OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #2

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I don't think KN would be a love interest for KM...he indicates he is married to another male
I notice from her myspace blog there is a comment made about 7 months ago saying you are my friend from a poster with the initials KN. This person says he studies graphic design.

Is KN a friend of both KM and JC because his recent activity on facebook mentions that he has just recently befriended JC. - Which could be considered strange? and perhaps not the sign of someone who has been friends with the couple for 7 months or more.

Although this KN could have been friends with KM, based on the comment to myspace and the art background.

His FB - https://www.facebook.com/nolandkyle?sk=wall

I don't know if this person has been mentioned before and I'm certainly not excusing him of anything. I'm just trying to figure out if JC had a possible motive?

That sounds like it's worth looking into!
ETA: oops, guess not......
I notice from her myspace blog there is a comment made about 7 months ago saying you are my friend from a poster with the initials KN. This person says he studies graphic design.

Is KN a friend of both KM and JC because his recent activity on facebook mentions that he has just recently befriended JC. - Which could be considered strange? and perhaps not the sign of someone who has been friends with the couple for 7 months or more.

Although this KN could have been friends with KM, based on the comment to myspace and the art background.

His FB - https://www.facebook.com/nolandkyle?sk=wall

I don't know if this person has been mentioned before and I'm certainly not excusing him of anything. I'm just trying to figure out if JC had a possible motive?

Dead end, IMO for 2 reasons. First, JC (or someone was - *wink-wink*) was friending people left and right on his FB page those first few days. Second, KN's page says he's married to a man (which I think is true, not a FB joke).
Okay. I slept late and I'm behind again. You guys need to stop it. LOL

Here's a thought:

Let's say they were in a heated argument between 11pm and 1:00am. Something happens to Katelyn during the argument. JC panics and sends a "picture" of a picture then he turns his phone off. He leaves the townhouse and drives to a friends house and turns his phone back on and receives this picture via his phone. Wouldn't it be critical for LE to drive the distance from the townhouse to the friend's home to see how long it would take to get there? This is all of course based on JC thinking ahead that LE could check to see where a call on his phone would "ping" when he received a text or call.

Would one of you excellent sleuths...and there are so many on this forum, post one of your wonderful detailed outlines of texts, facebook comments that are reportedly coming from Katelyn's phone and computer so we could study this a little more extensively?

I tried to imagine this scenario in my head. Ok if something happened and Katelyn was injured or killed. I would imagine it was a highly emotional tense situation. Decisions would have to be made as to calling 911 or not. If not, then what to do. Do you think this guy is cool and quick thinking enough to remember that he has to cover his tracks and to think up making the computer comments and texts to cover himself?

If he was covering himself wouldn't he want to make the texts less cryptic and more explanatory in his favor? Like maybe an explanation that she was going to run out to the store or there was a knock on the door or even that she was tired and was just going to shut her phone off and go to sleep? Maybe even a comment that she was going to call off work the next day?

I've just started following this case, but based on the comments of everyone here, I would wonder if this guy is cool and quick enough to think through all the emotion and concoct this complicated type of stuff to try to effect a coverup.
You quoted the bold part of my post above.
Schoolgirl - First, I should have made my IF REALLY BIG (because it was meant to imply I don't think it is very likely at all)!

Oh that's no problem, I knew it was a big if. I was just addressing the presented ifness. :) I really like the idea of creating possible scenarios then seeing if they hold up according to the facts. It sometimes helps me see the facts in a new and unexpected way, even if my postulated scenario doesn't pan out.

Second, I think the 12:42 am FB comment was the day before but showed up on another wonderful sleuths computer as that night because that person is in Australia.

Ahhhh, that explains a lot. I saw the comment (at least I think it was the same one), but it was time-stamped August 13 10:42 am.

Forth - here is where you really loose me - why would she have to turn the phone off and take the battery out??????

Because in your hypothetical, she and her dog fell asleep... then she was attacked by an intruder who was already hiding in the house and had been waiting for them to sleep. She can't be texting and sending pics on her phone at quarter till one and then fall asleep in 10 seconds, you know? So it didn't seem possible for your hiding perp who's waiting for her to sleep to disable the phone immediately after she last used it.

Fifth- You say then she had to fall asleep - not sure that would be necessary either - she could have been in bathroom or just laid down - if an intruder was in the house her being asleep would make it easier maybe, but not be required.

In your hypothetical scenario, you had the perp hiding and waiting till she and her dog fell asleep... that's why I proceeded with that assumption.

Lastly - you said she would have to do something unusual for her turn off her phone - again, why would she have to be the one to turn off phone

Because of the time stamp, and the delay that must occur after her last phone activity if you hypothesize that the perp was hiding in the house waiting for her to fall asleep before coming out of hiding to do anything to her phone, or to her.

and how do we know she didn't do that every night??????

