OH - Pike Co - 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered - 4 Wagner Family Members Arrested #87

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I agree. And he wouldn't be facing prison. I've thought about that many, many times. I can almost understand what Tony Chosen said about feeling sorry for him - because he's human. I think Jake and his mother are too far gone for me to think about them in human terms. I have no pity or sorrow for them. I'm sad for George that he didn't leave before it came to murder but I hold him accountable for not leaving the minute he found out, whenever that was. There's just no way he didn't know prior to his arrest. No. Way.
Early on I felt this way. I wondered if he did go more to protect Jake or for some last minute reason, but as the trial went on and we heard the recordings and learned how they planned for if x and y get arrested they would do this or that. Hearing him threaten BCI, hearing him say he would take care of Sophia, then hearing how he referred to literally every woman in his life as a derogatory name.. blamed everyone for everything. I feel in my gut is is EXACTLY like them. I do agree if he left the house, he would not have committed these murders. I also think if Jake left he wouldn't have either. At least we hear some fighting back from Jake. He tells his mother she needs to take her meds, he tries to defend Beth. I think Jake was douped by Angela just as much as the rest of them. I do not think he would have planned to murder everyone if it were not for Billy and Angela. Remember he said no way to the killing at first. Billy was more worried about not turning Chris Sr in for drugs that he decided murder is the best option. I think Angela kept harping on this molesting and having years of manipulation and just doing what they said.. heck even Jake was the one to wreck George's truck for the money. I see it as Jake was the one willing to take the risk.. they threw him right in there.. he wrecked the truck and George benefited from it. How many things did George reap the benefits of? I've known people like this.. hang around others that are less likeable and they themselves seem to be "better", but behind the scenes they are just as icky and even more controlling and manipulative. I hear manipulation in Georges rantings. I hear George and I think of Angela. Really listen to Georges recordings and listen for the blame and manipulation. He twists everything into him being the good guy and everyone else being or doing wrong. I don't think George would have planned it, but when I hear him blaming others for things and this attitude he has that says I'm better.. I can see that he could feel the R's deserved it. This is the tangled web of liars and con men. They learned to sell the story. Remember George's words "the family has spoken". It sends chills through me. Just because he doesn't seem to be "as involved" doesn't mean he wasn't just as invested and believing that this needed to happen, he just seems to like to say he wasn't involved..

The fire.. Jake did that he knew it was going to happen so he removed his stuff (diminishing his involvement)
His truck.. Jake wrecked it.. George and Chris N split money
Beth situation- we don't have family meetings.. yet George says, the family has spoken.
Tabatha - she bit me first I was just trying to calm her down.. he also didn't defend her when his mother threw a 2x4 or threatened to get a gun. He does go after her, but calls the police because he thinks she is going to call.. poor innocent George..
The murders.. he just didn't know

I am sure there is more.. he's like one of those people involved, but wants to play both sides like he isn't AS BAD or AS INOVLVED as someone else.. blame shifting.

All this is my opinion.. the more I think on it the more George's behavior troubles me it's the sneaky manipulator that gets away with things.
I agree. And he wouldn't be facing prison. I've thought about that many, many times. I can almost understand what Tony Chosen said about feeling sorry for him - because he's human. I think Jake and his mother are too far gone for me to think about them in human terms. I have no pity or sorrow for them. I'm sad for George that he didn't leave before it came to murder but I hold him accountable for not leaving the minute he found out, whenever that was. There's just no way he didn't know prior to his arrest. No. Way.
Moo- Around JW, GW4 looks pretty normal, its easy to feel sorry for him. In reality he just got out-psycho'd is all.
I hear manipulation in Georges rantings. I hear George and I think of Angela. Really listen to Georges recordings and listen for the blame and manipulation. He twists everything into him being the good guy and everyone else being or doing wrong.
Agree, very much. He's as bad as the rest of his family, but he makes them take the blame. A very manipulative person, he was always getting involved in everyone else's business. Always passing judgment, criticizing.

Family history, a good read.
Thank you for posting this link. I had no idea that Mrs Geneva had gone through so much difficulty in her lifetime. And I mean the things that happened before these murders. I can’t imagine spending a single day in her shoes. My heart breaks for her.
Sorry if this has already been answered, but does anyone know if the Wagners purposely waited until after Hanna’s new baby had arrived before they went on their murder spree? I think I read that Jake thought it *might* be his baby & of course he’d want to take that child too, if it were his.
Sorry if this has already been answered, but does anyone know if the Wagners purposely waited until after Hanna’s new baby had arrived before they went on their murder spree? I think I read that Jake thought it *might* be his baby & of course he’d want to take that child too, if it were his.
I dont think it was a coincidence. However, the reason may never be known. Jmo
Sorry if this has already been answered, but does anyone know if the Wagners purposely waited until after Hanna’s new baby had arrived before they went on their murder spree? I think I read that Jake thought it *might* be his baby & of course he’d want to take that child too, if it were his.

