Identified! OH - Lima, LIVING WhtFem UP12769, 30-40, Aug'14 - Ann Miller

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Same as above, please delete this if it's not allowed, but a commenter posted this link on the Allen County Sheriff's Office Facebook page. It's a church directory with another photo of "Julia" and the same Fort Myers Beach address used in the news articles. As the commenter pointed out, there is also an elderly man with the same address listed but I'm not going to publicly name him here.
tatertot, using the page you referenced, I cross-referenced the members of the directory against her Facebook friends. I found one at least one that matched - the pastor.
I wish LE would give us more information. The articles state that she has moved around a lot and lived in various states. She obtained a fake ID or birth certificate in Maine. She gave false information on her parents. Where did she live? What other names did she use? Who does she claim are her parents? etc....
So we can pretty safely assume this is the man she was caring for. I am unable to find any record of him on Ancestry or by simple web searches. If we can find his family, we may be able to figure out her connection to them.
And even though she destroyed her fingerprints and seems to be shielding herself from the camera, she was still willing to be social and have her photograph taken (one facebook photo and the church directory). She must have felt pretty confident with her new identity and her changed appearance. She never anticipated being found out, so she tried to integrate back into society (much like Lori Kennedy). It is only after they get caught and/or commit suicide, does the thread start to unravel.
I hope her FB page and church directory photo are allowed in this particular case. From her FB page, it appears she's a woman of faith and like most of us trying to lose those last few pounds. Also, she's been taking some sort of college classes (Rhodes State College?). She's seems quite articulate -- good vocabulary.

Her Japanese posting of April 13 is a request to help improve her Japanese (phrased in typical Asian polite request but imperfect Japanese), the April 11 posting is an apology, and the earlier April 11 postings I wasn't able to translate -- something about wives and comp -- I think she wrote something in English and then had it translated by computer or something, and the translation didn't come out right. I think she may either be studying Japanese but in beginning stages, or simply posting in Japanese for whatever reason (but by using some app to translate, because it isn't coming out right).
I didn't see a photo of her on her FB page -- just the cows and such. I think she may have felt safe having her photo in the church directory -- perhaps not expecting it to be posted online, and, if it was, it would be in her assumed name, and who looks at church directories anyway, unless you're a member of that church?
Per NamUs, she has scars from some type of breast surgery as well as a scar around her navel, which research suggests might have been from an abdominoplasty (a tummy tuck.)

Assuming she never expected LE to search her computer, why did she search for fugitive information in such a roundabout way? Rather than researching how long the feds will search for someone, why didn't she just search her own name to see whether she was still listed as wanted, or if she's listed as a "Jane Doe perpetrator," the local crimestoppers page for the area she committed her crime?

I'm leaning toward the possibility she might not appear on any most wanted lists by name but she suspects LE has her DNA and/or fingerprints in CODIS in connection with a crime, hence her resistance to reveal them. Then again, she's been making efforts to hide her face even while living in Florida, so maybe she does think someone could recognize her.

This fugitive has close statistics:

"Julia" is 5 feet 6 inches -- HJJ is five feet 2 inches to five feet four inches
"Julia" is 130 pounds -- HJJ was 105-116 pounds in 1999
"Julia" is 30-40 years old -- HJJ uses birthdates between 1975 and 1980, making her 34 to 39 years old now
"Julia" has red/auburn hair -- HJJ's is listed as brown but looks reddish in her color photo
"Julia" has green eyes -- HJJ has green eyes
"Julia" has nipple scars -- HJJ has scars from breast implants
"Julia" also has a scar around her navel -- HJJ has had "several cosmetic surgeries" per Doe Network

Facial comparison ("Julia's" photos are in color, HJJ's are black & white):

The more I look at HJJ, the more convinced I become that she is "Julia". Same ears, same slightly upturned nose, same mouth... her physical appearance is uncanny. And attempted murder is definitely a reason she wouldn't want to be found. Do we know anything else about HJJ? Was she known to be of above average intelligence? Well spoken?
Ha, well this is weird...small world. One of her FB friends (who must be her pastor -- he's the pastor at First Baptist in Lima) is a FB friend with one of my real-life friends (from my teen & college years).
Part of me thinks she's a fugitive, the other part thinks she's possibly mentally ill and/or running from a past that was awful for her but not criminal (which is what I think about Lori Kennedy as well).
Is it me or does Julia look very different in what I assume is her mugshot (and also the church pic) and in the photo of her in court? She looks considerably younger in the court pic.