We don't know. But I have seen a family member of JC and a friend of KM say she virtually never turned off her phone. Probably 95% of the people I know almost never turn off their phones.

Besides, it does seem slightly weird to send a text (pic of yourself, presumably wanting a response) and then INSTANTLY turn off the phone. But it could happen.

Regarding the battery, I'm not sure if LE can tell if the battery was actually taken out/destroyed, or the phone was merely turned off. I have heard people claiming both scenarios quite firmly! So I was including that as a possibility because LE's statement that they know the the phone and GPS went dead around 12:45 am COULD mean the battery was taken out.

Hope that helps, sorry for any confusion. :)
OT but the video of JC last night...I loved the cat doing his thing scratching on the couch while they filmed...

(On a horrible note, I woke up to the news that a neighbor found half of her cat in her yard yesterday...:( no one is sure what happened but there were no signs of another animal attacking her. OMG, I am always worried about my cat getting out as there have also been people who "shock" cats nearby...sick ,sick sick... :( )
Well I must say I had a run in on FB with JC's aunt yesterday and can I just say....well no I can't say what I want to say or I'll get a time out. I don't understand how this family is representing him. I understand "standing by" your family member BUT I don't understand the personal attacks.

I am now up to 10 people who have sent me private messages on FB saying they are afraid to post because of the attacks but pointing out some pretty good stuff, a lot of which we have already pointed out here.

1. The weather
2. I guess people who have had contact with JC in the community prior to this say he's just not motivated, pretty "laid back", the word lazy has been used.
3. I have heard from some local searchers that are VERY reputable that JC goes to the searchers BUT he doesn't search, but his aunt is claiming he has messed up an old injury from all the searching he is doing...again haven't seen it with my own eyes.

JC broke his ankle/leg earlier this year. This is a picture he posted on his FB page. In the caption he says "X ray my left leg".

Someone commented up thread or in the last thread that his feet hurt when he walks during the searches and he quit searching or something to that effect. I would imagine this is also why and also the injury the aunt is talking about.


Here's another question that turns things topsy-turvy.

Suppose that KM and JC did get into an argument and he did (accidentally) hurt or KO her?

If he's so much in love with her, why didn't he immediately call emergency services?

I don't know if this helps the case either way since it either makes JC really guilty or really innocent....o_O

Also, regarding the ankle injury- do we know when he broke it? If so, I can put my mad SPT skills to use and *try* to give us an idea of if that's legit or an alibi...:)
Compelling arguments that it's not JC:
1. He's been cleared by Nancy Grace's professionals as not having the profile type
2. He lives with others (law abiding citizens that already consider KM family) that would see any indication of foul play (eg if my brother came home bruised/bloody/etc. and the next day reports his darling GF missing, I don't care about my blood ties, I'm reporting his *advertiser censored**.)
3. No adult criminal history (I can't find a bit of dirt on him at Butler, Warren or Hamilton County clerk of court sites). No fraud, no violence, no drug use associated with violence (meth, crack, heroin, etc.).
4. Zero history of violent or abusive behavior in the relationship (in fact, we have evidence of a very supportive, affectionate relationship). No evidence of controlling behavior.
5. No signs of real LE investigation into him (just some polygraphs and checking his car, no formal warrants, etc.).
6. Fully cooperating with LE and helping with searches (minus recently due to injury).
Here's another question that turns things topsy-turvy.

Suppose that KM and JC did get into an argument and he did (accidentally) hurt or KO her?

If he's so much in love with her, why didn't he immediately call emergency services?

I don't know if this helps the case either way since it either makes JC really guilty or really innocent....o_O

Also, regarding the ankle injury- do we know when he broke it? If so, I can put my mad SPT skills to use and *try* to give us an idea of if that's legit or an alibi...:)


On March 21st he writes he has been wearing a cast for a month and a half. So that would put the injury around Feb 1st.

Compelling arguments that it's not JC:
1. He's been cleared by Nancy Grace's professionals as not having the profile type
2. He lives with others (law abiding citizens that already consider KM family) that would see any indication of foul play (eg if my brother came home bruised/bloody/etc. and the next day reports his darling GF missing, I don't care about my blood ties, I'm reporting his *advertiser censored**.)
3. No adult criminal history (I can't find a bit of dirt on him at Butler, Warren or Hamilton County clerk of court sites). No fraud, no violence, no drug use associated with violence (meth, crack, heroin, etc.).
4. Zero history of violent or abusive behavior in the relationship (in fact, we have evidence of a very supportive, affectionate relationship). No evidence of controlling behavior.
5. No signs of real LE investigation into him (just some polygraphs and checking his car, no formal warrants, etc.).
6. Fully cooperating with LE and helping with searches (minus recently due to injury).

