OH - Newborn found still connected to unconscious mother on Ohio hotel lawn; parents face charges


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2009
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WESTLAKE, Ohio (WJW) – A good Samaritan helped save a newborn infant after finding the child’s mother unconscious with the baby still attached by the umbilical cord.

Police and paramedics were called to the Westspring Inn in Westlake, Ohio, on Tuesday after the witness, who was walking her dogs, spotted a woman passed out in the grass outside the hotel. Initially, she was not sure what she was looking at.

On police body camera video, she told officers, “So I’m like, ‘What is that sticking up in the air?’ and the baby’s face was down in the grass and its butt was up like this and the baby was crying, and she was out like a light.”

“The mom was?” the officer asked.

“Yes, I was like, ‘ma’am, ma’am,’ screaming at her and she did not budge,” the witness responded.

Since the mother would not respond, the witness used scissors from her purse to cut the umbilical cord while waiting for help to arrive, according to police.

The good Samaritan told a 911 dispatcher that she made sure the baby was breathing OK and wrapped him in towels.

Police say the father of the infant, 35-year-old John Bratsch, told them that the mother, 42-year-old Chanel Mueller, gave birth to the baby in their hotel room, and while Bratsch was cleaning up the room, Mueller went outside with the baby still attached and passed out.

If the baby was still ‘attached’ as the witness claims, it means the placenta hadn’t been birthed yet. The mother was likely losing quite a bit of blood. Usually the placenta will detach and be birthed within 20 minutes or so, if it doesn’t, it’s a medical emergency and the woman can bleed out. The mom in this situation likely wouldn’t have been able to think straight. It’s a miracle she made it outside and actually that probably saved her life since her partner didn’t seem intent on doing it.

That said, actually the person who found them cutting the cord was also incredibly dangerous. It could have killed them both. I know people see this on tv and think that’s what you do when a baby is born, but it’s really dangerous to do when not clamped (for mom and baby due to bleeding) and with unsterile equipment. They were still very lucky this person found them when they did.

Hopefully they get the help and support they need.
Hoping the newborn is "clean" and okay. Certainly the newborn will be checked by the proper authorities for possible drugs in his or her system and treat whatever may be a problem.
I assume the baby will be handed over to county authorities. The baby has had a tough beginning. Hoping that the little one will be okay in a few days, and that the "parents" will be in the hands of the authorities if appropriate.
Big kudos to the good Samaritan who happened by to help.
God certainly works in wonderful ways.
If the baby was still ‘attached’ as the witness claims, it means the placenta hadn’t been birthed yet. The mother was likely losing quite a bit of blood. Usually the placenta will detach and be birthed within 20 minutes or so, if it doesn’t, it’s a medical emergency and the woman can bleed out. The mom in this situation likely wouldn’t have been able to think straight. It’s a miracle she made it outside and actually that probably saved her life since her partner didn’t seem intent on doing it.

That said, actually the person who found them cutting the cord was also incredibly dangerous. It could have killed them both. I know people see this on tv and think that’s what you do when a baby is born, but it’s really dangerous to do when not clamped (for mom and baby due to bleeding) and with unsterile equipment. They were still very lucky this person found them when they did.

Hopefully they get the help and support they need.
"Since the mother would not respond, the witness used scissors from her purse to cut the umbilical cord"

Used scissors ... from ... her ... purse ... :oops:
If the baby was still ‘attached’ as the witness claims, it means the placenta hadn’t been birthed yet. The mother was likely losing quite a bit of blood. Usually the placenta will detach and be birthed within 20 minutes or so, if it doesn’t, it’s a medical emergency and the woman can bleed out. The mom in this situation likely wouldn’t have been able to think straight. It’s a miracle she made it outside and actually that probably saved her life since her partner didn’t seem intent on doing it.

That said, actually the person who found them cutting the cord was also incredibly dangerous. It could have killed them both. I know people see this on tv and think that’s what you do when a baby is born, but it’s really dangerous to do when not clamped (for mom and baby due to bleeding) and with unsterile equipment. They were still very lucky this person found them when they did.

Hopefully they get the help and support they need.
What's incredibly dangerous is to use drugs while pregnant, not to seek pre-natal care, nor to call 911 immediately when the birth begins. The passerby was concerned with saving the child, which evidently worked.

This child according to her Facebook post, is her fifth. One is older - the other three littles are in foster care. She shouldn't have any more chances to ruin a child's life.

I assumed she tied it off before she cut it and the article just didn't specify. It doesn't have to be sterile. 911 had me tie an umbilical cord with a shoelace. The cord stump will get rubbed on all kinds of dirty stuff soon anyway.
Yes let's hope she knew to do that. I hope the article was just being vague.

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