OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #1

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"She's too pragmatic."
That's a new one. Never heard that said before about someone who vanished.
I think the actual quote read "She would never just leave, she's just too pragmatic". That sounds pretty normal to me, and not suspicious.

From the article here:http://www.local12.com/news/local/s...n-Case-of-Missing/Hb8WfZ0rpkuNpRRLpddC-w.cspx

So the fiance has a key of his own or knows where to find the spare?
I am not ready to jump to that conclusion.
I got the sense from some of the earlier articles that he did not enter the condo alone, and that her father, at the least was with him. There is a lot of detail seemingly missing for those first few hours of her disappearance.
From the article here:http://www.local12.com/news/local/s...n-Case-of-Missing/Hb8WfZ0rpkuNpRRLpddC-w.cspx

So the fiance has a key of his own or knows where to find the spare?

Dave Markham is her father. John Carter is the fiance.
The fiance went in with the father, who had a key because he stayed there. Both observed the condo together. That is my understanding.

And another thing, it was specifically stated that the GPS on her phone was turned off. I wouldn't have a clue how to do that on my phone. How many here know how to do it?

I know how to do it. It's just a setting on your phone.
I'm guessing I don't count though since my Dad has owned a cell phone company since I was in diapers... and I'm married to a techie?

I hope it is not the fiance, but it sure looks bad.
She was with her fiance on Saturday night and then Sunday he became so concerned because she didn't return texts... (Inch High PI has a good point)... Why wouldn't he go to the place of employment if she was suppose to be working, instead of looking at her apartment. Why did he immediately fear the worst just because he saw her car?

Ive had my own family members not return texts for various reasons, when I did drive to their home and saw their car I immediately had a sigh of relief knowing they were not in an auto wreck! Then thought they must be sick (if missing work), sleeping, or had a dead cellphone battery, etc... Never did my heart immediately sink and fear the worst because I saw their car at home. And...the only item missing is her cellphone? The one she sent a text, including a picture of herself, to her fiance. The phone was then turned off after the text was sent. (strange).
I'm confused about why, after only one day he said "the dog had been there awhile". It would have been less than 24 hours since he was at her apartment. I must be missing something or perhaps I have the wrong timeline. Then again, maybe we don't have all the details and it just "looks" bad with the info we do have.

I thought that maybe by "could not reach her" that included calling her at work.
That maybe he hoped she was on her way to work and when he saw her car he knew she wasn't.

If he knew she had not called in sick that would only make his concern worse. Knowing she just didn't show up.

If I don't answer or return a text or phone call from a family member, it is cause for panic. I may not answer while I'm at the doctor or driving... but I will respond within an hour. If I do not, people freak out. They call my parents or husband or whoever should have seen me last.

I am very easy to get in contact with and when I'm not... it's not a good sign. Even my childrens doctors know that.

If I wasn't answering the cell phone or the home phone and was supposed to be somewhere and somebody came by and saw my vehicle at home?

They'd probably kick in the door if I didn't answer it in about 30 seconds. There would be no using a key.

They would just know something was seriously wrong and completely freak out. I am the calm rational one in all my relationships.

The way the fiance reacted doesn't surprise me. The father seemed to be just as alarmed.
About GPS on the phone - I have an iPhone and one of the very first things I was instructed to do by another iPhone user was to turn off the GPS. It is very easy to find, and in doing so it saves a lot of battery power. (and the older iPhones could use all the battery help they can get.)
There is a difference in the GPS function and the ability to track the phone using cell tower pings though, and they should still be able to do that. GPS function utilizes cell towers and satellites, but even if the GPS AND the phone is turned off, the phone will still send pings to towers in the area that it is located in.
From my reading, her father, Dave Markham has been involved:


snip- Katelyn's father, Dave Markham, says "She was one who has always planned, has had a goal for three years and is achieving it daily. Parents worst nightmare. I want her home."

Also John Carter's mother, Karyn Winkler:


snip- Markham’s future mother-in-law, Karyn Winkler, said the family has its own theories as to what happened the night she went missing.
“Her family and our family are kind of feeling like someone has taken her, someone possibly that she knew,” she said.

I also know that there was a festival very close to her house, at Sacred Heart, this past weekend. Anyone heard if she attended that festival?

I stand corrected, Heatherly30! Thanks for the link. You're right, it seems that all parties are helping out. I am less inclined that it might be a close relative. I hope they clear this up soon!
As far as the GPS goes, on her cell phone....

You wouldn't have to be tech knowledgeable to turn it off,

a hammer or a hard stump with a foot would turn it off really quick too.....

Just saying....
As far as the GPS goes, on her cell phone....

You wouldn't have to be tech knowledgeable t turn it off,

a hammer or a hard stump with a foot would turn it off really quick too.....

Just saying....

or just drop it in a body of water...

Having thought about the GPS thing, I wonder, since the info came from family and not LE, are they getting things mixed up? I don't think there is an easy way to tell that the GPS function is turned off. I think they might mean that the phone is no longer pinging, which means it has either been destroyed, disconnected from the battery, or the battery had gone dead as soon as it was looked for (via pinging).
I am confused....

Did the Boyfriend say he received a text message at 12:52 am....

But the mother said the phone was off at 12:45 am....

How does that work.....:waitasec:

And how do they know it was off at 12:45 am????

Were they calling her through the night on the night she disappeared?
Was the picture old or new? The picture seems really important. Where was dad that night?
I bet that ring will be thrown in the bottom of a really deep lake now that the news is out for everyone to look for it.... :no:

iPHONE "feature" you might or might not be aware of. Pretty sure you need to have access to the phone to use the data and not that some guy at Apple is following you're every move.

actually since that info has come to light, it has been found that many "smartphones" do the same. Basically it is just arranging internet reception from location to location and remembering it. No big deal, and in this case it is of the same value as cell tower pinging. Whether or not the phone saves the data is not an issue here, as to track a missing person via phone, they need to go through the phone provider.
I don't think the fiance is involved.

Here's what sticks out to me, reading various articles. Fox19 says that she lived alone, but her father often stayed with her (that's sketchy, right?). Also, none of her family members are saying anything (minus her mother saying that her phone had been shut off), but her fiance's family is speaking (the fiance family is very innocent/credible). Maybe one of her relatives has put her in harm's way?



Her family is VERY involved in the search, with the police and local news and there in NO ONE pointing a finger at any of them. As you will read they had lived at their address for about 5 years in another interview it's been said dad was in the process of moving in with his girlfriend. I hear the father is pitiful <modsnip>!!
I'm wondering about the general area around Katelyn's condo.

Are there any woods or open fields that has tall weeds nearby? Are there any construction activity currently going on anywhere near the condo?
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