anywhere without makeup, Nancy said.


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Kent State student still missing after 40 years, family seeks answers



“She had money in her room that wasn't missing. None of her makeup was gone and she didn't go anywhere without her makeup,” she said.

Nancy and Steve have a lot of questions about the investigation when they look back all of these years later.

Judy lived alone as an RA in her residence hall. Martins says police didn't search her room until several days after she want missing.

“They said all the right things, but they didn't seem to be investigating the way they should have. But at that time again, we had faith that they knew what they were doing,” Martins said.

“Missing persons are handled so differently then than they are now. Now they would probably call the FBI in or another jurisdictional, but at that time, no,” Baer said.

Some students thought they had spotted Judy after she went missing-- but it wasn't her.

Their mom called police for updates every day.

“The not knowing is very, very difficult. It's hard,” Baer said.

Both of their parents have passed away, and now Nancy and Steve say it's up to them to keep her case alive.

“We're hoping that the case is solved,” Martins said.

“We feel like we kind of owe it to our parents too, to keep it going,” Baer said.

Cleveland19 reached out to Kent State Police and Kent Police and we're still waiting to hear back.

Judy's family says university police eventually destroyed her case records because they were so old.

It's legal but that upset them.

They say there were never any solid suspects in her case.

Some people were given lie detector tests, but they passed.

I'm the reporter who authored this story, and am currently working on digging deeper into what few documents remain regarding Judy's disappearance.

I welcome any questions and insights. There are a lot of people who want to know what happened to Judy 40 years ago, and her family deserves closure and/or justice.

Thanks for getting the word out. Hopefully someone has some information that could lead to a new, active investigation.

- Dave O'Brien, Record-Courier, Kent, Ohio

'I think about her every day' — Kent State student still missing after 40 years

Nancy still has the card, 40 years after Judy was last seen alive leaving a dorm at Kent State University.

Now living in suburban Columbus, neither Nancy (Martins) Baer nor her brother Steve Martins, retired and living in Florida, know what happened to Judy on the night of May 24, 1978, when Judy apparently left a party in Dunbar Hall on her way home to Engelman Hall.

University officials have told the family the case file on Judy’s disappearance was disposed of in 2000, in accordance with university records retention policy. The paperwork the family obtained prior to that may be all that is left of the still-open case file.

Born on July 15, 1955, Judy was the eldest daughter of Arthur and Dolores Martins of Avon Lake in Lorain County. Nancy and Steve were born over the next three years.

The sisters were “really, really close,” Nancy said, talking often on the phone.

Judy was last seen at about 2:30 a.m., May 24, 1978. Witnesses told police she left a party headed for Engelman Hall, only four to six minutes away on foot.

She was wearing a curly red wig over her long, dark hair, gaucho-style jeans, a brown and yellow blouse, beige trench coat, brown boots, and carried a large, white imitation leather shoulder bag.

The following day, Judy was supposed to travel home to Avon Lake to get her new car. When she didn’t call home by that Friday, Dolores called Judy’s room “every hour” without success, Nancy said.

A fellow student officially reported Judy missing on May 26, 1978. When her room was searched, nothing was missing. Left behind were her glasses, clothing, books and cosmetics.

Wearing contact lenses when she vanished, “no way would Judy have left her eyeglasses behind,” Steve Martins said. And she rarely went anywhere without makeup, Nancy said.

I'm the reporter who authored this story, and am currently working on digging deeper into what few documents remain regarding Judy's disappearance.

I welcome any questions and insights. There are a lot of people who want to know what happened to Judy 40 years ago, and her family deserves closure and/or justice.

Thanks for getting the word out. Hopefully someone has some information that could lead to a new, active investigation.

- Dave O'Brien, Record-Courier, Kent, Ohio

Hello Dave and Welcome to Websleuths!

Thank You for all of your investigative reporting in keeping the case alive. We have seen so many older cases become faint memories, you are doing a wonderful justice for Judy and her family they deserve closure.
Rodney Alcala was very active at that time. Although I am not sure if he would have been in Ohio... The attached image is from a montage of non-nasty pics found on that fruits camera.

