OH OH - Lori Lloyd, 14, Kettering, 10 Feb 1976

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DNA Solves
Joni, Do you think you should try going higher up in the police department? Why don't you send a certified letter to the chief of police? That should get there attention.................I can't believe they have not returned your calls......
Do you remember who you talked with when 60 min. was doing the show?
How about trying to make contact with those persons, either by phone or email, and asking if they had ever recieved any info or leads from the show?

Do you know if her father lives or lived in Cal.? If so, do you know what area he lived in?
Joni, call the police dept and ask what days/shift the detective works. Go sit in the lobby and tell them you'll wait to speak to him. He'll come out, if nothing else than to get you to leave. Maybe when he sees you, Lori will become a person to him and not just a case #.It seems that since a documentary was done, when this person in CA was located, the media would've jumped at the chance for an interview with her. I'm curious to find out who this person is and where the 'living near daddy" reference came from.
I didn't know about this site. Numerous times we have tried to list her ont he missing children's network and got turned away because even though she went missing as a child, it wasn't until after she was 18 that we found out that might be able to do anything like this. Back in 1976 getting help for missing children was nothing like it is today. We had to wait 48 hours to make a formal missing persons report. Unless we could have proved foul play, which we couldn't. Officer Woolfe has not yet called my mother back. I have been swamped getting my taxes done, but as soon as I get them finished, I will take further steps. Thanks for all the suggestions. I will use them all.

awagner said:
When you are ablel to talk to the detective please keep us posted. In the meantime have you listed her with the national center for missing adults, since she isnt a child anymore?


Based on what I can surmise from your posts, the Kettering PD took the fact that you thought that the extra in the documentary might be Lori and leapt to the conclusion that she had been found. This allows them to "clear" a cold case off of their books. One small problem with what they did - she has not been found! (at least by the very people who listed her as missing in the first place)

The handling of cold cases by LE seems to vary tremendously depending on the department and the personalities involved. The fact that the detective with KDP will not even return a call or email over the course of several weeks is telling in that they obviously do not want to spend even five minutes writing an email relating to a thirty year old case.

This is shameful on their part, and that shame should be exposed in anyway possible. Contact higher-ups, politicians, media. Stand in front of police HQ with a sandwhich board asking "WHY DOES THE KDP IGNORE CRIME???" Embarrass them into responding, if for no other reason than to make you go away. It won't take long before they give you what you want, just to shut you up.

An example of how this can work: Alma Root disappeared in 1980 in Placer Co., CA. By the mid-1990's, her case was not being actively pursued until her father showed up at PCSD and loudly demanded that the case be reopened. To this day, the lead investigator is still doggedly pursuing the case. Being a pain in the a$$ works!
I am quietly talking and questioning them. I don't want them on my bad side. I want their help when I need it. I appreciate the sound of your frustration and believe me we have had 30 years of it. I did have a friend, also a police officer who checked into Lori's case for me and he assured me that they have done a lot of behind the scenes work in looking for Lori. And that they are just as frustrated as we are. I only wish they would communicate that better to us. My husband went up to the police dept on Friday. They told him the reason that no one has returned our calls or e-mails is that there are 3 Wolfe on board. I guess there is some confusion about who it is we need to talk to. I am also told that no one is particular is in charge of her case. It is suspended. It gets picked up now and then by a dectective who wants to go after it. (I guess at will). I will keep plugging away at them. But I don't think I have what it takes emotionally to get a fight going.

Dr. Doogie said:

Based on what I can surmise from your posts, the Kettering PD took the fact that you thought that the extra in the documentary might be Lori and leapt to the conclusion that she had been found. This allows them to "clear" a cold case off of their books. One small problem with what they did - she has not been found! (at least by the very people who listed her as missing in the first place)

The handling of cold cases by LE seems to vary tremendously depending on the department and the personalities involved. The fact that the detective with KDP will not even return a call or email over the course of several weeks is telling in that they obviously do not want to spend even five minutes writing an email relating to a thirty year old case.

This is shameful on their part, and that shame should be exposed in anyway possible. Contact higher-ups, politicians, media. Stand in front of police HQ with a sandwhich board asking "WHY DOES THE KDP IGNORE CRIME???" Embarrass them into responding, if for no other reason than to make you go away. It won't take long before they give you what you want, just to shut you up.

An example of how this can work: Alma Root disappeared in 1980 in Placer Co., CA. By the mid-1990's, her case was not being actively pursued until her father showed up at PCSD and loudly demanded that the case be reopened. To this day, the lead investigator is still doggedly pursuing the case. Being a pain in the a$$ works!
Joni, I sent you a message through your webblog.. hope it helps..
another good resource: http://www.projectjason.org/

good article regarding the National Center

awagner said:
Please give these guys a call.. They are there to Help you at no charge to you.

1-800-THE LOST (843-5678)
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

National Center for Missing Adults
My Mom and I finally talked with a Captain Woolf at the KPD. He was very nice about it and explained some things to me that I really didn't want to hear. But we made some headway in that after he gets back from vacation he will sit down with me and my family and get the story recorded and written down officially. That way when he retires there will be an updated file to refer to if needed. He talked about it being over 30 years old and how that most of the Detectives that were working then are retired. The records are scant and he didn't have all the information in front of him right then, but he related a few things that he remembered hearing about the case 30 years ago. My Mom also called the NCMEC. We had to call KPD to get the case number. So it is now in intake and they are going to send out a kit to KPD to get DNA and to do a progressive picture. FINALLY! You cannot imagine how relieved I am that it is not another dead end. There was another time I called about this and we got the run around. I don't know all the reasons. The left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, but this time they are listening. The problem is that the stories get all twisted over the years. Even our family argue over the details. We all have a slightly different take on the events surrounding her disappearance and all the other events that have happened since. We all agree on one thing. Lori Jean Lloyd has not been seen by us or her best friends since 2-11-76. Thanks so much for the help. I think we are moving somewhere closer to the truth. However, it is still VERY emotional for us, even after 30 years.

awagner said:
Please give these guys a call.. They are there to Help you at no charge to you.