Again, while I don't really think JC did anything to her, most of the above can apply to Scott Peterson in the early part of Lacy's being missing...JMO
Did we ever confirm if her GPS was turned off separately or if it just turned off when the phone was turned off?
Again, while I don't really thinki JC did anything to her, most of the above can apply to Scott Peterson in the early part of Lacy's being missing...JMO

Agreed-I would dismiss most of those pretty quickly as evidence of innocence. Maybe I am biased though because I loathe Nancy Grace :p
JC broke his ankle/leg earlier this year. This is a picture he posted on his FB page. In the caption he says "X ray my left leg".

Someone commented up thread or in the last thread that his feet hurt when he walks during the searches and he quit searching or something to that effect. I would imagine this is also why and also the injury the aunt is talking about.



Injury didn't keep him from "walking around with questionable people at Sacred Heart Festival"...just sayin'
I recall reading a post of his on facebook when he found out his car had been vandalized and the person took some goofy video of his. A friend commented something to the effect, "boy, I have never seen you that mad before".

hmmm....so this guy has a pretty bad temper even over something as minor as a video? What happens when he really loses his temper over something major?

Not to hear his family talk, he is pure as the driven snow.....no temper, mile mannered....well then you better go back and delete his FB and My Space because I see lots of things that make me question.
Agreed-I would dismiss most of those pretty quickly as evidence of innocence. Maybe I am biased though because I loathe Nancy Grace :p

Me too and am not impressed with any of her "experts" except for Marc Klaas...although he gets a little crazy anti-LE at times...
Again, while I don't really thinki JC did anything to her, most of the above can apply to Scott Peterson in the early part of Lacy's being missing...JMO

I just don't think he's got the finesse/sharpness that Scott Peterson had. SP planned the whole thing and carefully executed his plan. I don't see JC doing something like that, plus I can't figure out a motivation TO plan something like that. And if he did SNAP (which I can't see him doing, he doesn't seem easily excitable), I see him calling police immediately to confess...

Oh, and I forgot about those x-rays and injury! Oy, my mom got something similar done to her ankle years ago (slipped on ice and got pins and rods installed), and she'll never be the same. She reports that she has trouble with balance and certain physical activities. She was "laid up" for weeks, and she couldn't even drive for months. With this just being done this winter (IIRC) and so drastic (that's a lot of metal), he might even still be in therapy, which might be why he works part time.
I just don't think he's got the finesse/sharpness that Scott Peterson had. SP planned the whole thing and carefully executed his plan. I don't see JC doing something like that, plus I can't figure out a motivation TO plan something like that. And if he did SNAP (which I can't see him doing, he doesn't seem easily excitable), I see him calling police immediately to confess...

Oh, and I forgot about those x-rays and injury! Oy, my mom got something similar done to her ankle years ago (slipped on ice and got pins and rods installed), and she'll never be the same. She reports that she has trouble with balance and certain physical activities. She was "laid up" for weeks, and she couldn't even drive for months. With this just being done this winter (IIRC) and so drastic (that's a lot of metal), he might even still be in therapy, which might be why he works part time.

The only comparison I am drawing with SP is the total family and friends support of Scott...until Amber surfaced. No one knew of any problems in ther marriage, and Scott had no history of criminal activities, abuse, violence, etc...

I am so glad that you brought up the experts on the Nancy Grace show. That so-called "psychologist" or psychiatrist should have been laughed off the show. From what I recall, she is the one who thought the fact that JC had that "dream" of his demonstrated to her that he couldn't possibly have had the frame of mind to commit a homicide.

Here's the clincher....when they asked JC what the dream was about he said right then and there THAT HE COULDN'T REMEMBER THE DREAM! I was flabbergasted that a professional would actually give an expert opinion on something that JC can't even remember.

I just couldn't freaking BELIEVE IT!
Compelling arguments that it's not JC:
1. He's been cleared by Nancy Grace's professionals as not having the profile type
2. He lives with others (law abiding citizens that already consider KM family) that would see any indication of foul play (eg if my brother came home bruised/bloody/etc. and the next day reports his darling GF missing, I don't care about my blood ties, I'm reporting his *advertiser censored**.)
3. No adult criminal history (I can't find a bit of dirt on him at Butler, Warren or Hamilton County clerk of court sites). No fraud, no violence, no drug use associated with violence (meth, crack, heroin, etc.).
4. Zero history of violent or abusive behavior in the relationship (in fact, we have evidence of a very supportive, affectionate relationship). No evidence of controlling behavior.
5. No signs of real LE investigation into him (just some polygraphs and checking his car, no formal warrants, etc.).
6. Fully cooperating with LE and helping with searches (minus recently due to injury).

How much of the above could have been said about Scott Peterson prior to Lacey's disappearance?

I hear LE also searched his home.
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