Probably no match, the film quality isn't great. But they do sort of look alike. Here is an Alcala timeline I found: http://maamodt.asp.radford.edu/Psyc 405/serial killers/Alcala. Rodney _2012_.pdf

Was the dating game filmed in Cali or elsewhere? Was he in California at the time?


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Hello,, I am wondering as I have seen nothing concerning my question about Judy. Does anyone know who she was with at Dunbar Hall during the party? Who last saw her leave to go back to her dorm? I guess, also who all was at this party?
I want this to be remembered in case something or someone gets an idea of something that could be tried.

I still think about the Judy Martins case several times a week. I knew her from school but we were not close friends. My husband started working with her Dad a few months after she disappeared and it truly was heartbreaking. A lot of people were really mad at the KSU police as they did nothing along with the Kent PD. It was like they just wanted to pretend a scenario that fit for them and they ignored the facts of her behavior and the type of person she was. She would never have left of her own free will.
Sadly, the Judy Martinez's dental records did not match their Judy Martins. Like most of you, I think Posey came upon her as she was walking back to her dorm. The picture below is one of the pictures from the Ohio Missing Persons site. I think this is the wig she was wearing as was the shirt. At least the shirt seems to match the description on the OMP site. I believe in the hereafter, so I feel her parents got the answers they needed finally. At least I pray they did. She was a very good person in every way and I say that about very few people. I truly hope that someday, somehow, she is allowed to be placed at rest with her parents.

Also, does anyone think it could have been Ed Edwards? He committed a double murder in August of 1977 in Norton Ohio and then the next one he is "charged with" is in 1980. Norton is about 20-25 miles from Kent. Just throwing that out there for the more experienced sleuths.
I want to keep this thread active. Does anyone know where Sam Little was in May 1978? He supposedly has confessed to killing a Cleveland woman in '77 or '78, so could he have been in the area? Did he hide his victims? I know I am grasping at straws but two ALHS grads met with horrible outcomes during their college years and as far as I know, neither has ever been solved. The other girl was Mary Jo Shelleby, who was murdered in Florida (Sarasota?) in the fall of 1973. Last I heard, the SO was looking for any of her relatives to get DNA.
I spent time at KSU that fall of 78. It was a fun college especially around Halloween time. I was unaware of missing persons or this case back then, as news just didn't travel as it does these days with the internet. I'm sure her sister Nancy and brother Steve as well as the KSU community still hope for answers. I lived about two hours away now and am bumping for Judy-who sounds like a beautiful, smart young woman. Someone knows or saw something and may not even realize it. I see nothing about who last saw her before her supposed walk from one dorm to another, reportedly "about 300 yards"-? Missing 43 years tomorrow-and Judy would be 66 now.

Did any students report encountering strangers on campus around that time? Anyone coming up to students, flirting and trying to get them to get into a car or go somewhere?
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Very little clues with this case.

Judy seemed to have a lot going for her. Any possibility a jealous classmate, could be male or female, could have been responsible for her disappearance ?

Maybe someone who knew Judy would be at the party or was at the party themselves ?

It seems a bit random for an outsider to be hanging around the campus at 2.30am, but impossible, I guess.
Very little clues with this case.

Judy seemed to have a lot going for her. Any possibility a jealous classmate, could be male or female, could have been responsible for her disappearance ?

Maybe someone who knew Judy would be at the party or was at the party themselves ?

It seems a bit random for an outsider to be hanging around the campus at 2.30am, but impossible, I guess.

It seems likely the students would have noticed a stranger hanging about that night.

The killer would have also been driving a car, van, etc. There were some students who probably commuted to Kent State from outer suburbs of Cleveland and nearby towns and cities like Akron, etc. Some who lived on campus probably had cars, but not all of them.

It's unfortunate that campus police and local LE didn't investigate much.

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