1-800-THE LOST (843-5678)
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

National Center for Missing Adults

I was so glad to read your last post. My thoughts are with you and your family. Congratulations on moving forward with your sister's case.
An update: Jerry Nance from National Center for Missing and Exploted Children has contacted Mom and they have an open case. He has contacted KPD and there is now an officer assigned to her case. Also Jerry talked about getting her listed in the NCIC. I don't know what that is. But he said he would tell her what she needs to so. They are sending KPD a kit to get DNA to look for matches. It feels really good for someone to hear us. Thanks so much for all of your encouragement as well. It's really been tough to take these steps because it brings back up all the pain. And then in the past when we did try to take some steps it usually ended with slammed doors, and more questions. So much so, that we really had given up hope. It is strange because this time, doors are opening and people are listening for what seems like the first time. We had some movement of course when we took action back in 1980 because they thought there might be a lead to follow up on. But it didn't happen. The media jumped in when we went out to California when they picked up the story on the AP news line. Amazing. We were right in their backyard, but not until we went to California and the media picked it up there did we get the coverage. And then they messed up the story with all kinds of misquotes and jumps to conclusions. But we were still glad for the coverage none the less. Well, I will keep our progress or frustrations posted here or on the Blog. God bless all of you that are reading and keeping in touch.
I want to say this article was a God send. Just as we were dealing with our feelings of anger, disappointment and grief, I read this article and also part 2. Jerry Nance described our feelings exactly as he talked about working with LE. He says (in my own words) that most families deal with anger about what or how the LE is dealing with their case. Nothing is good enough if the loved one is still missing. Because the only good enough investigation would be finding them!! It helped us a lot as we have initiated contact with our local police dept. We are very disappointed in how the case was handled. But as the article explained so are many others! For some reason it helped to know that. So thanks for the post!

awagner said:
I am so glad you are making some headway and getting the help you need. Jerry Nance seems to have a good grasp on the overall problems facing parents and families of missing children. Every article I have read that he was mentioned or quoted in and every email response I have seen posted from him tells me that this is his lifes work and is truly dedicated.

This thread can also be a good tool for the future so that others in your situation can find help they need as well.

Your sharing your experiences here not only helps get more exposure to finding Lori but also may help another person navigate the system and get some insight into how things work (or dont work).

Please let us know what we can do to help as the need arises. Some of the people here are pretty good at blasting off letters, posting information links, contacting media, researching and of course brainstorming ideas.

It will be great to see a NCMEC poster with Loris age progression photo!
Joni Lloyd said:
An update: Jerry Nance from National Center for Missing and Exploted Children has contacted Mom and they have an open case. He has contacted KPD and there is now an officer assigned to her case. Also Jerry talked about getting her listed in the NCIC. I don't know what that is. But he said he would tell her what she needs to so. They are sending KPD a kit to get DNA to look for matches. It feels really good for someone to hear us. Thanks so much for all of your encouragement as well. It's really been tough to take these steps because it brings back up all the pain. And then in the past when we did try to take some steps it usually ended with slammed doors, and more questions. So much so, that we really had given up hope. It is strange because this time, doors are opening and people are listening for what seems like the first time. We had some movement of course when we took action back in 1980 because they thought there might be a lead to follow up on. But it didn't happen. The media jumped in when we went out to California when they picked up the story on the AP news line. Amazing. We were right in their backyard, but not until we went to California and the media picked it up there did we get the coverage. And then they messed up the story with all kinds of misquotes and jumps to conclusions. But we were still glad for the coverage none the less. Well, I will keep our progress or frustrations posted here or on the Blog. God bless all of you that are reading and keeping in touch.
JONI....Iam sure glad to see where you and your family are starting to get help that you should have had year's ago..Sometime's these thread's move so fast its hard to keep up with them but i have tryed and a lot of time's i read them but if i don't think i got something very important to add to it i will not post on them but that don't mean i don't care about them!! just stop in quick to say hi and it "made my day" to see you and your family finally getting some help..
Thanks so much!! It has been very helpful to have this thread. It encouraged me to go forward. I don't know if it will ever lead to anything, but it helps to do something . . . other than fret and wonder. We are in waiting mode again. I did get a call from a volunteer from the NCMEC where they are opening a case on Lori. Again thanks so much for opening up this thread and for all of you who have read and kept up. I will again give out my blog address where I try to keep things updated. - Maybe not frequently, but as there is more to write about, I sure will! It is http://360.yahoo.com/jl.spencer@sbcglobal.net.

welder 79 said:
JONI....Iam sure glad to see where you and your family are starting to get help that you should have had year's ago..Sometime's these thread's move so fast its hard to keep up with them but i have tryed and a lot of time's i read them but if i don't think i got something very important to add to it i will not post on them but that don't mean i don't care about them!! just stop in quick to say hi and it "made my day" to see you and your family finally getting some help..
Hi Joni,

I am the author of the Voice for the Missing blog where you read about Mr. Nance and all of his helpful hints. He's certainly a hero in my book. I'm glad to hear that you have made a connection with him.

I hope that, behind the scenes, an age progression is being done for Lori. Be sure to submit photos, if possible of her parents at about the same age she is now. (or siblings if they look similar)

If you are interested, once you get the age progression done, email me about some awareness opportunities.

kelly.jolkowski(at sign) projectjason.org

With Hope,
Joni and family, I just want to wish you sucess in your search for Lori Jean. You all deserve an answer and I hope you get it soon.

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