They did.
I think 4 only regrets having to spend Christmas and New Years at an intake center. Reality will really set in about quality of life behind bars. Jmo

Watching him breathe, during the reading of the jury, and being in a county jail for four years, I think it's set in already. The prison will be a new environment but probably a welcome change compared to county lockup. No one saw the trial in there, most likely, and if they did, he's probably not too very much hated. JW on the other hand, coward of cowards, rat of rats... G4 didn't rat out his family, he faced the 13 1/2, gambled, and lost. He's already missed four years with his son, and each year, holidays will fade into nothing more than a day that he gets soupy turkey and returns to the day-room, or his cell. He was already in prison in the family he was born into. He'll miss living in freedom to hunt and watch his son grow up, but, he'll adapt like all the others adapt.
Was it September 2016 when BCI agent Schneiderer noticed the same ammo from CR SR's in the Peterson road driveway? He had been to that location a couple of times to interview AW and JW.
Sorry if this has already been answered, but does anyone know if the Wagners purposely waited until after Hanna’s new baby had arrived before they went on their murder spree? I think I read that Jake thought it *might* be his baby & of course he’d want to take that child too, if it were his.

Canepa was clear, yes they waited till after Hanna had the baby before killing her and that Hanna very clearly told Jake the baby was not his, that it was Charley Gilley's. I only use his real name because he gave interviews and let himself be photographed for MSM.

Again confirmed by Canepa, even though Jake and Angela knew the baby wasn't Jake's they wanted Hanna to put Jake on the birth certificate and pretend it was his baby. Angela offered to set up a crib at her house according to Chris's best friend.

Hanna posted publicly on Facebook that the baby was CG's baby and even sent him a sonogram of the baby he put on his Facebook page. But Hanna said he wasn't interested in or involved with her pregnancy and she was going to have CH, her new partner, raise the baby.

I read those Facebook posts. Frankie disagreed with CH raising the baby and they argued over Facebook etc...
Jake knew all this. He was reading Hanna's Facebook and also spying on Hanna's Facebook Messages.

Anyway, if Jake had known that the new baby really was his he never would have left the new infant lying in blood for many many hours, no way. He made sure his daughter was not at the scenes. Jake admitted he knew the baby could get hungry and admitted it could be a long time until the baby was discovered. Just no way a Wagner would endanger their own baby. They are too controlling and possessive to do that.

Jake is a liar. So telling Chris Graves - his go-to journalist - that there was a 50% chance he was the father was more BS from Jake who spent 5 years lying until the DP scared him into confessing. Jake would have spent the rest of his life lying if he hadn't been arrested and charged with the crimes.

I also think Jake may not have killed Hanna so soon if the new baby really was his. I think he would have tried to use that strong tie with Hanna to win her back. At least try one more time using the baby as leverage. Letting CH, Hannah's new love, know that he Jake would be the baby's father and help raise her, giving Jake more power over CH and more leverage with Hanna, a stronger tie to Hanna.
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Sorry if this has already been answered, but does anyone know if the Wagners purposely waited until after Hanna’s new baby had arrived before they went on their murder spree? I think I read that Jake thought it *might* be his baby & of course he’d want to take that child too, if it were his.
Yes, I think so. I think it was because they possibly wanted the baby also (even though it wasn't Jake's maybe they could swoop in and be the "good guys" that want to care for the baby since it's Sophia's sister) and it also was easy for them to have Sophia at their house. Hanna and Jake were doing a week at one house and a week at the other. I recall it being said Jake picked her up early to "help" since Hanna was having the baby. I think this is something that would happen and it not be suspicious. He again is seen as the cooperative ex/baby daddy just helping out mom since she has a newborn. They didn't want Sophia there when the murders happened.
We can never know what would have happened if one or more of the Wagner 4 had refused to participate in mass murder. But where there are 4 conspirators, there are 4 different reasons for going along with the murder plan. It's hard to know who exactly was the driver--Jake suggested it was his dad's plan but the person seemingly driving most of the dysfunction around the sons, their wives/GFs and the grandchildren was Angela. But that's not to say that Jake or George disagreed with the family delusions about keeping the kids "safe." Both Jake and George gave testimony that made it clear they shared their mother's beliefs, attitudes and actions.
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