The ears (most notably the ears), chin and nose are very similar. HJ's eyebrows are much more arched, but that could have been done with a lot of tweazing and eyebrow pencil. As mentioned, it's possible she could have grown a couple inches in late teens, esp. if she entered puberty late. I'm surprised that a teen (HJ) would have all that plastic surgery to breasts and buttocks. I don't think a doc would do it until age 18, and HJ was 19 when she disappeared...unless she was using a fake ID then and was older? But then she probably wouldn't have grown 2 inches after that, in which case she probably wouldn't be our Jane Doe. From the description here, it appears that HJ was adept at squirreling money away, and could have supported herself in the exotic dancing business for some time. If Jane Doe is same person, she probably recently got too old to do that, and turned to the caregiver business -- all work that could get paid under the table, although "Julie" did have ID in Florida.

ETA: in the photos taken of her in court (in the striped top) she looks quite flat-chested -- and it might just be the way that shirt hangs, but it doesn't appear she has the enhanced breasts of an exotic dancer (HJ) -- unless she had the surgery reversed, but if she found someone to do that, why didn't she have her face done (to change appearance)?
Is it me or does Julia look very different in what I assume is her mugshot (and also the church pic) and in the photo of her in court? She looks considerably younger in the court pic.

You know, I thought the exact same thing. It is amazing how different one can look depending on the day and the type of camera used, the lighting and/or the actual photo. No wonder it is so hard to match missing and unidentified persons. It is especially hard when so many years have passed along with the fact that the person doesn't want to be found (thus severely altering their appearance)
Is it me or does Julia look very different in what I assume is her mugshot (and also the church pic) and in the photo of her in court? She looks considerably younger in the court pic.

I know!! In her court appearance, she looks like she's in her 20's! If she's HJ, and born in 1980, that would make her 34 (although HJ had an alternate DOB of 1975). On her FB page, "Julia" claims to be 40.
Did anyone turn in this tip BTW? I think its very strong. In reading HJ's bio, what LE described she would be doing to toady, still doing the night club scene etc. is a total 180 of what this "Julia" is today. Either HJ found god or found an alternate life style becoming an aid to piggy back off the elderly. The odd thing is the lawsuit. What did this guy say? Did she slip and say something and this guy expose her? She freaked out? Questionable..
Did anyone turn in this tip BTW? I think its very strong. In reading HJ's bio, what LE described she would be doing to toady, still doing the night club scene etc. is a total 180 of what this "Julia" is today. Either HJ found god or found an alternate life style becoming an aid to piggy back off the elderly. The odd thing is the lawsuit. What did this guy say? Did she slip and say something and this guy expose her? She freaked out? Questionable..

I was kinda thinking along the same lines -- Heather Johnson was an exotic dancer and flaunted money and possessions. This "Julia" seems to be a devout churchgoer and buying her clothes at thrift stores, excited with having 9 sweaters. Maybe the churchgoing bit was a way of developing the caregiver business.

But...both HJ and "Julia" seem to have a penchant for revenge. When Heather suspected her boyfriend was stealing from her, she apparently hired hit men to beat him up. And this "Julia" filed a lawsuit against some guy for some sort of comment or whatever. If he'd ID'd her, I don't think she'd have filed the lawsuit -- I think she would have skipped town. Or hired a hit man. But who knows?

Heather was thought to have possibly gone to Miami to the strip clubs there. Fort Myers isn't that far away -- just the other side of the glades.
Is it me or does Julia look very different in what I assume is her mugshot (and also the church pic) and in the photo of her in court? She looks considerably younger in the court pic.

I noticed it too. I think the red/auburn hair and the hairstyle were attempts to make herself look older. The court pictures are the most recent and her hair color might be now closer to her natural color. I wonder when the pictures of her with red hair were taken? The one with her with glasses might be a driver's license photo.

Somebody should definitely call in the tip on HJJ.
I emailed it to Detective Baker. I agree with the assessments of her appearance, in fact, I can't say why but when I first saw her photo with the eyeglasses she struck me as someone who probably attends church regularly, maybe even singing in the choir. I even think her religious beliefs are genuine, but of course if she has committed a crime she needs to do the right thing and serve her time.

The eyeglasses make her look older, too. They're certainly not a hipster style, but something more professional.

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